Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, or RWBY


Beacon Academy.

A prestigious school for Huntsman and Huntress in training who desire to become the protectors of Remnant,teachers who have had their own fair share of experience and knowledge to share during their time as Huntsman or Huntress gather in this school, all lead by the enigma of a headmaster, Ozpin.

There we find a middle-aged man walking around the school grounds with his hands shoved into his pockets. He had a black fedora with an orange stripe wrapped around it placed on his fluffy brown hair, the fedora shadowing his eyes. He wore a orange dress shirt with a black tuxedo and tie.

"We're gonn be late!!"

The man turned towards the voice only to feel someone crash into him and cause both him and the stranger to fall on the ground.


Ruby Rose. A girl with black hair and crimson highlights. Although she looked a little younger than 17, She wore the Beacon academy uniform along with a red cloak.

For the second time during her stay here in Beacon -being two days- she crashed into someone. 'At least I didn't explode this time.' She thought while rubbing her sore butt. The floor hurt! She hoped this wouldn't be one of those reoccurring experiences.

She opened her silver eyes to see who she crashed into and noticed a man on the floor. His fedora was on the ground not very far from him revealing spikey, but fluffy looking brown hair.

He looked up and revealed warm hazel eyes looking back at her.

The girl stood up and rubbed her arm with a sheepish smile as seven other teens wearing the same uniform as her caught up to her.

"Uhhh hi?" She said lamely. Immediately the man could tell how much of a really social person the girl must be.

The man simply chuckled before he noticed a hand appear in front of his face.

The teen was kind of nevous. She hoped the man didn't react the same way Weiss did. "Hi, I'm Ruby Rose... andIdidn'tmeantocrashintoyouI'mso sorrypleasedon'tyellatme." She spoke rapidly with her eyes shut as if expecting the man to yell at her.

The man placed his fedora back on his head and took her hand and stood up with an amused smile on his face, somehow catching everything she just said.

When he took her hand, Ruby opened her eyes and noticed two bizzare rings on his middle finger and pinkie finger. The one on the middle finger was a long ring that covered a little over half of his finger. It was a silver ring and at it's center was a beautiful sapphire blue gem with an 'X' covering the gem. Carved proudly on the 'X' were the words 'Vongola Family' and right above that gem was something that looked like a roaring lion cub with a mane of fire. Connected to that ring was a chain that connected the ring with a much smaller one on the pinkie finger. This ring didn't really have anything special about it other than it's pattern. It looked like a normal ring.

She was snapped from her state of awe towards the strange, but awesome rings when the man spoke again.

"No worries. At least you didn't explode this time right." He said.

Ruby sighed in relief when she realized the man wasn't angry. Wait...

'How did he know I exploded one time? I didn't mention that did I? Oh no if I did he's gonna think-'

"No you didn't mention it Ruby."

Snapping out of her thoughts, the girl widened her eyes in shock as she stared at the smirking man.

One of the girls who had just arrived -Yang Xiao long, a girl with long blonde hair and lilac eyes- watched the scene before her with a teasing smirk on her face.

Ruby could feel it behind her back.

"Wow Rubes. Your getting better at socializing with people you crash into each day. Good for you." She teased.

Ruby turned her head and blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up Yang, it's not my fault this keeps happening." She whined at her sister.

The girl with snow white hair, and icy blue eyes scoffed. "I beg to differ." She deadpanned causing Ruby to laugh nervously.

"Ok, so it's kind of my fault it keeps happening." She corrected herself.

Remembering there was someone standing in front of her, she turned her head to the man and saw him watching their interactions with his eyebrow raised, the same amused smile back on his face.

"Shouldn't you kids get going to class?" He questioned while bringing his arm up to look at his watch.

The seven realized that they had been wasting precious time standing by idly, and bolted towards their class.

Turning her head back, Ruby cupped her hands around her mouth. "Sorry again!" She yelled as the man waved off the apology.

