On The Edge

By Milford

Rating: PG - violence

Characters do not belong to me, have been borrowed for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made.

Summary: Steve takes on a dangerous assignment with near tragic results.

Chapter One

Steve drove home slowly, trying to work out how much, or what, he should tell his father about his latest undercover assignment. His father always tried to hide it, but Steve was only too aware of how much he worried about him, especially when it came to undercover work. This particular case could have a very high risk associated with it, and it did involve a medical facility. His father would certainly want to be involved, and in a way Steve would like him to be around, but it was vitally important his cover wasn't blown and if anyone recognized Mark, then he could be in a great deal of danger. He was hoping his father would accept this more readily by having Amanda and Jesse nearby. He hoped so, since he had his Captain's approval to have them involved. The danger wasn't great for them; they just had to play a supporting role. He wasn't much looking forward to this assignment but he knew he had to do what he could to help. The hardest part was going to persuade his father to stand back and let him do this without him.

"Hey, dad, how's it going? Dinner smells great!" Steve walked in cheerfully, but his father could see the lines of worry in his son's face as he looked up from the food he was preparing.

"I'm fine, Steve, what's going on?"

Steve had to grin. He'd tried all his life to hide things from his dad, but had not yet managed to do so. He went to the bar to pour himself a drink.

"Like a drink, dad?"

"Will I need one?"

Steve grinned, ruefully this time. "Maybe, but don't panic, it's not all that bad."

Mark sighed. "Yes, pour me a drink then, please." What was it this time? He would never interfere with his son's life, but he often wished Steve had chosen a less dangerous career. There had been too many close calls over the years and he wasn't sure how much more either of them could cope with. Although as he watched his son as the drinks were poured and he knew he wouldn't change him. Steve was a son to be proud of-strong, honorable and dependable. He just had a knack of living dangerously and his body carried the scars. Mark himself carried emotional scars, but he would never lay them at Steve's door. He loved his son far too much to do that to him, or to try to change him. But it didn't mean he found Steve's dangerous lifestyle easy to live with. He took the drink gratefully and went to sit down on the sofa. He braced himself.

"I have an undercover assignment and will be starting on Thursday." It was only Monday, Mark thought to himself, so we have a few days. "You know I can't say too much about the undercover work usually, but this is a slightly different scenario." Steve paused, waiting for Mark to comment, but Mark just nodded for him to go on. "The Hampstead Institution has had several unexplained deaths…"

Mark sat upright. The Hampstead Institution was a quite well-known psychiatric hospital. He remained silent, waiting for Steve to finish.

"A patient died last week, a Mary Jones, an apparent suicide by hanging. Her sister isn't convinced though, and has asked us to look into it. At first glance it all looked straightforward enough, but the sister, Susan, has brought forward some facts the Institution did not. These facts were that there have been seven suicides over the last few months."

"It is a psychiatric hospital, Steve, the patients are disturbed so…"

Steve uncharacteristically interrupted his father. He knew all the arguments that Mark would present, although he also knew his father was a very fair and caring man and if he believed there was a problem, then he would want the hospital investigated. He was also aware that his dad would never be happy with how the investigation was to be carried out in this instance.

"I know, but none of the patients were admitted as suicide risks. These were not highly disturbed people-until they were admitted to Hampstead. There was an anonymous call last night and there is a rumor of some experimental treatments going on."

"This is a case for the Medical Association then. If experimental or dangerous treatments are being performed, then…" Mark's heart was sinking. He had a terrible feeling where this was leading and he didn't like it one little bit.

"It could be murder, and that makes it a case for us. There have been several official investigations into conditions at Hampstead, but nothing conclusive has been found against them. The patients are at the mercy of the staff and can't speak out, and it's our duty to protect them."

"You mean, your duty." A rare note of anger crept into Mark's voice and Steve looked at him in surprise. Mark noticed, and shook himself mentally.

"I'm sorry, Steve, you know I want to help people but I just hate that you have to go into these dangerous situations." I'm getting tired of worrying about you, son, it's wearing me out, although I love you very much. But the words were left unspoken. Mark had a clearer idea of what Steve could be in for than Steve did himself and if there was abuse, or experimental treatment, going on in the Institution, then there was even more reason for worry.

"I know you do, dad, but you also know how vulnerable patients can be."

"I guess I don't have to ask what your cover will be. You're going in as a patient?" Mark tried not to panic as he thought of the possible consequences.

"Yes, dad, but I won't be entirely left on my own."

Mark looked up hopefully.

"The Captain has given me permission to have Jesse be the one who admits me, as my brother, and Amanda can act as my doctor. This means I'll have contact with an outside person." Steve held up his hand at the protest he was sure his father was about to make. "No, dad, it can't be you, as you're too well-known in the medical world. If you were recognized, then my cover could be blown." He'd made the one argument that would silence Mark. He would never do anything to risk his beloved son, and they both knew it. Steve went to sit next to his dad and put his hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.

"I know this is hard on you, but at least Amanda or Jesse will be able to report to you, and they are doctors….which is better than a police officer, for you couldn't be sure you'd hear from them. You know Amanda and Jesse will keep you fully informed."

Mark patted the hand on his shoulder. He was suddenly feeling his age. "I know, Steve, and I know they'll look out for you but I'm not sure you know what you could be in for. You mustn't let them give you drugs, but how can you stop them?"

Steve gave a small smile. "I can hold my own against medical staff if I have to!"

Mark reluctantly chuckled. It was true; Steve was more than a match against the doctors and nurses at Community General. The usually friendly and amiable man could be uncooperative, difficult and extremely frustrating to deal with, even with his own father. But this was a psychiatric hospital and the rules were completely different. They would medicate him if they saw fit, and what about this possible experimental therapy? Mark knew they could be in for a rough time but he also knew his son wouldn't be deterred. It was a characteristic in him that Mark loved dearly, but he also feared it at times, for it meant Steve took terrible risks.

"Oops, the dinner is burning! I guess we'd better eat now." Mark jumped up gratefully as the aroma of burning food wafted through. He needed time to think about this and come to terms with the new case. Steve watched fondly as his father raced to the kitchen. He knew very well how difficult this would be for his dad and that was why he pushed so hard to have Jesse and Amanda involved. He loved his father very much and hated the worry he caused him, but he couldn't be anything but who he was. He knew his father understood this and he loved him even more for this acceptance, but there was no question that he caused his father great anxiety at times.