The Commander's Combat Camp

A/N: Hi everyone, here is the second chapter. I had already written this, but I have changed a few things. Just a quick thank you to all of you who reviewed, favourited, and added my story to your alert thingy. It's much appreciated.

Warnings: Just some strong language, for now.

Apologises for any spelling, or grammar errors. My work is checked my no-one other than me.


CHAPTER TWO – The Commander's Combat Camp


"See her again!" Lincoln demanded.

"I can't," Lexa replied for the hundredth time. "Linc, I really don't want to talk about this."

"Well, we are going to. I thought we had agreed you could at least make friends with her."

"Lincoln, would you just fucking drop it?" Lexa snapped exasperated.

"No," Lincoln snapped back.

He picked the television control up and switched the TV off.

"Lincoln," she warned again.

"No, don't you Lincoln me! We talked about this before you took her for breakfast last Saturday. You can be friends with the woman, Lex!" Lincoln threw his hands up in defeat. "What is wrong with you?"

Lexa let out a heavy sigh, "Linc, this is different. She's different. I'm not going to lead a girl on, that if it wasn't for the circumstances I would genuinely date. She's different, it's different."

"Hence the deal was to make friends with her, not shag her," Lincoln shouted.

"I can't be friends with her though," Lexa said emphasizing the be friends. "I can already tell you that if I get to know that woman I am going to want more."

"So have more," Lincoln said in a 'duh' voice.

"I am not starting a relationship based on lies," Lexa shook her head. "And you know damn well I can't tell her. We can't tell anyone."

"You're fucking ridiculous!" Lincoln shouted. "This conversation is ridiculous. Our life is ridiculous. Fuck!"

"Lincoln, I'm sorry," Lexa pleaded with him.

"You know in the last three years, I have moved seven times for you. I have changed my surname three times for you. I haven't seen my mum in three years. I don't talk to girls, or try and have a relationship, in case we have to take off. I have called in favours from, and consequently owe favours to some not nice people. The only thing I am asking of you is that you try to have a life! At least a small one. You can't even do that!"

"I can do it Linc, just not with this girl!" Lexa's eyes begged him to understand. "You can go home if you want to Linc, but you have to be prepared. I must not be found. If I'm found we lose everything!"

"I'm not leaving you," Lincoln instantly rebuffed that idea. "We have survived three years. We can survive the next four."

"When this is over, you can have the biggest party Linc, I swear it!"

"I'm holding you to that," Lincoln agreed. "You have to see her in the morning anyway don't you? Boot camp!"

"Unfortunately yes! She's going to be as forward as ever and want to know why I haven't answered any of her messages in the last week."

"She text you?"

"Every morning since breakfast," Lexa answered.

She pulled her phone from her hoodie pocket, unlocked it, and pulled the messages up on screen handing it to Lincoln.

Sunday: Clarke (09.34am) – Good morning! I really enjoyed breakfast yesterday but realised I forgot to thank you. So thank you. My turn to pay next time. Let me know when you're free. Clarke. X

Monday: Clarke (07.30am) – Hi! You didn't answer me yesterday ! I was serious on Saturday when I said I want to see you again. Let me take you to dinner? Clarke x

Tuesday: Clarke (06.53am) – Playing hard to get will only make me chase you more. We both know how much I like a challenge Clarke x

Wednesday: Clarke (08.22am) – My day already started badly. Your abs would cheer me up. Clarke. X

Thursday: Clarke (11.50am) – I'm starting to feel like a giant stalker, because you aren't replying. Lexa, I'm sorry for the flirting (ok maybe not, but I can pretend to be). I want to be friends? You can't hide forever! We have boot camp tomorrow. See your abs then ;P. Clarke. X

"Wow," Lincoln says with a smirk. "She's persistent. Just on the topic, why has she seen your abs?"

"She hasn't," Lexa rolled her eyes with a small smile. "I cracked a joke, and may have shamelessly flirted at boot camp last week when I thought she was going to have a heart attack on our field."

"You like this girl?" Lincoln asked seriously.

"If we didn't have this shit to deal with, I would take the girl on an actual date."

"Lex, can you really afford to pass that opportunity up? You haven't wanted to date anyone since fuck face. Do you really want to throw away the chance that maybe just maybe this girl is the one."

"Lincoln, discussion over," Lexa said, and the tone of voice she used left no room for argument.



