Magnolia, Fiore

After the 100-year quest that Team Natsu had attended, it only took them a year, a long year to finish. During that time, Wendy Marvel had turned 15-years-old. On their way back to the guild, Erza promised her sweets from the bakery down the block from the guild. Her eyes sparkled with joy of imagining the sweets savoring taste.

By the time they all arrived at the guild, they told the master about the job, surprising not that much damage, Natsu stated, earning a hard blow from his team. Even if the enemies were causing most of it, the other half of the damage was cause team Natsu. They also remembered Wendy's birthday, so the master and the guild put on a party and celebrated that whole day for the return from their journey. Lucy even invited Chelia from lamia scale. Chelia even showed Wendy that she regained her magic, which was surprising, because of what Ultear told them, but she let that go and was overjoyed with her friend. She practiced everyday and her magic was becoming like it was before, little by little though. Still, practice makes improvement.

The sky sisters were back again. Even though they already were to begin with but you get what I mean.

Musutafu, Japan

After the whole kidnapping of Bakugo Katsuki, and the exposure of All Might. The school principal (Nezu) announced that he would be taking the UA students into dorms on campus so that they can monitor them and protect them and also train them to the best heroes.

It's been a few weeks in the new regulation of the school. That is until something went wrong. Something or someone appeared out of nowhere on the school's campus in the woods. The teachers and also Principal Nezu checked to see what or who is causing it, and how did they get onto the campus?

Is it a villain? What kind of quirk did he or she have? The hero's tried to stop him or whatever it was, but to no avail. Mr. Aizawa (Eraser Head) was even surprised that he couldn't stop him with his quirk. The villain got away. At that time the police and detectives were at the scene. It was good thing it was late at night where the students were asleep, they told the officers that they didn't want the public to know. They understood.

While everyone departed from the scene, Principal Nezu went to investigate in the woods where the villain came from. He was curious about something, there was light in the distance. When he got closer it was really circular and bright. Was it some kind of portal? The principal got closer but not to close to the point to fall in, he wouldn't want that.

Suddenly, it felt as though a small gust of wind was going towards it, or was attracted to it? Nezu realizes that the wind isn't giving him a nice breeze, the portal itself was pulling the air in. The air got stronger, Nezu was about to run back but it was too late. He was pulled in.

Magnolia, Fiore

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I was about- well attempted to get up when I felt something heavy on top of me. I look up to a pink/salmon haired dragon slayer and his blue cat sleeping soundly on my bed, sprawled across me.

I try to wake him up by poking him in the face, pulling his hair a little but it's no use. So, I do the only thing that can work. I muster up some strength and roughly throw him off of me. Him and happy both hit the floor hard. Natsu gets up abruptly but happy is still asleep. I finally get up from my bed being able breathe properly and stretch. "Ouch luce why'd you do that?" He asked while rubbing his head.

"Well for one I couldn't breathe, two you were heavy and I couldn't get up" I said still stretching. "Oh mybad, well –sniff sniff- I need to shower, that quest was tiring and we all went weeks without a bath because of it" he said getting up and going to my bathroom.

"Wait let me take one first" I said getting up and trying to figure out what to wear.

"No, I'll go first, you take forever, unless you want to take one with me so that way we won't take long getting out of here." He asked so casually, while my face is burning from my blushing.

"NO WAY IN HELL" I yelled while still blushing madly. "well okay I won't take long" he says going in the bathroom and happy right behind him closing the door slowly saying " you liiiiikkke him." I then heard a click.

'When the hell did he wake up?!' I asked myself.

30 minutes later.

After they left Lucy's house, they were just walking and talking about the events that occurred yesterday. "Wendy was really happy about Chelia gaining her magic back." Lucy said thinking about her excitement yesterday. "yes, but she was happy overall" Natsu said "Aye" Happy replied.

"Yes, you're right but that made her day"

We were walking pass the magnolia park when we saw a group of people gathering around something or someone. "what's going on, a performance maybe" Natsu asked. "Let's check it out" I said as we made our way down to where the people were and pushed our way through to see what is going on. It wasn't a performance, but someone or something was lying there unconscious. The creature had on clothes, something like what a man would wear so I figured that it's a male, but, "Is it a small bear?" I asked

"No, it has to be an over grown mouse" Nastu says.

"It's a dog, look at his paws" happy says hiding behind Natsu

"Whatever it or he is we need to get him to the guilds infirmary, he seems to have a fever, he's burning up" I said putting my hand to his forehead. "Natsu carry him". I told him, I then explained to everyone that everything was alright now and that they can go on about their day before catching up to Natsu and Happy.

Principle Nezu

I wake up feeling better than I was the first time I woke up. The first time I woke up, was to a grassy scenery, with benches and birds. Looked like I was in a park but not sure, and it didn't look familiar. I had a horrible headache, and my whole body was hot. Now that I feel better, I need water, I look around this infirmary that does not look familiar at all. I see water and a single pill; I'm hesitant about this pill. Who brought me here? What and how did I end up here? I soon imagine how I was experimented on long ago, I shut them image out.

In this situation, I'm bound to anything, or naked. So, someone must have helped me, but who?

The double doors open and a young woman with white hair with two other young ladies with blonde hair and blue hair come in as well. They see me sitting up from the bed, the young one says "oh you're awake" she came close to the bed "can I take your temperature?" she asked sincerely.

