8.) No Promises

Yea so Sabo is not okay.. I think this has been noticed before now but..

Anyways I know some of you wanted the explosion to be Luffy and Ace appearing in the Avengers world, but this story isn't going to be one of those… I have a lot planned out and sadly we aren't going to see Sabo's real raven haired brothers for several more chapters. After I get through the first Avengers movie, everything will start coming into place.

Also sorry for the long time between updates. I've had a lot going on and very little time to update. Anyways Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Sabo wasn't suicidal.

But as he burst through the door leading to where the explosion had been, he stood on the edge of the broken aircraft, and looked down.

He wasn't aware of any pain his body might have been in. He could still feel the adrenaline bursting through his veins from the possibility of the aircraft under his feet, plummeting several thousand miles.

On the way there he had gathered from the distant sounds of gunshots, and yelling, that it wasn't just a ship malfunction. They had been attacked. He had covered Tony as they ran through the halls. Once Tony got to where his suit had been placed, the brunette had told Sabo to go ahead and locate the damage from the blast.

Sabo had grunted, before running down the hall. He didn't care at the moment on how Tony would be able to find the damage himself. If the engineer tried to explain how, Sabo probably wouldn't understand much anyway. He hadn't fully caught up in that area yet.

Looking down over the ledge he was suddenly hyper aware of the placement of his own body. His foot was a couple inches from the edge, his hand still grasped onto the railing next to the door. He had grabbed it to stop him momentum when he realized there wasn't a floor anymore, and there was a strand of his blonde hair in his eye.

The world seemed to slow down around him as he gazed at the endless fall inches away from him. The only thing ringing in his ears was his slow pants and the hesitant heartbeat in his chest.

It was a long fall. They were so high that a heavy mist blocked the view of the bottom, but he had an instinctual feeling that it went so much farther than that.

Strangely he wasn't afraid.

Maybe it had something to do with Gramps throwing him and his brothers off cliffs before. Or how he, Ace, and Luffy used to taunt the depths, daring them to try and claim their souls, by doing dare-devilish acts across it's mouth.

But ... as he watched the sluggish mist move, that's not the first thought that came to mind...

It was his brother's faces that did.

And the crushing weight of never seeing them again.

He snapped back into reality when he heard Tony's voice in the comm in his ear spark to life.

"Careful Capsicle, don't want to fall off."

Sabo snorted, taking a precautionary step back as he raised a hand to his ear. "Whatever Iron Head, what do we do to keep this thing from plummeting?"

He saw the helmet of the red flight armor turn in his direction for a moment before turning back to apparently the wall of the helicarrier. Sabo raised an eyebrow as the helmet swiveled like it was looking through the wall at the damage.

He shook his head mentally at trying to figure it out and sighed, listening to the muttered gibberish Tony was spouting under his breath, waiting for the brunette to address him.

Despite his wishes, he was completely lost in this area.

The gauntlets of the armor suddenly started to tug at the broken wall, before pausing. Tony turned to him in the armor and pointed across towards somewhere above Sabo. "I need you to get to the engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position."

Sabo let his hand fall from his ear as he nodded, quirking an eyebrow as he turned towards the area Tony pointed to. He looked up as he heard the armor's boot thrusters increase in intensity. He quickly calculated how far he needed to jump to make it and took two steps back before launching himself at the bar.

His hands grabbed the debris and Sabo continued moving by using his body weight to flip himself over the bar and onto the floor Tony had pointed to.

Sabo quickly scanned the walls and found some part resembling a panel, grabbing it and tugging it out of the wall.

He stared for a moment.

"What's it look like?" He snapped out of his staring when Tony's voice rang in his ear.

He growled before answering. "Veins of electricity."

He heard a snort. "Well that's not exactly wrong."

Sabo shook his head, a slight hint of a smirk reaching his face, before tracing the golden electricity lines with his fingers to find the relays Tony need info on.

It took a moment, and he heard a loud groan of metal somewhere behind him, but Sabo responded with an all clear on the relays as he slid them back into the wall, pushing himself up. "What's next Metal Man?"

He heard Tony snort shortly before a pause, and then his voice came back over the comms, speaking with a tone that Sabo recognized but couldn't exactly place. "Even if I get the debris out this thing isn't gonna start without something to jump it."

He stepped back onto the platform leading the missing area of floor and paused, his hand reaching out to grip a stable looking piece of wall. He pressed his lips together and felt his hand subconsciously tighten on the wall. "And that jump will have to be?"

It was silent for a moment and Sabo could feel his body pulse to the rhythm of his own heart. This felt too familiar. He was starting to see a different scene in front of him instead of the wide open sky and broken, twisted, shapes of metal.



"-I'll have to push it." He snapped back to reality at Tony's voice, having missed the first part of his words, but catching the most vital.

He growled. "You'll be shredded."

Tony's voice came back on quickly. "The starter control unit can reverse the polarity long enough for me to disengage maglev and that should-"

Sabo cut him off, punching the bridge of his nose. "I haven't caught that far up yet in technology! How about saying it in an easier version, so you don't get killed."

It went silent for a second and Sabo heard a sound of exasperation before Tony's voice came back on, sounding rightfully exasperated. "See that red lever?" Sabo looked around till he spotted the said lever.

He backed up some, listening to Tony's voice as he vaulted himself across the open floor space. "It sound slow the blades down long enough for me to get out."

Sabo released a lungful of air as he stood. "Stand by the lever and wait for my word"

He grunted into the comms as an affirmative, and swallowed hard.

Tony better hurry. From what Sabo could hear echoing through the walls, a lot of people where on their way to them. And from the rattling of drawn guns, and heavy footfalls in sync with one another, they didn't sound like friendlies.