Start of a New Journey

What's your "real" name?

Who is your father?

How's your mother?

Do you have everything you need?

Hey loser how's it hanging?

Will you amount to your father's legacy?

Questions, questions, and more questions. So many questions and they're asked almost every day to me. It's always the same old routine with me with an honest answer like my mamma taught me.

My name is Ash. Ash Ketchum. Pun intended, after all I come from a long line of Beast trainers, breeders, and fighters. Oh, I mean pokémon, not beasts or monsters. That's the politically correct term or what they're called nowadays I believe. I hear stories about them all the time from my mother and it's always the same prattle that goes around in a circle. My family is nonexistent except for mama and my father.

"Your father is a great man," she would say every time I asked about him. She would say that he's strong and true to himself and his beliefs like me; even though I've never once met the man. My mother would speak about him as if he is still alive and I believe it to. I truly wish to meet him at least once, but I doubt I will get the chance anytime soon. The most I've gotten from him is a letter about regions or what not he's exploring and new monsters/pokémon that he has seen. I'd like to send him a letter back but like always that letter comes with no return address so I can't respond, but that's fine, I suppose.

I like reading about the regions out there just waiting for me to conquer them. My dad wrote once I become an awesome Pokémon trainer I can finally meet him and honestly I can't wait. I wish to walk in his footsteps mainly because my momma tells me not to. I'm a bit of a rebel or so Prof. Oak has called me again and again when he finds me in the tall grass during his afternoon walks. "Ash, do not go into the tall grass without protection!" He would yell at me repeatedly again and again every time he caught me but like my dad I'm stubborn; momma has told me that more times than I wish to count. I don't mind it though. That just means I'm close to my dad the more I happen to emulate him.

I loved to visualize that I'm on an adventure that looks like one of those Pokémon Ranger cartoons I watch all the time. I used to run around in the forest trying to be like them. It almost cost me my life once. I learned the hard way just what happens when you get in the way of a spearow then throw a rock at it. It calls for twenty of its friends to try and kill you, and I ran like never before when that happened. During my desperate attempt escape I fell off a cliff and almost ended up drowning, but I got away.

I remember my time when was lost along route two and scared out my mind. I learned that day and the following weeks I was lost that pokémon are not like the nice and cuddly creatures that I envision them to be. They are not as tame as the pokémon at prof. Oaks' mansion and lab. They are not all like that heroic pokémon of the mystery dungeons cartoons I loved. They will hurt you, kill you if necessary, and hunt and kill each other to survive. Survival of the fittest is a lesson not easily learned and I was eight when this happened. I still possess the scar from when one of those spearow almost plucked out my eye. It's faint now but it is still there over my left eye. It's a miracle that I still have the eye but that Nurse Joy knows her stuff.

I remember the month that passed by. I was missing from home without my mom, without Prof. Oak, and my friends. It got to the point that I had to learn to survive like dad would. I had to be strong even though I was scared out my mind wishing I was with my momma and in my bed. Life is a journey of broken dreams though. That came from one of Prof. Oak's own poems I'll never make fun of ever again. I learn the hard way that if I want to live in the pokémon world I need to learn how they work. For three days I starved until I was able to get near a couple birds with my dad's pocket knife that he sent me. I watched mama pluck the feathers off and then take out the nasty stuff inside before putting it in the oven. Prof. Oak took me out camping once and had roast marshmallows over an open fire and I fused two together. I learned how to fish and collecting discarded line from previous fishermen to make a pile wasn't too difficult. I was always the outdoorsy type and still am.

Spearow tastes terrible that much is certain. Goldeen taste much better.

I became like a monster hunter after that month, sort of like my dad.

An officer found me one day and took me back to my mom. She cried for days and grounded me forever but I was too happy to see her again to care. I was happy to stay home and away from the forest for a time though I am stubborn like my dad and I found myself exploring even further than before. For hours at a time I'd travel the route outside of Pallet Town and watch how Pigeotto hunt caterpie. I'd watch the Kakuna rest then shed their skin into beedrill. I'd fish on the side for goldeen, cook them, and then eat them. I'd lay down and watch the stars and play games.

I was always a loner and found human company to be boring. They play with balls and act like pokémon but they don't come close to it. The best friends I have are pokémon. I have a friend who is a pidgey and we get into so much trouble with the bugs and other pidgey. There's this strange Pokémon I found near the water that is yellow and talks but not through his mouth. It's strange to say the least, but really cool.

My mother lets me journey around so I get to visit him and watch him train all the time. He likes to punch things and do some sort of cool hyper art poké martial arts thing that shoots blue stuff out of his hands. The Aura or something like that. It looks cool but that name is dumb. It's hard not to make fun of its stupid name that much.

He told me that he was taken from his home a long time ago and brought here to Kanto. He seems nice enough if a bit of a hard butt. I like him and visit him almost every day to train or help him by luring a ton of spearow his way. His punches are fast and his kicks are awesomely done. I sort of spend a lot of time listening to his wisdom and camping out with him that most wouldn't call healthy.

