Sorry for the wait guys!

I had to catch up on my homework, then I fell sick...

Most of all, my Wednesdays are getting busy so I'll probably update on weekends here on out...

This chap hasn't been proofread. You have been warned.

BTW, I really want to know what you think of this POV so do tell.

I do not own FT, enjoy!

Three months later

No one's point of view

It was one of these days in the Celestial Spirit Realm where nothing happened. An unusal peace and quiet were a true blessing although, depending on whose point of view, tranquility wasn't that much of a blessing. There were spirits like Cancer who passed time practicing their hobbies or others like Gemini playing together. However, there were spirits who were bored to the death. Leo, the leader of the Zodiac was one of them and so was Virgo. That was one of the main reason for having them being most often in the human world with Lucy than not. Sadly, not every spirit could escape to the human world: Aries was an example of it.

Aries' POV

It has been a long while since I have seen Leo-ni-sama. Two days, seven hours, thirteen minutes and fifty seconds. Despite how silly it sounds, I never had the opportunity to properly thank him for saving me from Lilica-sama all these years ago, not that I didn't try. Leo-ni-sama is someone very dynamic and straightforward, never wasting a second of his time. On the contrary, I am slow and need time to gather my thoughts. Every time I try to properly thank him, I get carried in Leo-ni-sama's own pace and then, it's too late as Leo-ni-sama never stays longer than a couple of hours in the Celestial Spirits Realm.

Sometimes, I'd like to follow him and see what he does on Earthland or even see Earthland with my own eyes as I never truly have. It is such a pity that a spirit like me who supposedly lives for eternity has never seen the outside world. Before Lilica-sama, I didn't have many owners and even when I did, they only made a contract with me because I was one of the twelve Zodiac. I was never summoned, not like the others. I was deemed worthless and was constantly forgotten. The first owner who summoned me, not for battle puposes but only for my sake, so that I could see the world was Anna Heartfilia-sama.

Centuries ago, the only owner who respected me and valued my skills was a Heartfilia. Nowadays, the only owner who respects me and values my skills is also a Heartfilia. It is as if the only good Celestial wizards come from this family. Of course, I have heard of Lucy-sama's Celestial spirit friend Yukino Agria-sama who also cares for her spirit. However, she and her sister were the first wizards of their family and while the younger sister was a good owner, the oldest was not. Moreover, the Heartfilia family has always been house of good celestial wizards, generation after generation and now, Lucy-sama is the last of her line.

Even though I shouldn't, I constantly worry about Lucy-sama being the last Heartfilia. Lucy-sama is a mortal. One day or another, sickness or old age will take her away from us. I dread that day more than anything else in the world. After meeting such a wonderful owner, I don't want to let her go. I have bonded with Lucy-sama to such an extent even my past with Anna-sama can not rival with it. I have learnt to fight by her side, to embrass my weaknesses by her side and to allow myself to be truly happy by her side. I am not the closest spirit to Lucy-sama but like my friends, I care about her. A lot.

So, when I think about Lucy-sama leaving us behind, a feeling of dread washes over me. I know that after her, no owner will do what she did for me. I will probably be forgotten and put aside. Again. I won't be allowed to see my firends. I will be on my own. Forever. Perhaps it is wrong for me to think that way but I can't help it. I know that I sound selfish but I want to stay by Lucy-sama forever. I am afraid of what will await me when she's gone. I need her reassurance and praises. I need to know that I am not useless, that despite being a pacifist, I am still of use to her. I want to serve a worthy and kind master as well as I can and I am terrified at the idea tha Lucy-sama might be the last.

From time to time, I wonder if I am the only one who thinks that way. It surely feels like it. All of the others are always so relaxed and full of life. I envy them. I wished I could be so carefree but it is in my nature to worry. I am also quiet and shy. I wish I could be more outgoing. There are times I want to speak my mind, there are times I really want the other member of the Zodiac to acknowledge me but- I am afraid. I am scared of messing up and embaraasing myself. I am scared of how the others would take it if I disagreed with them. I am scared of being more daring. I am scared of being scared. That is who I am but I don't know if I can accept myself, not alone having the other Zodiacs do so.

In any case, it's not as if my days are that enjoyeable either, even while being contracted with Lucy-sama. Most often than not, all I do is lie down in the shade of a column and look at the starts above, thinking about the sun warming up my skin even though it is not there. Strangely, I have always been fascinated by the sun. It was a star, like many other stars but- it still felt different. Sunlight makes me feel alive. It gives me a taste of how it would feel like to be by Lucy-sama's side, down in the human world. I envy those who can cross the two worlds without any help. I wish I could do that as well but I don't think I am powerful enough unlike Leo-ni-sama, Aquarius or Virgo.