I was reluctant, but I nodded my head and she placed her hand onto my forehead. I somehow felt warm until that warmth was gone and I looked at confused.

I supposed I looked unsure and surprised so she answered my question I was thinking. "I healed you earlier so I just checking if your fever was gone down, and it has" she says stepping back. Her quirk must be healing also, just like recovery girl. "I see you're unsure if you want to take the pill" the one with white or silver hair asked.

She walks to the table, grabs the pill and took it herself. "It's just a pill that'll regain your strength, now that I've shown you that you can trust us, can you take one please?" she asked.

"Of Course, thank you" she gave me another one with a fresh glass of water.

"Since the pill is taking an effect, how about introductions, my name is Lucy Heartfilia. Me and another friend of ours found you in the Magnolia Park unconscious and brought you here" the blonde girl known as Lucy said.

"My name is Wendy Marvel and I healed you from the fever" the blue-haired girl said. She looked to be about 14 or 15.

"Finally, my name is Mirajane, I gave you the pill and water" the white-haired woman said.

"Thank you all very much again, my name is Nezu and I'm the pri- wait magnolia park?" I asked just realizing that she said that. That is not in Japan.

"Yes, have you not heard of it?" Lucy asked me. I shook my head. "What part of Japan are we in exactly?" I asked, and they gave the 'What are you talking about look'.

"I think you need to see the master" Mirajane said. I nodded my head agreeing to see this 'master' of theirs.

I get off of the bed and follow the three-young lady's up some steps and to a door. Mirajane knocks on the door three times. "Master we've brought the guest from this morning, may we come in" I heard a 'please come in' before she opened the door and letting me walk in first. I walked in to a older man putting what looked like paper work down unto a desk.

"Hello there, I heard that a few of my children found you in the park, how are you feeling now, by the way my name is Master Makorov?" He asked.

"I'm fine thank you, and my name is Nezu".

"That is good, now it must be important that you had to come see me with the word worried written across your face" he said getting straight to the point. I nodded my head for confirmation. "Yes, Master Makorov, I have never heard this place called 'Magnolia Park' and your girls seem like that I was talking about another world when I mentioned what part of Japan was it in". I told him calmly, of course this is not Japan, or anywhere in the world I live in. I must be dreaming.

"hmm, why don't you tell me how you ended up in the park in the first place" he says.

I get to thinking about how I got here and it hits me. I started to explain that it was a villain on my campus, and how me and the other heroes were trying to detain him, but to no avail and he got away. I went into the forest by myself, and found something like a portal maybe something like that and was sucked in before I could run away from it. After I finished explaining he looked at me and sighed.

"I'm so sorry Principal Nezu but that was indeed a portal you saw, and when you was pulled in, you ended up here, and the villain you saw was from this world also. There has been that someone was on the run royal army, maybe that was it." Master Makorov stated.

Principal Nezu was speechless, to think that he was in a whole other world was unreal. Wait. "So, if that is the case, what kind of quirks do you all use? In my world someone similar to miss Wendy here has a comparable ability to hers. Which I thought your world was the same or maybe not." I asked them.

"Quirk? You mean like a habit of something?" Lucy asked confused.

"No, I mean a quirk, your superpower, that's what superpowers are where I'm from" I said trying to explain it in a different way.

"Um, if you could call it similar, what we use is magic, where you are right now is called a Wizard Guild" Mirajane said making my eyes widening.

"Maybe in your world magic is considered fake or unrealistic, here in the kingdom of Fiore, magic is the main form of combat utilize by mages." Master Makorov explained.

"We need to explain everything to him Master" Mirajane said causing everyone else to nod in agreement. "Indeed, we do, Principal Nezu please have a seat. Girls you can leave this to me". They nodded and left leaving me to listen to everything Master Makorov was saying.

45 minutes later

After the explanation about this world and my world, he decided to show me the guild he's in charge of. I asked if everyone calls him by that name, 'Master', he simply laughed and answered no. They either call him gramps, or master. I know I'm prying too much but, "is there something wrong with your legs, Master Makorov, if you don't mind me asking?"

"There was a war that caused me not to walk for some time. I'm practicing walking on my own again though. I was tried that wheelchair. I'm walking weird mow because they have to get used to being functional again"

I nodded not prying any further.

Me and Master Makorov was walking down the hall, to go upfront to the guild hall. Inside his office we both devised a plan to find this mystery man that escaped from the royal army and bring him back here. But we need to tell his guild first. When we get to the front, I see a lot of people drinking, eating, chatting, and …...fighting? "Is this normal?" I asked him. He deeply sighed and answered "Yes" He began stretching his legs, then he jumped up the second floor railing "Listen brats I have an announcement to make" he exclaims. Everyone comes to a stop and stare at him.

"Now as you all may know this here is the man Lucy, Natsu and Happy found unconscious earlier, he is from another world, apparently someone escaped from the hands of the royal army prison here went to their world to get away and he accidently ended up here, but once Naomi gets back here. We will send him with some of you to go investigate there and bring him or her back". He says

Before anyone can say anything, the doors bust open and another young lady with tan skin, and long jet-black hair breathing heavily comes rushing to Master Makorov. "Naomi why are you breathing so hard?" He asked her. She composes herself and replies "The information about the Prisoner, I got it but you're not going to like it very well".

End of chapter one. Tell me how you like it!********