Gears were turning in Chandler's brain; he was thinking about all the places they could go to – Monica seemed to be doing just the same – and the easiest solution was obviously the hotel they had slept in the previous night. They had silently agreed on that as they looked at each other on their way out and Chandler felt like some lame teenage boy – seriously, Monica's stare had always been something but it had never made him shiver like that before, especially not to the point of almost getting him hard. He could feel embarrassed by how he was easily aroused by the woman next to him but he felt like this reaction was only natural.

The reason they were headed back to their hotel was the fact that the little visit to the wine cellar had not worked out. Chandler had been on his way to the room when he'd heard people talking about going there soon, and when Ross's new father-in-law had confirmed the information, Chandler had dejectedly come back to the buffet, mindlessly poking some food to release his frustration. It seemed that he hadn't given up yet though – neither had Monica – so realizing that doing it at the Waltham's house would be impossible had only made them think about where else they could go to and the hotel, which was next to the house, was the best option.

They walked there, thanking the gods for their friendship, since it allowed them to go around places together without raising any suspicion. Chandler's mind was full of dreams and memories, and they were all mingling. He just wished he could get to her room soon and do all sorts of things to Monica's body – the same things he'd done the previous night (maybe some new ones). Whatever would happen, he was happy that she was willing to have sex with him one more time – all his energy went to being excited about what they were doing at the moment because he was trying really hard to push away the fact that, eventually, they wouldn't be able to have sex again. I'll only cross that bridge when I come to it, now we just need a place.

Each step closer to her room had him jumping with joy. "Listen, in the middle of everything, if I scream the word 'yippee', just ignore me." He said in all honesty, making her laugh.

When she finally opened the door, they were met with Rachel, who was sitting on Monica's bed.

"Oh, my God, Rachel! Hi!" Monica's voice came out shaken.

"Oh, hello, Rachel." And his own voice was less enthusiastic than the ordinary tone used for a greeting.

How did she beat them to the room, Chandler wondered, not very interested in getting answers – he'd rather think about ways of getting her out of there.

"Ross said my name, okay? My name. That obviously means that he still loves me!"

They couldn't even properly reply Rachel's statement, much less because she was obviously crazy and much more because their brains were too busy coming up with ways of taking the place back to themselves.

"Y'know what? Don't believe me, I know I'm right. Do you guys want to go downstairs and get a drink?"

"Yes, we do." Chandler didn't waste a second answering that, which alarmed Monica. "But, we have to change first."

And then she got it. "Yes, I want to change." Bless her fast thinking. "Why don't you go down and get us a table?"

"Yeah, we'll be down in like five minutes."

"Fifteen minutes." She corrected him as fast as she elbowed him. He winced a little but no biggie – if she wanted more time, he wouldn't be the one to complain.

"Okay then. See you guys downstairs." Their friend grabbed her purse and left, and when she closed the door behind her, Chandler and Monica let out the air that had been stuck in their lungs during that brief yet painful interaction with Rachel.

"Can you believe that-" Chandler attempted to say something but was interrupted by Monica throwing herself at him to kiss him fiercely. It hauntingly reminded him of the previous night, but this time he didn't take that long to understand what was going on and kiss her back. One hand flew to her hair, untying it and making it fall down – it felt soft on his fingertips – and the other hand squeezed her ass. She moaned into the kiss, then broke it apart to look at him. My God, this woman is stunning. Her face was all red, her lipstick a little smeared from the kiss, her hair albeit disheveled was framing her face beautifully and her eyes had that glint, that spark, that something that only Monica had – something that mixed insecurity and mischief in a way that made her so irresistible.

"Five minutes, huh?" She teased him as she kept giving him quick pecks around his lips.

He chuckled against her jawline then pulled back to look at her eyes. "Well, this time being fast is not a personal choice of mine."

"You weren't fast last night…" She gave him a devilish smile, kissing him again and biting his lower lip. "Not at all."

"Sometimes you need to take your time to reeaaally enjoy the moment."

She giggled, walking backwards and pulling him along. They both reached the bed and plopped down onto the mattress. Her hands didn't bother with the clothes on his upper body, going straight to his belt and the zipper on his pants. He let her lead – it was unbelievably hot seeing Monica so eager to have sex with him to the point where she didn't care about getting completely undressed.

He pushed down the straps of her dress to freely kiss her shoulders then started pulling her dress up, bunching it up over her waist, and tugged her panties down. His penis was very hard and his pants were no longer in his way – he could enter her right there if he wanted to (he definitely wanted to) but he actually wanted to work her up even more. With her underwear hanging on one ankle, Monica's legs were wide open, just waiting for him, but all Chandler did was scoot down on the mattress to get his head between her legs. When he got there, he pressed her thigh against the bed with one hand and touched himself with the other one. His nose sniffed her middle area, taking in her wonderful scent, which worked wonders to get him even more aroused, then he darted his tongue out to start licking her.

"Chandler… Ah, we don't have- m-much time…" but Chandler digressed – there was always time for doing that. He licked her entrance and worked in circles on her clitoris while she tugged onto his hair with one hand, the other one covering her own mouth to stifle moans. When he felt like she was close enough, he abruptly stopped the activity, scooting over her and entering her with no warning. She could no longer control her noises – to try and do something about that, Chandler's own hand covered her mouth while his other one steadied her hip so that he could pound into her. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he could swear nothing in the world could ever compare to that particular sensation. She had one hand gripping onto his shoulder and another one holding his cheek while they kissed each other. When they broke the kiss apart, she firmly stared at him as he thrust into her and that was it; he came so hard he felt like he was about to pass out, and right after that he felt her inner walls clenching around him (so so tightly he was almost scared of never being able to get out of her again).

They kissed again, basking in the afterglow of their orgasm. He wanted to tell her something but he didn't know what to say. Somehow, he felt like she was struggling with the same problem.

"Chandler-" Her voice was low, and his heart started beating frantically. The anticipation almost made him miss the sound of footsteps and door opening and when Chandler came back to his senses he was completely under the covers. It seemed that Monica's thinking was faster than his. He heard some muffled conversation and could tell that Rachel was giving Monica the third degree.

"Why are you still here? Are you going to bed now? Where's Chandler?" He heard the three questions being shot like fire and wanted to help Monica somehow, but he knew that Rachel knowing he was there would only make things worse.

Monica replied with some lame excuses, which included one about "Chandler changing in his room", and let out a fake fake fake yawn, claiming she was actually too tired to get a drink. "I think I'm going to sleep now."

He could hear the disappointment in Rachel's voice but for some reason she accepted that and just left – he concluded she was too invested in her own screwed up love story to really notice what was going on in that room.

As he rose from under the covers, he was met with Monica's lovely face – she was laughing at the absurdity of the situation, which made him laugh too. Then they were both laughing way too hard, lying on their sides, staring at each other.

He felt awkward and scared and comfortable at the same time – he knew that all the conflicting feelings had to do with the fact that he had just had sex with Monica and, this time, it wasn't possible to blame it on the alcohol. Chandler could feel panic looming over but it dissipated as soon as Monica leaned in to softly kiss him. He kissed her back, his hand instinctively going for her hair.

When she smiled at him, his heartbeat was so out of control he didn't know if he was happy or about to have a heart attack.

"I guess we have way more than five minutes now."