Hello again everyone! It's me LoveFaithHope9698 with another update.

Sorry I took so long with another update. This chapter should have BEEN out, but life and school happened. I had a lot going on. With family and other situations but I'm good now.

Now onto...

Chapter 5.

It's been a couple of hours since Happy, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Gray got off the train to Hargeon Town. The Dragon Slayer was surely happy about it since he doesn't feel like he's about to vomit what he ate earlier, or the day before.

Too bad Wendy wasn't with them, but even if she was. She couldn't cast the Trio Spell on him because she too, would fall victim to the horrible motion sickness. He hopes that she is alright in the other world.

"I'll check us all into a hotel, you all can go on ahead but be careful, and no dilly-dallying we're on a mission" Erza said sternly, purposely aiming a look at both Natsu and Gray. She walked into the hotel with the help of a few bellhop struggling to carry her luggage along with the others inside.

"Why did she have to call me out with this idiot, flame brain here always starts his stupid shenanigans". Gray said while pointing a thump to Natsu behind him.

"Oi Ice Princess, what'd you say?" Natsu said perking up beside him, his hand igniting in flames while Grays hand is giving off an ice-cold sensation ready to freeze his rival.

"You heard me vomit boy, or are your ears to clogged up to even hear a thing"

"You wanna go you frosty"

"Let's go Dragon boy"

Thus, the fight started between the two. Lucy and Happy was just sitting down watching the altercation while sweat drops appeared on the side of their heads. In less than five-minutes the two mages were broken apart by Erza not to long after she checked them into the hotel.

"It wasn't even that long for you two was it" Erza questioned while some veins were still popping out on her forehead. "Gray put on your clothes now".

As always, Gray looks down and questions himself about where his clothes went, then hurry to put them on.

"Alright, let's get a move on. You see anything suspicious let us know through the communication lacrima. Now Natsu, Lucy, Happy, you three go check around the plaza and alleys in that area. While me and Gray go check uptown and back at the train station, ask questions if needed." With that, everyone dispersed.

While walking back to the train station with Erza, Gray began to sneeze continuously, also he's ears were have a burning sensation. "Did we pass some flowers you might be allergic to Gray, or did you catch a cold. -she stopped walking while thinking it over- Do you even get colds?"

Gray shook his head in response, "I got a feeling that someone is talking about me" he replied. "Did Lyon go with one of our teams?"

"hmmm, I believe so. The team consist of Cana, Gildarts, Juvia-," Erza stopped herself, and realized the reason why he was sneezing continuously and chuckled a little bit.

"That isn't funny, just what the hell could they be talking about" He mumbled.

"Oh, you know what they're talking about Gray. It's real obvious" She chuckled.

Gray was blushing madly just thinking about what Juvia answers was to Lyon, or what kind of question he was asking her. He knows Lyon is asking questions about them. Not to mention that Cana is with them as well.

Sitting in the hotel waiting area were Cana, Elfman, Juvia and Lyon. Gildarts went to main desk to check them in the hotel. While waiting, Lyon thought it was his chance to ask Juvia a very important question. "Juvia I have an important question to ask you" Lyon stated looking serious at the water mage.

"What is it Lyon?"

"When is the big day?" She was confused about the question. "What 'big day' are you talking about Lyon?"

"You mean he didn't propose to you yet?!" At his response, Juvia started to blush madly and her imagination went into overdrive. The wedding ceremony, honeymoon, house, thirty-three babies. She couldn't stop imagining it, she couldn't even hear Lyon's voice in the far background calling out her name for her to snap out it, but she was still in dream land.

"hahhaha too late Lyon, she's far gone into her Gray world." Cana says to him while still drinking some booze.

"Gray is not manly if he hasn't proposed yet" Elfman says while having his arms crossed nodding his head.

"What that makes you Elfman, how far has you and Evergreen gone in that relationship of yours." Cana asked while smirking. Elfman stopped nodding his head, and froze in place blushing as well.