He turned his head to the side and caught the gaze of a well endowed woman with blonde hair curled into a bun and a curl on the side of her face with teal earrings and glasses covering her vibrant green eyes. A man with silver hair stood beside her also wearing glasses for his brown eyes and a green bandana. (A.N. Sorry. Don't know how to describe Glynda or Ozpin's outfit very much.)

This was Ozpin and and Glynda Goodwitch. The former being the headmaster of Beacon academy while the latter taught combat class.

The three seemed to stare at each other before the fedora wearing man waved at them. Ozpin chuckled before waving back and took a sip of his coffee.

"Things are certainly shaping up to be an interesting year." The headmaster commented with a smile.



Team RWBY and team JNPR managed to make it to classes on time, however now they really wish they didn't go at all. Unfortunately for them, their teacher was incredibly boring. Only telling 'stories' of himself back when he was a young boy.

Weiss was angry at her apparent team leader. All Ruby was doing was fooling around! She was indirectly mocking all the hardwork and studying the heiress put into getting good grades. She trained and studied for years, and yet she wasn't made into the team leader. Ridiculous!

The students heard the door open -waking Ruby up from her nap- and turned their heads to see who entered the classroom. Team RWBY and JNPR were surprised to see who was there.

The man walked in with his head down, fedora covering his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Ah why hello there. I've been expecting you to come to this classroom eventually. Ozpin's told the staff about you." Professor Port walked up to the man and shook hands with him.

"Has he now? Consider me flattered. The pleasure is all mine Prof. Port. I've heard quite a bit about the staff too. Quite the stories you have to share eh Prof." He man said with a smirk.

Prof. Port laughed merrily. "Quite quite. Why don't you introduce yourself to the students now. No doubt are they curious about you."

The man smiled before walking up to the front of the class and tipping his fedora up at them, revealing his warm hazel brown eyes.

"Chaos, I'm Beacon's personal tutor, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Ah. Call me Tsuna. My culture puts their family name before their last name after all. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." He smiled at them.

They all blinked at him. What kind of person greets themselves with 'Chaos'? If only they knew.

'Beacon has their own tutors?' Everyone thought.

Tsuna smirked at them. "I can assure you I'm the only tutor here at Beacon."

They were taken aback as he somehow answered their thoughts. One girl abruptly stood up and pointed at him.

"There it is again! You can read minds right!? That's so cool!"

It was Ruby. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she stared at the man in childish glee, further angering Weiss at how childish she is.

Tsuna however denied it. "Reading minds? Pffftt no way. That's far beyond my ability."

(End OST)

Blake Belladonna, a girl with long wavy black hair followed by a bow on top of her head stared at Tsuna with her amber eyes curiously.

"Then can you explain to us how you you just read our thoughts?" She asked the mysterious tutor.

There was tense silence in the air as the students waited for Tsuna to answer. When he smirked, they leaned forward in anticipation before Tsuna pointed at his eyes "Your eyes tell me everything." He revealed dramatically.

They all face faulted or sweatdropped.

'Like hell they do!' Was what the majority of the class thought sans Ruby who still thought it was cool.

Suddenly, a small spot on the rim of his fedora started to glow before dying down to reveal a green chameleon with yellow eyes at each side of it's head, and slitted pupils.

The chameleon hung from the rim of the fedora upside down to look at Tsuna with a tick mark on it's face, looking irritated.

Tsuna laughed sheepishly as he rubbed his hand behind his head. "Sorry partner. Didn't mean to forget about you." He apologized. He put his hand on the rim of his hat, allowing the chameleon to climb onto it. He put his hand out in front of him so the class could see the chameleon.

"Class, I'd like you to meet my partner, Leon. He's a shapeshifting chameleon. He's one of those one in a million animals who got their aura unlocked and developed a semblance." He lied swiftly. Actually, he didn't know where Leon came from or how he got his powers. He was just there when he 'arrived' in Remnant.

All Leon did was wave at the students while occasionally letting his tounge slip out and back in his mouth.

Everyone stared at the chameleon in wonder. It didn't look like your average chameleon at all. In fact, it didn't look like any kind of chameleon they've ever seen before.

