for lizzy, for her birthday!

i have never written spn before so... here *nervous chuckle*

thanks ned for betaing!

word count: 521 by google docs

Sam and Dean were arguing again.

"Sammy, you're staying here and healing that leg."

"No, I'm going with you and Cas."

"Look at you, you can't even walk." Dean's statement was true; Sam winced just trying to get up. "It's just a demon, we can take care of it."

Sam still looked doubtful, but he sat back down. Dean and Cas left, going to the wedding where there was news of a demon.

They split up to search the area as soon as they got there. After a while, Cas made his way back to Dean and told him in a sure voice, "It's the trumpet player. I know it." Dean sighed.

"Well, we can't kill him now, or exorcise him. People will notice," Dean reasoned.

"After, then," Cas suggested.

Dean nodded, then looked around. "Well, what are we supposed to do until then?"

Cas peered at the couples getting up to dance to the music, which was now a light waltz. "We could do that," he said, gesturing to the dancing couples. "We are at a wedding."

Dean's face went slightly red, though he tried to beat it down. "I don't dance."

"You'll be fine. I'm sure we'll pick it up."

"No, Cas," he repeated, sounding harsher.

"Is it because we're both males? Dean, I'm an angel. I don't have a gender."

"That's not it." Dean rolled his eyes.

"Is it because I look like a male? There are other people dancing that are both male." Cas pointed at three separate gay couples. "There's really nothing to—"

"Fine. Fine, I'll dance with you if you'll just shut up." The blush was definitely creeping its way onto Dean's face.

"Okay." Cas reached out, grabbed Dean's hand, and led the way to the dance floor.

"Here," Dean said, positioning Cas' hand on his shoulder, before placing his own on Cas' waist. "Now you just go one, two, three..."

Dean led Cas in a slow waltz. Cas was grinning like an idiot.

"Where'd you learn to dance like this? You said you don't dance," he questioned, smiling up at Dean.

"Sammy took dancing lessons when he was younger. He made me practice with him for waltzing week, and I couldn't resist the kid," Dean answered, still leading them around the dance floor.

"Sam took dancing classes?" Cas smirked.

"Do not tell him I told you."

The music drew to an end and Dean pulled away from Cas.

"There, I danced with you. Now come on, I think the band's done."

Dean and Cas made their way over to where the band was packing up their instruments, having finished for the night, but were stopped by a middle age woman.

"I'm sorry, dears, but I saw you two dancing so beautifully," she gushed. "You two are really a cute couple."

"Oh, we're not—I mean—I—"

"Thank you, ma'am," Cas replied, grabbing Dean's hand. They walked away from the woman, still holding hands, Dean blushing and Cas smiling. Dean pulled his hand away.

"Why'd you hold my hand?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

"Isn't that what couples do?"

"Yeah, but—" Dean paused, considering. "Yeah," he said, defeated.