Something went wrong.

From within the body of a young boy called Natsu Dragneel, Igneel - King of the Fire Dragons - could already tell that much. He and Natsu, they were not four-hundred years in Earthland's future, and they were definitely not in the cave that Natsu was supposed to wake up in.

Natsu laid in the middle of a grassy field, a foreign-feeling sun shining down on the ten year-old Fire Dragon-Slayer. The pink-haired boy slowly woke up and opened a pair of brown eyes, blinking in the bright light.

This wasn't good, Igneel decided. This wasn't good at all.

Natsu looked around, his eyes slowly widening as he realized that he wasn't in his cave. He was in the middle of a field he didn't recognize at midday, and worst of all: Igneel was gone.

"Igneel?" The boy asked, standing up. A light wind blew his clothes, hair, and the white scarf around his neck. "Igneel?!" The boy looked around, his eyes widening further as he began to panic. "IGNEEL?!" The boy's eyes teared up a little bit as there was no response, nor sign of his- "DAD?!"

Natsu kept spinning around in that field, searching for his dragon. Suddenly, there was a scream from within a nearby forest, and Natsu's eyes widened as he turned towards it. The scream was followed by howls, and Natsu's eyes narrowed before he took off running towards the sound.

Someone needed his help!


A young girl of around nine or ten with blonde hair and lilac eyes backed towards a red wagon, her eyes wide as she let out a small noise of fright. She was in a clearing, near an old abandoned barn, and she was surrounded by a pack of monsters.

Black, wolflike creatures with armor of bone and red, glowing eyes - these were Beowolves, one of the many species of the Creatures of Grimm, which were soulless monsters that inhabited the planet of Remnant. They were younger, no match for an experienced Huntsman or Huntress, but this was a little girl with nothing but a sleeping seven year-old in the back of a wagon. And she was absolutely exhausted...

One of the Beowolves raised a clawed paw, snarling, when its shoulder was suddenly hit by a blast of fire. The whole pack looked back to see a glaring boy with pink hair and brown eyes, his right fist surrounded by fire.

"Leave her alone!" The boy ordered, and the girl blinked, her eyes widening. The monsters turned their full attention to the threat, slowly beginning to creep towards him. Natsu Dragneel bared a set of fanged teeth, his eyes narrowing in anger.

He was lost, he was alone, and his dragon - his father - had left him. And now, he was facing a group of mean monsters who were trying to hurt a little girl. This day was just getting worse and worse, and he wanted it to stop...

The first Beowolf charged and Natsu yelled and punched it in the face. The creature stumbled back, more annoyed than harmed, and all of the Grimm growled. Two had turned their attention back to the girl with the wagon, the blonde climbing into the wagon and hugging the half-conscious girl with a red hood who had been sleeping there close, terrified.

"Y-Yang..?" The smaller girl asked softly. The blonde hugged her, closing her eyes, and Natsu's eyes narrowed further.

"RAH!" Natsu struck another Beowolf with three times the strength of his first attack, the sound of the skull breaking ringing out as he felt the bone give, and the whole clearing lit up orange as the Grimm was burned away. Natsu backed away, his eyes widening in disbelief. There was no way that the flame in his hand had the strength to incinerate a flesh and blood monster! "T-the Hell..?"

The rest of the Beowolves lunged, and Natsu instinctively recoiled, but the sound of a blade slicing rang out. Three slices, and Natsu opened his eyes to see a man in black and grey facing away from him, a tattered red cape flapping behind him as he lowered a large scythe.

Natsu's eyes widened as he saw the entire pack of monsters dissolving into the ground, turning to smoke and rose petals, and he wondered what sort of magic this must have been... Natsu looked up at the man as he walked over to the wagon, sighing in relief as both girls looked up at him, unharmed.

"Two little runaway-punks, present and accounted for." He muttered to himself, drawing a flask and taking a swig before looking back over his shoulder. "Same for an extra little punk who nearly died trying to play hero... And also looks like a little runaway, by those clothes." Natsu blinked as the man gestured to the wagon. "Get in. I have to get you three out of these woods before nightfall. It's not safe."