Tsuna put Leon back on the rim of his fedora and put his hands back into his pockets and walked up the stairs lazily. "Welp. Don't mind me. This is the last class I've had to introduce myself to so I'll spend the rest of my time here watching you all die of boredem." He said nonchalantly. He found a chair at the back of the room and sat down.

They all sweatdropped at him.

So 'class' went on. If you could call it class at least. For Prof. Port it was story time. For some students...


...Take a guess.

Weiss was fuming. Her leader fell asleep again! She looked back to Beacon's tutor only to see him raising an eyebrow, as if amused at how quickly Ruby fell back asleep.

'He shouldn't be tolerating this behaviour!' Weiss mentally ranted. 'He should have already alerted Prof. Port of this! He is a staff member of Beacon for Oum's sake!'

As if sensing her angry thoughts, Tsuna turned his attention to Weiss.

He smiled almost mockingly -if you look really hard- and waved at her.

She turned her head away from him and resisted the urge to scream in frustration.

"The moral of the story, a true huntsman must be honorable. A true huntman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic, well educated, and wise." For each trait Prof. Port listed off, Weiss grew angrier as her team leader continued acting like a stupid child who demonstrated absolutely none of these traits!

"With all due respect Professor, I must disagree.

All heads turned towards the back of the room to see Tsuna with his arm on his knee, resting his face on his palm.

Prof. Port raised an eyebrow at him curiously. "Oh? So do you mind telling the class your opinion of what a true huntsman is Mr. Sawada?" He asked. He didn't mind being disagreed with. If everyone always agreed with you, well you wouldn't be able to learn as much. You could be wrong and you would never know.

Tsuna grinned at the man. "Please, call me Tsuna, and I would gladly tell the class my opinion of a true huntsman." Just like that his eyes turned serious, surprising the class.

"What do you all think of when you hear the word 'huntsman' or 'huntress'? Someone who tries saving Remnamt from the Grimm? Someone who makes the world a better place for others? Someone who help close the gap between humans and faunas? Someone strong who can deal with others problems? Or maybe a genius who always knows what to do in any extreme situation?" He asked.

The class found themselves nodding at all those points. Pyrrha Nikos, a tall girl with red hair tied in a ponytail reaching her back and emerald green eyes stood up to say her part. "I do believe that is what a huntsman is, are they not?"

Now everyone was certain. Pyrrha not only won the Mistral regional tournament four years in a row, but she was the top of her class. There's no way the Invincible Girl could be wrong about a question like this right?

However, Pyrrha yelped and fell down as suddenly, a white blur shot across the room and hit her right in the middle of her forehead. She clutched her forehead in incredible pain and opened her eyes, scanning the room trying to find what hit her only to find nothing but white dust? Not the elemental kind, but the dusty kind of dust.

The class slowly turned their heads from the downed champion of the Mistral regional tournament four years in a row to Tsuna...

...Only to see him whistling to the side innocently...While throwing a piece of chalk up and down in the air.

Their jaws, dropped. Prof. Port included. Did their tutor just take down the famed invincible girl with a piece of chalk?

Pyrrha eyes widened as she realized that the reason she couldn't find the chalk was because it hit her so hard it became nothing but dust. That takes immense strength and to hit her in the middle of her forehead from the back of the classroom takes amazing percision. Not only that but she didn't even see him throw it or even prepare the chalk.

One second he was resting his face on his palm, the next she had to close her eyes due to the sudden feeling of immense pain.

The class unintentionally gulped in a little fear as they stared at the very harmful chalk.

Meanwhile, Tsuna was mentally snickering at everyone's expressions. He could see why Reborn found this fun now...

...Damn. That spartan rubbed off him more than he thought.

He coughed in his hand to snap them, out of their stupor. "To answer your question Pyrrha, no. Your wrong. that's not what makes a huntsman."

Weiss stood up this time to speak. "Excuse me but huntsman and huntress are the people who fight for these causes. They must embody these traits to help save humanity from the Grimm. That's what makes them huntsman and huntress." She disagreed with him confidently.