Juvia came too after realizing her imaginations has went out of hand yet again. She was also curious about something. "hey Lyon, I've noticed something about you and I also have a question to ask."

"What are you curious about?" Juvia sat up straight, and looked him straight in the eyes. "Are you and Meredy seeing each other?" She was very curious about this, Meredy deserved to be loved and cared for. She cared for Meredy very much, like a little sister she never had. So, she needs to know if him and her are seeing each other in a romantic way.

"Wh- wh- What makes you think th-that we're t- together?!" He started to stammer.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you called her cute about a year ago when you met her. Whenever the guilds are having a gathering, she would come and join us and you two would get flustered with just a glance and-

"Okay-Okay, I get it" He hushed Juvia, his face flushed crimson red. Juvia laughed a little.

Meanwhile, on the other couch, Elfman was still blushing thinking about Evergreen. Also, at the main desk, Gildarts was trying to woo the receptionist, that is until Cana came up and hit on the top of his head. Telling him to keep it in his pants, and that they had work to do.

Musutafu, Japan U.A. Academy

After lunch was over, Wendy was scoping the area for a certain ashy blonde boy until she spotted him walking with a red head. She quickly ran after them. Iida saw this and began to worry, Bakugou has a personality that might scare the poor girl away. So, he followed to examine what would happen, also if he needs to intervene if he gets too aggressive with his words. Midoriya and Uraraka saw this as well and followed their class president.

Bakugou, along with Karishima was walking back to class together. Karishima was talking to him about his upcoming battle with the new girl later.

"I feel bad for little Wendy, she has you for an opponent. I mean c'mon dude she's half your size, you're not going to go easy on her, are you?" Bakugou stopped and glared at the red head.

"I'm asking for the impossible here aren't I" Karishima stated nervously, while shaking his head.

Bakugou began walking towards the classroom, when he suddenly heard a voice from behind him. Speaking of the devil, the red hair was just talking about this new girl. She was running up to him with a smile on her face.

"Hey Wendy, we were just talking about you, good luck today newbie" Karishima says, while putting two thumbs up. "You're going to need it."

Wendy smiled, "Thank you, I appreciate it" she then turned Bakugou. She held out her right hand. "Let's have a good match today, okay." She says happily with a wide smile, waiting for a handshake from her future opponent, but none came.

Bakugou looked at her hand, and then back at her. Her vibe kind of reminds him of Deku. Looking at him with those big eyes of his just like she's doing now. It was pissing him off.

"I don't know why you're getting friendly for shorty, just to let you know, I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl. I don't give a damn about what gender you are, you're just another extra for me to beat to get to the top." Bakugou says sternly while emitting mini explosions from his hands.

"Bakugou!" Iida says out loud while moving his hands in a robotic manner. "Stop calling people you don't know an extra, and plus she's your classmate now. At least, show her some respect."

"Please forgive him, Wendy. He's not the type to hold back what he's thinking" Karishima said, scratching the back of his head.

"No no no, it's alright. He's just speaking his mind, at least he's being honest instead of trying to sugarcoat anything" Wendy said, she then looked back at Bakugou. He reminds her of how Gajeel and Natsu, and probably all the men in her guild. They all have this confidence that gets them going. His personality is a little different, but it doesn't intimidate her in the slightest. If a person like him ever joined their guild, everyone else won't be either. She giggled a little.

"The fuck you are giggling for?!" Bakugou said getting irritated, 'was she making fun of him', he thought to himself. It started to piss him off even more when she caught herself and started flailing her arms trying to assure him that she wasn't mocking him. Those gestures reminded him of a certain green hair nerd.

"Sorry, sorry. You just remind me of someone I know back at home. Sorry if I offended you in any way." She said.

"Whatever" he said turning his back and walking away.

"Wow, who woke on the wrong side the bed this morning" Chelia came from behind asked.