"O... Okay." Natsu slowly walked over and climbed into the wagon as the two little girls moved to make space for him, their eyes wide as they stared at him. They sat at the end of the wagon by the handle, and Natsu sat at the opposite end, sitting Indian-style and staring at the man as his scythe somehow collapsed into a sword so he could place it on his back. "Cool..."

"Tch." The man smirked as he turned to the boy, his light-red eyes glinting. "Never seen a Huntsman, before?" Natsu numbly shook his head, and the man blinked. "Oh."

The two little girls were still staring at Natsu, and he blinked as he felt their gazes before turning and looking at them. He blinked, then gave an fanged grin and waved.


"H-hey." The blonde waved back, a little wary. The girl in the hood, however, beamed and waved back, her silver eyes shining.

"Hey! I'm Ruby Rose!"

"I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel!" Natsu looked at the blonde girl. "What's your name?"

"Yang Xiao-Long." The girl gave a small nod. "And he's our Uncle Qrow." The man gave an idle wave as he drew a strange, glowing object and began tapping it with his thumb, muttering something about dumb kids, and Natsu realized that the three were a family. "... Thanks, for helping us."

"Heh." Natsu rubbed the back of his neck. "No problem!"

"Well, since I know why Firecracker and the Pipsqueak are out here, I might as well ask..." Qrow looked at Natsu, his eyes narrowed. "What the Hell are you doing out here?"

"My... My dad and I live in a cave, a-and I went to sleep." Natsu shook his head. "I woke up in a field, and he was gone. I don't know where I am, but I heard Yang scream, so..." Natsu closed his eyes, resting his hands on his knees. "I don't know what to do, now."

"You and your old man live in a cave?" Qrow asked, his eyebrow raising. "What is he, some paranoid, divorced ol' coot who thinks that the Kingdoms are going to fall and he's better off raising you in this mess? Met too many of those, in my day..."

"He's... He's a dragon." Natsu looked up at Qrow, frowning. "His name is Igneel, and he was teaching me Fire Dragon-Slayer magic." Qrow's eyebrow raised somewhat higher, then he shook his head and looked back onto the path.

'Great. Some paranoid old fart went nuts while raising his kid in these woods, and now he's got the kid thinking that he's a dragon and-' Qrow blinked, then looked at Natsu. The boy was in the middle of describing riding on a dragon's back to his nieces in vivid detail, holding his arms out like airship wings as Ruby laughed and clapped, Yang raising an eyebrow as she obviously didn't buy any of it. 'Magic?'

Qrow considered the bright flash of orange light he'd seen while he was running to the clearing, then blinked again. Qrow looked down at the object in his hand, a communication device called a scroll, and he switched over from a contact labeled Taiyang Xiao-Long and over to one labeled Ozpin. He typed in a single question.

Are there any fairytales you know about kids learning magic from dragons?


A grey-haired, brown-eyed man dressed in green sitting at a desk in a large office within an enormous tower looked down as his scroll buzzed, lowering a cup of coffee and raising the device. He raised an eyebrow, then blinked in surprise at the message on the screen. Qrow was either extremely drunk - on enough alcohol to drown an entire village in liquor - or...

"Glynda." Ozpin looked up at a blonde-haired, green-eyed woman in white, black, and purple who had looked at him curiously upon the message's arrival. "... Bring me any information, fact or lore, that exists pertaining to dragons."


"Yes..." Ozpin looked down at his scroll, frowning. "I know of three kinds: two variants of Grimm, and then the g-... I need everything we have."

"... Alright."


Natsu blinked as Qrow grabbed the handle of the wagon and began pulling. Yang noticed his whole body freezing as the wagon started to move, the boy's eyes widening.

"Hey, what's-?" Yang's eyes widened as Natsu groaned, gripping his stomach, and he turned and moved his head so that his mouth faced off of the wagon. "Uh... Are you okay?"