This time it was her turn to yelp and fall when she got hit by a piece of chalk. Not that anyone could see anything but a white blur.

"Bzzzzt. Wrong again." The tutor said with his arms crossed in an 'X'

"Don't give me all this 'traits they must have' and 'noble causes that they must fight for'. Huntsman don't fight for these things. Sure what they do helps, but they don't fight for those causes." He said.

Irritated, Weiss spoke again. "Then if you know so much, why do they fight if not for these causes? What is a huntsman?"

Tsuna smiled at them. "A huntsman is someone who fights to protect." He said simply.

They all blinked at that.

"But wait, isn't that the same as fighting for all those goals?" Ruby asked confused, only to yelp as she got the same treatment as Weiss and Pyrrha. How many of those damn pieces of chalk does he have?

"It's true protecting helps those goals, but when you see someone about to get mauled by a Grimm, do any of those goals pass through your mind? Would you only protect that person if it meant helping these goals? No. Huntsman aren't people who fight for these noble causes. When they fight, their thoughts are simply, 'I want to protect'. They aren't simply the saviors of Remnant, but the protectors of it too. They are people who are willing to put their life on the line for others." He said seriously before he smirked.

"A true huntsman is someone who fights to protect with there dying will." He stated confusing the class. Their Dying...Will?


The students turned to the front to see Prof. Port clapping slowly, before applauding even harder than before.

"That...is nothing short of profound! Tsunayoshi, that was an amazing speech. Class, you can learn alot from this man. If any of you need help or simply wish to talk, you can come to Beacon's very own personal tutor. It is his job to tend to your problems after all." He said, wiping a stray tear from his eye.

"Now! While what Tsunayoshi said is very true, a huntsman must be able to have the power to protect. Does anyone wish to demonstrate their skill in battle?"

Weiss raised her hand high "I do Professor!" She accepted eagerly.


After changing into combat clothes which consisted of a white combat skirt, Weiss with her fencing sword, Myrtenaster in hand waited for whatever Prof. Port was about to release from the cage.

"Gooo Weiss!" Yang cheered her on followed by Blake's "Fight well."

"Represent team RWBY!" Ruby cheered.

"Ruby, I'm trying to focus." Weiss told her leader in irritation.

"Oh...Sorry." Ruby apologized meekly.

"Do your best." When team RWBY turned their heads behind them, they saw Tsuna standing with a smile on his face as he waved a green foam finger that had the words 'Do Your Best' written on them. But the strangest thing about it were the eyes.

"Is that Leon?" Blake questioned hesitantly.

"I think so." Yang answered with a grin. That chameleon was so cool. She wish she had a shape shifting chameleon with her.

"Alright..." Prof. Port started after confirming Weiss was ready. "...Let the match... Begin!" He exclaimed while cutting the lock off with an axe.

The moment he did, a Grimm which resembled a boar came rushing out of the cage straight at Weiss.

Before it got to her, Weiss rolled to the side and slashed at it, only to prove futile since the Grimm was covered in some boney armor.

"Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?" Prof. Port asked tauntingly. Weiss only spared him a glance and turned her focus back to the Grimm.

"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby encouraged.

Ignoring her, Weiss charged the Grimm which charged right back. She went to stab it, but the Grimm turned it's head so that the sword would get caught in it's tusks, before turning it's head back to Weiss and slamming it's tusks on her.

Mid air, Weiss flipped and landed on the ground and tugging on her weapon so she wouldn't lose her means of combat. The Grimm and Weiss seemed to be playing tug a war before-

"Come on Weiss, show'em who's boss."

Weiss turned her head to Ruby in anger and tried to tell her to shut up, but her moment of distraction caused her to stumble as the Grimm tugged hard, before twisting it's head, causing Weiss to let go of her weapon and watch it fly way behind the Grimm.

The Grimm once again, slammed it's tusks into Weiss and launched her back.

"Ho ho...Now what will you do without your weapon?" Prof. Port asked.