"Oh no, he's always like that. That is just who he is." Mina said.

"I'll call him Mr. Grumpy the next time I see him then, since he's always like that."

"Chelia, don't anger him any further" Wendy sweat dropped, while Chelia just chuckled.

Both of Class 1-A and 1-B arrived at the uninhabited city, where the Final Exams were held. Their teachers, including All Might, Principal Nezu, and Recovery Girl. All were escorted to the monitoring room where they can watch the match take place. Just like the finals, this will be as if it's a real battle. Instead of trying to handcuff your opponent, the students will have to take away the U.A. headbands from his/her head, and make to the goal gate.

Wendy, Chelia, Todoroki, and Bakugou are all getting changed into their gym clothes. Of course, in separate rooms.

"I wonder this fight is going to turn out" Midoriya mumbled to himself, "Wind/Air is a great quirk, Kacchan can that to his advantage though, after all he uses the air around him sometimes for his explosions, but other than that what can Wendy do with her quirk to win this. She might have some tricks up her sleeve. Like some special moves she practiced before coming here…" he was rambling on and on about it.

"Midoriya, you're rambling again" Tsuyu said gaining his attention. "S-Sorry, I'm just curious about the whole thing, and a little worried" he said.

"You're not the only one" Kaminari jump into the conversation. "I mean the girl looks fragile, but I learned not to judge a book by its cover when he went up against Uraraka". Uraraka was also listening to the conversation, even if Denki didn't realize it.

"We'll just have to sit back and watch how the match goes" Karishima said while standing next to them.

The doors opened revealing both Chelia and Todoroki walking in, already dressed in their gym clothes. Chelia walks in approaching her class while Todoroki approaches his.

"You came to watch the match I see" Tokoyami says with his arms folded.

"Yeah, I was curious. Plus, I talked to Chelia about how Bakugou is not an easy opponent to go up against." He said while glancing over at Chelia. "I told her pretty much everything about him, and she doesn't seem fazed at all."

"What do you mean, I would be worried for my friend to go up against Bakugou, I mean I know he means well and doesn't underestimate his opponent. But the question is, do you she has some combat experience." Karishima says.

Todoroki shrugged his shoulders, "I honestly don't know, she seems confident, and so do Chelia. Her response was, and I quote: "I'm not worried at all, just because she looks like shy and fragile girl doesn't mean she is. She'll be fine, and she'll win."

Everyone didn't question him any further, they couldn't really point out how their battle was going to end. They still wondered how their quirks were different though.

"Their talking about you and your friend over there" Kendo said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm excited to see the outcome. I can't wait for my turn" she said cheerfully.

"Of Course, you should be. I mean I know I can't wait to see wipe the floor with halfy over there and. ooph" Monoma was already on the floor holding his side from the impact that Chelia gave him when she elbowed him. He was about to touch her again. Kendo just shook her head.

"Man, you're annoying, is being better than everyone is all you think about." She asked "I'm not doing this to be better than no one. Win or lose won't matter to me. I'll put my all into it." Kendo nodded approvingly and glared at a crouching Monoma.

"Besides, he has a unique ability. Fire and Ice, I might have a hard time, I won't stress over it though. Like I said I'll do my best." Chelia said.

Her and Wendy already discussed on not to hold back, because they'll think that they were belittling them. Wendy said that she'll go all out, without her Dragon Force. She didn't think that was needed at all. Unless, she's faced with an enemy.

"Alright class, the exam for Wendy Marvell is about to begin" All Might said, gaining the attention from everyone. The monitors in the room came on and there they all saw Wendy and Bakugou at opposite gates, with the headbands on.

"All right you two, I'm about to explain the rules again. Whoever can get the headband off his/her head and make it to the Goal Gate, wins. This is a battle simulation, just like the sports festival, but different. You'll have thirty minutes." Principal Nezu said into the microphone.

Examination of Wendy Marvel

Wendy vs. Bakugou

Ready GO!