Made the mistake of calling him dad once which he thought was amusing but for me it was embarrassing.

It's been two years since then and I'm now eleven. I can go out and travel the world to become a Pokémon master like my dad. I can become stronger and faster now that I'm legally an adult that can leave home and travel further than ever before. Not even that Gary green can stop me from earning the title my father did. I will obtain the title of "Red" just like dad did. Tomorrow is the day I go to get my starter Pokémon and five additional pokéballs. I will get my pokédex and start my journey. I have to go tell my friends though that I'm leaving I'm sure they will be sad to see me go, but I have to. It's my destiny. It all can happen tomorrow though.

I laid down in my bed with my hat over my head and arms spread out over my covers.

My last thought was 'Tomorrow.'

I woke up before my alarm goes off. It's a habit that I didn't know I had until I noticed it a long time ago. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with setting it. I wake up five in the morning almost every morning anyway so why do I bother with that pidgey alarm anyway? I rubbed my hand through my charcoal colored hair and pushed myself off of my bed with a loud yawn. Normally someone of my age would be excited about today but honestly it just felt like a stepping stone out of many, or so my friend Lucario would say is life. Period. Life is just one big game of stepping stones because everything has a catch or some sort of goal you have to meet before you get it.

I yawned again and pushed my body up out of my bed and placed my feet on the bushy carpet below. I'm one hundred percent certain this carpet it made out of milktank hide but what do I know right? I trudged over towards my closet. Simple and clean that's my motto. If it's not simple enough that a stupid person can't do it then don't do it. Dressing up like I own the place is one of those things that's just too complicated for me to understand. I know that Gray or Grace, or whatever Prof. Oak's grand kid's name is, has always tried to dress to impress. I guess because he's much older than I am he has to for some reason. I never bothered with figuring out why that is and it's not really my place to ask.

Next stop though is my closet for me to get dressed after I wash my face. My mother was never up as earlier as me after all I do go to bed earlier than her, so it makes some sense that I can wake up in the morning more than her. I wonder what's going to be for breakfast. Eggs and torrus meat I hope. My mom cooks the best breakfast in the world, having been a prior adventurer herself. She doesn't say it but I can see the signs. The way she seems always aware of my presence to the way she knows how to skin Pokémon compared to many other mothers in Pallet town says a lot. My mother and I are mentioned as the more peculiar residents of this town, whatever that means. I really wish I would have read through that dictionary and learned what a lot of those words mean but sadly I never took the time to do it.

Tap tap tap.

I heard and looked around my room.

Tap tap tap.

That sound was someone or something tapping against glass so that narrows it down to my window. I looked back and saw gold. It's my pidgey who's my best friend as well. I walked over to the window with a smile and opened it. "Hey buddy what's up?" The pidgey flapped his wings and let himself in being larger than the average pidgey pushed me back with his flapping a little to push me out of the way. He landed on my dresser and looked around my room. He seemed very interested in it for some reason even though is pretty plain. I just have a television, a video game system, a bed, and a dresser and that's about it. I don't have posters, dolls, or any of that other kid stuff I don't need. Now that I think of it this was the first time he's ever been in my room but this was perfect. Makes it easier than going out to find him.

"Hey buddy I need to tell you something." The pidgey flapped his golden wings and shot towards me then landed on my shoulder. He's heavy that much is for sure. At least 10 pounds and over two feet in height. To say he is by far the largest pidgey I have ever seen is an understatement. I don't know how he got so big in just the few years but I just left it as is as one of those evolution things. Maybe he's close to become a Pidgeotto soon and I'll miss it. It's a shame but that's the nature of the beast. Normal and flying I believe.

"Hey buddy I'm leavin today." I came right out said it. My friend just cocked his head to the side in confusion and last I checked there're no psychic Pokémon in the area to cast this. Noted that they are out there and the run in with an Abra a month ago is proof of this fact but still. I doubt one used the move on him today. "I'm leaving Pallet Town and the area." I walked back to the window and pointed out the window at the road that leave to the next town. "I'm going to take that road and I won't be coming back."

"Plrrp!" Tap!

"Ow, hey no!" The pidgey used peck on my head relentlessly and by the gods it hurt so much. I grabbed my friend and gripped his wings before holding him at arm's length away from me for my own protection. My friend struggled a couple times in my grip and I struggled to keep a hold on him during his freak out. "Calm down," I screamed fanatically. I should have said this calmly but I couldn't. I can feel his distress and his own panic at the thought of us never seeing each other again. "Calm down, please!" My words must have gotten through to him because after another minute he calmed down completely and stopped flapping and trying to peck at me. His beak hurts after all I had him peck into goldeen I have caught at its horns to pick them out and those horns are as hard as steel. His peck soon mirrored this and boy does it hurt to be pecked by him. I might even be bleeding.

My friend looked at me and my heart squeezed when I saw that look he gave me. I felt incredible sadness on top of seeing this and looked away. "Sorry but I have to leave."