Weiss struggled to look up a bit only to see the Grimm charging at her again. She widened her eyes and was barely able to roll to the side, causing the Grimm to hit the wall and fall on it's back due to the recoil.

Weiss ran towards her weapon before the Grimm could recover and... Slid? For some reason?

Ok she slid down and swiftly grabbed her weapon.

Ruby looked back at the Grimm, looking for a weakness and noticed it didn't have any armor under it's belly.

"Weiss! Go for it's belly! There's no armor underneath-" Ruby was interrupted however by a very angry Weiss who finally reached her limit.

She spun around and glared at Ruby. "Stop telling me what to do!" She yelled at her. Ruby looked hurt at that. Her expression oddly resembled a kicked puppy. She just wanted to help.

However, she looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder to see Tsuna smiling at her.

"Don't worry about her. She's probably just irritated for some reason. Go talk to her after this is over." He told her.

Ruby smiled brightly, nodding at Tsuna and giving him a quick thanks before turning back to the match.

The Grimm managed to recovered and growled at Weiss, before jumping up, and spinning in place, and launched at Weiss.

Thinking quickly, Weiss summoned a blue Glyph with the symbol of a snow crystal in front of her. The Grimm crashed into the Glyph and the recoil caused it to land on it's back again.

The heiress summoned another Glyph above her which she jumped on and it momentarily turned black before she launched herself towards the Grimm and stabbed her sword into it's belly, succesfully exterminating the Grimm.

She stayed on her knees for awhile, trying to catch her breath.

"Bravo. Bravo! It appears we are Indeed in the precence of a true huntress in training." Prof. Port praised, impressed by her skill.

Tsuna sighed. It seemed Prof. Port forgot about what they literally just discussed before the match.

"I'm afraid that is all the time we have for today. Be sure to do the assigned readings and stay vigilant!" With his part said, he dismissed the class.

Weiss scowled in irritation, but not at Prof. Port. She turned around and left the class, not knowing, or not caring of some of the stares she got from her team.

"Sheesh what's with her?" Jaune, a boy with short blonde hair and deep blue eyes wondered.


After all classes were done for the day, Weiss was walking through the halls in search of Prof. Port until Ruby turned up at the corner behind her and called out to her.


Said teen spun around and glared at Ruby. "What?" She asked with a scowl on her face.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being-" Ruby started only to once again be interrupted by her partner.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! You're suppose to be a leader but all you've been so far, is a nuisance." She told her coldly.

Ruby scoffed at her icy tone. "What did I do?" She questioned.

"That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest you acted like a child, and you only continued to do so!" The heiress ranted in frustration.

"Weiss, where is this coming from?" Ruby spoke in a softer voice. "What happened to all the talk about working together? I thought you believed in acting as a team." She reminded her partner.

Weiss closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Ruby thought she finally got to Weiss but instead...

"Not a team, lead by you. I've studied, and trained and quite frankly, I deserve better." Weiss told her in a calmer voice, but no less colder as she turned her back to Ruby.

Ruby reached out to Weiss to try and help somehow.

"Ozpin, made, a mistake." Weiss stated slowly as if to tell Ruby she didn't belong here.

That hurt.

Ruby let her arms fall limp and looked down as Weiss walked away. Hurt, and doubt filling her mind. 'Did he really...' She thought sadly.

She felt a hand ruffle her hair and she looked up to see Tsuna with his fedora shadowing his eyes and a frown etched on his face as he looked at Weiss.

"Non sei un errore, piccola rosa (You are no mistake, little rose)" He smiled warmly at her.

She tilted her head in confusion, not understanding the strange language, but before she could ask, he walked away towards Weiss.

Ruby let out a small smile. Even though she couldn't understand him, she could tell he meant to encourage her from his smile. Just his smile seemed to be enough to encourage her and make her feel better. It made her feel warm. It was like that feeling she usually only felt at moments with her family. That smile... It reminded her of... 'Mom' She thought with a sad smile.

She couldn't believe that tutor reminded her of her mom when she just met him. It hasn't even been a day!

She turned around to go back to her dorms, but bumped into someone AGAIN!