Lexa looked up in time to see Clarke collapse down to the ground breathing hard. The blonde pulled her usual pose of lying on her back with her knees pulled up.

"Does this fucking class get any easier?" Clarke whined through her raged breathing.

Lexa smirked, "Should have started in the beginner class."

"Nah," Clarke smiled. "I'm hardcore."

"Hmm, well at least this week you managed to make it from over there to here before collapsing and dying."

Lexa reached into her bag and pulled out a new bottle of water. She removed the cap and then lent down and handed it to Clarke. Clarke smiled gratefully and pulled herself up into a sitting position, cursing when her muscles protested as always. She took a few gulps of the water.

"Thanks," Clarke answered finally getting her breath back. "I had to make it from over there to here. You have been ignoring me. I thought you might vanish."

Lexa looked guilty, "I'm sorry. I have been really busy."

"So busy you couldn't even text?"

"You're right," Lexa pulled a sad smile. "I should have text."

"You should have," Clarke agreed. "You could at least tell me what I did to upset you."

"Clarke, you haven't upset me," Lexa said. "Look, since we met we have done this honesty is best policy crap right?"


"I like you. Quite a lot actually. I have no idea why, especially when we consider that we barely know each other, but there is just something about you. I'm really not looking for a relationship at the moment nor do I want one. When I am with you, I can't help but play the game and flirt back, but I don't want to give you false hope. We can be nothing but friends."

"Who said anything about a relationship?" Clarke smirked. "I might just want to fuck you."

Lexa bit her lip to try and stop the onslaught of mental images Clarke had just created, "Well, that can't happen either."

"Duly noted," Clarke nodded with a small smirk. "Friends it is, but I'm not going to stop trying."

Lexa smirked, "I wouldn't expect any less. So to make up for my radio silence, would you like to go out with me tonight?"

"Absolutely," Clarke grinned. "Where are we going?"

"It's a Friday night, and I don't have to work this weekend. We are going drinking."

"Drinking?" Clarke raised both eyebrows.

"Yes," Lexa rolled her eyes. "Clarke, you are only twenty-five. Don't tell me you don't drink?"

"Of course I drink. I'm just surprised you do."


"You're obviously a heath freak. Isn't your body a temple, and alcohol a toxin."

"Tonight nope," Lexa held out a hand to help Clarke up from the ground. "You wanna come or not?"

"Hell yes," Clarke grinned cheekily, and allowed Lexa to pull her up.

The brunette was ridiculously strong.

"Good," Lexa smiled. "I have to go, but I'll give you a call later?"

"Sure," Clarke smiled.

Lexa returned the smile with a genuine one of her own and then made her way away from the blonde. Clarke stood with a smile on her face watching Lexa's ass as the brunette walked away.

"Well?" Raven enquired, appearing next to the blonde.

"Coffee first, gossip later!"


Clarke smiled and reread the message.

Lexa (3.24pm) – Hi Clarke! I'm sorry I don't have time to call you. I am only now getting a lunch break, but if you wouldn't mind texting me your address I will pick you up at nine. I can't wait to see you. Lexa X

Clarke couldn't figure this woman out. She had actively ignored her for a week, but now wanted to take her for drinks, and sent text messages that said 'I can't wait to see you'. Clarke shook her head with a small laugh. Lexa was a mystery. Clarke quickly began typing out her address to send it back.


Lexa ran out of her bedroom for the fifth time.

"Lincoln, what about this?"

Lincoln rolled his eyes for the fifth time, "There was nothing wrong with the first outfit Lex, but yes. You look lovely."

"Lovely?" Lexa pulled a face.

"What do you want me to say?" Lincoln threw his hands up. "You're my cousin. I'm hardly going to sit here and say you look fuckable am I? Christ!"

"Do I? Lexa asked. "Look fuckable I mean?"

"No! No!" Lincoln shook his head. "Fuck no! I am not having this conversation!"

"I can't look fuckable," Lexa sighed. "Or lovely. I need to be the appropriate amount of sexy."

Lincoln cringed, "Did you not just hear me Lex? I said I can't talk about this with you."

"Lincoln please, I need your help," Lexa begged emphasizing the 'need'.

"Okay, fine!" Lincoln growled. "Wear the blue jeans, with that top. And your leather jacket. And wear boots Lex. Not trainers."

"Thank you, thank you!"


