Mobius Legends

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Sega of America, Team Sonic, MGM nor anything else associated with any franchise mentioned within. The only thing that I own is the name Kerra. It is mine and if anyone steals it I will not hesitate to get creative on the torture. Also I do not own the original idea for the Mjolnir armor, which belongs to Microsoft and Bungie. That's how Kerra got the idea for her own version of it.

Chapter 5

He Had the Mass Alright

After the group finished their meal, Sonic took off on another run, leaving Kerra and John to do the dishes.

"So does he do that a lot?" John asked Kerra as he dried of the plates.

"Not really. He's probably worried that with you showing up I'm gonna get dragged into another war on an even larger scale than the war with the Ori." Kerra replied.

"The Ori?" John asked as he stacked the plates on the shelves that Kerra showed him earlier.

"Oh yeah, I only told you about the Goa'uld. The Ori were a group of ascended beings that realize that they could gain power if those of us in the lower planes worshipped them. They came from another galaxy entirely, so we were a little blindsided when the Pryors showed up and started preaching Origin. Basically it's similar to the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, and just about every other religious text on Earth. The only difference is that the followers of Origin had this disturbing tendency to burn non-believers." Kerra said as she drained the water from the sink and grabbed a towel to dry her hands.

"But didn't early Christians do the same to the non-believers?" John asked.

"Rarely from what texts have been found. It was more likely that if you were killed by a Christian it was on the battlefield with a sword or arrow through the gut. Much more pleasant than being burned alive." Kerra said as she pulled on her usual black and tan knuckle duster gloves.

"If you say so. So now what are we going to do?" John asked as he laid the towel he was using to dry the dishes with out to dry.

"Well, I'm going to show you around the base and then take you out into town to get you some more clothes and show you what it's like to be a civilian. Follow me." Kerra replied as she headed towards the door that lead to her massive underground garage.

John followed the vixen into the darkened room. He was about to ask her what he was supposed to see when he was temporarily blinded as the lights came on in the garage. Blinking to clear the spots from his vision, John's jaw nearly hit the floor when he looked at the wide assortment of vehicles in the cavernous garage.

There were sedans, coupes, convertibles, muscle cars, imports, trucks, SUVs, and a large number of military vehicles as well. One however stood out from the rest.

"Is that a…" John started to ask.

"An M-12 Light Recon Vehicle? Yes it is. This is my personal 'hog, I got it when the gun on one of the other Hogs got trashed beyond repair. The maintenance guys pulled the gun and turret from this one to replace it. I just snagged the vehicle. Perks of being in command." Kerra replied as she headed over to the turretless Warthog and climbed in. "Ya coming or ya gonna stand there and drool all day?" She said as she leaned forward over the steering wheel.

John quickly came back to his senses and hurried over to the massive four by four. As he climbed in, Kerra hit the starter and turned the massive V-8 engine over. Pulling out of the parking spot, she then hit a button that opened the doors to the subterranean structure.

The vehicle quickly climbed the gentle grade of the ramp and burst out into the crisp afternoon air of the Mystic Ruins. Kerra turned onto the road that headed towards the shipyard and berthing area for the many cruisers under her command.

As they drove, John was struck by how well the base melded with nature. There were centuries old trees standing along the road and many more saplings stretching their branches skyward.

Noticing this, Kerra decided to explain it. "When we built this base we had to do a lot of clearing of trees and brush. To make up for the destruction, we planted saplings for every tree we felled. It's a small way to give back to the planet for what we took."

John nodded as they approached a massive clearing.

As the truck came to a curve in the road the shipyard was clearly seen off to the left.

John was amazed once again by the massive hulk of the Mobius-class cruisers. He was even more amazed by the number of them. From their vantage point, he could see more than a dozen of the war ships.

"How many of those ships do you have?" He asked Kerra as they continued down the road.

"In the entire fleet, there are four remaining Daedalus-class Deep Space Carriers and over forty Mobius-class cruisers. The Daedalus-class is about half the tonnage of the Mobius-class, so they are about half the size of the Dawn when she was in one piece. The Mobius-class ships are spread out between, here, Earth, the Pegasus Galaxy and the various Alpha Sites that are set up throughout the Milky Way. More are being constructed to bolster defenses throughout the galaxy." Kerra explained as they neared the airfield.

John nodded as they continued towards the airfield. As they passed it, he noticed even more familiar vehicles.

"Yes those are Pelicans and Falcons. Some more of my designs that have made it into production. I'll show you where I got the designs from later, but for now let's hit the town." Kerra explained as she drove towards the gate.

John nodded again as he sat back in the passenger seat. "How is she able to re-create UNSC tech? I'll have to ask Cortana about this the next chance I get." He thought as they exited the gate.

The pair then continued onto Station Square where they spent the next few hours shopping for a new wardrobe for John and Kerra introduced John to some of the local cuisine.

As they drove back to the base, the sun was setting.

"I have to say that was the most fun I've had in years. Thank you." John said as they drove.

"No problem. Everyone needs a chance to relax and you handled yourself quite well. Though you should try and smile a bit more." Kerra said with a smile of her own.

"I'll try to. I haven't had much to smile about for the past thirty some odd years." John replied wistfully.

Kerra was about to reply when there was a massive flash and a loud roar.

Slamming on the brakes, Kerra quickly looked around for what had caused the explosion. What she saw stunned her.