"Why the hell did my name come after hers?!" Bakugou shouted in irritation. Wendy could almost hear him getting angry.

Wendy was running, expecting to run into him anytime soon. She can smell him approaching, his scent smells a bit like explosions waiting to erupt. That's kind of cliché isn't it? Why does he smell like that? He even smells angry right now. These were questions she wanted answers to, but perhaps another time.

She kept running in the inhabited city for a couple of minutes. His scent was close, maybe a little too close. He's nearby for sure, so she slowed down and looked around. She couldn't help but compare them from the buildings back in Magnolia, but this was just like a practice ground. This world was so different, yet intriguing. She wanted to learn about it more, but now was not the time to imagine what this world got in store just yet.

She started to listen to her surroundings, for any movement. Then, in a swift second, Bakugou came from a dark narrow alleyway. His movement was smooth. He cocked his right hand back ready to impact the first blow, Wendy put up her arms in defense when the strike came with a loud BOOM from the explosive boy.

"I told you I wasn't going easy" Bakugou said.

There were still a lot of smoke from the attack, he was thinking she might pull a fast one like the floaty girl. He must be ready. Suddenly, in the middle of the smoke came a strong gust of wind clearing it from around them, a view of Wendy appearing in front him unharmed, except for a small burn on her forearm. What she realized was her fore head felt empty from the heat of the headband. She gasped

She looked up to see Bakugou with her headband in his hand. She didn't even notice, he was fast.

"Looks like I've ahead of you now" he said swinging the band around his finger.

Wendy attempted to charge at him, but failed miserably by tripping over a small rock.

"'Tch', you're pathetic. How the hell you trip something so small" he said, charging at her. Wendy slowly gets up from the ground. She gets in a position as if she is about to start a race at the sound of a whistle. She forms sphere of wind at the ball of her foot, and with that she propels herself in enhanced speed towards Bakugou taking her headband back.

Bakugou reacted quickly by grabbing the collar on the back of her shirt. He swung her around and threw her in the opposite direction along with an explosion. Wendy screamed.

She maneuvered herself and landed in a crouching position. She put a hand around her neck because he almost choked her from grabbing the collar. She puts her headband back on and stood up.

"I wasn't expecting you to go easy on me at all, come at me with all you got until I'm unable to get up. Can you do that?" she responded. "Now you're not ahead of me, we're tied again." This pissed off Bakugou.

"Don't act cocky now, blue hair, I'll end you" he shouted. He then set off and explosion to the ground, giving him the momentum of speed towards his opponent, striking her with another explosion. Wendy dodges his attack by jumping in the air, now above him. Wendy uses the air to surround her left fist, striking a punch to Bakugou's face. Sending him crashing to the cement ground.

He's not down yet, Wendy knows it will take a lot more than that.

Bakugou got up, rubbing his face that's all sweaty, with his fist. He's smiling at her for some reason. Wendy is confused though, this smile is either saying, "This is going to be fun" (not in a good way) or "I'm going to kill you" type of smile. She's pretty sure it's the second one.

"You better come at me with all you got shorty, because if you don't, you're going to wish you never met me" he told her in a menacing tone.

Bakugou charges at Wendy again with his right arm swinging back, Wendy is ready to counter attack against his explosion, but what caught her eye was that instead of trying to strike her with his hand. He brought up his left leg and kicked her in the face.

She stumbled onto her back wincing from the impact, she heard another explosion go off. He has now launched himself in the air, now above her. He was intending on blasting her while she was there.

Before he could strike, Wendy moved before the explosion could happen. Bakugou comes out of the smoke, they're starring each down. Both were sweating bullets at this point, and that's when Wendy realized. The hotter more he sweats, the more powerful he becomes. Which explains why he smells the way he does.

"Don't just stand there gawking at me damn it, come at me!" He takes to the air again and uses his explosions to propel himself in a circular motion to create a tornado that builds up on oxygen. Wendy began with her counter attack. She begins swinging her hands building up wind around her.



