"Uzumaki Naruto! You're up next!" Iruka yelled, causing Naruto to rise up in excitement. The wannabe ninja was so close. He's never gotten this close in passing the exam. 'All thanks to her'...He was distracted by a tug on his sleeved shirt. He looked down to see a girl around his age with bluish hair and pale white eyes smiling up at him. "You can do it Naruto-kun. I believe in you." Naruto gave the girl a genuine smile trying to ignore the memories that continued to pester him. A bitter sweet memory really. Not having anyone to talk to was the bitter part. But meeting Hinata was the best things that happened so far in his life.

Two years before the Hokage registered the boy for the academy.

Naruto was all alone. Just him and his little apartment. He had nobody there for him except the Hokage's end of the month visits. And when he was out in the streets of Konoah things were worse. Naruto could feel it. Everyone hated him. Too the way that they would look at the boy, the murmurs and Naruto even had a couple of death threats that was sent his way.


"He doesn't belong here."

"Such a lonely boy... I should say-"

"Don't you dare talk to that freak! He doesn't deserve attention"

These were some of the things Naruto would here as he made his way down the street to find a store that was willing to sell to him. The boy's feelings was a mess; he was confused, depressed, scared, angry and he hated them.

'What have I done wrong? Why won't they treat me like everyone else...? I'm not a monster. They'll pay for making me feel-'

"Are you okay?" A feminine voice said ripping the blonde away from his thoughts.

"Huh?" He twirled around to see who was that, that spoke to him and to his surprise he found a girl that was just his age looking at him curiously.

"You don't have a family?" Naruto asked looking around to see if he could find the girl's parents.

"Yes I do...My guards are up on the roof tops looking after me. What's your name? I saw you alone and I-"

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto blurted out slapping his hand over his mouth. The young girl was going to call him out for being rude but she stopped when she saw his embarrassment. She giggled finding the action to be quite cute.

"Sorry. What were you going to say?" he asked.

The girl completely ignored the question putting her hand out. "My name is Hyuuga Hinata. It's a pleasure to meet you Naruto."

Naruto stared at her questioningly causing her to pull back awkwardly. "W-Well I have training that I must get too so I will see you around?" She asked, the last part acting as a question.

Naruto dumbly nodded. She nodded too, her beautiful eyes connected with his blue ones. Naruto noticed a faint connection between him and her when they made eye contact. But just as the moment arrived it was gone with Hinata already turning and running down the street.

Naruto confused expression slowly turned to a full blown smile. Something he hasn't done as long as he could remember really. So in those two years Naruto and Hinata have been meeting by chance in the streets of Konoah there talks being longer then the last time they would last meet until one day the two of them started planning when to meet each other doing the usual tag or hide and seek which wasn't fair to Naruto because of the Hyuuga's abilities and the girl was twice as fast as him. Nevertheless he saw it as fun but Hinata thought differently

Back at the academy

Naruto ran up to Iruka following him into the room revealing a small dojo. A long desk stood to the left of the room where there was leaf headbands neatly sitting on the table. Mizuki looked at the blonde expectantly as Iruka took his seat right beside him.

"Alright Naruto I want you to create three bunshins. Once you succeed in creating them you will be a full-fledged shinobi of Konoah and can choose one of these headbands"

Naruto nodded his head his face scrunched up in determination as he did the usual hand signs for the jutsu. Three clouds of smoke erupted behind him making a semi-circle. When the smoke disappeared there were three pale sickly Narutos sprawled out onto the floor.

It was deathly silent for a couple of moments as Naruto turned to the bunshins in confusion. "Wait let me try again!" Naruto yelled desperately dispersing the jutsu.

Iruka shook his head sadly completely feeling for the boy. "I'm sorry Naruto but you only have one chance in completing the jutsu. You failed this time. You can try again next year."

The Uzumaki walked out of the room completely depressed. When he entered the classroom everyone's eyes were on him. "As I expected out of a clan less loser" Sasuke said, the boy also being the last Uchiha didn't hint to him that he was clan less as well? Naruto didn't care to say anything about it though. He instead looked over to Hinata who had a sad yet disappointed look on her face. She deactivated her Byakugan and motioned for him to come over. Once he made his way over there she shook her head.

