Strip had been home for about a full day after his stay at the hospital, when he decided to bring up his idea to his wife Lynda after supper. "Lynda, how about we go for a road trip once I'm all healed up."

"A real driving road trip, like we used to do when we were young?" She asked as she put dishes away.

"Just the sort, no planes, or helicopters, or trucks driving us. Just us and the road, and none of that interstate stuff either. A nice scenic route, maybe a historic route."

"Well it sounds like you might have an idea on where you want to go already."

"Well, I'd been thinking about it in the hospital and I'd like to see this town that changed Lightning so much."

"Now that sounds like just the place to go, right our speed."

"I thought you might like the idea, think it's a clever way to kick-off retirement once I'm in shape to."

"Well, is Tex really just going to let you go completely?"

"No, he wants me to become a crew chief for whom ever he finds to replace me."

"What did you tell him? Hmm?"

"I told him I'd only do it for the right car, otherwise he should get a new crew chief too. Davis is tired of the traveling, he just wants to be home with his little ones."

"Well, until then, I guess I get you to myself for a bit. Tex had told me through out the season he liked Lightning to be the new face but was unsure he'd have the stuff to stick it out."

"Tex told me the same, it was one of the reasons I talked to the rookie after his crew quit. Tried to get him to see some sense, I think he might have been day dreaming for most of it though."

"You tried you, big old daddy rabbit, he did learn over that week he was missing."

"Yes dear, he did. Do you know what he told me when I asked him if he knew that he gave up the Piston Cup?"


"That a grumpy old race car told him it was just an empty old cup."

"He grew and learned from that mentor of his. Did you catch any of his interviews at the hospital Hun?"

"No, I was either asleep, or in surgery when those were being played."

"He was paving a road, that's hard labour that not everyone can do. He gained himself a whole community from it as well. He doesn't sound as cocky when he's talking to the press anymore either. I did record them in case you wanted to watch them."

"Thank-you for recording those, I would like to see them. That's good that he's gained a community, he needed that. I don't think he had anyone."

"Your welcome, I'm glad you thought that too. Cal's been asking about you, phoning almost everyday. He's on his way, and should be here tomorrow."

Now that she was done with the dishes and Strip had taken his prescription, Lynda slowly guided him into their office talking on the way there.

"How'd his racing season go?" Strip asked.

"Really well from what I could get out of him. He didn't want to say too much, think he wants to tell you about it himself. He told me, 'Aunt Lynda you'll tell Uncle Strip to much, if I tell you everything'."

"That kid is excitable, he's young yet though." Strip said fondly.

"We should talk traveling plans before Cal gets here tomorrow and monopolises your time."

"You know, it might not be quite as quiet there as we think though, I heard on the radio earlier today that Lightning was making Radiator Springs his racing head quarters."

"Um hmm, I heard that too. We'll just have to make sure there's room for us before we go then won't we." She said nudging up to him now that they were in the office.

"I wouldn't mind talking to his crew chief, tell 'em what a change he made in that boy."

"Oh, it's not because the Fabulous Hudson Hornet was your inspiration and hero that you want to meet him?" Raising an eyelid at the statement.

"Well now, that might be part of it too." He replied slowly.

"I wouldn't mind meeting him also. I wouldn't mind talking to Lightning again either, and telling him how noble it was of him to help you like that. All I said at the time was thank-you but I'd like to tell him more."

"Yeah, he's turning out to be a real good kid, if he keeps following the path that he is."

"Oh, that reminds me, we got something in the mail yesterday from him. Quite thick too and it's addressed to both of us, but I didn't want to open it without you."

"Well then, let's open it and see what he's sent us."

When they opened the package, they dumped the contents onto the desk. It ended up being a pile of brochures with a note and an invitation.

"I think it's confirmed where we're going for our trip." Lynda said looking through the different pieces.

"I'd say so too. There's a pamphlet on a motel, the Cozy Cone. So at least we know there's some place to stay there."

"Um hmm, there seems to be something about all of the current businesses here and an invitation to the grand opening of their new racing museum. There's a tire-written note here too." Said Lynda passing him the note.

