Author's Note: My favorite pairing has always been Bulma and Vegeta. Since I have been watching Dragon Ball Super, I have become re-obsessed with the couple again haha. So I decided to write my own take on their pairing for fun. I hope everyone enjoys! I also do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of the other wonderful creations, that was all Akira Tokiyama.

Bulma let out a long sigh as she set back in her chair. She had been working non-stop for the past four hours, trying to make the math add up for her new invention. Capsule Corp had been expanding their projects for some time now and she had decided to venture into the territory of medical equipment. While her and her father had made all sorts of handy capsules that produced all sorts of things, from hovercrafts to appliances, she now wanted to focus more of her time on doing things that benefited those in need. Currently, she was trying to figure out how to make a wheelchair that did many daily tasks for the person. While service animals were useful, they still needed to be taken care of. A robot would be able to do a large amount more without needing any additional care beyond routine maintenance.

Making the wheelchair was simple enough but giving it all the gadgets it needed as well as a control panel was the difficult part.

Bulma stood up, stretching her arms above her head to move her tired, stiff muscles. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was about time for dinner. Luckily, her mother was awesome enough to do all the household chores, including cooking. Although Bulma could do a few things, she was usually so busy with inventing and the company that she would forget to eat. Culturally, it was normal for her to live with her parents until she got married and had a family of her own. However, she couldn't see herself leaving even then. She loved her parents and they all lived happily together. Her and her father would work together and Bulma would take her mother out whenever she got the urge. Plus, her father really had no interest in the public relations area of running the company. Something that Bulma had no problem with. She loved to stand in front of a board room filled with men who underestimated her and surprise them with her intelligence and nerve.

Bulma exited her lab and headed towards the kitchen, following the heavenly scent of food that was wafting up to her nose. She knew her mother had much more of a challenge now with the mass amount of people in their house. Although they had a rather large complex, people still had to be clothed and fed. With the Namekians and Vegeta, that became an enormous task. Though none of them could complain. Everyone had lost their home and were trying to start fresh. She could only respect them for that.

They would soon find the dragon balls and be able to get them to their planet and also wish Goku back. Bulma felt her heart clench thinking of her childhood friend. Would he never cease to kill himself? Although she loved him and he had saved her life more than once, she got annoyed with his constant forgiving nature. In her mind, some people just needed to die. Frieza was one of them. Yet he was always giving people second chances and sacrificing himself. Bulma paused in that thought, considering the case of Vegeta. Yea, he was a complete self-righteous asshole, but he seemed to have another side to him as well. Bulma found she couldn't help herself from messing with him. She smiled to herself thinking of when she had called him cute and he had become so flustered. Perhaps the prince was not used to people calling him that?

"Hey mom, how are you?"

"Oh Bulma, hello! I'm doing good, honey, how are you!?"

Bulma's mother turned with her usual wide smile and Bulma had to stop herself from laughing when she noticed the amount of food particles covering her mother. Some people couldn't understand how her parents got together. Bulma surmised it as a combination of opposites. While her father was incredibly intelligent, he was very analytical. Her mother on the other hand cared about commercial goods but was a very caring person. They must have met in the middle at some point. Or perhaps it was the results of getting drunk in Vegas?

"I'm doing good. Did you need any help with anything?"

She shook her head, turning back to the stove hurriedly to lift the lid of a pot that had been overflowing.

"No need to worry! I have been sending the house drones with plates of food outside. You know what's funny? We have a whole planet's worth of aliens but Vegeta eats more than all of them!"

She giggled as she put the last dumpling on a plate before telling the drone to go outside. Bulma chuckled to herself, grabbing one as it passed by to nibble on it.

"You should be used to how the Saiyans eat. You have been around Goku for forever."

"Oh, you're right! But I tell you what, a man who can eat and fight like that is every little girl's dream."

Bulma almost choked on her food as her mother broke out into more giggles. Was her mother looking at Vegeta as an eligible bachelor? That was something Bulma would have never considered. But then, why shouldn't she have? I mean, it did appear he was single since she had never seen him with a woman. And now he was living on their planet. Why not eligible? Probably because he had tried to kill them all. She liked a bad boy but that may be a little out of her area. She could just imagine the type of therapy she would need to go to if she started dating Vegeta.

