It seemed almost every day now... Link traveled to the Gerudo Desert, why? No one in Ordon was quite sure. He would mount Epona in the early hours and ride to Lake Hylia, he'd play the flight by foul game so he could make it to the lake safely. From there he'd take the Oasis Flight to the desert. Just being there made him sad.

Every day he would promise himself the same thing. "Every day," he said, "I will come to see if it's just a dream." He did that, every day, he climbed to the top of the tower, entered the mirror chamber, and was always met with the same... well... nothing...

The mirror was gone, and so was she. She... The one who brought so much joy to his life. The one who stayed by his side no matter what. The one who never gave up never gave in, never heard those words. The words he wanted to tell her, every day. The real reason he came to the desert, maybe, somehow, in some way, she'd hear him. She'd see the signs, hear his voice, and return how he felt.

Her name now sat etched into stone, on every wall, the same thing over and over again, "Midna I..." He could never bring himself to finish it no matter how hard he tried or how long he stood there, the words just never came out...

Because of his behavior, several people began to worry; Illia, Colin, Bo, Uli, everyone really, but none more than Rusl. Rusl knew him, he knew the things Link had seen at least, he thought he did...

No one could truly understand what was going on with him. He was almost never seen now, he would work in the evening but other than that... nothing.

It had been like any other day, Link left for the Mirror Chamber, with everyone wondering, "Why?" He didn't talk much now. Not unless he had to.

Link sat alone in the chamber. Only thinking of her, and if she would ever keep her promise. This day was different, for once he had company. "What brings you here, princess?" It was Zelda, "I had to see if it was true."

"If what was true?"

"I heard rumors of a young man traveling every day to Lake Hylia. I asked around and found out people were talking about you again." They were silent momentarily. "I see you've been busy..." Zelda finally said acknowledging the carvings in the stone. "What do you want Zelda?"

"You're not the only who misses her."

"How well did you even know her?"

"Link I gave my life to save her."

"That has nothing to do with this! You were brought back! She will never be able to come back!"

Link realized what he did, "I apologize for my outburst princess..." Zelda sighed, "Don't be... After all I don't think anyone could ever understand the pain of losing the one they loved."

Link was quiet.

"How did I know? Well, Midna and I did occupy the same body for a time, I saw the way you looked at her, the way you treated her. You loved her, simple as that." Tears began to form in the hero's eyes, "I did... I really did..."

He carved Her name once more, "She was the best..." The sun began to fall and together they walked away from the chamber. He hoped that his message would be heard. Finally he was able to admit it. He never knew if she felt the same, but at least now, he had some peace... After all he finally said it...

"Midna, I love you..."