"Motion sickness..." Natsu managed, then he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from vomiting. "I-Igneel says that all Dragon-Slayers have it..." Ruby giggled, and Yang smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you say, Dragon Boy."


That night, Qrow pulled the wagon up to a large cabin, and Yang and Ruby climbed out and ran over to a blonde man dressed in shades of orange and brown as he kneeled, the man hugging both girls tightly. Natsu climbed out of the wagon, his eyebrow raised as he watched, and Qrow noticed.

"That's Taiyang, their dad."


"... So, who was your dad before you met this Igneel?"

"I don't remember. I was just a kid when Igneel found me, living in the forest..." Natsu crossed his arms, frowning slightly. "He's the only dad I've ever known... I hope that he's okay."

"Hmm... You know, Taiyang is a really nice guy. I bet that he'd look out for you until Igneel came back."

"Huh? No, I've gotta go and look for Ig-"

"Kid, if you think those Beowolves are the worst thing you'll encounter if you go searching, you're wrong." Qrow shook his head, sighing. "Those things were misbehaving puppies compared to most of the Grimm, out there. It's a dangerous world we live in..." Qrow looked to see Natsu raising an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Are there a lot of Grimm?"

"Millons of 'em, all over Remnant."

"Remnant?" Natsu raised his eyebrow further, and Qrow blinked. "What's that?"

"... Son of a-!"

Qrow paced by the treeline, shouting into his scroll as Natsu watched with confusion, sitting on an old tree-stump. Taiyang was in the background, scolding Yang for taking Ruby and going off into the dangerous woods, unaware of the predicament his ex-brother-in-law was in.

"Kid told me he's from Earthland or somethin', where everyone can use magic if they just try hard enough." Qrow was saying to the person on the other end of the scroll, exasperated. "I don't thing he's kiddin', either. He's too young to be this creative, and he doesn't seem to be playing, or the lying sort... I can't take 'im, you know that... That's what I was thinking, but what are we gonna tell him? ... That's what it means, eh? That could help, a little... I'll pull 'im aside. Little troublemaker gets along well with the kids, so they won't be able to-... Got it. I'll let you know how it goes. Later, Oz."

Qrow hung up and turned to Natsu. The boy blinked as he noticed that he was once again at the center of the strange man's attention, and he raised an eyebrow as the man walked over and crouched in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"Kid... You know how I told you earlier that your dad was probably on his way to find ya?"


"... You're not on Earthland anymore, kid. This is Remnant."


"Well... I'm not sure how you got here, and I'm not sure how you could get back. I'm also not sure as to how you'll ever be able to find your old man, or how he'll be able to find you." As Qrow spoke, Natsu's eyes widened. A pit formed in his stomach, and his heart felt heavy. "So, until we can figure that out, I'm going to make it so Tai'll look out for you."

"Ruby and Yang's dad?" Natsu asked quietly, his eyes still wide as he tried to process all that was happening. His brain wasn't ready to take all of this new information in all at once...

"Yeah." Qrow nodded in confirmation. "I'll stick around a while, make sure that you've settled in and that you've got all the info you need to fit in here until we can get you back to Earthland. But I'm going to have to lay down a few rules, okay?"


"Number one: you need to stop talking about dragons. They're real to you, but they don't exist here on Remnant, so if you keep talkin' about them, you could get thrown in a loony-bin. So, when you go over to those girls, pretend that all of your dragon stories were part of a game. Got it?"


"Number two: this magic of yours, try not to use it unless there's an emergency. No one on Remnant can really use magic, so you should keep it under wraps. There are some bad people out there who would use you for your power, if they ever learned of it... If you ever have to use it and people ask about it, I'm going to need you to say that you have Fire-Dust infused in your body. Do you understand?"

"Fire-Dust?" Natsu asked, confused, then he shook out of it and nodded. "Okay."