"Pip plip pliip!"

"No I can't stay and as for why…well." I didn't answer. I didn't know how to answer. I still don't understand why I have to leave myself but I know that I have to. I'm at the age to leave so I might as well do just that why I have my chance. There're so many more routes out there for me to travel along. So many more Pokémon I wish to meet and befriend. I what to experience much more than this small patch of land I've made my playground at a kid. I still am a kid but less of one than I was before.

"Hey," I said soothingly. I walked towards the window and sat him down. I hesitated to release him but I'm sure he got all of that out of his system. I let him go and pat him over the head. "I won't be gone forever. It's just until I feel that my journey is over."

"Plrrp plrp?" He asked me.

"A Pokémon trainer. You know that." It's no secret that I want to become a trainer and travel the world. I've spokén greatly of it to all of my friends at once before and separately as well. He knew that I planned to leave. I'd like to stay with my friends but I need to get out there and see the world. "I'll be back after all this is my home." He didn't look a me but that's fine. I don't expect him to understand what even I don't understand. I rubbed my hand down his back along his feathers. "I leave today whether or not I get a starter. Once I get a pokédex and my first set of pokéballs I'm out the door."

"Pid pid?"

"Well no but you never know until I try right. I might fail right off the bat but I got to try and become something to make my dad proud. I want to meet him at least once and to see what many other Pokémon out there act like and do." I stepped back away from my friend and smiled down at him. "It's fine if you hate me but once I'm done in this region I'll come back to see you. Maybe you'll be a pidgeot by then eh?"

My friend turned away and flapped his wings. He blew me back and flew away. I smiled sadly but nodded. I'll see him again I just know it. I walked back to my closet and dressed in a part of blue jeans and a black shirt. I grabbed my black belt and threw it on. I don't really need a belt but I can put things under it when I don't feel like holding anything in my hands like my dad's knife. I grabbed my vest from my dresser and threw it on over it all and grabbed my hat. How many letters did I send out to win this hat again? I know it was a lot. Whatever. I put on some socks and stepped out the door and then down the stairs. I grabbed my brown boots and pulled them on as well. Most of the other kids wear running shoes but they last around a month in the forest so I used my allowance to get some boots instead. I like boots more anyway. They protect better. That and having short hair as well. Mom told me that once I took that knife to my hair I resembled dad a lot more. I liked the thought of it but I cut it because it's easier that way. Last time it got snagged by a spearow because it was so long so I cut it rather horribly I might add. Mom had to fix it and show me how to do it right.

I pulled my hat down and was out the door into the early morning. The sun was on the edge of rising so I had plenty of time to walk around a little before I had to talk to Prof. Oak. I took the usual rattata trail to get to the forest and too the lake Lucario lives at. I have to tell him before I go what I'll be doing and where I'll be going for the next…well I don't know how long. The forest became a bit of a second home for me. Sure it's dangerous and I could be put in the food chain in less than a second but there's a certain level of, no so real, purity about it. The forest sometimes doesn't feel like it is real for some reason but it's here and I can touch it so maybe I'm overthinking this.

I found the lake in little to no time and stopped as the sun rose halfway over the horizon and shined down upon the crystal blue waters. I heard a low grunt behind me and turned. A very yellow Lucario happened to be standing next to a tree watching me. By yellow I don't mean sick or cowardly but with hair that happened to be yellow like a pikachu's but he doesn't like to be compared to those 'shock rats' as he likes to call them. I waved at him and like always he didn't wave back though I noticed a small smile on his face when I did this. I ran up to Lucario and smiled. "Morning," I greeted.

"Yes it is." He would respond and some days I wonder if he's being mean but that can't be it. Lucario is nice and never mean unless you found him when he is angry which used to be all the time. Lucario pat the top of my head with his paw. He grunted a couple times asking me a question.

"I'm leaving to go on my journey today."

"Hmm," Lucario grunted.

"Yeah I'm heading out to see the world."

"Hmm hmm?"

I shrugged. "I don't know what my starter will be and I don't really care. I can take care of myself after all," I said with my chest out in pride army accomplishments in life but Lucario just gave me a deadpanned stare. "What?" Lucario pointed to my neck and my eye more specifically the scars I have on both from a couple… mistakes I might have made before in the past. "Come on it was like once or twice I messed up but I'm human." Lucario smiled and ruffled my head and turning my hat over to the side all crooked on top of my dome. I fixed it and looked up to Lucario.

He's been there for so long and the best friend I've ever had in the world. I didn't want to leave him here without anyone to keep him company. The rest of the Pokémon in the forest ignore him or avoid him all together. I'm one of the few that sees to him most days. I'd want to leave but I know I have to. Lucario reached down and touched my cheek. He pulled back and it was a little moist. Why was it moist from touching my cheek. I reached up to my cheek and felt it was wet and wiped it off of my face. I was actually crying right now. How embarrassing of me to do in front of Lucario. The strongest person I know and here I was crying in place like a baby. I sniffed and felt my breathing was harder that it should be. I think I was sobbing and my eyes began to sting from all the salty tears.

