Hey y'all.

This is my first fanfic for the MLB fandom and was originally published in AO3. I'll post the first episodes today and then update the story as it is published on AO3.

Disclaimer: English isn't my first language and this story was unbeta'ed. All errors and mistakes are my own.

Comments are super welcome.


(find me on Tumblr as mitzwrites :))

The bright sun coming through the half drawn curtain hit her face. With a grunt, she opened her eyes and buried her face into her pillow. The fleeting sound of the little god who hadn't left her side for days made Marinette look up. The contagious smile wasn't on her face, and instead, Tikki wore a solemn expression. Today was the fifth anniversary of Marinette's becoming Ladybug. Today was the second anniversary of the day she and Chat decided to reveal themselves, sealing their new discovery with a sweet kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower. But today was also the seventh day of Chat's death.

Seven days before:

"My lady, what if we stay home? We both know you deserve a break from your latest projects." Adrien said, taking her slim hand in his and kissing her knuckles, "I can cook for you or we can go out. Anything you want."

"I can't Chaton. I have yet to finish some work," she nodded at the mannequin at the corner of their small apartment. She hadn't told him yet, but Marinette was organizing a small surprise for Adrien. Their anniversary was just some days away, and since they couldn't celebrate his birthday, she thought it was the perfect opportunity for a lovely date at the top of Notredamn. So her work consisted mostly on finishing her dress, adding some details and what not -which she told him it had been a encargo from one of her friends-. "And besides, didn't Gabriel return from Milan last night?"

"Ugh, don't even mention it, princess. I just..." Adrien trailed off. He wanted to tell his father that he will quit modeling and go to College like any other young man of his age, but he was worried about his reaction. To say that Gabriel would be disappointed, if not angry, was an understatement. "I already know what he will say, so why can't I save it?"

"Because you promised, Adrien! And what was that 'cat's honor' thing?" She teased him, earning a hit with a pillow from him. "Fine, but you better have ready a bottle of wine for when I get back. This is gonna be a long day, bugaboo."

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot red from crying. She hadn't stopped since that night, when her world seemed to crumble and fall down, when she lost her partner, her best friend, her soulmate. It pained her to relieve the events from that day, and she spent hours trying to figure out how to bring him back, if there was only a way. Her parents were concerned about her, calling her to know how she was doing. To the world, she had lost her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste, during the commotion caused by the akuma. But in private, it was the image of a lifeless Chat Noir what haunted her dreams.

"Have you felt him, Tikki?" Marinette asked the little god, with less and less hope in her voice as the days passed. Since they complemented each other, Tikki and Plagg could sense each other, and their bond seemed to grow each day as the love of their chosens got stronger with time. The small bug shook her head, and quietly, she flight to the other side of the room.

The phone rang and tiredly, Marinette picked up, but then she remained frozen in the spot, feeling her legs about to give in. It couldn't be..

He was... "...Y-yes?

"Hello, Puurrincess."