"You were too excited and used to much chakra Naruto. That's okay though we will train even harder to get you where you need to be. I promise!"

Naruto nodded completely ignoring her however, which she noticed. The Hyuuga sighed looking up at the front of the class as Iruka made it to the little stand where he had his lectures.

"Very good today you guys! Those of you who made it too Genin must know that it doesn't get any easier from here. There will be trials and tribulations one must face in this lifestyle of ours... There will be death and even betrayal...But I have no doubt that you guys will persevere and come out on top. I taught you guys everything I know. Now, if you passed the exam there will be a meeting tomorrow for you to meet your Jonin sensei. If you haven't passed I want you all to come on the first of next month to begin our class teachings again. You all have been wonderful! You're free to go." Everyone jumped out of there seat excited to tell their parents on what happened this day.

Everyone was outside on the play yard which was for the kids that were in first and second years of the academy. Naruto and Hinata were sitting under a tree with the latter trying to console the blonde. "It's alright Hinata! This isn't the worst thing that has happened to me. I'll get over it... why don't you go to your family and celebrate? Your father is coming now."

Hinata eyes widened in surprise feeling her father's presence growing closer. "No matter what he says I will be by your side Naruto!"

She turned to her father who showed no outward emotions to the girl. "Hinata. You make me and the clan proud in passing the genin exams. Not very surprising at all". The tall man did not smile. His face was stony and serious which made Naruto slightly flinch when he looked at him.

"Where is your headband boy?" Hiashi asked sternly.

"He has a name father. His name is Naruto!"

The older Hyuuga scowled at his daughter. "I know who he is! You have been by each other's side for the past six years after all. Why I condone such actions baffles even me. However your meetings with him are now over. He does not have the leaf head band as you do so I refuse to let him hold you back any longer. Come let's leave this failure and-"

"Hiashi-sama I will not let you talk bad about one of my students like that. Show some respect!" Mizuki said now entering in the conversation walking up to them with his hands in his pockets

"Respect? This boy can't even pass the genin exams why should I respect him. Come Hinata. Now!" He barked making the twelve year old girl jump. She turned to Naruto making eye contact with him. He slightly nodded fully understanding that they would meet again.

Once they were gone Mizuki- Iruka's assistant sighed deeply. "Things aren't over yet Naruto. You still have a chance to come out as a genin today"

The boys eyes widened in surprise jumping to his feet. "Really?! How?!" Naruto shouted.

"Keep it down!" Mizuki whispered covering the blonde's mouth.

"This test is secret and only the chunin and up knows about It." once Naruto nodded Mizuki removed his hand from the boy's mouth.

"There's a scroll in the Hokage tower it's called the scroll of seals. I want you to bring it to me before it reaches twelve a clock. The location will be outside of the village into the forest west of here. Once you head west I will find you."

Naruto nodded slowly. Something was very off about this situation. But he would do whatever it takes to be a ninja just like Hinata.

Three hours later Naruto was in the forest looking over the scroll. There was tons of jutsu in it but the first one that was on the list was the shadow clone technique. Naruto sighed as he read the description of the jutsu. This technique is forbidden due to the heavy chakra usage. Creating a clone will split the user's chakra. One hit will also disperse the clone unless you put more chakra into the technique. Once the clone is dispersed you will be able to receive the knowledge it obtains. Naruto paused reading the last part. If he could do this jutsu then he'd be able to gain all kinds of information without him even having to do it! Excited the blonde began to practice.

Thirty minutes later there was a slight huffing and puffing Naruto who was actually very proud of himself. A feeling of pride in learning a technique on his own. He's never felt this accomplished in his twelve years of living

"There you are! What are you doing with that scroll Naruto? You are in deep trouble!"

Naruto wasn't surprised in seeing Iruka. "Iruka sensei I thought if I bring the scroll to the forest here I would pass the genin exam! Mizuki should be here in any minute." just as he said that Iruka shoved Naruto to the side as kunai came hailing in from the trees puncturing Iruka in the shoulders and arms. Despite the fear gripping his heart the blonde was okay.

