Disclaimer - Okay let's get this over with... I own nothing of these wonderful franchises. JKR and Hasbro owns Harry Potter and Transformers respectively. I'm just playing in their sandbox.

Summary: Harry Potter, plagued by nightmares of Sirius's death, decides to leave England behind in the middle of the night in hope of escaping said nightmares. He travels to America, specifically, Santa Barbara, California in hopes of finding a new life away from civil war, but his Potter Luck kicks in, and is somehow dragged into another civil war that has been going on for Eons. H/KB/OC Two Autobot Guardian!OC GreaterGood!Dumbles, Ron/Ginny/Molly bashing.

+ Autobots Talking to each other + , "+ Autobots Talking to Humans +" + Autobot Thinking +

= Decepticons Talking to each other = , "= Decepticons Talking to Humans =" , = Decepticon Thinking =

"Humans talking."

~Parseltongue speaking~

"Silent Incantations!"

Human Thinking

'Telepathic Talking.'

And now, the story. Enjoy!

Prologue: Escaping Continuous Nightmares

Date: Thursday, July 11th, 1996

Location: London, Little Whinging, Surrey, #4 Privet Drive (Smallest Bedroom)

Time: 1:45 am (and counting)

He was back in the Department of Mysteries, inside the chamber where the Veil was. He was standing alongside his godfather, Sirius Black, fighting beside him and the veil against two of Voldemort's Inner Circle Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix LeStrange. He swiped a sickly yellow spell away from the both of them, a trick they learned within the D.A., thanks to Hermione, and redirected it back at the Death Eater that sent the spell.

"Nice one James!" Sirius called to him, while casting several Reducto's at once at his insane cousin, Bellatrix. He heard a cry of a spell, and an angry familiar red streak came flying at them, only to hit his godfather. He heard him scream in pain for a few seconds then nothing. Harry looked to his right just to see his godfather disappear within the Veil, face filled with nothing but pain and sorrow.


Green eyes shot open in the dark of night in the smallest bedroom of Number Four, Privet Drive as the cry of the name ended upon his lips. Sweat covered his face and upper torso, his breathing hard. It had been three weeks since that horrible night, and every night since then, he'd had the same nightmare of that exact same point during the entire fight. It was like his dreamscape was caught in a forever time loop or something. As if no matter what he tries to do differently, it always ends up the exact same way.

Because of this recurring nightmare, he'd only been able to get a few hours of sleep at night, if even that. I need to get out. He thought. I need to escape. Maybe if I get far enough away, then these nightmares would stop. Decision made, he got out of bed and started to do something he never thought he'd do in his life. Organize his School Trunk. At least Hermione remembered to put feather light and shrinking runes on my trunk. He thought. Doing that made carrying his trunk so much more easier. And he'd wondered why he never took Ancient Runes in the first place. Oh wait... Ron. Didn't want to make him jealous. But that's not really a good excuse of not taking Runes and Arithmancy. He'd still taken Care of Magical Creatures for sure, but taking Divination? Tell me why did I ever take that forsaken class? He asked himself. Anyway...

He pulled his trunk out of his beaten up wardrobe as quietly as he can and sat on the edge of the crappy bed after opening the lid. The first thing he took note of was how unorganized his trunk was. He knew it was bad, but he didn't know that it was this bad. Books thrown every which way, Hogwarts Robes tangled with parchment, ink bottles, and quills, used and unused. It's a wonder he somehow kept his uniform clean at all during the Train Ride.

"First thing's first Potter. Let's take a shower." he said to himself.

Quietly, he stepped out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom that his relatives unwillingly had to share with him. He turned on a couple of the lights in the bathroom and went about his business. It took only ten minutes or so since he wasn't in a rush at this time. Usually it would have been a three minute shower and two minutes for everything else. After his bathroom rush, he went back to his room wrapped in a towel, not caring about water dripping on the carpeted flooring in his relatives house. If he had his way, he'd be out in an hour, maybe even less.

After getting dressed in his slightly decent Cousin's Hand-Me-Downs, a worn out oversized black t-shirt, oversized black jeans, no socks (he preferred it that way as they are holey, and uncomfortable), and old, worn out sneakers. He then decided on which books to take with him. It was then that he was very surprised that he still had all of his Second Year Fraud's Books. Immediately he grabbed those books and put them in a Trash Pile. Along with all the broken quills, empty and broken ink wells, and used parchment.

He stopped for a moment as he held a blank piece of parchment in his left hand. Maybe I should write her a letter first before disappearing... he thought. With that thought in mind, he grabbed an inkwell and a decent looking quill and went over to his in-need of repair desk, sat down at his worn out chair, and set off to write a letter to his secret girlfriend going on of at least three years or so.