Shaking my head, I made my way to my usual spot only to find someone had already taken it. Tapping lightly on Leo-ni-sama's shoulder, I asked him whether or not I could join him. Obviously, Leo-ni-sama did not decline having the company even if the woman in question was me. I have to admit I don't really understand why he holds onto his womanizing ways, especially after all those years but I guess it will forever remain a mystery. Lying down, I took my usual position to watch the stars even though it felt strange with Leo-ni-sama's presence. Sighing, I recked the ssky until my eyes found what I was looking for; Aries, the constellation of the ram.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Leo-ni-sama turned his eyes to me. "Do you ever think of what your life would be like if you were human, Aries?" The question surprised me, especially coming from the leader of the Zodiac but I answered anyway. "Of course. Every day. Humans are so lucky and they don't even realize- I- What am I saying? Sumimasen!" Leo-ni-sama laughed. "This reaction. This is what I was looking for! You know Aries, you are the only one who can cheer me up like this. A-ri-ga-to~ " Blushing madly, I stuttered. "You're wel-welcome! Gomenasai!" Leo-ni-sama started laughing even more, with me joining him.

Finally, when the laughter quieted down, I immediately asked what had happened during his last travel for him to react like this. "It isn't like you to say things like that Leo-ni-sama. Did something happen?" Having noticed I was completely serious and wouldn't let him sweet talk him out of this, Leo-ni-sama sighed. "I went to check on Lucy. I wanted to see how she was doing seeing she and Cana caught the bouquet at the wedding. Most importantly, I wanted to see how it would change her relationship with Natsu and well- I don't know how to explain this to you of all people... It is kind of embarassing to say out loud..."

Not understanding what he was saying, I tilted my head to the side. "I don't really understand Leo-ni-sama." Said spirit sweat dropped and patted my head. "To put it simply, with a little bit of help from my side and the rest of the guild Natsu and Lucy's relationship was taken to the next level. We all know they know each other better than anyone else, better even than the people who grew up with them. Their bond is that strong. It's actually strange that despite how different they are, there is no doubt they're made for each other. Anyway, my point is that even though they never noticed it, they had already the most intimate connection two people could possibly have, mentally speaking. The only thing lacking was their physical relationship if I am to put it that way."

Letting out a gasp, I realised what Leo-ni-sama had been trying to tell me. "Are you saying Lucy-sama will soon have mini Lucy-sama's or mini Natsu-sama's?" Leo-ni-sama laughed. "Maybe not right away but yes that's what I meant. Although it might come faster than we realize. I doubt Natsu's going to let Gray best him in all aspects of his private life for long. He alredy had a hard time swallowing up Gajeel would have kids before him and Gray marrying before him as well." Slightly confused, I frowned. "But- if Natsu-sama wants a child, can't he ask for one? Sumimasen!"

Leo-ni-smam turned towards me and locked eyes with me seriously. "Do you know how babies are made Aries?" I nodded in response. "Of course! First of all, there must be a man and a woman. Then, they must love each other and kiss a hundred times. Therefore, their love is converted into a baby and it will grow in the woman's womb until it feels like coming out! Gomenasai!" Leo-ni-sama scanned my face for a long while before lowering his head with a dark expression on his face. "Ne, Aries, who told you that?" Blinking, I looked up at the sky. "The Celestial King did, a long long time ago."

Leo-ni-sama tightened his jaw into a grimace and fisted his fists in his shirt. "He did, didn't he? That's why you're always so naive and gulliable, is it not? Really, what was he thinking telling you a story like that?!" Instantly, I lowered my head. "Sumimasen! It is is my fault! I should not have said that!" Leo-ni-sma chuckled, grabbed my chin, raised it and smiled warmingly. "It's okay Aries. However, this is something you should know. Do you want me to explain it to you?" I nodded fervently, determined to know the truth and for unknown reason making Leo-ni-sama uncomfortable.

Scratching his head, Leo-ni-sama sighed. "To put it simply, women ovulate, kind of like flowers produce pollen only women produce eggs not the same as hens though. It is the same for men even though they produce spermatozoides. When you add the two, you get a fertilized egg that will lateron become a baby. Do you understand Aries?" As he finished, Leo-ni-sama readjusted his glasses his eyes sparkling, an action he did every time he felt especially pleased with himself. Curious, I decided to ask more about the subject; it was an unknown territory for me after all. "As it is in the woman's body that baby grows, does that mean the mother has to swallow the fertilized egg?"