Lexa put her car into park, and rechecked the address Clarke had texted her. Yep right place, she thought staring up at the extremely posh looking apartment complex. She looked down at her phone again and checked the apartment number. Lexa left her phone in the car and jumped out jogging over to the speaker. She pressed the button for the correct number and waited.


"Hello?" Lexa replied into the speaking recognising Octavia's voice.

"Tave, I told you not to fucking answer it!" Lexa heard Clarke whine in the background.

"Shall I let her up?" Octavia said obviously asking Clarke.

"Bollocks! Not with you two here, tell Lexa I am on my way down."

"She's on her way down," Octavia relayed obviously talking to Lexa this time.

"Okay," Lexa laughed.

"Have her home by curfew," Octavia joked.

Lexa went to reply but got cut off by Clarke.

"Octavia Blake, I'm going to fucking murder you," Clarke growled her voice a lot closer now. "I'll be with you in just a minute Lexa."

"No problem," Lexa smirked. "Take your time."

The brunette made her way back over to her car and lent against the hood. Lexa pulled a packet of cigarettes from her pocket, and toyed with the box. Fuck it, she decided and pulled one from the packet, putting it between her lips. Lexa had just fished her lighter from her pocket when Clarke walked out of the apartment block. Lexa's mouth dropped open in shock, the unlit cigarette falling to the floor.

"Woah," Lexa said loud enough for Clarke to hear.

Clarke smirked, "You like?"

The blonde stopped and did a spin before continuing to make her way over to Lexa.

"You look beautiful," Lexa said honestly, her eyes roaming all over Clarke's body.

The blonde was wearing a red dress, that stopped just above her knee, with black heels. Her hair was down, and curled and she had light make up on. The top of the dress hung from her shoulders with small straps, and came down low enough to show off just the right amount of cleavage. Clarke relished in the attention Lexa was showing her, enjoying the way the brunette's eyes took in every inch of her.

"Thanks," Clarke grinned. "You scrub up alright yourself."

"I feel underdressed," Lexa admitted with a chuckle.

Clarke smirked, and allowed her eyes to wander over Lexa's body in much the same way as the brunette had done to her.

"You look hot as hell," Clarke complimented her.

Clarke enjoyed the fact that for the first time, Lexa wasn't in work out gear.

Lexa smiled and ducked her head shyly, "Thanks."

"Anyway, Lexa. Did I see you with a cigarette?"

"Oh- erm.. yeah," Lexa looked down at the road looking for the one she dropped. "Guess I got distracted."

"Smoking now too? You're actually quite a bad ass aren't you?"

"I have my moments," Lexa laughed.

Clarke had finally made her way over to Lexa. The blonde stepped in front of her and put her hands either side of Lexa, resting on the car, trapping the brunette. Lexa loved and hated it all at the same time.

"Clarke," she warned.

"I'm not doing anything," Clarke smirked.

"Friends only," Lexa reminded her.

"I know, but I told you I wouldn't stop trying," Clarke smiled smugly. "Besides, you are the one who lost your mind when I walked out."

"Point taken," Lexa conceded. "You want to go, or can I have a smoke first?"

"By all means, have a cigarette first," Clarke replied.

The blonde finally moved out of Lexa's air space, and lent against Lexa's car next to her, as the brunette lit a cigarette.

"This car is fucking awesome," Clarke commented, wrapping her arms around herself trying to keep warm.

"This car is my baby," Lexa grinned. "You're cold?"

"Fucking freezing," Clarke replied.

"Didn't think to bring a jacket though?" Lexa laughed.

The brunette let her fag hand from her lips, and slipped her jacket off.

"Here," Lexa said and held it out for Clarke.

"Don't be stupid, you'll get cold," Clarke answered.

"I spend all day, every day, in shorts and a t-shirt," Lexa smiled. "I don't get cold. Take it."

Clarke took Lexa's leather jacket and slipped it on, wrapping it around herself, and instantly felt warmer.

"Thank you," Clarke said.

Lexa took once last drag of her cigarette before she threw it away, and then exhaled a stream of smoke.

"Come on Blondie, shall we go?"

"Hell yes!"


"What is this place?" Clarke asked.

"Just a pub," Lexa shrugged. "Pre-drinks and I can leave my car here. I know the owner."

"Okay," Clarke nodded.

Lexa parked up, and shot out the car at a speed Clarke didn't know she possessed. Before Clarke could blink, Lexa had opened her car door for her, and was standing with her arm held out, offering Clarke her hand for assistance from the car.