When the two collided, it formed a massive tornado with fire mixed in it. The tornado dispersed, sending a powerful wind in its surroundings. Shattering the glass from the windows in the tall buildings. Both students are bruised, and their clothes are ruffled from the impact that sent them hitting the ground so much. How could their headbands stay on after all that who knows?

Bakugou is up and breathing heavily, he's searching to see if his opponent was still standing, and indeed she was. Just a few feet away from him, he could see by the way she's looking, that she hasn't giving up just yet. "She's not down yet" he said to himself.

"Don't think I won't give up, just because of that attack. I'm not as weak as you think I am" she stated.

Bakugou takes a deep breath. Also getting very irritated.

He launches and starts spinning himself around with explosions headed towards her, thus creating an explosion wheel. Wendy charges at him, creating a whirlwind around her right leg. She then propels herself towards her target. Bakugou made a mistake in stopping the wheel, when at the same time as he did. A powerful kick of wind was sent straight at his abdomen.


Wendy took this chance to take off is headband before her kick sent him a couple of feet away. She is now tired, she has the headband to finish this match. All she must do now is make it to the Goal Gate.

"Where is the Goal Gate?" She looks around, runs to the end of the road of the buildings that was damaged. Turned the next corner and there it was, it had a big sign that says, "GOAL GATE" with the Principals face plastered on it. She sweat dropped at the look of it, "Of Course, that's the gate alright."

She didn't advance to the gate just yet, because what she heard next indicated that it was not over.

"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET SHORTY" Wendy turned around to see him flying in the air with the help of his explosions. "I'M A BLOW ASS UP SO BAD, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET BACK UP."

He stopped flying and now falling to where she is, he then creates a sphere of light between his hands. Wendy starts to breathe in the air around her. "Sky Dragon's…" at the same time Bakugou's attack exploded into a large-scale flash.



On impact, Bakugou was blinded by his on attack, and was blown back to the end of the road where the fight started.

Wendy was looking to see if he was completely down, she saw him on the ground breathing steadily. He wasn't moving so, that confirmed that he was knocked out.

She wasted no time as she dashed to the Goal Gate. When she crossed, a bell rung.

Examination of Wendy Marvel

Wendy vs. Bakugou

Wendy Wins.

To say that everyone was in utter shock would be an understatement. They were speechless. Well except for Chelia.

"Alright" Recovery Girl started. "I will go meet Bakugou and Wendy in the infirmary. You two should get to your place in about five-to-ten-minutes." She said, pointing at Todoroki and Chelia. They both nodded. Recovery Girl then walked out.

"Let's have a great match okay, no holding back" Chelia said.

"Yeah, no holding back"

She smiled and strolled out of the door after Recovery Girl. The students were still quiet, All Might and Mr. Aizawa was just standing there looking at the monitors, as if they were searching for something. Principal Nezu was intrigued with Wendy and wonder what else she could do.

Then one of the Class 1-A students attempted to lift the mood from the quietness.

"Well, we can clearly see from this match today that,…."

"Denki, I wouldn't if I were you"

"..she'd completely blew him away"

Everyone turned towards him, Jiro began laughing out loud, Mr. Aizawa shook his head knowing one of his student was going to say something sooner or later.

"What, too soon" Denki asked nonchalantly.

"If he heard that, he would have blasted you" Sero says to him.

Okay everyone, again I know I'm late with an update. Sorry! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!

For this fight, I don't know what came over my mind. I was just typing up the ideas that was in my head. Also, brainstorming them on my tablet. Tell me what you think about the outcome.

Now, I have a question to all of FT Fans. I know I'm not the only one, but we have never seen Mermaid Heels Master. During the GMG, we saw every master, except for Mermaid Heels. I imagined her as an elegant woman, warm hearted, but you know still badass. I wish Hiro Mashima stated their guild master before ending FT.