A Note from Gomez and Morticia


It is wonderful to be back with my family, and in the arms of my husband.

Iridis is behind me, and with the baby due any minute now, I am focusing my attention on that. Gomez says he has arranged a surprise for me, but he refuses to tell me what it is until the baby arrives.

We decided not to find out the sex, until the baby is born, of course. And I couldn't be unhappier. Gomez and I are the same way, and I swear we grow more attracted to one another with each passing second.

Shortly after my homecoming, Josh and Hailie realized how compatible they were and set up an interesting arrangement. Hailie and Vanessa are now living with Josh, as his house is quite large. I get to see them much more, and every Saturday, they come over with champagne and force me to watch Designing Women, and then I turn on a horrour movie for us.

It did not take too long to find Emily, and she now is doing quite well for herself. We were able to find her, Mary and Ash jobs at major business corporations, and they are slowly but surely climbing to the top.

Emily is going to college to be a kindergarten teacher, and wrote a paper about me for one of her assignments, which she presented to class. She has also moved in with Ash, about an hour away from Candletop Hill.

Evil is getting on famously, and has gotten a job as a phycologist. She is doing well for herself and living in an apartment in Arizona.

Ah yes, and Máma moved in in late April, of last year. It was wonderful, having her around the children. We also realized that she must be incredibly lonely in that old house alone, so we invited her to come live with us. She eagerly accepted.

All in all, I am indeed the storm. While I didn't burn, they did, and I certainly came out, sitting on Hell's throne.


I'm holding my querida in my arms as I write, and by God, do I adore her. She is the air I breath, and for the rest of my life, I am willingly on oxygen.

Every morning, I talk to the little life inside of my darling's belly. And I have a gut feeling it is a boy. From the way it kicks, to the way it craves Amazonian pickles. I still do not understand that part.

I worship her, I would do anything for her. At her request, I would rip out my eyes, at her command, I would crawl on my belly through hot coals and broken glass.

And, I-

Morticia would like to say something.



Yes, my dearest?

Marvelous news. I'm going to have the baby... right now.


Yes, now.

Now? You're in labour now?

Darling, I think we had better hurry. My water broke.

As we write? Right now?

Yes, Gomez.

Oh. Alright... Alright, how should we end this, I



I am so sorry for the unfinished sentence. Gomez and I had to begin our drive to the hospital. I am in labour as I write.

We are Addams'. I am an Addams and as such I have put this ordeal behind me. I finally destroyed Dr. Winthrop and Gomez and I have finally brought down that-



I apologize, a police officer pulled us over. I believe we have said all we need to, but you must excuse us as now is a bit of an inconvenient time to write.

Gomez, darling? Is there anything left you'd like to say?


Just that I adore you, Tish. And when I promised you, that for you I would kill... I meant every word.

Darling... I am in so much pain.

Is it inhuman? My darling, is it torture?




Oh, yes. We were, sidetracked. One last thing. Yes, Gomez and I do still have dreams together... about the night before.