Clarke took the offered hand and allowed Lexa to help her out, "You know, for someone who adamantly claims she doesn't want to date me, you sure do act like my date."

"Huh?" Lexa replied shutting the car door, and locking it.

"All this gentlewoman business," Clarke smirked. "You pull chairs out for me, open doors. Give me your jacket because I'm cold."

"I just have manners," Lexa brushed her off.




"Lexa," Titus smiled genuinely. "Pleasure as always."

"Titus this is Clarke," Lexa indicated to Clarke who was standing next to her. "Clarke, this is Titus."

"Nice to meet you," he replied eyeing the blonde sceptically.

Clarke almost felt like a criminal under his intense stare.

"You too," Clarke answered politely, and shifting a little uncomfortably when he didn't take his eyes off her.

Clarke pulled Lexa's leather jacket around herself tighter, as if it was a shield.

"Titus, lay off," Lexa warned him. "She's a friend."

"Sure thing," he nodded but it looked far from convincing. "What can I get you ladies?"

Lexa turned to Clarke, "Pick a poison?"

"Vodka, and lemonade?"

"Coming right up, Lexa I assume you want jack and coke?"

"Yes please."

Lexa pulled her car keys from her jeans pocket, and waited patiently for Titus to return with their drinks.

"Here, take my baby home with you," Lexa gave Titus the car keys. "I'll pick her up tomorrow."

"Of course," Titus nodded just once. "Have a lovely evening ladies. Drinks are on the house for the duration of your stay."

Lexa smiled and picked up the two drinks off the bar. She indicated with her head for Clarke to follow her. Clarke smiled, and followed the brunette across the pub to a small table. Lexa deposited their drinks down on it, and then turned to Clarke.

"You any good at pool?"

"No I suck," Clarke laughed.

"Good, should make it easy to kick your ass then," Lexa grinned. "Loser buys next round."

"I'll make you a better deal," Clarke raised one eyebrow.

"Which is?"

"If you lose, then you have to come on a dinner date with me?"

"Deal," Lexa agreed easily. "This should be a piece of cake."


Clarke stood behind Lexa, as the brunette lined up her next shot. She waited for Lexa to draw the cue back, and just as the older woman was about to hit the ball Clarke reached out and grabbed her arse. Lexa inevitably missed potting the ball.

"Clarke!" Lexa admonished her. "I told you to stop cheating."

"Yeah well, I'm losing bad. And we didn't specify rules," Clarke was grinning like she had already won.

"It's cheating," Lexa reminded her.

"No, it's healthy competition," Clarke joked.

Clarke stepped up to the table and lined up her next shot, her dress was so tight she was struggling to lean at the correct angle.

"That will miss," Lexa informed her. "You're set up is crap. It's why your losing."

"Ha ha!" Clarke deadpanned sarcastically. "Do I look like champion pool player of the year?"

Lexa rolled her eyes, and put her own cue down. She stepped up behind Clarke.

"For a start, your grip is all wrong, hold the cue lower down, yeah like that," Lexa encouraged her. "Now lean a little lower."

Clarke leaned over a little more, and took a deep breath in when Lexa leaned over with her.

"Yeah that's much better. No line up your shot. Ready?" Lexa held the cue with Clarke and pulled it back.

Clarke moved into the motion, and closed her eyes when her body pushed further into Lexa's. Lexa obviously had the same realisation because she froze instantly, and after a few painful seconds stepped back.

"Yeah I did not think that through," Lexa admitted out loud. "Maybe darts would be safer?"

Clarke turned chuckling.



The two left the pub, and walked out into the cold, although both were suitably drunk enough that it didn't feel as cold as it did earlier, and Lexa had insisted Clarke wore her jacket. They were also suitably drunk enough to have decided to hit a club.

"How far is it?"

"Not far," Lexa replied rolling her eyes good naturedly at Clarke's whingey voice. "Why?"

"I am not trekking miles in these heels," Clarke warned.

"It's like a five to ten-minute walk," Lexa promised. "Trust me, I ain't trekking miles in these boots either."

"They don't even have a heel."

"I spend my life in trainers," Lexa reminded her. "I may as well be wearing heels."

Clarke laughed, "Whatever drama queen."

"Hey!" Lexa shoved her playfully. "I am far from a drama queen."

"You're right," Clarke shoved her back gently with a laugh. "You're just a pussy!"

Clarke shouted it as she ran off.