Dear Mr. The King,

It's Lightning McQueen, I just want to thank-you for the advice about working with a team. I understand what you mean now, and I was/am stupid. I wish I had paid more attention to what you told me that day but I wasn't willing to take advice and maybe if I was, I wouldn't have landed in a cactus patch. Anyway, we the people of Radiator Springs would be honoured if you and your wife would come to the grand opening of our new racing museum. I know you might not be ready to travel by then but the offer remains open for anytime once we open the museum. Doc would sure like to meet you, especially after I told him about what you told me. How's your wife holding up? The crash must have been hard on her too. Tell her I say hello. I hope you're resting and healing up well. I know I might not have shown it the best but I really respect you and I am honoured I had the chance to race with you. Hopefully talk to you soon.

Lightning McQueen

"That's sweet of him to think of me as well, he surely has changed."

"I agree with you there dear, I think we'll have to phone him and give our condolences that we won't be able to make the opening, but even before the invitation we were planning on visiting the town."

"Let's phone him now so we don't have to worry about phoning them when Cal is here and before the pain medicine kicks in for you."

"Sounds good dear."

Lightning had left them a contact number at the bottom of his letter, which Lynda dialed. Strip waited for the phone to be answered.

"Good evening, the Cozy Cone Motel, Sally speaking, how may I help you?" Said the bright, cheery voice that wasn't expected.

"Well, we were given this number to tell Lightning whether we'd be able to make it to the opening of the museum." Strip answered.

"That's right, can I get your name?"

"Strip Weathers."

"Just one moment Mr. Weathers." Off the phone Sally yelled at someone in the distance which they could heard quite well.

"Stickers, phone, your VIP is on. I know you wanted to talk to him."

The couple heard in return, a muted "coming," shouted back. The two of them glanced at each other.

"Mr. Weathers, Lightning will be just a moment. He will be happy to hear from you, oh, here he is now."

"Thank-you Sally"

"Your welcome, Mr. Weathers," the phone changed cars.

"Hi, Mr. The King."

"Hey there Lightning, Lynda and I are sorry to say we won't be making it to your grand opening of your museum."

"Oh, that's okay I expected that might be too soon for you to travel. I thought we'd invite you anyway."

"That's mighty kind of you, Lynda and I would love to come. In fact, even before we got your invitation we were planning to visit the town; once I'm in driving shape again."

"Really? That'd be great, the town should be in full swing by then again."

"I do have a question for you though. Will your crew chief have a section in the museum?"

"Mr. The King, he has his own wing much to his chagrin." Lightning stated seriously.

"Good, I had hoped he would."

"There was a lot of grumbling on his part but that didn't stop us."

"Well that's good, we'll phone again when we know when we can come. We'll see you when I'm all healed then."

"You bet Mr. The King."

"Bye Lightning."

"Bye Mr. The King." The phone was hung up and Lynda could barely stifle a giggle.

"Well, no wonder he's changed, he found himself a girl," she said.

"Yep, sure sounds like it, and he's got himself quite the nickname."

"Stickers!" They exclaimed together before breaking into giggles and chuckles.

"I agree, but it's getting late and those pain meds are going to kick in soon." Strip said with a yawn.

"Ready for bed then?" Asked Lynda.

"Yes, I have a feeling that with Cal coming tomorrow that it's going to be a busy and tiring day."

"I think you might be right. Let's retire for the night."

Well, this is part 1 of probably at least 4, all of the parts will interconnect but are in one shot form and will be chronologically posted. Part 2 still needs a lot of work so likely won't be posted for a couple of weeks or more. Wish me luck, the only other multi chapter story I tried to do (was too much for me to chew, and was about Narnia) stalled out, mainly because as much as I loved the concept I had no clue what the story would actually include or how to go about it. I had no real love for trying to write the story itself, it was something I wanted to read but didn't want to write. On the other hand I do love this story and already know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I also really want to post the last part but it won't make sense without the rest, so I have good motivation to get it done.