"Lucario," I tried to stay strong and say but a squeak came out instead. I'm such a baby. I bet he's laughing at me right now because of this. I felt something soft pat down on my head. I felt something. I don't know what that something is but it felt good. I felt sad but also happy. I felt like everything it's going to be okay. I looked up and met eye for eye with my oldest and best friend.

"Go." I heard but from where. The only ones here are Lucario and I and Pokémon can't talk. Well as far as I know but I know I heard that. It was from Lucario. I couldn't explain it but I felt it. With a smile on my face I cleared my eyes with my arm and nodded. "Yes. Stand and remain strong. Be forever aware and always vigilante." I nodded again. Lucario gave me a light push back and turned his back to me. I rubbed my eyes one more time before I did the same.

"Later Lucario next time you see me I'll be stronger than ever." With that I ran away. I ran away from everything. I ran away towards everything. I ran to the path ahead of me. One that will lead me to everything.

The large group of family members outside of Prof. Oak's house made it exceedingly difficult to get to the front door. I could climb on top of their shoulders and stone jump from one to the next but that would be rude and very dangerous for the person I'm landing on. I know that Gary Green is here right now getting his Pokémon. Everyone love him for some reason. I know his father is the legendary prior champion Leaf "Green" Oak but my dad is a war hero for gods sake. He is Fire "Red" Ketchem and a man of many talents much greater than that Leaf character. I've heard stories of his exploits and his amazing breeze through the 8 gym leaders but compared to my dad who saved lives of people and Pokémon alike should no contest. My dad isn't known by most of the present company. The war was so long ago and most kids my age don't even know about it. I've heard stories and seen visions of it thanks to Lucario who fought in it over some battle because of a legend of a Pokémon. I don't really understand how or why it started. Man and Pokémon fought each other to the death but things have reformed in the years that past.

Back to Green though. Gary is said to be a prodigy like his dad and as smart as his grandfather so right off the bat he was given the title "Green" but I can't accept that. Lucario always earned what he took much like I learned to do during my exploits, but not him. It's given to him. Most say that those with a color title associated with their name are destined for great things. By "they" I mean all of them that are apart of the Gary Oak fan club. They're always loud and bouncing from on place to the next like a rabid rattata. They're so annoying. Regardless, I pushed my way past the small crowd to get to the front gate. It's better for the mind if I don't sweat the small stuff like people that don't know or effect me. Lucario always tells me that my worth is judged by my actions not by the actions of others and I can't be wrapped around them. I can't but sometimes I fail.

"Hey loser." I know only one person that calls me by that and gets away with it because of the backlash my mom will face if I beat his or her face in.

I like to fight. I blame my time with Lucario watching him train and learning from him after I gave it a try. Learning how to fight isn't easy and learning how to emulate a Pokémon is even harder. Lucario is strong enough to punch a boulder and at most I break a brick with my fist and heel. To get there was very painful but it's cool to be able to do this. It's heard it can be very painful when someone's face becomes the next brick was coerced into breaking. I've fought others my age the moment they talked smack against my parents or my friends. If they knew better they'd never talk to me or about me ever, but I had to force them to stop. They came at me seven at once and I won still. Then they brought in their older brothers. That's when it didn't work out well.

I lost my share of fights with people older than me but I trained my body and my mind to fight them thanks to my friends. Pidgey and his friends would come at me in different directions to test my cool and for the longest time I lost it. I'd hold my breath and do this mediation thing underwater for as long as I can. The longest so far is eight minutes. I hit hard objects and trees to build up something called a threshold or something like that. I was hit hard for every mistake I ever made and it made me tougher. Soon I became strong enough to fight the big people on an even playing ground especially since they couldn't fight like I do. I can use their bodies to reach up to their heads and use my weight to knock them off balance to the ground. Once they're on my level I'm the Bird of prey baring down upon them. Learn a few fighting moves and fight some older people and suddenly you go from weirdo to freak. I didn't care and I don't care that the old people think of me as a "wild child." It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't change anything but it might if I punch this pompous kids face in and break something. The last thing I need is having to deal with the authorities for assault before I leave so I choose a different route. I kept walking and ignored the little Oak.

"Hey! I'm talking to you."

I stepped through the gate to the path free of the crowd. I noticed an older boy that I left a mark on being one of the last people I had to push past of. I was taller now and came up to his chest compared to before. "Move." I looked into his eyes when I said this. Almost instantly he was out of the way for me to walk past him. I walked the path up to this house and ignored the talk from the grown ups behind me.

