We're in This Together
Chapter Seven: Knock Out Girl Part II

Three weeks of being cooped up in Claire's apartment had driven him nuts, and finally, she relented to going for a walk once the doctor cleared him. He wasn't to do any strenuous activity, but things, like walking and going out to eat, were perfectly fine.

They took a walk around the main street, stopping a few times to talk to a few of the employees who had heard about the accident and wanted to make sure they were fine. Eventually they found themselves in one of the employee exclusive restaurants, Owen scarfing down a huge greasy cheeseburger while Claire picked at her pasta.

"You're not nagging me for getting a burger?"

"I do not nag, and you've been good so consider it a reward."

"Thank god, if I had to go another week of nothing but your 'healthy food' I was going to order ten pizzas and lock you out while I ate them." She smirked and resumed eating, picturing her apartment stacked with pizza boxes because Owen couldn't handle another smoothie.

He had been good, listening to her and letting her help him when he needed it. The first week had been the worst, mainly because when he wasn't sleeping due to his severe pain. He hated to take his pain medication because it made him feel so drowsy, and Claire's coaxing that sleeping would help him heal faster had the same effect as if she were talking to one of the raptors.

He insisted he go to the Raptors once he was feeling well enough to move on his own, but his doctor said that wasn't the best idea. He had to wait another week. While Claire had left for a meeting, Owen intended to sneak out and go see them. He, however, did not expect to find one of the security guards outside of the apartment.

"Is everything okay Mr. Grady?" He didn't know this guy, and the chances of him persuading the guard to let him out weren't very high.

"I don't suppose Claire stationed you here to make sure I don't leave?"

"Right on the mark, Mr. Grady." Owen nodded and slipped back inside.

Owen ended up ordering another burger once he finished the first, Claire finding amusement in his antics. It wasn't like she had starved him, she just made sure he ate right so that he would heal faster. Perhaps she would have to make him something deep fried or covered in grease occasionally.

"Owen, I'm glad to see you're doing better." She might had missed it if she hadn't been looking at his face. By his voice, she thought maybe it was Hoskins, but the twitch if Owen's eye confirmed it. Claire had to take a deep breath before turning around, giving Hoskins a professional smile.

They hadn't seen him since the accident, InGen reporting that he had business to attend to elsewhere for a few weeks.

Thanks to Lowry, Claire knew that Hoskins had been the cause of the catwalk collapsing. She hadn't been able to bring it to a legal team because the evidence of his tampering wasn't 100% clear, but Simon was aware of the situation and casually told Claire to do what she needed to.

She had reviewed the footage many times, just to be sure that she couldn't take legal action, before working on a plan to get Hoskins either removed from the park or fired completely. The video showed Hoskins crossing the catwalk, bending down to tie his shoe, and then exiting completely. Those familiar with the setup of the structure knew that where Hoskins had stopped was the location of the holding pins and bolts for the walk, and while he had been 'tying his shoe' he had loosened the holds and simply waited.

Against her better judgment, Claire had told Owen her theory a few days ago. He had been understandably angry at first, but then calmed and promised to let Claire take care of it.

From their conversation, Claire also learned that Hoskins frequently tried to persuade Owen and Barry to let the raptors loose to see what they could do— a field test he had called it.

By dropping people into the raptor pen, Hoskins was able to run a test and see what the Raptors would do. He was probably pleased that they hadn't killed Owen, and had acted ashamed that they had hurt their alpha. It only proved that Owen could eventually control them, and give him access to a field test.

"Much better, thanks. I should be back to work next week." Hoskins nodded, coming around to stand at the edge of their table. He looked down on Claire, that irritating smirk on his face that screamed he was about to make a sexist remark.

She hoped he said something horrible, then she could get him fired on misconduct charges even if he was employed by InGen and not Masrani.

"How did taking care of a man feel, Claire? You should consider making that your full-time job." She clenched a fist and gritted her teeth to keep from literally spitting back at him.

"How was your time off Mr. Hoskins? The employees in the raptor pen enjoyed it immensely." The people in a table nearby looked at each with shock, covering their mouths in a poor attempt to contain their laughter. It took everything in Claire not to smirk at their reaction and keep eye contact with Hoskins.

