p style="text-align: center;"Bulma sighed and relaxed back into her seat as she put the finishing touches on her most recent blue prints. She was not sure why she spent so much time building training equipment for her ungrateful husband. The company couldn't even make money off of it because only those hard headed sayins could withstand the stress the equipment caused. She saved her files and stood up stretching her arms out to either side and letting out a yawn. She then looked at her watch to check the time. 3 am, no wonder she was tired She had been working for twelve hours. Part of her was actually surprised that she hadn't heard from either her son or her husband begging her to cook. Bulma exited her lab and walked down the quiet hallways of the corporation that had always been her home. When she was younger she had always imagined marrying a man that would take her away to his own home where they could then raise a family and visit her parents often. But she had not imagined raising a family here. She had however given up hopes of marrying a short while into her relationship with Yamcha. But that was simply because she couldn't see herself spending the rest of her life with him, but she had never known any other man. Bulma shook the thoughts away as she found herself at the doorway to the bedroom she shared with her husband. She supposed it could be worse. She could be old and lonely with no children to love. She quietly opened the door and realized why she hadn't heard from her family. They were all three of them passed out in the large bed. Trunks was on her side head buried in her pillows, and vegeta was in the middle of the bed on his side, one hand rested on the back of his son and his arm was curled around their infant daughter. He may rarely treat her with affection but ever since their daughter was born he had become extremely loving, not only to Bulla but to trunks as well. He was an amazing father. Much better than his own had been. She smiled and quietly made her way through the bedroom to the door that led to her bathroom. She needed a good shower after her long day in the office. She closed the door behind her and turned on the lights. Something she would never complain about was the size of her shower. It took up almost half of the bathroom. It was a circular shower surrouned by glass with a halo of shower heads at the top. The floor was made of non slip tile and there was a bench that lined the inside. Bulma had always liked to relax in the shower and she much preferred sitting under the hot torrent of water than sitting in a pool of water. Bulma quickly removed her clothing and turned on the water. A wave of steam quickly filled the bathroom making it hard to see. She took a deep breath and stepped into the shower. The water fell caressing every inch of her skin leaving it feeling silky to the touch. She grabbed the soap from where it rested in a holder on the wall and began to coat her body in bubbles. The scent of the soap relaxed her as she ran her hands down her body making sure to cover ever inch of her skin in it. As she did this she drifted to the events of the past couple months. First her son from the future had returned begging for his father's assistance. Vegeta flocked to his aid willingly. After that he had shown much more interest in her. She wondered if it was the thought of losing her perhaps? Seeing as trunks had told of the demise of her in the future. This had resulted in their beautiful daughter who was now two months old. Then the tournament of power had come about. She was not sure what happened there only that her husband had come back and been more concerned with his children's well-being than ever before. But he had not touched her since the night she told him about Bulla. This worried her because before he had been all too willing to jump her at a moment's notice. Now he was either doting on their daughter or training with their son, and Goten from time to time. She was happy that he loved their children so, but she was also very frustrated that he seemed to have lost interest in her. She merely craved his touch, and his kiss. She wanted his strong arms around her. She wanted to feel safe within his arms. But he seemed distracted. So she just focused on building him more equipment. Bulma shook the thoughts from her head and rinsed the soap off her body. But regardless she couldn't seem to shake the desire she was feeling inside of herself. She supposed she could just take care of it herself until he decided to pay interest in her. So Bulma sat on the bench and began to satisfy her urge. - Vegeta had woken when his wife first entered the room. Just her very presence made his body burn with passion and desire. Whenever she entered the room he was filled with an almost animalistic desire to have her. She was his main focus in everything. The very core of his being was shouting to posses and protect. The only feeling he had that was even close to those he had for her was his desire and love of fighting, but his desire for her was stronger. But he was afraid. Ever since almost losing them all at the tournament, he was afraid to touch her. He was afraid that as soon as he rested his lips against hers she would disappear and he would be back on the sidelines watching as his comrades fought to protect her when he could not. He hadn't been good enough. He hadn't been strong enough. He didn't deserve her as his wife. He didn't deserve her children. He had been lucky. But never had he been enough. It was eating at him every day he woke up next to her. She deserved to be protected and he hadn't done it. What was the point of being a strong warrior if he was unable to protect her. She was always relying on goku to protect her and their family. Vegeta was strong. But obviously not strong enough. He looked down at his sleeping daughter as he heard the water begin to flow a room away. Had he not been holding her surely he would have followed his wife. He didn't deserve to share a shower with her. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of how she must look right now. The water was sure to make her skin glisten and as if she wasnt beautiful enough as it was, that would surely make her look almost ethereal. Vegeta took a ragged breath and tried to lose that train of thought. He was hard as a rock in his shorts and if he didn't stop thinking now he would surely go into that bathroom After her and beg for her. Almost as if on a timer she exited the bathroom clad in a blue silk nightgown. Vegeta could smell her from here. She smelled like flowers, and herself. Maybe it was his own desire, but she two smelled of lust. He loved that smell on her. She floated and rested herself on the bed behind him in the spot he usually slept. His woman, in his spot. Nothing had been more attractive. But he had to remain calm. Both of their children were in this bed with them. He steadied his breathing as she wrapped her arm around his waist inches from where his desire was evident. Luckily her hand never drifted lower and she was soon peacfully asleep. Not long after he too had relaxed and was dreaming again./p