*Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Prologue: Loading Screen

I don't remember dying. A mercy I guess considering what had probably happened. I had read that being electricuted was a fairly horrific way to go.

Although the featureless void in which I found myself in didn't seem much better. Sensory deprivision may even be worse if it lasted too long. I was lucky in that respect. I have always been introverted and was fairly used to retreating into my own headspace.

Over time I'm sure that it will spell a quick route to insanity for me. Even I can't live off only dreams. Right now though it gave me plenty of time to consider my most likely cause of death.

I had been on my computer. Not too surprising for those who knew me. I was usually on my computer. It was my pride and joy. Carefully maintained and constantly upgraded, it was worth more than my car.

Or at least it had been. I spend some time mourning the loss of my electronic companion. With how many automatic processes and timed programs I had been running on it, it was virtually alive. I pampered the hell out it with it's refrigerated case, solar panels, batteries and of course surge protectors.

However no amount of safeguards will protect against being directly struck by lightning. The last thing I clearly remember had been the crack of thunder as all of the electronics had seemed to glow white with the amount of electricity filling my room.

So. I died. I wonder what comes next.

As if it had been waiting for that thought words abruptly faded into view.

Welcome to Worm CYOA v.7

Ok. That's unexpected.

Hmmm. So I'm going to be an SI then?

I'm fairly comfortable with that thought. The various Worm CYOAs are some of the most potentially broken character builds you can find for an SI. And I have never been one to I've never been the one to play fair.

Version seven though. I've only seen one through five. I wonder what powers I'll have available.

Please select starting mode.

Press [Next] to continue.

Heh. That's an easy choice. God Mode. Never start off weaker than you need to. You can hold back to make the experience more fun, but never intentionally cripple yourself.

Or it would be an easy choice, if I could actually move. I find myself trapped, helpless to affect anything and despite my efforts can't touch the glowing word that would let me escape.

I wonder if this is hell. Stuck with nothing but a taunt of potential reality shattering levels of power for all of eternity. I almost missed when the words change.

Autoloading Preferences...

Press [Cancel] to go back.

Oh. I can definitely live with this. I also offer a prayer to whatever R.O.B. programmed this game for including such an option. I wait eagerly to see just what kind of set up I'll end up working with.

Regrettably, the various screens all flash past much too quickly for me to actually read. There are also a lot more then I would have thought. Given the tendancy of each version to be weaken than the previous I hope I'm not too nerfed.

Still, this should be fun.