Chapter 7: Heated moments

Hey guys, I love writing this story, and I could cry with the amount of support and reads I have received for this.



Her head was pounding, it felt as if someone had taken a fucking drill to her brain and poured boiling oil into the hole. The feeling in her arms and legs was nonexistent and there was something warm and solid pushing into her back. It takes a minute or two and some effort to attempt peeling her eyes open. The sound of metal being tugged against and her left arm getting suddenly jarred to the side has her eyes snapping open.

Warning: Lime

When her eyes adjust she is quick to notice her missing goggles, the room around her is shrouded in darkness allowing her to see everything around her. From what she could tell she was tied up in the lower decks of the crashed ship. There is a set of stairs leading up and many wires dangling from the ceiling. When her arms are suddenly once again jerked backwards, making her very aware that the warm solid mass pressing into her back is shifting and is most definitely breathing.

The person behind her could only be Riddick, his scent was all over her and it filled the air of their room. As his body moves against her more and more, she becomes increasingly more aware that his shifting is actually him rolling his hips up into her backside. His deep breathes are hot and wet against her ear. A particularly sharp thrust pulls a moan from her throat. His response is a breathy chuckle, "bout time you woke up pup, thought you'd never join me."

A breathless sigh and her hips pushing down into his is her answer. They sit there for a while, their bodies slowly grinding against each other enjoying the feeling. "You're lucky we are tied up pup, otherwise you'd be getting punished for leaving me at the gravesite like that." To prove her is serious he roughly thrust his hips into hers.

Riddick p.o.v

I could tell she was close, her tail flicking about, and her eyes fluttered shut as her face screamed euphoria. I roughen my thrusts as I get closer, each thrust is greeted by a moan or small squeak from the little dremorian in my lap.

"mineā€¦.you're mine Aura." Our peaks are so close to the edge when footsteps echo in the room, and the scent of the annoying blonde floods through the room, completely ruining the mood. Auras growl is drowned out by mine. I can feel the frustration rolling off my little mate. I lean in to whisper in her upper set of wolf ears, "later" I lean back giving her ear a nip as I do, she leans back cuddling into my chest with a content purr.

"that better be a promise Riddick."

End of Lime

3rd person p.o.v

We sit in silence allowing our bodies to calm from our high, its second before Fry storms into the room, her face flashing with slight jealousy for a moment at the sight of Aura curled up in Riddick's lap. It doesn't last long as she begins her spiel.

"So, where's the body?"

Neither of us say anything, we just continue to stare forward, Riddick buries his nose in my hair to cover the scent of the woman in front of us.

"Well, do you want to tell me about the sounds?"

Still no response.

"Look, you told Johns you heard something."

This time her answer is a feminine scoff and a flick of a tail.

"That's fine. You don't want to talk to me, that's your choice. But, just so you know...there's a debate right now as to whether we should just leave you here to die."

That grabs our attention, and aura can hear Riddick give a mischievous chuckle. 'hes gonna fuck with her, just like old times.' His deep voice raspes out into the room, his chest vibrating against her back.

"You mean the whispers?"

That catches her attention, and her face contorts with curiosity.

"What whispers?"

"The ones telling me to go for the sweet spot just to the left of the spine."

Aura cuts in.

"Fourth lumbar down." Riddick continues.

"The abdominal aorta. It's a metallic taste, human blood."

Aura laughs low and sultry, and finishes with a devilish grin flashing her sharp canines.

"Copperish. If you cut it with peppermint schnapps that goes away."

The fear is rolling off Fry in waves, she is trying to hide it, but her scent is potent with it. We could practically taste it in the air. But Aura could pick up a second scent that has her Furred ears snapping back in aggression, and her tail going ramrod straight. Arousal. Fry was getting turned on and it was pissing Aura off. Riddick could tell, 'That won't do, less Aura rips her head off before we can get a way off this rock.' Fry speaks up.

"Do you want to shock me with the truth now?"

"All you people are so scared of us. Most days, I take that as a compliment. But it ain't me you got to worry about now. Hell you got little miss silver here tied to me just for sticking up for me."

"Show me your eyes Riddick." Auras growl breaks the silence. Riddick nudges his face into Auras neck and answers. He whispers in my left ear, "hold on tight baby, I'm gonna stand."

"You'd have to come a lot closer for that." Fry steps closer, her arousal getting more potent.

"Closer. " As Fry comes even closer, Riddick suddenly stands up, Aura is quick to swings her lgs back to hook her ankles on his waist. When a small voice speaks up.

"Where the hell can I get eyes like that?"

Riddick and Aura share a chuckle as he sits down allowing her to relax.

"Gotta kill a few people."

"Okay. I can do it." Aura couldn't help but think the 'boy' was cute.

"Then you gotta get sent to a slam where they say you'll never see daylight again. You dig up a doctor and you pay him menthol do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs."

"So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark?!" the kids voice was ecstatic.


Aura whispers, "total bull Richie, we were both born with them." His chuckle catches the attention of the other two.

"Leave!" Fry yells. "Leave." Jack glares at the blonde and send Aura and Riddick longing looks, wanting to talk more.

Riddick and Aura return their attention to Fry when jack disappears.

"Cute kid."

"I know right." Aura chuckles.

"Did I kill a few people? Sure. Did I kill Zeke? No. You got the wrong killer."

Fry is obviously pissed.

"He's not in the hole. We looked!"

"Look deeper."

With that said Riddick once again buries his face in Auras hair, Aura gives Fry a parting smug look and tilts her head up to lightly kiss his lips. Settling down to wait for someone to return after exploring the hole.

"You can hear them too, Riddick." He grunts in affirmative.

"yes pup, and their hungry, now get out of the damn binds already, I think they took your weapons."

"ha! All of my weapons are in my bag along with food and water, I hid it in my nesting spot within the abandoned colony."

His responding laugh is deep and full of mirth, "That's my girl, just like I taught ya."

$%% #%


That is chapter 7, I know it got heated, but I put a warning so no complaints please.