The man was well known for constantly getting in pissing contests with the men around him, but Claire sure as hell wasn't going to lose to this guy. After almost three minutes of intense staring, Hoskins finally looked away with a scowl on his face. Claire smiled when he looked away, catching Owen's beaming grin out of the corner of her eye.

"What are you smiling about Grady? Your woman is more of a man than you are. Tell me, when you two get it on is she top or bottom? Or does she tell you what's going to happen before you even start?"

Before anyone could even blink Claire's fist shot out and Hoskins was on the ground, unconscious. She grinned in triumph, standing proud like a predator does over its prey. Owen had come around to put a hand on her back, kissing her cheek. After the incident with Mr. Robinson, he had taught her how to throw a proper punch. His lessons paid off.

"I've been waiting for someone to teach that asshole a lesson, and a woman knocking him out in one punch is a hell of a lesson! Claire, next bar night I'm buying you a drink." She flushed, recognizing the guy as one of Owen's subordinates at the raptor paddock. Owen kissed her temple, puffing out his chest in pride.

Once security had shown up, they asked Claire to head to Mr. Masrani's office and wait for him there. It had been awkward at first, the men not really sure what to do seeing as the Park Operations Manager had been involved in the altercation.

After about an hour of Claire pacing the floor and Owen telling her that she was going to wear through the floor, Simon finally stepped into the office looking more serious than either one had ever seen him.

"Claire, I've heard several statements from witnesses and Mr. Hoskins himself. InGen has passed the decision of punishment to me, seeing as the attack was provoked by Mr. Hoskins. Do you have anything to say before I tell you what I've decided?"

"I'm not sorry, he deserved what he got." Simon sighed and looked down at his folded hands, making Claire's veins flood with ice. She wanted to grab Owen's hand for support, but she wasn't sure how Simon would take it. He seemed very upset with her, and what she had done could be grounds for termination.

Of course, she could take it to court and counter sue Hoskins for harassment and gender discrimination—

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear from you, Claire." He was grinning at her now, looking like he was almost proud of her.

"Mr. Masrani, I don't understand."

"Oh Claire, Jurassic World wouldn't survive a week without you here. God knows I'm not one for paperwork and meetings, let alone trying to convince companies to give us money and sign contracts with us.

"Besides, that man has been a thorn in my side since the day I met him. InGen has decided to let him go in light of possible lawsuits from multiple employees of both InGen and Jurassic World. What you did today gave them all the courage to step forward, and take action."

"So you're commending me, rather than punishing me?" Simon nodded, looking down at a paper in his hands and then back up at her.

"Sort of, I still need to punish you. I've already discussed it with Zara, and it's in your calendar." The way he spoke, she thought she was going to have to take some sort of class or even community service on the island. However, looking at the paper had her jaw dropping.

"You're sending her on a paid vacation as punishment?" Owen had peeked over her shoulder reading the piece of paper. While he laughed, Claire groaned and let her head drop into her hand. When she looked back up at Simon, he was grinning again and seemed quite pleased with himself.

"Well, at least you're giving me a couple weeks to get everything in order for Zara." Claire knew her assistant could handle everything, but she liked to do some work ahead so Zara wouldn't be drowned in the work.

"Mr. Grady you have the week off as well if you would like. I know you may not feel comfortable leaving the Raptors after the time you've been off on medical leave."

"They'll be fine; Barry may not be alpha to them but they still like him. Besides, I've been seeing them a few hours a day the last two weeks so I haven't really been away from them for long at all." Claire opened her mouth to yell at him, but Simon stood up before she could.

"Excellent, I'll confirm your time off. Now if you'll both excuse me, I have something to do before Claire starts yelling. Have a good day." Claire was staring down Owen hard, trying to figure out how he had slipped past the security guard.

"Turns out Michael has always really like the Raptors, and I promised him he could watch if he took me to the paddock while you were gone." She couldn't help but let out a small laugh, figuring it was her luck that out of the entire security detail she had to pick from she picked the one who liked raptors. Deciding it wasn't worth the fight, she grabbed Owen's sleeve and pulled him along to head back to the apartment.

The next day when she dropped Owen off at the paddock, all the guys were lined up out front and broke out in applause as she pulled in. She blushed as they whistled and cheered, someone shouting how no one would ever forget the woman who knocked out a Navy man with one punch.

For some reason, I just really enjoy the thought of Claire clocking Hoskins, and thus the last chapter and this one were born. New chapter coming soon!