"Number three: you can't tell anyone about Earthland. It's just going to be kept between you, me, Tai, Ozpin, and Glynda Goodwitch. No one else can know, or they'll think you're crazy or try to experiment on ya. I'm just lookin' out for you here, kid."

"Okay... Anything else?"

"... Number four: I'm going to unlock your aura, and you're going to start attending Signal Academy as soon as you're old enough, then you'll go to Beacon Academy if you're still here by the time you hit seventeen. You're going to need to learn how to fight the Grimm and protect yourself against Huntsmen like me and those bad people I mentioned if you're going to survive in this crazy, messed-up world... How old are ya, kid?"

"I'm ten."

"Okay, then. You start at Signal when you're thirteen... Now, just hold still." Qrow placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, the boy raising an eyebrow. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality." Natsu's eyes widened as the man started glowing red, and his own body started to glow a fiery orange. "Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death... I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."

Qrow lowered his hand and chuckled as he saw Natsu staring at his glowing hands before the light faded away. Natsu looked up at him, stunned.

"Was that magic?"

"Nope." Qrow shook his head. "Here on Remnant, we've learned to unlock souls. Your soul, your aura, will act as your shield. And the more you practice with it, the more you'll be able to do with it... It'll protect you, like you protected my nieces, today." Natsu blinked as the man smiled. "Thanks for that, by the way."

"N-no problem..." Natsu gazed at the man, his eyes wide. Qrow nodded, then stood up straight. "Are... Are you sure that Yang and Ruby's dad will be okay with me staying?"

"Tai? Yeah, sure. He's a good man." Qrow nodded towards the cabin. "His and Yang's names, they're from the same ancient language. Yours sounds like a word from that language, too." Natsu blinked, surprised. "In that language, your name means Summer. And their last name... It means Little Dragon." Qrow chuckled, shaking his head as Natsu's eyes widened. "I'm not one for fate or destiny... But this might've been enough to make me a partial believer."

Qrow turned and held his hand out, and Natsu hesitated before taking it an letting Qrow lead him towards the cabin, Yang, Ruby, and Taiyang Xiao-Long.

Taiyang looked back with a raised eyebrow as he saw his ex-brother-in-law leading a young boy with pink-hair by the hand, the boy looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and timidness. Ruby immedietley pointed at the boy.

"That's him, Daddy! That's the boy who helped Yang and I!" She beamed, then waved excitedly. "Hey!" Natsu smiled and waved back, and Yang gave a small grin as she crossed her arms.

"Why don't you three head inside and watch a movie, or do whatever kids normally do?" Qrow asked, and the three children blinked. "I have to talk to Tai for a moment?" Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"What's a movie?"

"... YOU! IN HERE! NOW!" Yang grabbed his arm and dragged him into the house, Ruby giggling and following them, Yang shouting about Spruce Willis movies and some things called Red vs. Blue and Camp Camp. Qrow chuckled, shaking his head, then looked up at Taiyang, who had raised an eyebrow.

"What's this all about?"

"Tai... Ozpin needs a favor."

"What?! Who does he think he is, asking me to do something after-?!"

"That kid needs someone to look after him." Qrow explained, and Taiyang blinked. Then, his blue eyes narrowed again.

"What? Qrow, I'm not a babysitter."

"I know, I know. But Tai, that kid isn't a normal kid." Qrow tried, putting emphasis on not and normal. Taiyang slowly blinked, then his eyes widened.

"Are you talking gods, Silver-Eyed Warriors, Maidens - that kind of stuff?"

"This is something we've never seen before, Tai. Something Oz has never seen before... He's something called a Fire Dragon-Slayer."

"A what?"

"From what he told me, he's from this place called Earthland were everyone can use magic. And he was trained by a dragon."

"What?! Qrow, how drunk are you?!"

