Ned could still remember the screams echoing over the sounds of the storm...

it was one of the worst storms to ever hit and yet, the sound of a woman's whaling shown through all of that.

As he walked through the hallways of the castle, he heard her screams die down, he slowly walked towards the door, upon looking into the dimly lit room, he saw Rhaella Targaryen.

She laid on a bed, Her face was flushed red and beaded with sweat, dark blood stained her dress and the sheets around her, Her beauty still shown though, with her silver hair and dark purple eyes.

He stepped into the room, revealing his presence. A sharp gasp came from a corner, a boy with white hair to his shoulders, around the age of nine, stood holding a babe in his arms.

Wrapped in a white blanket, he held her close to his body, his lilac eyes showing great fear of the rain soaked man with a bloodied sword. He glanced at the dying woman on the bed, realizing the boys situation.

Before Ned had the chance to speak, the boy took off through the door.

He was about to follow, but a small cry came from the woman. Ned was by her in seconds, his hand grasping hers as her life faded from her eyes. "Please Ned...don't accuse them of their families sins, they're children, innocent..."

She whispered, her words cut deep. The babe was just born and the boy had just lost his mother, she was right, they were innocent. He couldn't live with himself knowing that they were going to be executed by the sins of their family.

Screams of a child, along with a rage filled yell from Robert came from the throne room. Ned dropped Rhaella's hand and ran to the room.

The sight of Robert swinging his sword at the boy covering his sibling infuriated him.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

The sword stopped as all eyes went to him, Robert scowled and turned to look at Ned. "They're Targaryen spawns! They deserve to die!"

Ned took a daring step closer and his brows furrowed. "They are innocent! You should not reflect upon them by the sins of their father."

He stated, his words were daring and dangerous but he knew he had to protect these children. Targaryen or not, they had done nothing.

"Do you not recall of what their brother did to the woman I loved? Your sister Ned! He kidnapped her and raped her!"

Roberts face was now flushed red from yelling. "As I said, do not reflect upon them by the sins of their father or brother."

He spoke calmly now, Robert scowled as Ned took a step near the frightened child.

"What's your name, boy?"

He asked, watching as his lilac eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Viserys Targaryen..." he whispered, panting from running and trying to escape the swinging of Roberts sword. "What's the babe's name?" It took him a moment to answer, he didn't even know if his mother had time to give the child a name before her death.

"My mother named her Daenerys Stormborn before she died." He answered, Ned nodded his head. He stood up and turned to face Robert again.

"I shall take the to the north as my wards."

Robert snickered at him, he looked over Ned's shoulder at the children.

"You shall take the girl, the boy is old enough to remember, and we don't want him whispering lies and having her turn against us." He said, Ned gave a simple nod and announced that the boy will go to the free cities to live. He turned around to see him clutching on tighter to the sleeping girl, pulling her closer against his chest.

Ned tried to block out the screams of the young boy as they pried his sister from his arms. He had heard many pained cries and pleading from the war, but nothing like this, it pained him to separate them.


One of the guards handed a now screaming Daenerys to Ned, she must've woken up from the commotion. Ned took her in his arms and shushed her slowly, rocking her in his arms.

"If she shows Any traces of madness, then you put an end to her. Understand?"

He nodded his head, not taking his eyes off the babe.

Once Viserys screams had faded, Daenerys had stopped crying to observe the man who was comforting hers face. She smiled and cooed at him, which he lightly smiled back.

He could see that she already had the silver Targaryen hair and violet eyes, and he hoped that those were the only things she inherited from her bloodline...