Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Rick Riordan is a genius when it comes to adapting mythology and I wish I could have written what he has.

Thank you everyone who reviewed that they were happy I updated, or that they liked my stories I always appreciate reviews. Thank you also anyone who favorited or followed my story.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Sorry for the wait.

Arianna Le Fay it should be a good reaction, I will be trying to have some chapters from Apollo's pov so he doesn't come out of nowhere. So the Olympus reaction will be from him.

Death Fury Thanks

Lalyh17 glad you like their dynamic, thanks

ro781727 Artemis swore her in at the same time as the oath, slightly before Poseidon and Zeus were finished. So Aellai's oath preceded the oath to the styx and after what almost happened to her Artemis helped back her up against Zues to keep her to her maiden's oath.

KanaRadiance Glad you like the story, I read a fem percy Apollo story and it gave me the idea, especially when there didn't seem to be a ton of them. Campers and gods are going to be super surprised with Amphitrite's relationship with Daphne, Hera is going to have an interesting reaction.

Anime Princess yup 16 poor Daphne she has to save the world and get married all on the same day

Imafantotally Aellai was allowed to stay a hunter of Artemis. Zeus was sympathetic with what happened to her and Artemis and other virgin goddesses backed her up. Unfortunately Aellai died during world war two. Loosing his first demigod daughter in the conflict gave Zeus, one more reason to why he tried to kill Nico and Bianca.

Sato I have updated, this year I had a lot going on and different writing projects I was working on that weren't for fanfiction. Sorry to all.

Golden Tides

I Contemplate Going Vegan

So time for an embarrassing confession. I didn't immediately tell my mom about what happened at school, or give her Grover's card when I next saw her. Now I know people are thinking that I must be an idiot for not doing this. It was made pretty clear since the fury attack that I was in danger, and that telling my mom would help her get me out of danger. But I kept trying to find a good way to open the conversation and I kept being distracted by other things each time I got close to the topic. I like to blame bad timing and my ADHD. I figured I tell you this so that you realize that everything crazy that happens after I catch a cab to my apartment is in part my fault for being stupid.

So something about my mom before you meet her. I have mentioned my mom before, but if you didn't catch the subtext of my earlier mentions let me say it plainly. My Mom is awesome. She is the best, kindest and most loving person I have ever known. Which lends to the theory that some of the best people can have the worst lives.

It all started when my mom was little. Her parents and Grandpa were killed in a plane crash when she was eight. She was sent to her uncle who could care less about her. Then when she was seventeen and only a year from graduating high school and getting away from the jerk, he gets sick. My mom the wonderful loving person she is, leaves school to take care of her uncle and then once he dies has no money because all her uncle's assets go into paying his medical bills.

My mom says the best thing that ever happened to her was meeting my Dad and Mother and having me. At the time she had just taken her GED and was working trying to get enough money to pay for some community college courses when she met them. Then a couple months into the relationship she got pregnant, and had to cut down on trying to save money for college as she had to prepare for a baby.

Once I got old enough to go to preschool things got a little easier for her. Instead of just raising me and living off the child support my dad gave us, and working part time at the candy store, she was able to go back to working full time. This eventually included a promotion to head candy seller at the shop. With the extra money she made she was able to take some night courses and two years ago she got a duel degree in Classical Studies and English. Ever since she graduated she has been writing her first novel whenever she has time. It's about a young girl in ancient Athens, dealing with her life and her eventual marriage to a high ranked general during the Peloponnesian war. From what she let me read so far it's really good and the chemistry that my mom is writing between her main character and her husband is super engaging.

However even if her life was turning around it still wasn't what it should be, and I knew it was my fault. Every time I had to change schools because someone dangerous found me, or anytime Rachel and I came racing into the apartment because some crazy monster had recognized us, worried her so much. I always seemed to be in danger and any time something new happened I could almost see my mom age as another worry was put on her shoulders. It was so much worse for her than my Dad since she was with me all the time and we only saw Dad twice a year. Honest this was probably another reason that I didn't immediately tell my mom what happened at school. I just wanted to see her worry free for a little while.