"Tai, I saw that kid burn a Beowolf to ashes with his bare hands, today." Qrow stated, and Taiyang's eyes widened. "He's... He's something else. And he doesn't have anywhere to go." Taiyang looked down, his eyes narrowed. "Ozpin thinks that it would be for the best if you looked out for him, for a while. I do, too." The blonde man scoffed. "Just until we can get him into combat-school or figure out another solution, that's all."

"I don't like this, Qrow."

"I know... But you know what his name is?" Qrow asked, and Taiyang looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Natsu." It all went silent, then Taiyang sighed, shaking his head.


"Thank you, Tai."

"Not for you, not for Ozpin. Not even for Summer... The kid risked his life to protect my daughters." Taiyang looked back at the light pouring from his house. "... Looks like a brawler, doesn't he?"

"Heh... That, he does."

In the house, Natsu stared at the screen in awe as he watched a movie with Yang and Ruby, sitting between the two sisters on the couch in the living-room.

"So cool..."

"You really haven't seen a movie, before?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow and grinning. Natsu shook his head.

"Nope! Igneel once took me to watch an outdoor play that was being performed, but I've never seen something like this!" He looked at Yang. "So, people use these camera things to record stuff that happens-"

"And they use a CCT to send the images to houses." Yang nodded in agreement. "The CCT also lets people use scrolls to call people all over the world."


"If you and I had scrolls, you could be on the other side of the planet and I could talk to you like you were standing right next to me."

"Whoa!" Natsu gave a toothy grin, growing excited. Ruby giggled, and Yang gave a small smile.

"You sure are chipper."

"Kids?" A voice asked, and Taiyang entered the house, Qrow right behind him. The two saw the three sitting there, smiling over the movie and laughing like old friends, and Taiyang gave a small smile. He walked over and looked down at the three, and Natsu looked up at him with some timidness.

"H-hi." Usually, Natsu wasn't like this. If Igneel was there, he'd ask who he was and what he'd done to the real Natsu. But Natsu was ten, he was surrounded by unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar place, and he was scared.

"... Natsu Dragneel, huh?" Taiyang asked, and the boy nodded. "... We've got a spare room. First thing tomorrow, I'll take you into town and get you some clothes... You're going to be staying with me until we can find your father, okay?"

"Okay!" Natsu beamed, Ruby laughing and hugging her new friend's arm as Yang blinked, surprised. "Thank you, Mr. Yang and Ruby's Dad - sir!" Taiyang chuckled, shaking his head.

"Just call me Tai."

So... This is what kids these days call an "experiment".

Over the summer, I was introduced to "Fairy Tail" by my younger sister, and after I finished the entire series several times (rewatching part of it in the dub so I could hear Michael Jones and Barbara Dunkleman), I came to the conclusion that I could make some interesting "RWBY" crossovers with it, and I've been experimenting ever since.

So far, I've managed to come up with some good ideas that I'm thinking about making into series: a whole slew of "RWBY" characters going into "Fairy Tail", and this.

For this story, I'm planning on having it so that something went wrong with the Eclipse (RIP Layla) and the five First/Third-Generation Dragon-Slayers got sent to Remnant by mistake, with Wendy, Sting, and Rogue's ages being accelerated until they were the same age as Natsu and Gajeel because plot convenience. Sting and Rogue already have their dragon-lacrimae, FYI. Anyway, each Dragon-Slayer will be found by someone from Remnant and raised into a Huntsman or - in Wendy's case - Huntress, and they'll meet up at Beacon.

Lots of this story will be focused on interactions and relationships between characters - bonds being formed and tested and strengthened -, fight-choreography, working Earthland's magic into Remnant and exploring all of the possibilities that could arise from it, and just having some plain old "RWBY"-"Fairy Tail" fun.

I'm posting this story before any of the others as an experiment to get some feedback. I want to know if I can properly combine these two worlds and the spirits of both "Fairy Tail" and "RWBY" in a way that will make fans of both series happy. I take my writing much more seriously these days, and your feedback means a lot to me.

I own nothing. Please read, review, check out my other stories, etc. Thanks! :)