A/N: I hope you like my new story idea :)

It was a surprise to all of them when Helen announced that she had signed their ping pong team up for a tournament in California. They had never even played in an official tournament and now they should represent their school in such an important competition? Sikowitz did his best to prevent it, but against Helen he didn't stand a chance. That was the reason the group and their teacher were now on their way to the hotel for a tournament they didn't have a chance to win. Apart from Jade and Tori and, if you see Rex as a part of the team, Rex none of them could play this game, so failure was sure to come.

"I still can't believe Helen made us do this. The woman is scary." Sikowitz said as soon as they all sat in his car.

"Man we have no chance to win this." Andre added.

"Seems like it's on me and Vega, so mostly on me." Jade said, rolling her eyes.

"Well! I'm really good at ping pong." Tori protested.

"At least we get vacation out of it." Beck mentioned.

"Yay I love vacation."

Jade was already annoyed by the whole situation. Her break up with Beck was only a few weeks ago and the last thing she wanted right now was spend even more time with her ex-boyfriend than she already had to. While Beck seemed completely fine with their three year long relationship ending with a stupid game show and a closed door Jade was still hurt, not that she would ever let anyone notice that.

Since their break up Jade spent more time with Cat and Andre, who she considered her friends now more than ever. The craziness of Hollywood Arts and having these two around distracted her from thinking too much about Beck, but at night it was a different matter. Many of her things were still at Beck's RV and she never planned to get them back, because in what they had always called their haven from the world they had shared so many meaningful moments that she just couldn't be in there without her heart shattering all over again. Trying to focus on Cat's weird story about her brother Jade tried to get her thoughts about Beck and their former relationship out of her head, it wasn't like Beck cared anyway.

Little did Jade know that Beck wasn't as okay with their break up as he wanted everyone to believe. Looking at her, sitting between a more than happy Cat and quiet Robbie, Beck sighed deeply. It had been only a few weeks ago that he hadn't opened the door and with it ended their relationship, but it already felt like a lifetime to him. Three years he had been able to hold her in his arms, kiss her and love her and now she didn't even speak to him. Since their break up he had tried to be at least a friend to her, but she had blocked every one of his tries and ignored him except for when they had to work together for a school project.

Every night he spent alone in his RV laying awake he couldn't help but replay those two fateful days that had led to their break up. Considering how much he loved her and how long they had been dating a stupid game show and a few fights seemed so trivial now. Thinking about the whole situation he realized that he should have talked to her about their fighting and not just closed the door in her face. However it was too late now, any connection that ever was between them was lost and it didn't seem like Jade would ever forgive him for doing all that to her. Sighing he looked out of the window, it was a small chance but hopefully this unplanned vacation would bring them closer together again, because he couldn't deny that he still loved her and wanted her back.

When they all arrived at the hotel where all the contestant would live during the tournament another problem arose.

"You only booked three double rooms for us and you get a single room?" Jade yelled at their teacher.

"But doesn't that mean one girl and one guy have to share a room?" Robbie asked hesitant.

"Well when I booked the rooms I thought Beck and Jade would be back together by now." Sikowitz explained.

"Well that obviously didn't happen." Jade said sarcastically.

"Don't you think it would be okay for the week while we're here?" The teacher tried.

"Of course I would just love to share a room and bed with my ex-boyfriend. I would rather sleep on a bed made out of scissors than be anywhere near Beck."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." With that Sikowitz quickly grasped the key for the single room and ran away.

Jade only rolled her eyes at his behavior. The next time she would see him she would give him a piece of her mind. Annoyed she look at the rest of the group. Cat, Robbie and Tori were looking nervous, clearly not knowing what to do. There was no way Jade would let Cat share a room with one of the guys, because the girl was way too innocent and shy for that, the same went for Robbie. Beck was out of the question anyway and if Vega would be comfortable enough to sleep in the same room as one of the guys was doubtful. Sighing Jade took one of the keys and faced Andre.

"Come on, let's just go to our room."


Surprisingly enough that wasn't Andre's reaction, but Beck and Tori's. Of course Jade only knew one reason why they would react that way and her anger rose.

"Oh sorry you two wanted to share a room? Well too late, but I'm sure when we're back home you have enough time to spend every minute together."

"Jade that's not-"

"Save it Beck, I don't want to hear it. Let's go Andre." With that she took a hold of Andre's hand and went in the direction of their rooms.

Beck could only watch helplessly how his ex-girlfriend and best friend went further away from the group. Never during their three years of dating had Beck felt the need to be jealous, but right now he got this strange feeling in his stomach. Jade had interpreted his reaction wrong, he didn't want to share a room with Tori, he had just been shocked that Jade chose Andre over him. Thinking about that his heart clenched painful in his chest.

When Beck looked at Tori she was focused on Andre's hand that Jade was still holding. The moment Beck and Tori's eyes met he saw the same look mirroring in her eyes, hurt and jealousy. He was sure that Jade's accusation, that was not only against him but Tori as well, was wrong for Tori too alone from the sad look in Tori's eyes. That the brunette had feelings for his best friend was obvious by her expression, probably just as much as she knew now that Beck was still in love with Jade. However the deep worry Tori's face clearly showed surprised Beck, surely there wasn't a chance that there could be something between Andre and Jade, right? Before he could ask Tori why she was so concerned Cat already dragged her away to their room.

