AN: And here we are again. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Percy struggled to be free of Kronos' choking hold on his neck. The Sorcerer eventually tired of his struggles and grasped his arm instead, twisting it at a painful angle as he dragged the merprince deeper into the sea. Percy noticed a cage, like the one he had seen at the entrance to Kronos' lair outside of Atlantis, sitting on the ocean floor.

"Poor little Prince Perseus," Kronos drawled, "it's not you I'm after. I've got a much bigger fish to-"

"Kronos, Stop!" Kronos was interrupted in his speech by none other than Poseidon himself, and he was not happy. He thrust his trident into Kronos' face.

"Why, King Poseidon! HAHA, how are you?" Kronos said casually.

"Let him go!" Poseidon demanded, but Kronos just pulled Percy's arm tighter, causing Percy to wince.

"Not a chance, Barnacle Beard! He's mine now. We made a deal." Kronos said. He thrust Percy towards his eels, who held him tight. Then Kronos showed Poseidon the scroll with Percy's signature.

"Dad, I'm sorry! This isn't what I wanted!" Percy said to his father. Poseidon looked at his son, then tried to blast the contract with his trident. Nothing happened, except Kronos getting knocked back a little. The eels pulled Percy towards the cage that Kronos had put there ahead of time.

"You see?" Kronos sad, chuckling a bit. "The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable-even for you. Of course, I always was a man with an eye for a bargain." Kronos swam his way next to Percy, who was very near the cage door. "The only son of the sea king is a very precious commodity."

Kronos grabbed Percy by the back of the neck and pushed him into the cage, stopping just before he was fully engulfed by the iron. Percy put out his hands at the edges of the cage, and stopped himself from going any further. He could feel the madness already starting to peck at his mind. He shook off the whispers, and focused on what was happening. Poseidon rushed forward to save his son, but Kronos put out a slimy tentacle, halting him in his tracks.

"But, I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better." Kronos purred, a smile starting at the corners of his mouth.

"No dad, don't-agh!" Percy started to say, but Kronos tightened his grip on Percy's neck.

Meanwhile, up on the surface, Annabeth had scrambled aboard a landing boat, launched it, and was now rowing to where she had seen that octopus thing drag Percy down. "Annabeth, what are you doing?" Beckendorf called from the ship.

"Beck, I lost him once, I'm not going to lose her again." She called back to him.

Down in the sea, Kronos had almost succeeded...

"Now, do we have a deal?" Kronos said, bringing up the contract again so Poseidon could sign his name. The sea king looked at Percy. His son was using all his strength to keep from being pushed into the cursed cage. Poseidon lifted his trident and blotted out Percy's name, replacing it with his own. "HA! It's done then!" Kronos said and threw Percy against a rock. He used his magic to force Poseidon into the cage.

"No..No!" Percy yelled as his father had the cage door shut on him. Percy saw the madness take effect immediately, and his once proud father turned into a shell of his former self. Chiron, who had seen the whole thing, looked at his king sadly.

"Your majesty..."

"Father," Percy said and tried to pry the bars open, but they didn't budge.

"At last, it's mine." Kronos said and picked up the crown from where it had fallen off of Poseidon's head. He put it on his head, and took the fallen trident in his hands.

"You monster!" Percy leapt at Kronos, wrapping his arms around the sorcerer's neck, in an attempt to subdue him. Kronos merely shook him off like an obnoxious child.

"Don't fool with me, child!" He pushed the trident at Percy's chest, backing him against a rock. "Contract or no contract, dead or alive, you will be mine!" He grabbed Percy by the throat. But Kronos' grip slackened as fast as it had tightened. He now had a large cut on his arm. Percy looked up and saw Annabeth floating in the water, her arm still in position from throwing a harpoon at Kronos.

"Why you insolent brat!" Kronos bellowed at her. He wrapped tentacles around Percy's wrists to keep him in place.

"Annabeth look out!" Percy shouted, not sure if she could hear him underwater.

"After her!" Kronos shouts to his eels. Castor and Pollux swim up to grab Annabeth. The princess was able to draw a breath before being pulled back down. The eels had her wrapped securely in their grasp. Fortunately, Chiron and Grover came to her rescue. They fought off the eels with all they had. It was enough to free Annabeth, but Kronos still had the trident.

"Say good bye to your little sweetheart!" Kronos said and took aim. Percy growled and shook free of the tentacles. He pulled on Kronos's hair, causing the sorcerer to miss Annabeth completely. Unfortunately, he hit Castor and Pollux. The eels disintegrated into dust. "Urgh, useless eels, can't even stay alive long enough to accomplish anything." Kronos muttered. He started growing bigger and bigger.

Up on the surface, Percy and Annabeth met up. "Annabeth, you've got to get away from here." Percy insisted.

"No, I won't leave you." Annabeth replied. As she said this, Kronos, now extremely large rose from the ocean right under Percy and Annabeth. They jumped from his enormous head, and found brief safety in the water.

"You pitiful, insignificant fool!" He shouted, his voice even more evil than before. He lifted and smacked a tentacle right onto Percy and Annabeth.

"Look out!" Percy said and pushed Annabeth out of the way. They dove under water as Kronos took full control of the trident's power.

"Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim! The sea and all it's spoils bow to my power!" He caused a hurricane to form, waves to crash, and a whirlpool to begin. Annabeth is flung far away from Percy, and Kronos makes the whirlpool bigger. It reaches the ocean floor, picking up shipwrecks in it's wake. Annabeth was pulled under a ship, but caught hold of a stray rope and hauled herself aboard.

Percy eventually found himself sucked to the bottom of the whirlpool, and left on dry land. He saw Kronos above him, at the ocean surface, the trident raised to blast him. The first he was able to dodge, but just barely. The second blast singed his tail fin a little. Kronos made the eye of the whirlpool smaller so there was just enough room for Percy to sit.

"So much for true love!" Kronos took aim, chuckled, but never got a chance to fire his last blast. Annabeth had gotten to the ship's helm, and steered the ship forward in the current of the whirlpool. Kronos was too busy trying to kill Percy that he never saw the point of a broken ship's figurehead impaling him. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed, and Kronos collapsed onto the ship, and pulled it down into the depths of the ocean along with his disintegrating body.

AN: There's the climax! There will be one more after this I'm pretty sure. I have an idea for another disney/pjo story like this. I was thinking doing Cinderella but with Piper and Jason. Also I was thinking of switching the roles, like Jason is the cinderella type character, and Piper is the princess. Let me know if that sounds weird. I'll post my decision in the notes of the last chapter.