A Pelican was flying towards them with one of its thruster gimbals ablaze and its armor scorched by energy weapon fire.

Kerra quickly jammed the transmission into reverse and put her foot to the floor.

The vehicle quickly accelerated in reverse, clearing the area just as the craft slammed into the asphalt and slid into and up the embankment on the other side of the road, bouncing once before grinding to a halt.

Kerra put the truck back into drive and drove across the median and up the embankment. As she did she pulled out her phone and called the command post.

"Command Post Sergeant…"

"This is Colonel Prower! I need to know what Pelicans are out right now!" Kerra said hurriedly, cutting of the sergeant.

"None are ma'am. All of the base's aircraft are on the ground. Flying operations ended about half an hour ago." The sergeant replied after a moment.

"Well check again. I just had a severely damaged Pelican nearly take me out on the Coastal Highway. There was a large explosion just a few seconds before I spotted it." Kerra replied as she again locked the brakes, causing the Warthog to slide on the dirt as they came close to the downed Pelican.

"Ma'am I just received a report that there was a massive spike in radiation in that area a few moments ago. The energy is consistent with a hyperspace transition. We also have reports of smaller occurrences all over the region." The sergeant informed Kerra.

"Understood. Scramble the search and rescue teams to the other sites. We're at the site of the down Pelican now. I'll call if we need back up." Kerra replied as she hung up not waiting for a response.

She motioned for John to get out of the vehicle as she did the same going to the bed and opening one of the containers situated along the side rails.

Pulling out two M4 Carbine assault rifles she quickly loaded and chambered a round in both and tossed one to John before pulling out two .45 caliber handguns which she also loaded and handed one to John along with a holster.

"Just in case." She said as she shouldered her rifle and motioned for John to follow her.

John quickly followed suit, dropping back into a combat mindset as the pair slowly approached the downed craft from the side.

Both of them stopped when they noticed the lettering on the ship, but for two very different reasons.

John was stunned to see the letters UNSC emblazoned on the nose of the ship.

Kerra was shocked when she noticed the writing under the rear thruster gimbal.

"It can't be. There is no way in hell that can be the same Pelican." Kerra thought.

The word she was in disbelief over was plain as day.


The two SPARTANs quickly recovered and headed towards the rear hatch of the ship.

Cautiously, the pair edged around the hatch and peered inside.

Suddenly a blue and gold helmet tumbled out of the smoke. On the side of the helmet the designation S-A259 was plainly visible.

The pair then noticed movement from within the cabin. A figure slowly made its way through the smoke filled troop bay, stumbling over spilled gear that lay in the 'blood tray'.

The figure nearly fell off the edge of the ramp, moving in a daze. His rifle slowly swept the area, but his eyes were glazed.

Kerra slung her rifle behind her and slowly approached the figure.

"Commander? Are you alright?" She asked.

The man turned slowly before collapsing to the ground.

Kerra and John quickly ran to him and rolled him onto his back.

John noted that the man was wearing what appeared to be MJOLNIR armor, but he was much shorter than any of the SPARTAN-IIs.

Kerra quickly sized up the man's wounds. There was a hole in the upper right portion of his chest armor and he had blood coming from his ears and there was crusted blood on the side of his mouth and above his right eye. She quickly went back to the Warthog for a med-kit and her radio.

As she hurried back she radioed the aircraft that were heading out to check the areas of the energy spikes.

"Calling any Pelican within five klicks of my position, this is Sierra-048. We have a casualty in need of immediate medical attention. Requesting immediate dust off." Kerra called over the radio as she slid to a stop next to the man.

This is Kilo-48. We are adjusting course to come to you. Do we need to break out any specific gear?" The pilot asked.

"Stand by one Kilo-48." Kerra replied before turning to look at John. "Let's see if we can pick him up. He is smaller and it looks like his armor is a chopped down version of ours."

John nodded positioned himself at the man's feet while Kerra moved to his shoulders. They looked at each other and with a nod lift the unconscious man up. Another nod and he was set back on the ground.

"That's a negative on special equipment Kilo-48. Just hurry it up." Kerra relayed to the rescue craft.

"Understood. We're almost to your position."

Less than a minute later, Kerra and John heard the roar of the Pelican's four engines as it slowed and flared in to land.

Once the craft settled, the pair again picked up the man and quickly carried him into the cargo area. After setting him down in the 'blood tray,' Kerra jumped back out and ran to the 'Hog and drove it into position under the tail of the drop ship. Quickly climbing onto the roll bars, she grabbed the clamps the Pelican's crew chief had lowered and attached them to the hard points. She the hopped back to the troop compartment as the vehicle was quickly winched into position.

"Alright we're locked down! Get us back to base!" Kerra yelled to the pilots over the roar of the engines.

The response was the roar increasing as the pilots fed the fuel and got back into the air and heading to the base.

Kerra dropped into a seat, drained of energy. She looked across the bay to John. The man's eyes, however, were on the man on the floor.

Kerra lowered her gaze to the man that the medics were doing their best to stabilize since they couldn't remove his armor in the field.

She did allow herself to smirk slightly as she remembered something.

"You really should have picked your words a little better buddy. Because I would say that you definitely had the mass.' She thought as the ship headed into the growing twilight.

A/N: Alright another chapter down. Kudos will go out to whoever can guess the identity of the man Kerra and John rescued. I gave ya enough clues so it should be easy. As always, read and review.