"Hey loser I'm talking to you!" I felt something touch my shoulder but shrugged it off. I let out a sharp breath as I turned around to face Gary, who is taller than me by a couple inches, dressed in some sort of blue linen like top and bottoms, and with a yin yang symbol necklace around his neck. He frowned at me. "Don't ignore me loser." I crossed my arms and waited out his healthy amount of gloating and boasting that grew because of that fan club and everyone's talk. Lucario would classify him as an apple turned sour because he believes he's the best of the batch. He's a home school kid that's never been out in the tall grass like I have. He has a steep learning curve once he gets out there. Much more than I do.

The punk sneered at me when I finally get him the attention from the Black Freak like he wanted. "I bet you're here to get your Pokémon huh?"

"Yep," I answered with a short answer.

"Well I have you know I already have mine." Gary took out his pokéball and spun it on his finger. I admit that it a really cool trick but I won't let him know that so I just said


"I'd let you know as well that Blue and Yellow came by as well do their Pokémon." The other two from very impressive family backgrounds. Enough to get a color associated with their names with me being the last. I don't care much for Gary but Yancy is really nice to me. She's the only girl that's nice to me same with Rick. I remember the days we played together with Gary. Days long past. If they all got here before me and Gary is the last that means that all the original starter Pokémon are all taken. That's a shame I suppose but not really a big deal in my opinion. I don't need a starter to become a trainer just a Pokémon to protect me in the grass. I can catch one with ease ad I need to become a trainer to travel legally without adult supervision. It's a hassle that I need some sort of profession before I can move up in the world.

I blinked and noticed that Gary was still talking. I just stopped listening a minute ago I think. He was talking with his eyes closed so I used that at my chance to walk away. I reached the door in under ten seconds and he was still talking but only to air. It's sort of funny. I knocked three times and let myself in. The man known as the Poké Professor known throughout the world for his study of extremely rare Pokémon and how they work. I've read a couple of his books about rare Pokémon like Celibi and Mew. I've found it all interesting but his little poetry book is a little silly and out of his profession. I walked through the hallway and followed my instinct to the professor's current location. After dealing with him for all my life I know his aura anywhere out of everyone that isn't momma. In a crowd I can still find him and my mom. So far they are the only two people I care that much about to want to find them. I just let my gut guide me and it's always done me right. Some days I'm pretty sure I'm psychic but I don't spread that around too much.

I smiled at my joke and shook my head.

I turned a corner into the Pokémon storage room with a large center console with pokéballs on the side. Waiting for me with a gentle smile on his lips happened to be the Pokémon professor himself. "Good morning Ash," the older man greeted. "You're a little late. Did you wake up late?"

I shook my head. "I took a walk to clear my head." I walked in towards him and the console that turned into a pedestal with the pokéballs open for grabs but I know they are empty though. I know how his mind works and likes to show his child side every now and again. His jokes aren't funny, almost akin to his poetry not being interesting, but I won't say this out loud if I can help it. "Well I have everything ready for you my boy." The dark room turned a little darker and a spot light above lit up a table to the right. On top was a case, a red box thing, and five standard issue pokéballs. The load out for all beginner trainers. Professor Oak gave me the basic talk about becoming a trainer and all that ties into it.

The use of the pokédex and my role as his assistant as a researcher or something like that. Last I remember becoming a researcher of Pokémon and updating the pokédex with new speculations wasn't part of becoming a trainer. I just narrowed my eyes at the old man. I mean I may be a kid but I'm not dumb. I read books about criminal minds and how they get busted all the time and I know a man with an ulterior motive when I see one.

The professor chuckled sheepishly. "Come on, can't you do this for a frail old man Ash?"

"Frail?" I questioned ironically. "Professor you go on three mile runs in the mornings and climb trees like a mankey," or so I've heard. Never the less this doesn't sound like the actions of a frail old man and neither is his very "active" lifestyle outside of the Poké professor one.

"I stay in shape to keep spry enough to move around but I still can't travel like I used to. I don't have the energy like you do." I severely doubt that. I see things and commit them to memory when they interest me and watching him lead those older ladies into his back office does little to back up his argument. The shadows say a lot of what they do and it went on for at least an hour and at most two hours. I tried that and could only do that waist thrust thing for thirty minutes nonstop before I had to rest. He has much more energy that I do.

"Hehehe," he chuckled then cleared his throat. "Okay how about this." Now we are at the haggling stage of this dark deal in a near pitch black room. Oh no it's just like in my book before officer July burst in and beat everyone up. Broke a man's pelvis thing. Still not sure on what that is but it sounds painful. "For every Pokémon you record and how much information you observe and send back I will route you a sum of money depending on how common and the depth or which you go into explaining this Pokémon." The long and big words route. I don't understand some of it but I know how to counter it.

"Quadruple the amount you're thinking of and I'll do it."

"Deal," he said with a smile. I don't think he even understood what I just said so I waited for him to come to his own realization. The professor's eyes bulged out his head and I smiled. "Wait what?"

I nodded. "That sum you planned to give me is too small so I want four times the amount."