When she looked up, she saw the headmaster smiling at her. "He's quite the tutor now isn't he?"

With Weiss

Weiss was walking down the hall somewhat satisfied. Although she knew she may have been harsh to Ruby, she only said what she felt like she needed to say.

"Chaos Weiss."

She turned around to find Tsuna behind her, smiling at her. Though once again taken aback by the strange greeting, she quickly recomposed herself.

"Good evening Mr. Sawada. How can I help you?" She asked politely.

Tsuna's smile became one of amusement. "Call me Tsuna. You can drop the tone too ya know. I wanna talk to you Weiss. Come follow me." He nodded towards one of the hall ways before walking in that direction.

Though hesitant, Weiss complied with his request.


They came out to one of the balconies of Beacon. Tsuna stared at the sun setting into the vast, orange sky. Weiss watched him with her arms crossed, waiting a bit impatiently for what he wanted to say.

"So..." The tutor started as he turn to Weiss with a smile. "...Talk to me Weiss. What's been bothering you lately?" He asked with a knowing tone in his voice.

Weiss look down a bit, finding the right words to say. "Well...I think that I deserved to be the leader of team RWBY." She stated confidently

"Bullshit." Tsuna replied without missing a heartbeat.

Weiss widened her eyes. She didn't think a staff member of Beacon would use such vulgar language.

"Ahh but that's the thing Weiss, I am not your average staff memeber, I'm the one and only tutor of Beacon." He said with a smirk.

...She was really starting to hate whatever he's doing to read her thoughts. And if she didn't know any better, she would say he knew seeing as how his smirk just widened a tiny bit.

'Wait, we're going off topic.' She thought shaking her head to clear her thoughts before finally realizing what he said.

"How dare you...!" She glared at him before letting out a 'hmph' and turning her head away.

"Why shouldn't I be leader? I'm clearly more skilled and intelligent then Ruby. What right do you even have to decide whether I deserve the title of leader or not."

Tsuna sighed at her attitude.

"Weiss. I have the right because I myself have been given the title of leader against my will. I had a tutor of my own who taught me how to be a great leader." He told her earning a surprised look from the girl.

"A leader does not look at their subordinates as something underneath them, but as their responsibilities. As family. They do their best for their family so they don't disappoint them and in turn, their family does the best they can do to support their leader, and be there for him/her whenever they can. Ruby has been chosen to watch over you, and the rest of her team as family." He explained.

He looked back at the sky as the wind blew softly.

"Family isn't just the people who share your blood ya know." He spoke softly. Weiss noticed the far away and painful look on his face as he stared at the sky. Even though she only knew him for less then a day she could tell it looked so out of place for the man based off of his interactions with other students during the rest of the school day. It was unlike his kind, accepting, and a bit sadistic personality.

"They're the people who you make unbreakable bonds with. The people you laugh with, smile with and bond with. They're the people you love who will love you back. That is the bond that a leader and subordinate should share. Why else should a subordinate go so far for their leader? Weiss, Ruby has done everything in her power to help you so far. Sure she ignored her own studies, but during your match, she put all her effort into cheering you on and pointing out the Grimm's weakpoint. She even came to talk to you to make sure if you were all right. To see if she could help or do something to get you out of your mood."

Weiss realized that this was in fact true, and she felt shame flow through her. Even though Ruby did all that, all she did was lash out at her leader because she was so frustrated at Ruby's childish personality.

She was shocked however when she was embraced in a warm hug. A hug that made her feel so at peace. She had never really been hugged much. Not even by her own family.

Tsuna pulled back and smiled at her. "Don't blame youself so much Weiss. I know deep down, you were just worried. Worried that Ruby wasn't up for the job. You can still forge that bond between the rest of your team. At least your not completely hopeless." He teased earning him a smack on the arm from the heiress.

She huffed before turning away with a small smile on her face.

"Mr. Sawada, Than-"

Flick "Ow!"

She held her forehead as her eyes started to water. Damn it, did he really need to flick the spot where he threw that piece of chalk at her? It was still sore!