"You had to get in the way. It could've been so simple! Give me the scroll Naruto!" Mizuki yelled. He stood a couple meters from the two high up in the trees.

"Don't give him that scroll Naruto! Protect it with your life!" Iruka yelled whipping out his own kunai. He charged at Mizuki with a deadly grace gripping and holding his kunai preparing for a swipe. Iruka leaped high up into the air throwing his kunai at Mizuki.

Mizuki whipped out his shuriken that was massive. Spinning the weapon he easily knocked the kunai off the intended target letting it clang to the side of his feet. The chunin then jumped down after Iruka as a heavy explosion followed after- throwing bark off the tree everywhere. He landed a kick to Iruka's chest sending the man flying back besides Naruto. 'Fuck he knew I had an explosion tag.' Iruka thought

"Step aside Iruka. You're not the one I want. Once I get that scroll and kill the brat I will be on my merry way."

Iruka stood up wiping blood from his lip slightly from the kick. "I won't let you put your hands on him. He's a valuable asset to this village no matter how we view him."

Naruto slightly frowned hearing that. "Asset? Am I just a thing to them? What am I?" Naruto muttered.

"Hahaha you see Naruto. No one cares about you give me the scroll and I just might-" he trailed off as he watched Naruto scurry off deeper into the woods.

Mizuki sighed scratching the back of his head in annoyance. "The hard way it is then."

"I will not let you pass" Iruka said readying another kunai.

"To think I have to kill my own comrade" Mizuki said mockingly. He chuckled lowly charging for Iruka

Hinata sat right outside of her window looking up at the stars thinking about today's events. The celebration of her passing the genin exams were boring mainly because of all of the formality that her people practiced. She would never know why they held that in such a high place. That's why she liked Naruto his lack of manners was rather refreshing for her.

'should I go see what he's doing?' she thought about it carefully, weighing the pros and cons of leaving the compound this late and she eventually decided to go for it. With one leap she was out of her room landing in a tree that was across from her. Now if she was going to track him down she would need to find a trace of his lingering chakra. Which would be hard for an average Hyuuga to do seeing that there was millions of people in the village that had chakra. But Hinata was special. With her eyes she was able to remember and connect with the chakra she was seeing. Everybody's chakra signature was not the same after all. Everything was so detailed when she activated her bloodline. She had an expert level of understanding of how chakra worked within people and animals. She was a prodigy of the Hyuuga's main branch the only one to rival her was her big cousin Neij.

She finally made it to the play yard where they were before and easily picked up traces of Naruto's chakra. Not even moving to follow the trail she saw that it lead to Narutos apartments then it began to lead all the way to the center of the village. 'I can't see that far... there's no sign of him ever returning home so where did he go?' She made a move to follow the trail slightly concerned for her friend. It was getting late after all.

Naruto sat behind a tree that was covered around bushes. The young boy could barely keep his breathing steady. Being scared that he would be found out didn't really help him in this situation either. 'If only I had waited until next month I wouldn't be having this problem' his thoughts slowly drifted to what Iruka said to Mizuki earlier.

"An asset!" Naruto hissed lowly to himself mocking the idea of it. He was talentless so what made him believe he was an asset. 'Well I must get through this if I want to know what's going on. It's clear that Iruka sensei doesn't care about me but he sees me as something important. I must know what he's talking about and to do that we have to stop Mizuki!' with that final thought Naruto shot up from his hiding spot and began to head to where he heard an explosion. No doubt Iruka pulling one of his explosive tag tricks again.

Mizuki was able to Kawawri safely from the explosion again but that last move Iruka pulled off was to close for comfort. 'I'm getting nowhere with this and I'm also tired. Orochimaru-sama told me not to use it but right now that's all I got left if I want this to succeed'

Iruka was also frustrated. 'He knows me to well. I have to somehow catch him off guard.' but before he could even take a step forward he watched as Mizuki clapped his hands together. "Release!" He yelled as strange markings began to appear all over his face and body. Purple chakra exploding from him like a geyser. His muscle began to grow and tighten causing him to look like a heavy brute. His forehead had veins appearing due to all of the power he had in his possession.