"It's already turning out to be one exciting vacation, that's for sure." Rex announced and he might be right with that, for good or bad.

Andre still couldn't believe what had happened in the last few minutes or in the last few weeks for that matter. Jade and Beck's break up had shocked the whole group and it affected them all. Everyone had thought these two would be back together in no time, but they all had been wrong. Despite that Beck was his best friend he spent more time with Jade since the break up and he found himself falling for her again. If he was honest with himself the feelings he held for Jade never completely went away and now she was single again, which didn't help his matter. He knew it was wrong to be in love with his best friend's ex- girlfriend, but he couldn't help it. Seeing that him and Jade would even share a room for their week here would only intensify his feelings for her and Andre didn't know if that would turn out in his favor.

"I take the side of the bed that is closer to the window." Jade announced.

"You know I can take the couch if you want." Andre offered, being the gentleman he was.

"Don't be such a baby. I trust you alright?" Andre's eyes widened. Jade trusted him and was willing to sleep in the same bed as he did? Maybe she had feelings for him after all. It was so wrong of him to hope that she did, but Andre couldn't stop his heart from beating faster at the thought. He shudder in fear however after her next words. "And if I find your hands in places they don't belong during the night you lose them to my scissors. Understood?"

Andre gulped and nodded. If she had feelings for him or not, sometimes Jade was still scary.

In the evening they all met in the dining room for the announcement. As if Beck's mood wasn't already worse enough it didn't help that Jade and Andre arrived together, a content look on his ex-girlfriend's face. Since this morning when they had started their journey she had been annoyed and now when Andre and her had been alone for a few hours she was in a better mood. Was there something going on between them that Beck didn't know. He shook his head, his best friend would never do that to him, right?

Tori could only watch helplessly how Andre smiled at Jade while she smirked in return. She could remember all too well how Andre confessed his feelings for Jade to her months ago. If Tori was honest with herself back then she had helped him not only for him, but for her own good as well. They had been close since she had met him and ever since she went to Hollywood Arts they had spent so much time together. Andre had not only become her best friend, but she had fallen for him as well. Sure, they both dated other people from time to time, but Tori had always thought he wasn't serious about the girls he went out with. When he told her he had fallen for Jade, Tori worried for the first time. Andre and Jade were friends and they got along well and that was the risk. Jade wasn't just another girl for Andre with whom he could go on dates and make out, he cared a great deal for her. The dark haired beauty was the first girl Andre expressed serious feelings for and Tori felt like she was second best to Jade.

The brunette almost laughed at the irony. Jade had more than once expressed her annoyance that she, Tori, always got what she wanted and came first since she had come to this school. On a closer look it was quite the opposite. Sure Tori got the lead in plays that before Jade had gotten most of the time, but Jade had everything else. First of all, no matter how mean Jade was, Cat always stayed by her side and insisted that she was her best friend and sometimes Tori could see that Jade felt the same way. Then there was Beck, who was weeks after their break up still hopelessly in love with Jade. Tori saw it all, the lingering looks he sent her way and how he was always the one who still wanted to be close to Jade. It was so obvious that he loved her so much with all his heart that it was painful to watch.

Now even Andre had fallen for Jade's mysterious ways and that hurt more than Tori would like to admit. If Andre really loved Jade, she couldn't compare with her. Jade was confident in who she was and despite that she was scary from time to time Tori was aware that guys who got close enough to Jade without being attacked by scissors could see that she was an amazing girl. In the beginning Jade and her didn't get along at all, but now they were somewhat friends and Tori had to admit that Jade was a great person when she wanted to be and she was sure Andre could see that as well. Sighing she put a smile on her face and tried to concentrate on the announcement.

While Beck and Tori were watching her and Andre closely Jade wasn't aware of it. Despite that their ping pong team clearly had no chance, seeing that they weren't even a real ping pong team she still listened to the rules of the tournament. In their team only her and Tori could really play ping pong, that was if she didn't count Rex which she didn't. To say their chances were slim would be the understatement of the year, but the hotel was nice and the beach was right around the corner, so maybe it would at least be a decent vacation. Jade's plans for the tournament however changed completely when she bumped into one of the contestant on her way to dinner. All of them were just about to leave after the announcement to eat when the guy that clearly bumped into her and not the other way around looked arrogantly at her.

"Watch where you're going. Don't you know who I am?"

At his words she heard Robbie gasp and he had every reason to, knowing how she usual reacted when someone talked to her the wrong way.

"Oh let's see, I'm pretty sure you're the ugly jerk that just ran into me and now isn't apologizing."

"What did you just call me?" Clearly he wasn't used to such treatment.

"You heard me. This competition must be lame if they let people like you enter."

It seemed that now the guy in front of Jade had finally overcome the shock she had put him in, because now he grinned arrogantly at her.

"So you're taking part in the competition? Well then you better learn my name because I'll beat you."

"Believe me I don't need to, seeing that you won't know your own name when our team is done with you. See you loser." With that she just left the room, followed by the rest of the group.

"You do know that only two of us can even play ping pong." Robbie said worriedly after they were out of ear-shot.

"Well then you all better be thankful that I'm in your team." Despite her outward confidence Jade wasn't sure if they heard the last of this guy.

A/N: Please review and tell me what you think :)