A/N! Okay, I am taking a small break from studying and I wrote a small first chapter of the story which was lingering in the back of my mind for a while. The chapters will be rather short, and I have no idea where this will take me. If you guys don't like it, then I will wrap it up really fast. So, to clear things up:

1) Read the tugs and be warned for mature imagery as well as implied rape non-con (Sam/Lucifer) It won't be too graphic, but it is there. I warned you.

2)I don't know the number of chapters for this story, but they won't be too many, or too long.

3)I do not know when I will be able to post new chapters. My studies are at their pick and I am writting stories as a way of relaxing. I may finish this story next week, I may finish it next month, I have no idea. If that is something you don't like, please take it into account before starting to read.

4)There will be wincest (Sam/Dean), because there always is, you know me guys.

5) I will add more tugs if they are needed, be sure of it. I will add the suited warnings for eaach chapter.

6) All mistakes are mine. No beta reader this time.

I do not own Supernatural, or any of its Characters. No money is made by this fic.







6)WINCEST (Sam/Dean)










When the battle is over, Dean and Mary sit in the bunker, waiting for Sam to return from his quest to slay the remaining Brits once and for all. But when Lucifer penetrates the bunker, all Hell breaks lose. The falen Angel is there to get his revenge from those who inprisoned him. Because, like he had told them, ''this wasn't over.''

Now Sam has to chose. He had once sworn that he was ready to die, ready to watch people he loves die. But he wasn't ready to be the Devil's bitch.

Only Time will tell if he has changed his mind...


Chapter 1: "Lost souls don't need saving (Prologue)"


What is a human soul? According to the lore, it's the soul that makes a human body be more than a shell. It's what makes us who we are. It's the reason we care for others, the reason we feel love, pain, anguish, joy and sadness, it's the reason for which we allow ourselves to hope, even when we are facing the darkest of times. But if that's what a soul is, then what happens when it's shuttered? What happens, when our soul is tainted and can no longer shine brightly, like a star which flickers as we turn our gaze on the ebony sky? When does such a bright creation cease to shine? What happens when a soul is past saving? What happens, to all those souls which can not be saved?

Dean knew his soul was tainted, that it was stained with the blood and tears of those poor beings, he himself had relentlessly tortured under Alistair's guidance. He knew his soul was no longer shining, it had stopped the moment his green eyes had turned black as the Mark of Cain turned him into a demon. Dean knew he was a lost cause, a man molded and broken by burdens no one should carry, a man who had been robbed, of his mother's tender touches, of his father's actual love and kindness. Dean knew he was past saving.

He had seen true darkness, the kind of which lures one to the other side, to that place where the light turns cold, where values no longer have meaning, where the soul deems away, leaving one empty and broken. Dean had been there and even though he had managed to return to his former self with the help of Sam, Cas, and of Charlie, he knew he could never be the same. No, Dean was not worth saving. Not by anyone, not for any reason. And yet, he was meant to be saved one more time.

He was meant to be saved by no other than Sam, who would rather let himself be used and tormented at the hands of the being he feared the most, than watch Dean suffer for Lucifer's mere amusement. But Dean wasn't worth it, no, he wasn't worth saving. His soul was dead. He knew it. Then, why was Sam doing this? Why was he allowing Lucifer to do this to him? Dean didn't know, he couldn't answer anything, he couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. Anything, save the terrifying image which his green eyes were witnessing.

So, there he was, standing frozen on the spot, in the main room of the overall dark underground bunker. Forced to watch, as Sam fell to his knees and was then thrown face-down on the floor, hands above his head. Forced to watch, as Lucifer got himself in between Sam's legs, lining up, pushing inside the young man, in one, long, dry and brutal thrust. There he was, forced to listen, as his brother's shirt and jeans were forcibly ripped to shreds, as Sam moaned and shrieked in pain, as flesh met flesh and blood started dripping on the floor.

There he was, forced to watch, as his beloved brother sacrificed his own soul, to save Dean's already wasted one.

Oh God, how had they come to this?

A/N! Does it make sense? I am not sure it does, but next chapter clears things up.
Loved it? Hated it?
I would love to hear your thoughts!
Comments and kudos keep me on my feet! Please spare one, if you want to!

So, until next time,
Love you all,