Tsuna smirked at her as she glared at him. "Don't mention it. And I already told you to call me Tsuna." He said.

He started walking away from the balcony to go back inside. "I've said what I felt you needed to hear so I'll be going back now." He waved at her from over his shoulder.

Weiss huffed and stayed a bit longer, thinking about what he told her. A small smile managed to make it's way onto her face.

"Family huh?"


It was already dark when Weiss arrived at her dorm. She prepared herself to make up with Ruby and just as she was about to turn the doorknob...



She stared at the door with a blank expression on her face before turning the knob and opening the door. She sweatdropped however when she saw what caused the scream of anguish and obnoxious laughter.

There tied up, sitting on the floor and crying crocodile tears was Ruby, text books in her lap. However, what caused the tears was the person in front of her face.

It was Tsuna.

The man was literally right in front of Ruby's face, holding a Leon tray of cookies and was munching and crunching them very slowly and loudly with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Weiss could see that glint all the way from the door.

Yang was on the floor laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. She was filming as much of this on her scoll as she could, but try as she might, she couldn't stop rolling on the floor while laughing at Ruby's screams of anguish.

Blake had a hand on her mouth, banging her fist on her bed and was trying her best to surpress her laughter, but Ruby's scream took the cake for her. She too had tears in her eyes as both her and Yang's face were red from their own laughter.

Taking notice of Weiss, Tsuna turned his head towards her and waved.

"Oh hi Weiss! I'm just giving Ruby a little tutoring session over here. Ruby stumbled upon me and asked me for some tutoring and my bleeding heart just wouldn't allow me to deny a student in need."

He clutched his chest for a dramatic effect, although his smirk ruined it.

"It's her first day here in Beacon and she's only 15 so I'm only giving her a very light session. As punishment, I eat cookies slowly in front of her face for each wrong answer she gets on questions I ask her." He explained much to Ruby's horror. This was light? She took back anything she ever said about this man reminding her of her mom! He's a demon!

He turned back to Ruby with a sweet smile on his face. A little too sweet.

"Unfortunately I ran out of cookies, and I need to go now Ruby. Don't worry, I'll come over to tutor you every once in awhile. Sweet dreams~" He said, bidding farewall with a mischievous smirk on his face as he closed the door.

Ruby swore even that damn chamemleon looked like he was smirking throughout the whole session.

Thus, Ruby was left to study on her own, although she could no longer read through her own tears.

Weiss just stared at Ruby, before she started chuckling, which turned into giggling, before it turned into full blown laughter.

Her teammates stared at her in surprise. Even Ruby's crocodile tears magically stopped to allow Ruby to stare.

After calming herself down she walked up to Ruby and started untying the ropes. During the process, she spotted a mug "Ruby, how do you take your coffee?" She asked.

The leader was taken aback by the question. "Uhhh I-I don't-"

"Just answer the question." Weiss interrupted impatiently.

"A cream and 5 sugars!" Ruby spoke hastily.

Weiss sighed "Don't move." She told Ruby. She grabbed the mug and left, only to magically appear a few seconds later with it full of coffee and handed it to Ruby. Who looked confused at first, before smiling at the heiress.

"Thanks Weiss." She said. Weiss shifted a bit nervously, not very used to being nice. "Ruby...I think you have what it takes to be a leader... So I will be the best teammate you'll ever have." She said in confidence.

"Hey, you seem to be forgetting about some people!"

Ruby and Weiss were both taken into a one armed hug from Yang, as Blake walked towards them with a smile on her face.

"You mean We'll be the best teammates you'll ever have!" Yang exclaimed with a bright grin on her face as Blake nodded.

Ruby look at her teammates with a bright smile on her face. "Girls..." She grinned at them before placing her coffee down and tackling them all in a group hug "...Your already the best teammates I'll ever have!" She shouted happily at them.

Tsuna was leaning on the wall beside the door with a smile on his face, hearing everything that was said with his trained ears. He stood up and left.

"I'll tutor these kids with my Dying Will."