When I got home, I found that My Mom wasn't there, but a quick look at the time showed that she wouldn't be off from work for another half hour. I headed to my room and unpacked. I wasn't the neatest person around. I fact my mom often joked that I let a hurricane loose in my room it could get so dirty, but whenever I got home I did try to put things in some semblance of order. I finished my suit case and opened my backpack to unpack, when I saw the brown bag from the fruit stand sitting in the largest pocket.

I grabbed the bag and just stared at it. As soon as I got back on the bus I had stuffed bag of mangos in my backpack in hope of forgetting the encounter with the three old ladies. You know out of site out of mind. However the brown bag was back in my sight and very much back in my mind. My hand reached for my jeans pocket where I put Grover's card and I had a sudden urge to check to make sure all the doors and windows where locked. I worked my way into a full blown panic ready to jump from the shadows if Mrs. Dodds suddenly appeared in them.

"Daphne, are you home?" I must have jumped a foot in the air when the question came from the other room. I rushed out of my room and hugged my mom. Instantly I felt lighter and happier. Nothing could be as bad as I imagined when I was with in my mom's warm embrace.

"Oh, honey it's good to have to you home." She said letting me go.

'It's good to be home. I missed you Mom." I said as I looked at her. Unfortunately my mom did not look good, she seemed a bit thinner since the last time I saw her and she had bags under her eyes like she hadn't been sleeping.

"Is everything alright Mom." I asked

"Don't worry, there's just something going on at work. However I have a surprise for you." She said. "Your Dad is going to be busy later this summer so instead of waiting until August to go to Montauk, we are actually going tonight. And since your Dad wants to make up for missing your birthday this year we get a couple weeks there instead of just one. Isn't that great?"

Her tone seemed a bit off when she asked the last question, and her smile when she talked about the longer vacation didn't quite meet her eyes. Something was wrong. We had never gone to Montauk this early in the year. Dad was never free until after June and it was pretty much tradition that we would celebrate my birthday at Montauk. Still my mom was under enough stress that I wasn't going to point this out.

"Cool, are Dad and Mother Amy going to meet us there tonight or tomorrow?" I ask knowing that sometime we spent a night in the cabin alone until my dad got there.

"Actually it's going to take your Dad a while to make it to the beach. This summer's not going great for him, but your brother should arrive tomorrow to spend a couple days with us until Amy and your Dad can show up, after that we have some things to discuss." she said. I wanted to ask what was going on because this was not normal, I also wanted to show mom the card Grover gave me to maybe push her to explain things to me. I didn't do either, she was stressed enough and her eyes were begging me to go along with what was happening no questions asked.

"I'll go get packed then. It shouldn't take too long." I said instead, and an hour later mom was loading our suitcases into her car.

The drive to long island was tense. I was still trying to decide if it was a good idea to stress my mom out more than she already was, and my mom seemed to be terrified of something. The whole ride her hands were clenched so hard on the steering wheel they were white, and she kept checking the rearview mirror like she was sure someone was following us. I started to pick up the paranoia and was soon looking out my window and trying to see the cars behind us, the card forgotten in my new state. Finally after what felt like forever we made it to our cabins.

Now some people might think that with a crime lord father who can afford to send me to a fancy boarding school that when I say cabins, I mean like a summer house, but they would be wrong. When I say cabins I mean cabins. The two cabins dad reserves, one bedroom and bathroom each, with a small kitchen that opens to a couch area, just big enough for a couch a chair and a tv with basic cable. The cabins were always dusty and had to be cleans as soon as we got in to get rid of it as well as the spiders that made their homes in the cabinets. I loved the place.

The whole reason we went to Montauk was to spend time on the beach and be with my Dad and Mother. The cabin was just a place to sleep most nights. Playing in the ocean with my dad, sunning myself on the beach with my moms, and even convincing my brother Triton to help me build sand castles whenever he showed up, that was what coming to the beach was about. It was always the best part of my summer. I don't know if it was because my family was always with me at the beach, or what but I always felt at home by the ocean. When I grew up while I had no idea what I would be doing, I knew that I was going to live near a beach.