"It's over Iruka!" he instantly disappeared causing Iruka to jump all the way back in surprise. Good thing that he did jump back because if he didn't he was sure that his face would have caved in on itself due to the blur of a massive fist flying past him.

'Where is the Anbu? This is way out of my league n-'

"Gak" Iruka spat out a massive load of blood when a fist collide into his stomach. He didn't even have time to register what was going on before he was grabbed by the neck and was lifted several inches from the ground; his fading vision did its best to make eye contact with the hulking Mizuki. But before it went any further it was over.

"Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto shouted creating over a hundred of clones. Just when Mizuki was going to snap his neck all of the blondes with their orange jumpsuit began to charge

"Hmph!" Mizuki dropped Iruka to the ground carelessly and then disappeared again from his position. You could hear a poofing noise all around the battlefield signifying that Naruto was losing his clones slowly but surely.

"This is fun! Who knew I had this kind of power at my disposal!" Mizuki yelled

Naruto did his best to out maneuver Mizuki but the brute was just too fast. It was only him and Mizuki now! And the overpowered chunin didn't give him a chance to even think. Naruto was looking death right in the face a fist came in hot and heavy. If he was to get hit by that then he was done for. But something about the whole scene began to change for the blonde. Everything around him was completely clear. It was as if his vision was enhanced. He could easily make out Mizuki. The blonde boy rolled to the left, the huge burly man zooming right passed him. He missed him by a hair.

"How did you?" The man stood there gawking at the boy as he peered into his eyes.

"What are those eyes? That's not the Sharingan or Byakugan!" Mizuki hollered in a slight panic. Slowly shaking the surprise off he decided to dash towards the blonde again zig zagging constantly so the blonde could lose track of him. The Idea seemed to work. The blonde was un-moving his face expression was calm yet curious 'What am I seeing?' He clumsily spun again to avoid Mizuki's charge but it didn't work this time. The chunin gave the boy a devastating close-line making him roll back and slam into a tree. His vision was blurry and his eyes were watering.

Mizuki began to slowly walk to the downed boy. "I don't know how you got that or why...but it doesn't matter now. Do you know why everybody hates you?" Mizuki asked rhetorically picking the blonde up by his shirt and brought him up face to face.

Naruto didn't speak. He just glared at the man with a cold glare his eyes seemed to ripple with unadulterated hatred. "12 years ago a huge demon named the nine tailed fox attempted to destroy our village. In the history books they say the demon was slayed by the fourth Hokage. But that's not true. Any seasoned shinobi should know a human couldn't kill a demon. So the fourth Hokage did the next best thing. He sealed it away into a baby that was conveniently born that night." Mizuki trailed off watching humorously as the boy slowly caught on. Once the information fully set in the boys once sad eyes grew Icey cold.

"That's why you will die tonight demon! Because you are scum and I must do what everyone else is afraid to do." The Chunin grabbed Naruto by the throat and began to slowly choke the life out of him. Naruto clawed at the man's arms but it was futile he began to get weaker and weaker- lungs desperately crying for oxygen.

When his vision began to fade the grip around his throat was suddenly removed. He fell onto his hands and knees taking up as much air as he could. Unfocused, the blonde could still hear the faint sound of gurgling and feet shuffling in front of him. Seconds later he heard something piercing to what seemed to be a heavy thud happened right in front of him. Narutos vision began to clear back up his new found vision was now back in full. And what he saw next changed his views of Hinata instantly. Mizuki was face first in the ground as blood began too leak from two neck wounds. a slit throat and there was a kunai lodged in the side of his neck as blood spurted out every so often covering Hinata's hands- who still held the kunai firmly.

The look of innocence was gone. What replaced it was a very heated glare. Her face scrunched up in anger as she sat there on top of the chunin looking at the body for a second with no remorse. She then turned her attention to Naruto who looked at her with wide eyes. Giving her also a shock of her life.

"Naruto. What happened to your eyes?"

What do you guys think? I actually took my time with this story unlike the other one i was writing. Well anyway Im loving what im doing with the story i cant wait to show you the next chapter... You have to wait next week though! see you guys later