Hi. New story, New plot. Enjoy or Don't. Matter of opinion. Anyway, Let's start the chapter!

Ok. I'm sitting in a rocking chair with a week old infant, contemplating my life.

Her mother is a 17 year old high school nobody. She has one normal friend and four friends..who are ninjas.

On the other hand...

The father is one of those friends. They aren't friends anymore since they clearly crossed that line. He is a 17 year old high school bad boy. He has three brothers and is a Ninja.

I'm not making this up.

Now before I give you too much information, let's go back to the past where two young and stupid teenagers decide to ruin there lives.

Right when the stupid girl tells both families that she's pregnant.

Let's not forget about the angry parents, upset brothers and sister.

Oh, and the stupid boy's and stupid girl's name?

April O'Neil and Raphael Hamato

~7 months ago~

I sat there staring at the blank TV in front of me and out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Raph was doing the same exact thing.

Our parents and siblings were going at it. My parents fighting with his and my older sister, Thalia, was fighting with his siblings.

The thing is my younger sister, May, has never liked Raph. So it's not a surprise that she stood in the corner glaring daggers at him.

"This was your daughter's fault."

"Don't even. This obviously your son's fault."

I had enough. "Hey."

The yelling continued. "Hey," I repeated louder. No effect.


Everyone stopped yelling and directed there attention towards me. "Can you guys please shut up and start with the question?"

"Ok, what are you gonna do?" Dad asked.

"I'm gonna keep it." I said blankly. "How are you gonna do that? Your only 17."

"I'm not giving it up to strangers and I'm not getting an abortion, so yeah. I'm keeping it."

"Why..him?" May asked sourly. Raph turned his head towards her but stayed silent.

Oh, god. Immediatley his brothers started yelling at her.

"I have a headache," I complain quietly getting up. I heard someone call my name going down the hall but failed to identify who.

I made my trek to the bathroom. I closed the door and sat on the floor. Seconds later, I heaved my lunch into the toilet. I flushed.

One of the main reasons why I Hate being pregnant.

I sat there, silent tears spilling out of my eyes, When someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I called, voice breaking.

"It's me," Raph's deep voice said. I sighed, sniffling.

"Come in." The door oopened and I averted my eyes to the floor. He came in and sat next to me. "The others are still fighting and I was worried about you."

I looked at him. "I'm sorry," Raph apologized. "No, don't. It's ok..my fault too." I said. There was a quiet pause before I said something else.

"Will you be there?"

"What?" he asked.

"Will you be there when I need you?" I repeated. "Of course." Raph whispered. He took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. "Always."

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Maybe this could work. Maybe.

~The next day~

I puked at least 5 times before I got to school. I Hate being pregnant!

When I did, I headed straight to my locker. luckily I hide my stash of mints in there. "Hey, big girl."

Lia, my best friend, came walking my way with a chocolate bar. I'm so craving that right now. I smiled.

"Sorry, Li. I'm gonna get fat in a few months, so you can stop hanging out with me," I said. Lia laughed.

"I see you decided to keep it." She observed handing me a square of her chocolate. I shrugged.

"Yeah, There's just no way I'd give this baby up." I chewed the candy and twisted my combination.

"Don't worry. When other people give you the stink eye, I'll stay by your side." Lia promised.

I eyeballed her. "I'm gonna get fat in 3 months, you don't have to."

"Watch me."

~3 months later~

Well, here I am in my second trimester...Yay?

But really, for every chance I get I have to lay down. My feet and back are killing me everyday, all day. Life of a pregnant girl.

I'm watching spongebob while eating popcorn and this child inside of me is acting like a soccer star.

It keeps kicking my bladder.

I get up anyway and waddled away to the bathroom. And the kid still kicks. "When you get here, we're gonna have a few words." I told my fat belly.

Then the doorbell rang. I hobbled to the door and opened it. It was Lia. She was suprised and wide eyed.

"I told you i'd get fat." I said, placing a hand on my stomach. I let her in.

"No, it's just I haven't seen you in a while. You look-" Li started.

"Fat," I finished. She rolled her eyes. "Why weren't you at school?"

"I wasn't feeling well today." I said. The baby kicked.

"Ok. Where's baby daddy?" She asked.

"At work...why?" I questioned. "I was wondering if you could name the baby after me." Li explained. I laughed lightly.

"We don't know the gender. We decided to wait until birth," I said.

Just then, May came running in. "Who was that?" She asked then looked at lia. "Oh, Lia."

The girl smiled and walked over to May. "How're you doing, sis." She asked. I sat down slowly.

"Not good," May answered.

"You have nothing to say. Thalia is over it, Mom and Dad are over it. You should be too." I announced.

"I'm over it. Totally." She retaliated storming off.

"Do you think things will be different once the baby is born?" I desperately asked Li. She half smiled. "Yeah, It has to. I know it's been a challenge through this whole thing."

Maybe things will be different.

~2 months later~

I went into labor. I was scared she was going to be too small because I was almost three weeks early, but everything was fine.

Twenty two hours and one epidural later, I finally gave birth to a Baby girl. I think I passed out after, but when I woke up she was wrapped up and clean and..so tiny.

I held her in my arms and smiled. Her pink, fluffy blanket was so soft in my arms. A little while, the family came inside. Then he saw her.

A silent tear fell as he gatheted her in his arms. The baby remained quiet but managed to wrangle her tiny arms free from the blanket.

Due to exhaustion and lack of sleep, I slowly drifted off lovely slumber. Only one thought remained.

"My baby girl."

The story is new, Sorry if it's scrambled. But I hope you guys still liked it. Anyway, stay tuned for chapter 2!