Once mom and I finished cleaning out the cabin we settled, around a fire on the beach, and roasted hot dogs. As we waited for them to heat up, we snacked on blue tortilla chips, and blueberry and blue raspberry candy. I guess I should explain all the blue. Well in the brief period of time, that I had a stepfather, smelly Gabe and my mom got into an argument. I can't remember what started it, but it oddly ended with Gabe shouting at my mom that some things were impossible, like blue food. After that my mom made a point to cook blue. We had blueberry pancakes and blue chocolate chip cookies, and cake. My dad thought it was great fun and always had other ideas for foods that could be made blue. Once Gabe was gone, we kept eating blue food. I think it was mom's way as showing that something good came out of the bad situation. It proved that she was strong in the face of hardship, just like I hope to be.

All the food was eaten and mom and I relaxed on the sand, by the fire. Ever since we got to the beach, mom had seemed to relax. Even now I could see the tenseness leave her shoulders as she looked out at the waves. I wanted her to feel better so I asked about I topic she always liked to talk about.

"This is where you, dad and Mother Amy met right?" I asked. My mom gave me a look like she knew what I was doing, before retelling the story I had heard a hundred times.

"Your father and Mother, were party hopping on labor day weekend. I later learned that they were looking to spice things up in their marriage, but the first night I met them they just seemed like a nice couple. We hit it off, and talked for the whole party before meeting up the next morning. They quickly became my friends and later we became even more. It was a wonderful time for the three of us." My mom said her eyes lighting up. I blame my teenage hormones, and suppressed rage from the bullying that happened near the end of the year for what I said next.

"It was great till I came along by mistake and they left." My inner bitch took control of my mouth for a second and I felt horrible in the next. The light that I wanted to bring to my mom's eyes went dim and she looked down briefly.

"Don't ever think that you were a mistake, yes I have been honest with you and you know that it was an accident when you were conceived. Your Mother and Father weren't looking for other children and already had your brother. But from the second we realized I was pregnant you were loved as much or more than any child. Why the first time your father held you he had such a look of love and awe on his face that I was worried he would never give you back. As for them leaving. Your father has enemies, and we all thought it would be better, if you and I lived a more low key life to keep you safe." she said.

"Yeah because we were super low key with all the watchers, around the house and me having to change schools so often because of threats. Mom I'm thirteen this summer, I want to know what secret the three of you are keeping from me. I'm a big girl now I can handle it. In fact Rachel and I have some theories that really seem to fit." I tell her.

"I don't know, Daphne. Knowing puts you in more danger. We just want to keep you safe and if you know you might have to spend more time away from me. You already go to boarding school, and if you know then your father would want you to go somewhere else over the summer too. I see so little of you already and I want to hold on to the time we spend together." Mom said.

"It's not like I am going to disappear anytime soon mom. Plus it's not like you can be forced to give me up, or send me to wherever Dad wants me to go. Look Rachel and I have a guess. Can't you just confirm it? It's not like you'll be telling me anything just confirming what I already know." I plead. A little worried that she seems to think that my dad would force me away from her.

"Oh honey, your safety matters more than who has custody, and this place would keep you safe. But that doesn't matter right now. It's late I'll discuss thing with your Mother and Father when they get here in a few weeeks and then we'll see what guesses you have. It's just not the right time right now, too much is going on, and your father is having trouble. He needs to be here for any big conversations and that won't be for a while. let's just go to bed for now." She said and put the fire out ushering me to our cabin.

I was on the beach, but a storm was raging all around me. But for some reason not above me, instead the sunlight glared down on me so hard I could feel my skin being burned. Suddenly I heard a screech through the storm winds. I ran to see a pure white stallion fighting with a huge golden eagle. The Eagle swooped toward the stallion while the stallion reared trying to get the bird with hooves or teeth. I ran towards them, positive that I had to stop the fighting before it was too late, but I felt like I was running in slow motion. I watched as the eagle's claws reached for the horse's eye and screamed. I jerked awake, and for a second I thought I was still in the dream. The pounding of the water on the shore followed me to reality. It sounded like a hurricane decided to strike Long Island.

Almost disguised by the sound of the ocean was a pounding on the cabin door. My mom, also awake moved cautiously to the door. As she passed I thought I caught a glimpse of something coppery in her hand. She quietly turned the deadbolt, and then threw open the door and thrust forward with what was in her hand. There was a terrified bleat and then a thump like something had fallen over. I ran over to see what was going on and saw Grover, sitting on the ground, in the rain breathing franticly with a hand over his heart.