'Why are you here today, Bulma?'

'Well, you see. I started dating this one guy who has destroyed countless planets, indirectly killed my boyfriend, and threatened to do me harm multiple times. But he really can eat a pork chop!'

She laughed silently at the image.

"Bulma, dear, will you take the takoyaki out? I want the boys to have them before they get cold. Also, help yourself to some food. You work so hard and deserve to have a break!"

"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

At the way, her mother was waving in dismissal, Bulma turned to take the plate mentioned and proceeded outside. Once she was outside, she saw long picnic tables lined up with green men and children everywhere.

Did they even have any females?

She couldn't think of seeing any before.

"Hey, how is everyone doing?"

She called happily, setting down the plate on the nearest table.

"Doing terrific, this food is extraordinary! What is this new dish!?"

"This is takoyaki. It's fried octopus with a sweet sauce over it. I'm sure you will love it!"

She winked at the elderly man who asked her the question. He smiled broadly and took one.

"We cannot thank you enough for your hospitality. Giving us a place to stay and feeding us all this wonderful food. I had no idea such kind creatures existed in the universe."

Bulma waved her hand while smiling, feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the compliments.

"It was nothing! It's what us Earthlings do! I hope you enjoy your stay even though it's not what you're used to."

At that moment, about five Namekians jumped up to offer her their seat.

Bulma felt herself blushing at the rush of attention. If only Earth boys could be that considerate. It was then that she noticed a lone figure out of the corner of her eye.


Always a lone figure.

Since he had gotten here, he had started training in the yard and wherever else he flew off to. He also kept clear of anyone and everyone which was not easy to do with so many people. He was currently shoveling food into his mouth at a table alone. The Namekians would give him worried glances every now and then which Vegeta seemed to ignore.

Did he ever feel alone?

She felt a twinge in her heart at the thought. Yea, he had done some awful things. But yet, she couldn't stand the thought of another creature in pain. Call it one of her other qualities that made her amazing. Or would it be called a downfall?

She politely declined the seats and encouraged them to keep eating as she walked towards the lone figure. Bulma stopped momentarily to make a plate for herself, making sure to grab some of the takoyaki. She then walked over to where Vegeta was sitting and sat across from him. She felt eyes on the back of her head and knew the Namekians were staring at her in shock. She also noticed Vegeta pause briefly in his eating ritual and his eyes raise to look at her distrustfully.

"What do you want, woman?"

She smiled, picking up one of the takoyaki and placing it on his plate before she lifted a bowl of rice for herself.

"You looked lonely over here so I decided to grace you with my presence. Try one of the takoyaki balls."

"Psh. Saiyans do not succumb to such weak feelings. And as for your strange ball, I want nothing to do with it. Leave."

She sighed inwardly but decided to not give up. She had been able to engage in one or two-word conversations with the Saiyan prince before. For some reason, it seemed like he would talk to her more than anyone else. Perhaps if she kept trying she could get him to open up a bit. She knew that the Namekians would eventually have a place to go, but what about Vegeta? He had no one. Perhaps she also took some small joy in putting him in his place.

"Alright, big boy. You do whatever you want but this is my house and I will sit wherever I want. So, if you could please not bother me, I am starving and would like to eat."

To emphasize her words, she put a whole dumpling in her mouth.

She could see the tension on Vegeta's face as he looked at her but he seemed to give in. She could have swore she heard him grumble under his breath, "damn female…blow up planet… annoying humans…" The fact that he remained seated and went back to stuffing his face said something though. Whether or not he would admit it, she felt like he enjoyed some companionship. Goku definitely did, so it wasn't some kind of weird Saiyan genetic thing.

They ate in silence with the sound of Namekian laughter around them. Every now and then she would glance at him to gauge his expression. But of course, he revealed nothing. Well nothing until she noticed him pause, studying the takoyaki ball intently. Ever so slowly he reached out and took it. She almost laughed out loud when he brought it to his nose and sniffed at it.

Come on Vegeta. Eat the damn ball.

And there it was!

