New story! I got this idea, what would happen if TT had to go undercover at Happy Harbour High? What would Connor and M'gann think? Little Robin's new chapter is almost finished. Since Little Robin is almist finished I made a new story. Here you go!Disclaimer: I do not own a single thing. If I did, YJ would be on season five and TT would have their sixth (Seventh or fifth?) season. Sadly neither have been completed, which is proof that I do not own it.

It was a normal day in the Titans Tower. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing games, Raven was reading, sneaking glances at the game, and Starfire was cooking a Tamaranian dish.

"Friend Raven, do you know where Robin is? I would like him to try my borklegurg!" Starfire said.

"He's either brooding on the roof, finding more intel on Slade, or using the bathroom." Raven answered, not even looking up from her book. Starfire nodded.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed. All of a sudden Robin entered the room.

"I found out where part of the Hive Five is! Jinx, Mammoth, and Gizmo are going undercover in Happy Harbour! Gizmo made a new type of technology that shape shifts them into whoever or whatever they like. Their plan is to release a bomb that will turn everyone in Happy Harbour into their devoted followers." Robin explained.

"And how do you know?" Beast Boy asked.

"It makes sense, the parts they've been stealing and getting away with make the bomb and shape shifting technology." Robin replied.

"Yeah, but the extra parts they didn't get away with?" Cyborg asked.

"Distraction. They wanted it to look like they needed extra parts so that we would never suspect." Robin replied.

"Friend Robin, would you like to try my special borklegurg?" Starfire asked. Robin didn't know how he could say no without breaking her heart in a small form. He nodded and ate some.

"Do you like it? I added just enough borkle that it would not taste too sour." Starfire said. Robin smiled and nodded.

"I-it's great Star. After you put it into a container and in the fridge then get one if the rings thay Cyborg made." Robin said. Starfire smiled and nodded.

"Wondrous!" She exclaimed. Cyborg paused the game and went to his room to get four rings. One for Raven, one for Beast Boy, one for Starfire, and the last one for himself. He ran out and gave them each one.

"You don't need one, right Robin? 'Cause if you want one I can get one." Cyborg said. Robin shook his head and smiled.

"It's fine. I don't need you to get me something unnecessary that would just slow us down." Robin said. Cyborg nodded.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to my room and put this on. You should do the same." Cyborg said. He walked to his room. Starfire put the ring on the counter in the kitchen and got a container. She took the huge pot and poured it in. Beast Boy ejected the CD for the video game and set it on the table he changed into a dog and ran to his room. Raven took a piece of scrap paper on the kitchen counter and placed it in her book. She walked to her room. Starfire put the pot in the sink and the container in the fridge and grabbed her ring. She floated to her room.

Like, 5 to 10 minutes later

Robin walked into the living room. He was wearing what he usually wore with the Young Justice, including the sunglasses. He even had the same hairstyle. Starfire was next. The ring gave her dark tan skin, brown hair that got lighter as it went lower, a necklace with an emerald and emerald stud earrings to go with it, pink Converse, a pink t shirt, and purple tights.

Raven was next. She had a very light skin and black hair almost ALMOST as dark as Robin's hair. She had black jeans and a very deep purple tank top with a leather jacket. She had a black choker with a ruby dangling from it as well as ruby earrings.

Next was Cyborg. He had blue jeans with a a white t shirt with a football team logo on it. He had a red hoodie on top of it that had a logo for Call of Duty. He was wearing black Nikes.

Lastly was Beast Boy. He had his regular skin tone back and ginger hair, which dangled into his deep green eyes. He was wearing olive green shorts and a black shirt with a picture of the red Pikmin. He was wearing green Vans.

"Everyone has their stuff packed? I already booked rooms for everyone. Girls share one room and guys share one room. We will be going undercover at Happy Harbour High School. We are all sharing classes. Any questions?" Robin asked. Beast Boy raised his hand. Robin looked at him, signaling for him to talk.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? Won't they make you take them off?" Beast Boy asked.

"Well, I'm going to take these off once he have to go inside the actual building. I know some people who would probably recognize me. Plus, I want to wait for my guardian to get in trouble." Robin said with a smirk. He says guardian because Bruce isn't his biological parent and in the comics he only adopted him once he was 19.

"So basically you want to reunite with your friends and get your parents in trouble." Raven said. Robin nodded.

"Yup." He said.

"What time must we leave?" Starfire asked.

"Now would be good." Robin replied. Cyborg nodded.

"I'll get the car ready. Do you know how much time it'll take?" Cyborg asked.

"It should take ten hours to a day at the most." He replied.

"Cool." Cyborg said. He went to the elevator to go to the garage.

"I will go get books to read." Starfire said.

"Same." Raven said.

"I am going to get my gameboy." Beast Boy said. Robin sighed.

"Why does Batman have to know everything? Why does the team have to do every undercover mission?" Robin asked while banging his head against the wall. He heard footsteps and stopped.

"I'm gonna put it in the T car." Beast Boy said. Raven walked out.

"I'm going to go to the T Car." She said. Starfire came out with a bag.

"I will be inside the T Car." She said. Robin waited for her to get into the elevator and then joined them.

'This is going to be a long week.' He thought to himself.

Meanwhile at Mount Justice

"You are to go undercover and disarm the bomb. You will not get discovered at any costs." Batman finished.

"Won't Teen Titans be there as well. Since these are their villains." Wally said in a mocking voice.

"They're basically us but everyone knows that they are a team. I can't believe Robin's the one who leads them!" Artemis said.

"Well, it is hard to stop aliens from invading the whole city and keep it a secret. I'm just happy that we get to see Robin. I wish Zatanna could join us!" M'gann said.

"I'm happy that we don't have to do much to go undercover since we already go to HHSH." Connor said. M'gann nodded.

"Let's get ready!" She exclaimed! Everyone who didn't go to Happy Harbour High followed her.

"But, we already go there. Why do we need to get ready?" Connor quietly said.