onc all the bad gys r insied, and tha expurienc is ovr, katata djently plaics the Seventh Seal ovr top of bag. asshula cries becaus she 4got 2 taik out all the Hostess (TM) prodicts.

but she didnt need Hostess (TM) wen she had katata.

"we did it" katata say. faic each udder and hold hands, stare soulfly into each othe's eyes agan. kataat's eyes r a buttiful blu, tha saim colour as kiddie toilet asul had used 4 pottie traing, if those dam republicans hadnt ben pollutign it. (zuk had gone thru republican stage as a child, also lieked 2 shit in her toilet. but he grew out ov tha fase, thank Odin.)

"so our mision is ovr… does that mean we go seprate ways" asshole worried.

"i will stay wit u, asshola" katat pledge. "u hav character developmented so much"

asshol canot do anythgn except cry in happie. maik a long kis in middle ov formr castel. the gingrbred men offr themselfs up to their savers, becaus wnat 2 maik thare breth smel gud 4 ech other. foaming muth gy foams mor. "how romanstick" pincocko says, and nose does not gro. cabbage gy taiks brake frum crying ovr deceased cabages 2 b happy 4 tha yung cuple.

"i luv u katita" ashol maiks say.

"i am also luv you asshole" katat crys wit joy.

but in middel of roman moment, asshol feels strang thumping agans pockit, where Odin is.

watch in awe as odin lifts out ov pockit! transformation is happen! weird lite shotting frum onyin as it gros biggr! azul gasps at who it!

it iro!

"It feels great to be back to my natural element!" spake He while dramaly shotting lightning frum fingres. (evry1 in family is extra). "I've had enough of playing with mud." maiks kindharted laff He is so known 4. evry1 luvs Him imeditely evn tho it is weird that He was an onyin.

"WAAAAAATTTTTTT?" ashole shreks. is even weirdr than finfing ot that fadder was gost of crtismas pasta! "U WERE ODIN THA WHOLE TIEM?"

"Yes, I was cursed by the ghost of Christmas past to become a shallot," saith He.


"mmm yeah that dik" donik say.


"Well, it's been a pleasant year traveling with you. I think you'll be just fine without me, now that you have this lovely lady with you. Now, I have to be on my way. Zuko needs help getting his shit together."

wit that, iro is fly thru air, bidding them fair well. wen did He lern 2 fly? who knos. but He is magical.

donik watchs Him go into stratosphere, littel twinkel as He disappears into tha sky. then, wit sadnes, emes, "luk, i ot 2 go bak 2 my homeland also. i must protec it frum tha remnants ov farqab's armie. and i hav 2 get ovr ozuiai. best way 2 do that is continu fukking my dragon wife (who also has fier gentitals!) i wish u tha best. asshol, u r always my bro."

"bro" azul bros sadly.

"bro" donik bros bak. taiks tha Seventh Seal off bag ov infinit dimensins 4 jsut long enoff 2 slip insied and dispear. "cum visit me somtiems. i wuld luv 2 introduck u 2 whole squad"

"i wil" asul says wile wiping away a tear. "goodbye bro"

"goodbye bro"

and then it is jsut katatta and azul.

"so now wat" katat maiks say.

"now we can settel down sumwhere. i am sik ov travel and sik ov hiding. i wnat 2 live on quiet leetel farm wit u. we wil by sum animals, and plant sum crops that r not cocain plants. we wil liv modesty, sel products, hav roman lyf 2gether. and" strats timid. "maik sweat, sweat luv?"

"fuq yeah! jsut try not 2 nut fier on me" katatat ensthuses.

"can;t promise" ;)s asul.

wlak off into sunset holdign hands.