"Di Immortales, do you know how worried I was when you didn't show up." Grover shouted as I stared at him. "You gave your mom the card right, I was informed that she was in the know. You have something on your tale even now." My mom wiped around to stare at me.

"What card Daphne. Did something happen at school that I don't know about?" My mom asked.

"If you didn't know that your daughter was attacked by a kindly one, then yes." Grover said as I still stared at him. My mom didn't even say anything else. Instead she grabbed the car keys from the counter, grabbed my duffle bag from next to the couch, grabbed my arm and ran to the car through the storm pulling me along.

It took me a minute after we started speeding down the road to come out of my shock. The first thing I did was shout at Grover.

"You're a fuan?" it came out more like a question than the accusation I ment it to, but considering I still couldn't take my eyes off the furry goat legs that were attached to the creepy T.A. I figured it was okay.

"Baaaa, I'm a satyr get your pantheon's right. People kill for being compared to the romans." The furry person next to me said.

"You're a satyr." I said faintly.

"Honey I need you to freak out later. Okay? I can't focus on you having a panic attack and getting us to safety at the same time, so push this to the back of your mind and focus. Grover do you know what's after us?" she asked the satyr sitting next to me.

"I'm not sure I left camp when it seemed like you weren't going to show up. I caught a sniff of something tracking you, the same time I was but I couldn't get a good scent. The underworld has a lot of monsters and they seem to be after Daphne." Grover the Satyr explained.

"Mom is this part of the danger that you were talking about earlier? Where are we going and what's Grover mean by monsters?" I asked trying to bring myself out of shock.

"Oh, honey I thought we would have more time. We wanted you to have a normal life, while preparing you as much as possible. We were going to tell you at the end of the summer, give you the whole school year to get used to things. But it's too late now we have to get to the safe place your dad wanted you to go." My mom quickly explained trying to see through the pouring rain as she drove.

"Wait are you talking about the place you didn't want to take me, because you were worried we would never see each other anymore?"

"Yes, Daphne, that place. Now be quiet I think we're almost there, but's it's hard to see through the rain. When we get there run to the tree. Once you're past it you're safe."

I was about to ask safe from what, when there was a loud boom, the world turned white, and the car flipped tumbling along the side of the road. I groaned trying to get my head to stop ringing after it bounced off the seats around me. Thankfully, I had my seat belt on even if I didn't like handing upside down in a wrecked car it was better than a broken neck. My vision cleared and I saw a giant burnt whole in the roof of the car. We had been struck by lightning.

"Daphne, Daphne are you okay can you hear me honey?" I heard my mom yell franticly from the front of the car.

"I'm alright." I said and then looked over at Grover next to me. The satyr seemed to be unconscious, but then he moaned out "Food". I shrugged, if he was well enough to sleep talk he would be fine. I heard a click sound and saw my mom fall out of her seat and crawl toward me. I quickly grabbed the seat in front of me and when my mom unclipped my seat belt I was able to easily swing down to the ground. Then we worked together to get Grover out of his seat. And then we all got out of the car.

"Thank the Gods" my mom said as soon as we were out. I thought she ment that we weren't hurt, but then I realized that she was looking at to the top of the hill our car landed next to and the big pine tree sitting on top of it. Of course her relief was short lived. We just started up the hill when a bellow caused us to look across the street.

My time with Rachel must have been rubbing off on me because I saw the creature across the road clearly. I wish I couldn't though, because the thing was a monster I never wanted to see. He was huge, at least seven feet, with giant bulging arms, and claw tipped hands. His head was the worst, a bull's head but with eyes facing forward like a predator and huge horns that looked like they could stab though anything with the slightest pressure.

"That's.." I tried to say, but my mouth went dry instantly.

"Pasiphae's son." My mom finished. "We have to hurry, he relies on smell, but he'll be able to pick up you near instantly Daphne. If he charges you wait till he gets close and then jump to the side. It the best way to avoid him. the most important thing is that we get you over the border. If he gets too close I'll try to distract him with this." Mom held up the copper thing she had in her hand earlier. It was a small leaf shaped knife. The thing looked like it wouldn't even scratch the monster that was after us.

