Disclaimer: J.k Rowling is the owner. I just own my OCs.

P.s: This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction. Also, I'm writing as I go, so any Ideas you have that you would like to see I would appreciate it.

Hermione was laying on a hammock in her back yard, lazily drifting side to side with a text book in her hands for a bit of light reading.

It was Hogwarts A History, her favorite. After the school year she had, she feels that she deserves to relax this summer. At least until school starts back again, she wanted to make the best of it. Thinking about school, brought her mind to Harry. She wondered if he was all right with the Dursleys. Of course not, you idiot. He must be feeling awful. They would send letters to each other but it's just not the same as talking face to face. Hermione hates that Harry has to go back to those awful people every summer. She does not understand why Harry can't stay with the Weasleys or even here with her. She doesn't think her parents would mind terribly.

So, that is why she is currently trying to reread Hogwarts A History for what might possibly be the hundredth time. Suddenly, the door from the house bursts open and she dragged her gaze from the text to the person walking towards her with a frown on his face. Alex, her twin brother, decides to plop down on the hammock unceremoniously. Hermione decides to ignore the fact that she almost fell when he practically threw himself on the hammock.

His looks are the male version of her; he stands at about 6'1 already at 14 years old. She is rather tall too since she is at 5'5. The only differences between them are in personality, he is right handed and that he is a muggle. Hermione never understood why she was chosen out of the two to be a witch. It was something that she thought about ever since she received her Hogwarts letter. They are very close and it sucks that they only see each other during holidays.

He sighs loudly and exaggeratedly to make his displeasure known. "What is your problem?" She asks. She looks at him waiting for an answer. " I broke up with Taylor today," Alex said. Hermione is shocked; just yesterday she accompanied him to pick out a 6-month anniversary gift. "What? Why? You seemed to be on cloud 9 yesterday picking out the gift?" Hermione thought something drastic must of happened. Alex looked at her " Well I was! When I went over to Taylor's house a little bit earlier than expected to surprise her and guess what I saw."

Hermione shrugged her shoulders " You found out she secretly keeps all of her toenails in a jar?" Alex glared at her " no, but I wish it was something weird and gross like that. After her parents let me in, I walked up stairs and went to her room. When I got there I caught her cheating on me with that douche bag Ryan Williams!" Hermione gasped she felt sympathy for her brother, who knew that even though they weren't dating long she knew that he must have been hurting more than he is letting on. "And she even tried to yell at me to knock before barging in. As if she just wasn't caught cheating on me." He scoffed.

Hermione never liked his girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. She always rubbed Hermione the wrong way in the sense that she always treated her brother like it was a privilege to be dating her. " Are you okay? I mean obviously not since it must have just happened but like are you okay?" Being a twin has its perks since they have an understanding of each other that she just doesn't have with anybody else. Not even with her best friends who she loves very much but they can be frustrating sometimes. Alex sighed again " Right now I feel like shit mione, I never thought that I would be cheated on, let alone on my anniversary." Hermione throws him a supporting smile and tries to give him one of those awkward side hugs since they were lying down. " Hey things happen to us that we can't control, but we can control how we choose to react it." Alex smiled a sad smile back, " Thanks for trying to cheer me up, even though I still feel like shit. Ha-ha." Hermione grinned, " That's what big sisters are for." " Okay, You're only older by like 3 minutes." Hermione felt like she helped in whatever little way she could. Alex got up and stretched, " I'm going to go listen to depressing music now, see ya."

Hermione watched him go inside the house. She picked up her book again and thought to herself if I weren't a witch, would my problems be normal like Alex's? Probably not, since before Hogwarts she didn't have any friends so she doubts it would be relationship problems. Hermione wouldn't change being a witch though; it was being a witch that let her into the hidden magical world where what she thought was impossible, is possible. It was where she made her first friend, Harry Potter.

She whispered to herself " No, I wouldn't want to have it any other way." She hopes that this year it will be uneventful than the past three years.