"Right, that's it," Lexa laughed back and took off chasing the blonde.


"Lexa, there is a huge queue," Clarke said, pointing at the line of people. "We are going to be here for hours."

Lexa rolled her eyes at the blonde and took Clarke's hand without really thinking about it. She pulled Clarke with her to the front of the line, standing on the opposite side of the barrier. Neither really noticed that they had interlocked their fingers automatically, as if it was natural.


"Gustus! How're you doing?"

"I'm good, I'm good," he answered. "You coming in?"

Lexa nodded and Gustus unclipped the red rope, allowing them entry. Lexa walked through, pulling Clarke with her.

"Thanks, catch you later," Lexa replied already making her way into the club.

"Safe night ladies," Gustus called after them.

"Do you know everyone?" Clarke asked with a laugh.

"There just some people," Lexa answered.


The two of them had been at the club about an hour, and were both more than a little drunk. A lot of Vodka, and Jack Daniels had been consumed, plus various different shots. Lexa had just paid for another round of drinks, and it was clear to the brunette that despite the fact she knew she was drunk, Clarke was actually far more hammered than her.

"What the fuck even is that?" Lexa shouted into Clarke's ear indicating the drink she had just purchased for the blonde.

Clarke shrugged, "Some cocktail. It looked good."

Lexa laughed with an eye roll, and picked up her Sambuca shot and downed it.

"Hey where's mine?" Clarke protested.

"You are already far more drunk than I am, Clarke," Lexa explained.

Clarke pouted, but resorted to just sipping her cocktail when she realised Lexa's stance on her having more shots was not about to change.

"I want to dance," Clarke informed her, putting her drink down on the bar.

"Off you go then," Lexa replied.

"You're not going to dance with me?" Clarke asked.

"No chance," Lexa laughed. "I don't dance."

"Fine," Clarke looked at her defiantly before making her way over to the dance floor.

Lexa made sure she could see the blonde from her position at the bar. She watched Clarke with a smile on her face, as the younger woman got lost in the music, raising her arms above her head, and swaying her whole body in time with the beat of the music. Lexa's smile dropped as she watched a random guy slide up behind Clarke. Lexa watched intently as Clarke turned around and gave him a friendly smile, dancing with him but it was clear by Clarke's body language she was just being nice. Lexa watched him step closer to Clarke, and place his hand against the blonde's bear thigh, attempting to slide his hand up underneath her dress. Clarke's smile dropped. Lexa made her way over and stood behind him. She reached out and grabbed his shoulder, roughly spinning him to face her.

"Can I cut in?"

Lexa's tone of voice left no room for argument. It was a statement not a question.

He looked at her with a hard stare.

"No, we're having fun!" he shouted back.

"No anymore Buddy," Lexa shoved him away from both her and Clarke by his shoulder.

He stumbled a little before he regained his balance. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke's waist in a protective manner, leaving no room for him to try and cut back in. He took the hint, called Lexa a few names which she didn't catch over the music and stormed off.

"Thank you," Clarke smiled in relief.

Lexa smiled back, and began dancing with Clarke to the music. Clarke reached up and wrapped her arms around the brunette's neck.

"I thought you couldn't dance?"

"I never said I couldn't," Lexa said into Clarke's ear. "Just that I don't."

"Well I'm glad you changed your mind," Clarke smiled.

"I didn't really have a choice, you were being sexually harassed. Besides I can't stand guys that treat women like they are slabs of meat," Lexa answered.

Clarke smiled in response, and then spun in Lexa's arms. The brunette closed her eyes and exhaled heavily as Clarke's perfect ass came to rest against her. Clarke pulled Lexa's arms tighter around herself and then reached back with one arm and hooked it around the back of Lexa's neck pulling her head closer, and Clarke let hers drop back against Lexa's shoulder. Lexa was taller than Clarke but the younger woman was wearing heels, and that made them almost the same height.

"Clarke," Lexa warned into her ear.

"One song," Clarke begged.

"Fuck it," Lexa mumbled. "One song."

The brunette let herself go for a minute, and gently grabbed Clarke's hips pulling the blonde even further against her. She let her hips match the rhythm of Clarke's, although by this point Clarke was pretty much grinding against Lexa. The blonde dropped her hands, and rested them on top of Lexa's on her hips, interlocking their fingers. They danced in that position for minute before Clarke spun around again so she was facing Lexa. The blonde lifted her hands and placed them flat against Lexa's stomach, feeling the clear definition on muscle's underneath.