She watched him slowly chew it and swallow it, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

When he noticed her looking at him he immediately went back to his normal serious expression.


"Is it really so hard to just admit you like something?"

Bulma asked in a playful voice but then had to grab at the table when Vegeta stood up in a rush, almost knocking the whole thing over.

"I need to go train."

She looked from him back to the table and a sudden rush of annoyance filled her.

"Hey, I'm not your servant! You can't just leave your stuff here, you have to clean up after yourself!"

But he didn't even pause as he continued to march away.


She yelled one final time before sitting down in a huff. Perhaps there really was not being civil to Vegeta.

Vegeta had been packing up food and supplies in the space ship for a couple days now. He knew what he had to do. He had to find that damn Kakarott so he could find out how the buffoon had become a super Saiyan. Seriously, what the fuck? Did training and hard work not count for anything anymore? The idiot was way too compassionate for his own good. A true disgrace to the Saiyan race. Yet, HE has become the legendary super Saiyan!?

A small part of Vegeta thought that perhaps it had to be something in Earth's water. Could there be something in the Earth's substances that increased energy levels? That thought did not last long though as he observed the thousands of weaklings populating this planet. Most of their fighters? Pathetic. Especially the one that kept coming over here to fall all over the blue-haired witch.

As he was walking in the courtyard, he heard a commotion coming from the front of the house. The fact he heard the woman's voice made him cringe and want to go back the other way. But his curiosity ended up getting the better of him. Especially with the way he felt her ki spike.

For a human, it's not too bad.

When he turned the corner, he saw the blue-haired woman currently screaming at some man. Behind her was a small Namekian child with tears in his eyes, clutching at her skirt.

What in the seven hells?

"What the hell were you thinking, attacking a small child!? Aren't you supposed to be a grown man!?"

He took a step towards her aggressively, "I can guarantee I'm all man and would be willing to show you."

Another spike in her ki and it was pure rage.

"If you do not get off of my property right now, I will kick you so hard in the balls, no one is going to be able to identify you as a man."

He raised an eyebrow, impressed by her courage. She did not seem intimidated at all by the larger man who was obviously stronger than her. But then again, she had not shown fear towards him either. Ever since he had stepped foot on Earth, she had acted carefree around him. As if he was a normal Earthling. What a confusing female.

"I'm not leaving until that thing and all of its' friends are gone. They don't belong here, they aren't natural. I'm not going to be waiting around for them to kill us all."

Surprisingly, Bulma took a step forward.

"You are the only one who doesn't belong here. Just because someone may look different from you does not mean they are a danger. Perhaps you should fill your head with something other than air. This is the last time I am going to warn you."

He watched in interest as the man seemed to reach a breaking point and go to reach for her. But she did not stand there idly. He watched as she moved to duck out of his reach, grab his shoulders, and knee the man in the genitals repeatedly before stepping away.

The man gasped and fell to his knees, clutching at his, no doubt, bruised, appendage. And the woman? She stood there with a smirk on her face, a furious ki flickering around her. Vegeta found his opinion begin to change vastly. Although he couldn't remember his people too well, he couldn't help but think she was like a female Saiyan. He could practically imagine her in armor, her tail flicking back and forth as she stood over her fallen enemies.

"Bot 21!"

He watched a rather large robot move quickly to her.

"You are going to drag this trash out to the street and hold him there until the police come."

The man didn't resist as he was drug away. Once he was gone, she turned to the Namekian child and bent down, her aura immediately calming down.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. That guy is never going to come back. And no matter what, I'm going to protect you."

The child sniffled but looked like he was starting to recover.

"Aren't you brave? I bet you're going to be a warrior when you grow up!"

The child dabbed at his eyes and cracked a small smile.

"There we go! Now how about we go get some icecream?"

The child immediately nodded, his expression changing to one of pure anticipation. The woman laughed and took his hand as they walked into the house. Vegeta watched from his hiding place with a mix of emotions. He found the woman's character to be perplexing. Were all women this way or just Earthlings? She had a fire in her but also a kindness. He couldn't help but think she would be a perfect mother.

Vegeta turned and began to walk to the ship. He had a mission to do and did not have time to ponder about some strange woman.