I Know. It's been awhile. Life outside of fanfiction has its demands, but yes. I'm back. And hopefully, I can update more frequently. Ok. I'll stop Talking. Enjoy.

Raph's POV

It is 2:00 am and I try to sleep. When my eyes finally close, someone knocks on my door. I lightly groan. I get up and open the door.

There stood Mikey in his usual orange pajamas and fully awake. This kid...

"Mike, it's two in the morning, What do you want?" I said.

"Um. I have an issue and I need your help." He whispered. I looked back at Zoë. She was still soundly asleep. I faced Mikey again. "Fine."

Upon entering the room, I stepped on a small Lego. His room is a mess. Sitting in the corner of the room was a stack of papers and books threatening to topple over. An avalanche waiting to happen.

"Ok, here." He said, pointing up. Sitting on the highest shelf were his Nunchucks. I looked at him. "Do I need to Know why?" I asked.

Mike shook his head. I sighed and grabbed the nunchucks off the shelf. "I don't know what you've been doing, but you need to get some sleep." He nodded and jumped on his bed.

The cat that has been sleeping for most of this scenario decided to wake up and trot over to the mountain of papers.

I eyeballed his movement until he slumped against the leg of the chair. Leaving, I headed back to my room and quietly shut the door.

Then, out of nowhere..."Kitty, NO!" I heard Mikey yell. The cat must've knocked over the mountain because a loud crash sounded. Waking up my child.

I love my brother but I have never despised that cat more than I have until now.

I just don't understand why he doesn't give him away.

I trudged over to Zoë's crib and picked her up. She continued to whine. I slowly went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle, sitting down to give Zo her food.

"Hey," I whispered, to the baby while she ate. "This family is starting to get on my nerves, how about you?"

Zo hiccuped signaling me she was finished. "Yeah, I thought so."

After putting her down and making sure she was out, I flopped on my bed and shut my eyes.

It wouldn't hurt to try to get some sleep.

4 hours later

The alarm clock blared loudly and I groaned. I threw a pillow at it successfully quieting it, but heard no Zo.

I jumped up and saw that she was not in her crib. Slamming the door open, I raced to living room to see Mikey on the floor dangling something above Zo's face.

He turned and smiled when he heard me enter.

"Oh! Morning, bro!" He called. I exhaled audibly.

"Is there a reason why you took my child in the middle of the night?" I asked.

"I came to apologize for waking her up, but you were already out and she seemed so peaceful, so..."

"Don't finish that sentence," I interrupted. At that moment, Donnie and Leo entered the room.

"Wow, Dude. you look like crap," Don commented. I strolled over to Mikey and gently plucked Zoë from his arms.

"Yeah, I know."


I approached the door and knocked on the door. It was opened by Leo.

"Hey, April. Come on in." He greeted. I smiled and entered the apartment.

Even though there were toys littered everywhere, I could appreciate that it still looked nice. I saw Donnie standing farthest from Mikey with Zo in his arms.

"Oh hey, Ape."

"Hey," I said. He came over and carefully slid Zoë into my arms.

"Hey, baby girl," I cooed. "Hi, princess." Zoë cooed and snuggled into me. I looked around and saw that Raph was not in the room.

"Where's Raph?" I asked.

"Probably in his room," Mikey answered. I made my way back to his room and opened the door.

There he was, asleep on his bed. I smiled softly. I looked closer at him and could tell he was tired.

Zoë whimpered and wiggled her arms. "Aw, did you keep your Daddy up all night?" I asked her.

I turned back to Raph. He looked so peaceful just sleeping. I ran a hand through his hair and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

I watched him breathe softly. We're becoming actual parents now. Yay.

At Home

This child really is her father's daughter. As soon as got home, She could not stop crying. At all.

"What's with the commotion?" Thalia asked, stomping into my room. I glared at her.

See, her room is right next to mine and unfortunately, is separated by a very thin wall. Apparently, my wailing baby is distracting her from Skyping her boyfriend.

"Excuse me, Sister, but I'm trying to calm my baby down. So if you will please..." I said, trailing off.

"Accent on 'Trying'," Thalia added. I Frowned at her.

"Get out."

She rolled her eyes and shut the door. Once she was gone, I turned my attention back to my baby.

"What's wrong, Zo?" I asked, hugging her. "Are you hungry?"

I tried feeding her but she wasn't eating. She clearly wasn't tired. Zoë hiccupped then wailed louder. I tried not to cry, but it wasn't working.

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number.

"H-hello?" A groggy voice answered.

"I need y-your help." I pleaded. I was almost at the point of sobbing.

I was alone for 15 minutes before the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Raph entered. He took one look at me and scooped her up.

Almost instantly, Zo got quieter and calmer.

I sank down into a chair. "Why does she hate me?" I asked. Raph sat next to me. I looked at the bundle in his arms. She was peacefully sleeping.

"She doesn't hate you."

"Well, She loves you more."I rivaled.

"Listen," Raph started. "We're her parents. there's no you or me. Just us. She loves both of us."

I looked at him.

"Plus, she did the same thing last night. She just needed a cuddle,"

I laughed. "You're the best."

He smiled. "I know."

3:45 am

I awoke to the sound of crying. I sighed.

"She's up. Can you get her?" I asked, groggily.

"No, it's your turn." Raph responded. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and walked into the Nursery.

I put a hand on Zo's forehead and realized it was warm. I picked her up and held her close. Her whole body was warmer than usual. I tried to comfort her.

"RAPH!" I yelled. Two minutes later, he was at the door.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Feel her," I instructed. When he did, he looked at me warily. I met his gaze.

Oblivious to Zoe's cries, only one thought occurred to me.

Zoë has a fever.

SO. I'm Back With This Story. I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to get back on track with this story. Anyway, Watch out for Chapter 6. Bye!!