Dearest Kat,

Hi love, just wanted to check in, and see how you are doing and all. Also, I want to let you know that I'll be leaving England for America I think. America? Where did that destination thought come from?

Anyways, I'll be stopping by Gringotts first though, 'cause if I'm gonna be traveling world-wide I'm gonna need a muggle ID, Passports and Visa Cards and stuff of the like, as I currently have none. Then, I'm gonna lock down my Vault so that no one else but me and possibly you (if you like and if I can manage that) can get into it.

Personally, I think getting away from England and from these Dark Times will be good for me. I've been cooped up at Dursley Prison since the beginning of Summer, and I keep having nightmares of Sirius's death since the Battle at the D.O.M. I know you keep saying it wasn't my fault, which are the words I actually need to hear from you right now, and those other three words as well. You know which ones. Fine. I'll say it. Or write it in this case... I love you Katie Bell. And I have been for quite a while, I think it took that night at the Battle to actually realize that, and I just never had the chance to proclaim that to you.

Also, when you get this, can you watch over Hedwig for me? I'll send you a muggle post card and a plane ticket from wherever I end up to your address and you can meet me then if you like. I hope you will, because I love you. Man I love saying those words. I love you, I love you, I love you.

Okay, I know I'm sounding a little corny... well, a lot really. So I'll keep in touch when I can.

Your Love,

Harry J. Potter

P.S. I Love You!


After rereading his letter, and blushing a little at the end, he tied the letter to Hedwig's left leg after drying the ink and rolling it up nice and tight.

"Alright Girl, go to Katie and stay with her please? If she want's to reply, I'm sure she can use her own Owl, Sable, to send me a message before I leave England alright?"

His owl gave a soft bark of acknowledgement and took off just as Harry opened his bedroom windows. He left the quill and inkwell on his desk and went back to resorting his Trunk and repacking his trunk. After keeping the rest of his hand-me-down clothes out of the trunk, he decided the first thing he should do after going to Gringotts, was get a new set of clothes. He kept his First through Fifth Year Defense Books, (He got an actual copy of the Fifth Year Defense book from Katie instead of using the garbage that the Pink Toad was forcing them to study with), and he also kept his Ancient Runes and Arithmancy Textbooks that he'd been studying in secret. He left behind though, his Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures books, feeling as if he didn't really need them.

Then he looked in his small wardrobe and took out his set of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit books by JRR Tolkien, and Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind as well, for travel reading. He heard somewhere from the muggleborns at Hogwarts (As they were Muggleborns because they were talking about this), that there was another Goodkind book that came out at the beginning of his previous year at Hogwarts. He made a mental note to go get a copy, as he really enjoyed the Richard and Kahlan story, and how Richard fooled Darken Rahl at the end(1). Then he grabbed his photo album of his parents and their friends.

After repacking his trunk neatly, he tapped the feather-light and shrinking runes on his trunk with his wand and then put the now matchbox-sized-trunk in the pocket of his jeans. Then he went to the loose floorboard under his bed, opened it up, and grabbed his Firebolt that McGonagall gave back to him after Umbitch was removed from Hogwarts. He might not play Quidditch again, even though his and the twin's life-long ban was removed, but he still loved to fly fast on his Firebolt. He made another mental check to see if there was another new, fast, racing broom out there. Maybe I should get two new sets, and put this one on the wall of my new place wherever I end up in America. With that in mind, he unshrunk the Firebolt, and then pulled the Invisibility Cloak out from the floorboard as well and tied that around himself, making sure that it won't fall off of him during his flight to Diagon Alley, and to Gringotts.

Once satisfied that it won't fall off, he mounted his Firebolt, looked around his prison room one last time making sure he got everything, then blasted into the nighttime sky, his destination, Gringotts.


*1 Sorry for Spoilers for those that haven't yet to read the Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series yet (Even though I haven't really given out much than that). It's a really great series, and there are currently 19 books out of his series, though, for the sake of Harry's timeline, there are only two books out currently, and the third one is coming out soon for him.

Cybertronians will be coming soon, I just wanted to get their speech recognition out of the way now (And every other speech recognition as well). But I'll be doing that for every chapter. It'll be annoying, but it'll be convenient (For you and for me).

Anyways, I hope ya'll like this new twist on things, as I have no idea as of yet on where this will go, so, don't expect weekly, or daily updates for this story. Still, I'll appreciate the feedback from you readers, and I'll need a Beta reader or two for someone that'll have the time and everything.