"But you don't even know the sum." I shrugged. I can assume it's a very small sum probably the same amount of my allowance on a monthly basis which isn't that much in the first place. I could out just how fast 500 dollars can go in just one day and that was only for a drink and ice cream. No I will not be fooled this time around. "Tell you what…"

"No," I shot him down and turned my head with my arms crossed.

"But…but…" The professor sighed and rubbed his head. "Kids, they grow up too fast now a days." He murmured to himself which means he agreed with me. "We'll go ahead and pick up your pokédex as well as your pokéballs. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how to use them." No he didn't. I've seen them used many times already. I walked to the table and grabbed my pokédex and stuffed it into my pocket. I clipped the pokéball carrier onto my belt and placed the balls inside. I walked back to the pokéballs and nodded. "Now choose your Pokémon Ash."

I looked down to them then back to him and his eager gaze. "I heard from Gary two others came here to grab a starter." The old man irked. "These are empty aren't they?"

The professor snapped his finger and smiled. "Yes I was trying to get you. Worked the first three times." The others got tricked huh? That's funny. "Sadly the original three starters are all taken."

I nodded. "That's fine gramps. If you can give me a pokéball to replace I'll be fine."

"Now hold on," he rose a hand up. He snapped his fingers and a fourth pokéball appeared in the center of the pedestal. "I…have this one that you can take if you wish." He sounded a little hesitant and it made me a little nervous. What's in this ball that has him a little rattled? It appeared to be a normal pokéball just with an electric type symbol above the button.

"What's wrong with this one?"

"Well, it's a little violent. I caught it outside near some Oran berry bushes a day or two ago." So it's wild still instead of broken in to human interaction. By the sound of it this Pokémon attacked the professor or maybe is uncontrollable.

"Male or female?"

"Male." This might make it harder to get this Pokémon to trust me. Males butt heads all the time in the Pokémon kingdom and it's even worse when a male trainer is forced to prove himself to a male Pokémon. I'll have to approach this carefully or release it. Either way it's going to be a problem for only a couple moments.

"What Pokémon is inside?"

"A pikachu." The electric mouse Pokémon out here in this part of the region. That doesn't make much sense but that's not much of a common find. Most of them are in the wild and steer clear of humans the best they can. I smiled and reached for the ball. "Careful son I know you believe you can take on the world but this Pokémon might kill you."

"Any Pokémon can kill me you know that professor," I said with a grin. I grabbed and ball and picked it up.

"Follow me then." Professor Oak walked to a large computer with a pedestal to the right. "Place the ball on top in the circular groove and your pokédex in the slot." As told I placed the objects in their proper places and stepped back to see him work. Programming a pokédex to my prints, my DNA, and personal to private information as well. It acts as a wallet to hold money you want to spend electronically. Its water proof, damage resistant, and tolerant to high temperatures as well. It's made by only one company. Most technology now a days are made by a single company. Well only one that I've seen so far.

"And… done." The Pokédex pulled out from slot and the glass around my first Pokémon. "You may take your Pokémon and pokédex." That was fast. I had only placed my hand on a panel and waited for a minute before it was all done.

I reached for my pokéball first and smiled. I always wanted to do this. "Pikachu I choose you!" I pressed the button and threw the ball away. A white light escaped from the ball and landed in front of me. The ball sailed back towards me and I caught it.

"Oh Ash what have you done?"

I took out the pokédex and opened it. First things first I placed it on mute the moment I saw the button and aimed the green orb towards the Pokémon. Move list is thunder shock, leer, and tackle and this is indeed male and wild. I took a knee and examined the pikachu. He's small being maybe a foot and some change off the ground. The pikachu looked around a little until its eyes settled on me. I would admit that this Pokémon is really cute if not for the fact I don't like being electrocuted and a Pokémon that specializes in this is dangerous to have around. The risk kills the mood.

"Well pikachu you are wild but now you and I will have to work together okay?" The pikachu narrowed its eyes at me and growled. I questioned in why it turned vehement and followed its eyes down to its pokéball. I rose it up and it took a stance. "You don't like this thing do you?" I shook it in hand and it started to spark at the cheeks. "Well then do you know what's next?" I smiled and the pikachu dropped to all fours. I pressed the button on the ball and it shrunk. "I'll put it away." My dad traveled with a clefairy by his side all the time if his letters mean anything. It was never in its pokéball so I don't mind doing the same.

I placed the ball into the case on my waist and stood up. "Thanks for your time professor." I waved at him and started to walk out. I stopped and noticed the pikachu just glaring at me. "Coming pikachu?" It just turned its head at me. "Well if you want to stay you can. I'm not going to force you."

Professor Oak chuckled lightly and followed me leaving the pikachu behind. "I have high hopes for you my boy."

"Don't hope for me Professor because I'm going to be awesome!" I pumped my fist up in victory.

"So what are you going to do if your ploy doesn't work?"

"Continue on and catch Pokémon as I go. I won't force anything to come with me and if they so choose to I'll let them go."