Caught of guard, Leo-ni-smam started choking. Once he caught his breath, the leader of the Zodiac turned to me wide eyed. "Seriously?" For some reason I knew not, I started blushing madly, feeling deeply embarassed. "Gomenasai!" Leo-ni-sama sighed heavil. "Don't be, it's my faul... Anyway- in this story, there are four organs that have a role to play: the ovaries and the vagina which are internal organs for the women and the testicles and penis which are external organs for the men. The ovaries and testicules are respectively producing eggs and spermatozoides. The penis is used as a conductor to transport the spermatozoides to the vagina where they will meet with the egg and fertilize it. We call that sexual intercourse."

Frowning, I decided to ask something that bothered me. "That means the two bodies enter each other, doesn't it, just like when we put a ring on a finger?" Leo-ni-sama sweat dropped. "I guess you can put it like that although it is quite strange to use an anology of a wedding to do so." I didn't see what was so strange about it but decided to let it pass anyway as something else was on my mind. "Did you have sexual intercourse before Leo-ni-sama?" Leo-ni-sama's eyes widened significantly and his face started going all red. "Wh-why are you asking something like that?" Instictively, I did what I always did when I though myself being in the wrong. "Sumimasen!"

Leo-ni-sma ruffled my hair and smiled reassuringly. "Don't apologize. It is only normal for you to be curious. Huh, you're growing up so fast Aries! I am proud of you!" Typical anime waterfalls poured out of his eyes while stars lit up in his eyes. Looking at him made me sweat drop as I am a full grown woman the same age as him and not just some child. Moreover, his behaviour didn't really portray him into the more mature of us two but neverming that. "Of course, I've had many conquests, so many in fact I wouldn't know with how many diferent woman I've had sexual intercourse."

I wasn't too sure whether that was a good thing or not but that made me think back on why we bagan theis conversation to begin with. "Would you want to become human Leo-ni-sama?" Leo-ni-sma regained his composure and took on the most serious face I have ever seen on him. "No. I wouldn't exchange what I have for anything for the world. I have to admit having a normal short life is tempting but if I weren't Leo of the Zodiac, I wouldn't have met all of my nakamas, my friends or Lucy. I think that immortality is worth it. It has its ups and downs of course but in the end, I don't regret it. It is what made me who I am and I am proud of who I have become."

Somehow, Leo-ni-sama reassured me. If someone like Leo-ni-sama could be tempted into a regular human life then that meant I could as well, right? Deciding to push my luck, I envolved Leo-ni-sama further into my troubles. "Ne, Leo-ni-sama, do you ever think about what will happen to us when Luch-sma- when Lucy-sama won't be here anymore?" For once, the expression on Leo-ni-smam was one I couldn't read and that was really something as Leo-ni-sama was like an open book.

Taking a deep breath, Leo-ni-sama avoided my gaze by looking up at the starry sky. "I have and not just once... Before Lucy, not many of us had good owners although some of us were lucky to have some. I always fear that another incident like the one with Karen will happen again. You know, if it weren't for Lucy, I would have faded away. Even though we're immortals we can still die and I came very close to doing so. This scare opened my eyes on a lot of things and if there is one thing for certain is that only the Heartfilia family has remained our salvation throughout the years. All of the ancestral celestial wizarding families have disappeared now. Lucy is probably the last master who will treat us as equals. We just have to accept it and make the most of our time with her."

I nodded in agreement. I guess I wasn't the only one to think of this. It was really selfish of me to think so but I don't regret it. Sometimes, being selfish isn't such a bad thing, right? I didn't have much time to ponder on my thoughts though because Leo-ni-sama stood up, breaking my concentration. Noticing he was about to leave, I stood up to dismiss him properly and bowed just as he did. After that, Leo-ni-sama didn't linger and immediately went on his way, probably to the human world. His retreating was barely noticeable when I remembered what I planned to do if I could see him. Taking a deep breath, I yelled the loudest I ever have in my long life. "Thank you for everything Leo-ni-sama! Thank you for protecting me from Lilica-sama back then!" Leo-ni-sama turned around, smiled and nodded before disappearing into golden light.

So, how did you like that chapter?

Read on, comment, heart, do whatever you want; let's see each other in the next chapter coming out next week!

• • • Snow-chan here signing o-u-t • • •