Hello, everyone, at firts I'd like to say, that




Well, with that said I'm going to continue...

English is not my native language!

Any review about grammar is welcomed too!

I sometimes read fanfics that clearly scream at me, to correct them, so please, if you find a problem, tell me.

If you won't insult me along the process I swear not to get mad at mistakes you point out.


Your reviews about grammar will make the story more enjoyable to others who come after you!

Don't be afraid!

Now to the story.

This is a fanfic and in this world, what I write, that goes.

I'm not JK Rowling, if I write, I personalize things. Each character acts either like me, like I expect them to act or like me if I were perfect. Some only have my bad traits reinforced. If you don't like how the characters act or if it doesn't make any sense to you, don't bother mentioning it and just leave, the story or the characters will not change unless I want them to.

Now... in this chapter, Hagrid... I'd rather let the explanation till the end of the chapter.

Harry Potter - the storry teller/me/er form

Harry Potter - thoughts, not only Harry's, but other characters' as well, you'll be able to ditinguish... hopefully

*Harry Potter* - parseltongue

"Harry Potter" - spoken english

/Harry Potter/ - speaking through a bond (Harry and his familiar)

"Harry Potter" - BSL, British Sign Language

Now, in this fic, Harry is deaf, feel free to ask if you do not understand what I mean by some words or moments.

I'm not, nor have I ever been deaf or hard of hearing, I just got this idea so please do not take this to the heart.

It's magic, therefore anythings possible, right?

Slightly genius Harry? I'd say so.

Okay, enjoy the ride!

Let me know what you think!

Book 1 / Chapter 1 / Giant hates the familiar


Oh hell. And what exactly am I supposed to do with this?

Harry just stood there at the station, staring right at his ticket. He was staring and gaping in such a stunned state, that people around started to look at him like he was challenged. Well. He was but in a different sort of way.

The platform 9¾? Who the hell ever heard about this?


He's gone.

Looking around Harry realized that the man probably said his goodbyes and left him alone. Just like that. No pointing to where he should go, no advice.

Guess it's asking too much to send someone who knows BSL.

Hell I could have communicated with anyone if they could at least write and read!

That giant really made him uncomfortable. He just barged inside the hut, threatened Vernon and took him away! Harry didn't understand any of his words. The beard and his mumbling plus the slang he used… he just couldn't read his lips. Then all those things started happening. The wall that just uncurled on itself and lead them to that weird street. Shops that Harry never even heard of. He certainly thought he was going mad! Not being able to read lips, it was like going deaf again! Not that he minded the quiet but still he learned to read lips so he could just read the freaking lips!

That's it I'm mad. I'm certainly going mad…

Harry just couldn't understand what was happening. Everything was too sharp for it to be a dream. And he knew he hadn't the brains to imagine all that happened. The pub was far the worst! Everyone just closed in on him. Trying to shake his hand, blabbering about Harry Potter and what an honour it was to meet him. That was just too farfetched. No one ever wanted to meet him, let alone touch him or give him something and those people there… just crawled on the ground at his feet. That was another indication to not believe what he was seeing.

A bank.

That he could accept.

But a vault full of gold with his name on it? A big NO WAY! That just wasn't possible. The big bear-ish chaperone then wanted to buy him an owl, surprise! At least he managed to catch his name from the shop owner who talked to him about it. Haguit. Or something like that. His smile didn't last for long though.


This place is cool but isn't it illegal to sell these kind of animals. OMG. Is that an actual owl he's looking at? And why's he smiling at me? Don't tell me… Yep. He wants to buy it from me, great.

While Harry could only read the owners lips, it was pretty clear they were talking about the owl and him. It would become a great familiar. Loyal, easy to keep. It delivers mail!

Great and just who would I be writing to, huh?

Rolling his eyes, he let out a frustrated sigh and went along the tanks. He saw a lion cub, pure red lion cub but it growled at him immediately.

It looks cute but it doesn't seem to want an owner.

Changing his way Harry found himself with the lizards. Chameleons. Winged little snakey things. And of course… SNAKES! There were only about ten of them. Most were really big and old since no one wanted to buy them but they were all beautiful. Then his eyes found the smallest and cutest snake he ever laid his sight upon. About 25 cm long with pointy scales there lay a black hairy bush viper.

*Hello there.*

Unaware he just spoke in parseltongue, the snake's head whipped around to face him. Light purple eyes locked themselves with pure green and a bond formed. Harry's heart felt suddenly comfortably warm and the snake's colour changed to yellow reddish marking which glowed.


All of a sudden the glass disappeared. Still in some kind of a trance Harry reached out his hand towards the snake, knowing deep inside she wouldn't dare to hurt him. A head slightly nudged his fingers and then slowly so she wouldn't scare her new master, the snake wrapped itself around his left hand. She managed it barely twice, tail pointing up the hand whereas head lain down at the base of his wrist. If Harry were to stretch out his arm towards the enemy, she would be there to strike at them.


/Thank you. Master./

His hand grew hot suddenly but it wasn't painful and when she slithered upwards he inspected his new tattoo. It was purely white but amazingly detailed and it moved a little, like it was breathing.