"You really do have abs," Clarke breathed into Lexa's ear.

"I really do," Lexa agreed, unsure of how else to reply.

Clarke lifted one hand to the side of Lexa's face, and gently held her cheek. She leaned in rubbing her nose against Lexa's. Lexa's eyes snapped back open, and Clarke could read the fear in them.

"It's okay," Clarke encouraged and leaned in.

The blonde very carefully leaned forwards, trying to gauge Lexa's reaction the whole way. Their breath mingled together and Lexa inhaled sharply. Clarke stopped literally millimetres away from Lexa's lips. Lexa exhaled, and stepped back, shaking her head.

"I can't," Lexa shook her head, the fear written all over her face. "I'm sorry Clarke. I really can't."

"Hey," Clarke stepped forwards. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. Let's not ruin it, please? Just dance with me?"

"Just dancing?" Lexa double checked.

"Yes, I promise," Clarke nodded.

Lexa took a minute to think about it, "Okay."


Clarke stumbled out the club laughing, Lexa holding her up by her arm.

"Are your friends going to kill me when I take you home wankered?"

"Nope," Clarke giggled. "Maybe in the morning though when they have to deal with me and my hangover. Why are you not this bad? I'm sure you drank more than me."

"I can handle my alcohol," Lexa smirked. "Clearly, you can't."

"I totally can," Clarke pointed a finger a Lexa. "You wouldn't kiss me."

Lexa smiled despite the topic change, "Trust me, I wanted to."

"So why don't you?"

"Clarke, I'm so sorry but I cannot be with you, like that. I made it clear from the start we can only be friends."

"But you have also made it clear that you do like me," Clarke pointed out.

Lexa wrapped her arm around Clarke's waist to steady her.

"How likely are you to remember this conversation tomorrow morning?"

"Oh, slim to no chance," Clarke giggled.

"Okay well, there is a reason I am unable to be with you romantically. If the circumstances were different then I wouldn't hesitate. You are the most special woman I have met in a while."

"You barely know me," Clarke pointed out.

"You don't know me either yet that hasn't stopped you from trying to get me into bed," Lexa replied.

"Touché," Clarke grinned. "Oh I wish you would come to bed with me."

Lexa laughed, "Do you ever think about anything except sex?"

"Sure," Clarke smirked. "I think about you, and your abs, and the muscle's in your legs. Especially at boot camp when we do squats, and oh my God. Your ass."

"Sex maniac," Lexa accused her, laughing.

"Hey, you owe me abs, and that I am not letting drop," Clarke reminded her.

Lexa rolled her eyes, with a small laugh and grabbed Clarke's hand pulling her down an alleyway.

"Here," Lexa said to Clarke's confused frown and lifted her top up so her stomach was on show.

Clarke practically drooled, "Jesus Christ."

Lexa laughed, "Happy now?"

"Wait, what- no!" Clarke protested as Lexa dropped her t-shirt.

Clarke reached out and lifted Lexa's top back up with one hand, and then reached out with the other as if she was going to touch. She hesitated, remembering she had already crossed a line tonight with their near kiss.

"Go ahead," Lexa gave permission.

That was all the encouragement Clarke needed. She reached out and laid her hand flat against Lexa's bare stomach muscles.

"Fuck!" Lexa breathed out as Clarke traced her individual abs with her fingers.

"Why are you letting me do this?"

"Well alcohol is wonderful at giving me Dutch Courage, and also you aren't going to remember this tomorrow," Lexa answered.

"Lexa, trust me. I will remember your body tomorrow. Maybe not this conversation, but your body. I guarantee you that I will remember."

Lexa smiled, "I'd hope so."

She took Clarke's wrists gently and moved the blonde hands away from her, allowing her top to drop back down.

"Come on, we need to get a taxi," Lexa informed her.

"Okay," Clarke agreed and began to walk back out of the alley with Lexa's help. "I'm disappointed now."

"Huh? My body didn't live up to expectations?" Lexa joked.

"No, it did, more than. Just now you don't owe me abs. I'm not going to see them again," Clarke pouted.

Lexa laughed, "Come on piss head!"


A/N: Tada! And that ladies and gentleman wraps up chapter number two. Please review, let me know thoughts and feelings etc. If anyone fancies a chat drop me a PM. Until chapter three. Thanks very much for reading.

Dreamofreality 😊