Hello everyone. It has been a while. Almost three months, as a matter of fact, actually. I know of what I said way back before I had started Protect, that I would put 100% dedication to it. Well, once again, I'm at the cross fire. I want to continue this story and yet, I'm not updating recently like I had thought. I wanted to write more and progress the story. However, I'm slowly losing interest again, which is one of the reasons why Project has been slowing down. Not only that, but I have been busy with my life that it keeps me preoccupy, giving me limited time to write. I really wished I can continue, but until I can find an appropriate schedule for me to work on… I'm afraid I'll have to say it. I'm putting Project on hold. Hopefully, it would not be discontinued, but looked what happened with Undeniable Love. That story was discontinued the moment I decided to start Project… Ended on Coco's chapter too. Sadly, I don't know where I go on from here. Hopefully, there will be a chance when I can return to this story with renewed interest.

Until then, Mermaid Melody Fans,

This is AmethystPearl99 signing out.