/I marked you as mine. Unless someone cuts off your hand the mark and our bond stays in place. You're now immune to all kinds of snake poison and you may call upon me whenever you are in need./


She is amazing. And so beautiful! I want her! I'll buy her, I don't care if I have to pay all the money in my vault for her. She's mine!

Wait a minute…


/Were we just talking without actually talking?/

/Yes. We share a bond. Thoughts directed to me I hear. And you can hear mine./


/Do you wish to name me, master?/

/Can I?/

/Of course. I've been waiting for you. For a name from you./

/All right, let me think about it for a minute./

Meanwhile Harry thought about a name, his little snake managed to roar around his entire body hissing in anger at all those injuries he sported. Promising to protect her master from everyone who dared to harm him she slithered down and settled herself back at his wrist. Prepared to launch at anyone and anything who would just think about harming what was hers.

"It seems you managed to find a familiar. Congratulations, Mr. Potter." Said the shop owner when he spotted the very proud snake on his wrist.

"Familiar?" Asked Harry, hoping he read the man's lips well.

"Yes. A magical sort of guardian. This is not just a pet. She will protect you with all her power, might and life. Very strong creature you have there, young man."

"Brilliant. How much does she cost?" Asked Harry, beaming while gently stroking his little snake. But just when he was to receive an answer. Haguit forced his way through to them.

"You put it right back! You can bring only one pet and I already got this owl for you! No snake!" The screaming could be heard throughout the entire shop. He was so angry and Harry got scared.

He certainly caught that even if it was a little difficult.

"You didn't buy it, at least not yet. And she's his familiar. They cannot be parted without his order. And even if he were to send it away… this one has a mind of her own, she won't give him up." Explained the owner but that only made Haguit angrier.

"I said no snake!" He grabbed Harry's hand and tried to tear it off of him but she just merged with the tattoo. Another try and another, never seeing the painful expression Harry had on his face.

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" Screamed the shop owner. He's never seen the giant like that, and for a snake. "There is nothing you can do about it! She chose him!"

After a few other pitiful tries, he finally gave up. Despite that he's thrown a tantrum.

"FINE THEN! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GIFT! BUT IF YOU'RE SUCH A SPOILED BOY YOU WON'T GET IT!" That stung Harry a little and frightened the poor owl but one look at his little snake princess and he knew he wouldn't come to regret it, first of all it wasn't his fault.

Trying to calm his racing heart he petted her scales.

/Gavrilla. That is your name. Strength given by God./

/Thank you, master. I shall accept such a powerful name and protect you from all harm as your familiar once the bond is properly set./

/No. Gavrilla. It's me who is grateful./

So Harry paid for his new snake friend and then followed an angry giant out of the shop.

End of Flashback

Back on the platform, Harry acknowledged he felt a connection with Gavrilla but when he was brought back to Privet Drive that night and given a ticket he thought he would wake up from a dream the very next day. But the dream continued. After a beating from his uncle while he desperately hid Gavrilla from his punches, nothing changed. A cupboard to sleep in, in the morning – cooking breakfast, then chores. And through all that, Gavrilla was with him.

/So? Do you know what should I do?/

/Maybe… try the platform 9 and 10?/

Platform 9 and 10? That's not such a bad idea. Perhaps there is some secret passage.

Or I'm mad.

So Harry grabbed his trunk and headed for the platform. And…? Nothing! Absolutely nothing was out of normal and he hated crowds! People were everywhere and some already looked at him with a sneer as he touched different bricks trying to find some hidden passageway.

"Damn Dumbledore. Can't he make another way to the platform? Maybe one that isn't so obvious for Muggles to see?" It was only an accident that he read the women's lips. Quite tall and strict looking lady was marching along the platform, a little boy about Harry's age trailing quietly behind her. He seemed quite nauseous.

Dumbledore… that's the headmaster, right? That means… she knows the way.

Slowly and slyly trailing behind those two, he was astonished to see them walk right through the wall.


Thus the dream continues.

Let the games begin.

Feeling quite anxious himself, Harry looked around and then slowly approached the wall. And then, thinking himself mad again, he managed to step inside the wall. A short tunnel followed and then, he saw the train.

Fine… Too much adrenaline for one day.

Harry quickly boarded the train, looking for an empty compartment, and striking a jackpot after a 15-minute hunt, right at the end. By then everyone has been on the train and it whistled, signalling its departure.

Good, I can finally relax…

Or at least… he thought so.


Now I know you all love Hagrid and his relation ship with Harry, but the guy is not dumb!

I feel that his hatred for Tom and all Slytherin like is far more fierce than we've been told.

I mean.

He got kicked out of Hogwarts because of Voldemort.

Everyone thought he's a murderer.

And he believes almost anything and as we read in the first book he relayed to Harry how Slytherins were bad and so on...

Here, Harry didn't get to hear it.

I also wrote this character with the idea, that Hagrid would think he was helping Harry, getting frustrated for not being able to rid him of the snake.

Well, I hope you don't hate me now for our favourite Gate's Keeper! :3

Till next time!