"I see. Tell me son what's your plan right now?" I stopped in the middle of the hallway. My plan? What is my plan other than to travel, raises and study Pokémon, and become champion at least for the Kanto region? There's so much I have to do before I can get up to my dad's level. I have to be the one on top of the world like he is. So much I can do. Prof. Oak escorted me out the door with his best wishes for my journey and I walked down the path.

I looked behind me and noticed something hide behind a corner. I smiled and waved back. "My mother's cooking so if you're hungry and a meat eater you will love it and her." I know that pikachu, unlike their normal type cousins rattata, are omnivores. It comes with the sharp teeth and flat back ones in their mouths. Unlike a charmander they don't need just meat or that synthetic Pokémon food made as substitute but I'm not a modern day adult. I like the sound of that. I'm old fashioned and fully believe in eating Pokémon like other Pokémon do until trainers get a hand in them. All natural and it comes from how I'm raised.

It took a minute to get home to my door with my bike where I left it. It's a light green mountain bike with a red strip running down the side and took me a lot of work and saving to buy. I don't ride it unless I'm going for distance but it looks like I might have to take it with me now. I'd like to get to the next city by night fall but I'm in no hurry. My mother always told me never to rush a long job. The ending might not be how I envisioned it if I do. I knocked on the door and waited for mom to answer it. My mom soon opened the door dressed in a simple auburn colored house gown and a yellow apron on. She smiled warmly and hugged me. "Ash your back." She rubbed the back of my head as she hugged me and let go. "Did you register honey?"

"Yea mum. I'll believing tomorrow most likely."

"Oh no," she smothered my face to her chest and held me tight. Too tight. "I don't wanna see my baby go!" She's playing the role of worried mother well but soon giggled and leaned back up. "Well if that's what you want sweetie I can't stop you." She can but I like the fact she's supportive of my choices even after everything that happened. "Come on in I got linner started."

"Thanks mum." I walked in but left the door cracked just in case pikachu wanted to come in. "So sweetie what Pokémon do you have? A charmander or squirtle?" I sat down at the table with my elbows on that table.

"A pikachu." My mom blinked a couple times. "A…pikachu?" She didn't look that surprised but more thoughtful than anything. Mom walked toward the stove and opened it. "Can I see…"

"Him," I said.

"Yes, can I see him?" I looked around the kitchen but saw no sign of the Pokémon.

"Well I can't right now mama. Sorry."

"Hm, why is that?"

"He doesn't like being in his ball so I let him stay out. I think he's outside."

"You think? You mean you left him outside?"

"He's wild mama I can't force him to do what he doesn't want to."

"I guess sweetie but what if he runs away?"

"Then he's gone and I won't chase after him. I still plan to leave and catch them all."

"You sound like father when he was your age," she giggled and I smiled a little as well. "He was so alive and energetic. He'd swear he'd become champion and become a hero for the people." My mom reminiced before looking down after a soft breath out. "I heard from the Prof. that you're going to be his intern," she brought up.

"He did in a way. He want's me to record my findings during my journey." While I don't really care about the pokédex entries or anything I'm getting money for it so I can do a little research. I've already have a lot of information I can place into pokédex already to send up so that should get me a good amount of money with all I can put down. Enough to buy some food out there and maybe a fishing pole.

"Anyway I might get going later today."

"You plan to travel at night? But that's dangerous sweetie."

"Come on mom you worry too much." I felt a pair of arms envelop me. The warmth from this hug and the emotion poured into it left me speechless.

"You're my only child and I'm your mother. It's my job to worry." Mom pecked me on the cheek and smiled.

"Mama stop that," I wiped the kiss on my cheek and frowned at her. "I'm not a kid anymore so I don't need kisses and the like."

My mom giggled a bit more before ruffling my head of hair. "You're right. You're old enough to leave the house, work for an income, and travel the world to explore to find your calling. It's all your choice, but while you're out and about just know that love you and you can always come home. If you need anything Ash just… Oh I know!" My mom read my mind and knew I would ask for nothing. "I can save money for if you want," she recommended and I thought on it. That wasn't a bad idea. The Pokémon world is ran by those with money. Every match is just one big wager. If win you get paid by the loser. Pokémon battles put everything on the line from your rating as a trainer to how much money you amass on a daily basis to survive. The world is that corrupt that gambling is a trainers best way to survive or honest work like hunting or becoming a government employee like a ranger. Its not an easy live but it builds kids and turns them into hardened adults like me. It's not easy go through what I did I and fighting who or what I fought and not grown up. I believe I can tackle any challenge like my dad did.

"I'd like that mom. You'd be doing me a real favor."

"Good. I know that getting a lot of money can make you feel a bit "empowered" and more than likely you'll spend more of it. It'll be best if I handled your funds so you don't spend it all."