"You're going to stab that thing with a copper knife?" I asked horrified.

"Bronze." She corrected, "It was my great-grandfather's."

We were only half way up the hill when the monster bellowed again and charged after us. Mom pushed Grover at me and then stood in front of us facing the monster.

"Mom come on we need to go." I yelled.

"We won't be able to out run him, he's too fast. I'll distract him you keep going."

"Mom please" I called desperately as I pulled Grover with me. My mom stayed in the same place.

"Go honey, I'll be oaky."

I kept going up the hill keeping an eye on my mom. She stood still between the monster and me, but it was almost like the monster didn't care that she was there. This was proven when he adjusted his course slightly and went right past her and charged at me. I dropped Grover and then as soon as the monster got closer I jumped to the side and he thundered past me.

"Daphne." My mom shouted terrified and I saw the minotaur stop and turn around to charge me again. Then mom was calling out, almost like she was praying. "Please let me have some power of your legacy, please let it be enough to save my daughter."

Suddenly mom seemed different. She was still my mom, but now she seemed to pull and hold my gaze. I felt compelled to look at her and so did the minotaur. He was struggling, his gaze going from me to my mom and back again. Then he gave into whatever Mom had done and charged her. She tried to do what I did and leap out of the way, but the monster, was too quick and grabbed her as she made her jump. Her knife was flung out of her hand and the minotaur lifted her by her throat. I saw her mouth the word go, before the monster squeezed and my mom disappeared in a cloud of golden dust.

I stared at the place my mom used to be and couldn't believe it. She was gone but she couldn't be gone. My mom was the best person in the world. She had been there my whole life, laughing with me, loving me protecting me. She held me when I cried and when I was upset about changing schools again. She baked blue birthday cakes, and let me read the drafts to her romance novel. She wasn't supposed to be gone. Suddenly I was mad. No not just mad, I was pissed off and ready for revenge.

"Hey Fuckface!" I yelled at the minotaur, turning his attention to me once more. I lined myself up with the pine tree that I finally reached, I had fallen branch clenched in my hand and waited. The monster charged me again, but I used the tree as a spring board and flipped over his head causing him to crash into the hard trunk. Then like with Gabe all those years ago, I decided to bring the minotaur down to my level. From behind the bullman I brought my branch up hard. Unfortunately for the minotaur the only protection he had was a pair of white fruit of the looms, and his pained bellow rang through the storm. Unfortunately for me the minotaur's arm flew black after I hit him and smashed into my head.

I was thrown back and landed hard on my back. I tried to get my breath back and make my head stop spinning. I saw a bit of color in the corner of my eye, and turned my head. My mother's knife was next to me. I grabbed it and stood, swaying as my vision doubled. The minotaur recovered quicker than I hoped and was already charging toward me. My was head spinning. I knew I wouldn't be able to jump out of the way again.

The minotaur caught me by the waist and looked like he was going to thrust his horns through my chest. I couldn't breathe. His grip was tight and bruising, but I still had my mother's knife. Faster that I thought possible my hand with the knife flashed out and before the monster could gore me, the bronze blade slit his throat. I landed on my back again as the minotaur's hands reached up to hold his throat. Then just like the fury, he crumbled into dust.

I crawled my way back to Grover. I stuck the knife into the waist band of my pants, probably not he safest, and grabbed the goat boy. Then I pulled us the last couple of feet past the pine tree. I made it only a few more feet, before the sound of a galloping horse reached my ears. I snatched the knife from my pants, and swung it at the noise. A hand grabbed my arm, and pulled the knife from my grasp.

"Easy child, it's okay now you made it." A familiar voice said before a face filled my darkening vision.

"Mr. Brunner?" I asked puzzled, and then passed out.

A.N. Again Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. I hope everyone enjoys the new charpter. I will hopefully have my other two stories updated by either new years day.

Also I got to see the percy Jackson musical. It was a cool play and I was glad to see it, just to warn others though if you like the quest part of the books, then be prepared for a bit of disappointment, one of my favorite parts of the books is all the stuff that happens of the quest and in the musical it gets reduced to one song. On the other hand it's much more faithful to the book than the movie was, and the songs were good. I really liked the opening song and Stronger, which sally Jackson sings with Percy.