"Mom, I'm responsible enough to take care of myself," I complained and she just smiled slyly at me. Then she pointed to a small scar of my neck along the jugular on the left side from a bad run in with a mankey. "That wasn't my fault," I defended myself. Then she rose my left hand up and turned it over for my palm facing down. Another scar marked my skin that was barely noticeable but I remember it well. I ninoran charged at me with it's horn and I used my hand to try and stop it. It didn't end well. "That thing snuck up on me," I said weakly. My mother then pointed behind her to a clock on top of the microwave that I bought with money I made doing small work around the town. It was overpriced but was golden and nice looking. I spent everything on that only to find out I could have gotten it for a quarter of what I paid for elsewhere. I sighed and conceded defeat.

"Let me see you're pokédex sweetie."

I reached for the pokédex and handed it to my mother. She's going to update the funds and transfer function on it so that any money I earn electronically she will take a portion of it to route to an account of her choosing. "Personal Account Information updated," the tone of my pokédex resounded through the kitchen. My mother placed my pokédex in front of me for me to take. I reached for it solemnly and clipped it back to my belt. I ooked down to my sandwich and magikarp chips and smiled. I'll miss my mom's cooking more than anything. I ate slowly and savored my last sandwich in a long time and stood up.

I looked out the window and it's getting late up there in the day. Best I get going now before I actually stay home until tomorrow. I hugged my mom before running upstairs for my pack. I packed it last night was some clothes and basic survival gear for camping and the like. It's what I'd normally take just encase I end up lost and have to spend a night in the elements. I looked around my room for a bit more and took a breath. I won't be seeing this room of mine for maybe one or two years. Maybe this will be my last time in Pallet Town but I doubt that. The only way that would happen is if my mother left this town for good. Then I'd have no reason to come back. I took a breath and ran downstairs. I put my running shoes on and grabbed my boots to strap to the sides of my backpack.

"Mama, I'm leaving," I walked outside and waved back to my mom.

"You sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" She asked at the door with her hands cupped together before her.

I was tempted and I didn't want to leave but something was compelling me forward. I have to leave. I have to broaden my horizons. I have to earn my place. "I'm sure mum. I got to get going and soon before I stay for good."

"I don't mind," she said with a smile.

I laughed a bit the turned around. I stopped and whirled back around. My mom already had her arms out as I ran into her embrace and wrapped my arms around her. I felt pain, very familiar pain, well up within my chest. I've always had a place to return to when I explore. I've always had a person that loved me not matter what I did waiting for me. I've always had this one light in my life and now I'm about to leave it. I... I need to be strong but it's so hard.

"My Ash... I knew this day would come and I... I don't want to see you go," my mom said as if she read my feelings with ease. She pat my head lovingly and kissed my forehead. "Make me proud," she said to me. "Make me proud and your father as well like I know your going to." I shook my head and wiped my eyes before forcing me to look into hers.

"Rise Above the Clouds," she began our mantra. She waited for me to continue it. The motto, the words of power, that my mother had me memorize through the years. Words that my father said and have been passed in the family for generations.

"Even before the fiercest lightning," I struggled to get out but stayed strong.

"Rise above the clouds," she said again and stood up with her hands on my shoulder.

"Even if battered by stifling winds," I responded after a hard breath.

"Rise above the clouds," she said strongly and stepped back away from me.

"Even when darkness befalls you," I recited with my fist clenched.

"You will rise above the clouds," she declared and looked down to me with a strong gaze.

"Because the light is always before you," I looked back up to her and felt my strength return.

"Because the light is always within you," she placed her hand on my chest with a bright smile.

"And never will it extinguish," I said strongly and nodded to my mom.

My mom smiled and leaned back up. At the same time we placed our backs to one another. I took one more breath before I walked over towards my bike. I put up the kick stand and mounted the top. I petaled a little bit stopped and looked right. There I saw Pikachu laying down on the ground. I noticed a small bowl next to him with remnants of some of mom's poké food inside. She must have came out while I was eating to feed him as well. She was able to calm the beast enough to get close but knowing my mom that's not a shocker. I have the strongest and best mom in the world hands down.

"Well, I can't just leave you there now can I?" I asked myself.

I pushed off my bike and put the stand back down. He looked to be asleep to me so I did the stupid thing and picked him up. I cradled him in my arms and walked back to my bike. I mounted it again held pikachu in my lap while I rode off to start my journey. My journey to be the very best. Better than my father and all those that came before. My journey to be the best that ever was.

A/N: This was sort of a test to see how I could fashion a story out pokemon with a lot of tweaks and changes. I've imagined a cross between the games and the anime and somehow came up with this. I'm not sure just how maturish I can or should make this. I'm not sure if the starting six should remain the same. I'm not sure about so much but what I have in mind is for this to be like how I wished the anime would have evolved into. I know that Ash is very different from his canon self and I couldn't help but do this. I have a hard time writing light characters or kids that haven't grown up early because of harsh experiences. I'd like to write in all the way to the Johto region meaning this will be very long but keep to the same route as the anime/cartoon mixing many other of it's games together. I guess I'll leave the reception up to anyone the read this. Please tell me your thoughts and I'll modify as I go or completely scrap this story all together.

Thanks for reading and please review.