Harry's dragging his trolley full of luggage, with Hedgewig sitting in her cage on top of it all, through the train station when he bumps into a girl with hair the exact color of fire and another cart full of stuff. "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to hit you."

The girl straightens everything up instantly, and says "No, it's perfectly fine, really. Name's Bloom, what's yours?"

"Harry, Harry Potter. You lost?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to find a platform 9 and something, but these are all whole numbers!"

Harry immediately notices Bloom has an accent that is definitely not from London, and asks "Are you a tourist or something?"

Bloom blinks her strikingly blue eyes, then says "Yeah, I'm from…out of town, you might say. Anyway, any idea about this mystery platform?"

Harry is about to say he has no clue, when he hears a woman with hair every bit as orange as Bloom's but with a British accent say "Every year, this place is packed with Muggles! Come along, we don't want to miss the train!"

Harry says "I bet she knows where to go! Follow me!"

They catch up to the woman, just in time to see the oldest boy disappear into a column with his trolley.

She shows them how to, after realizing its their first year at Hogwarts as well - it's also Ron's, who says hello politely.

All three make it through easily, seems the column is an illusion or a gateway or something.

They make it onto the train easily enough, both Bloom and Harry producing tickets to board.

They get a booth together and pile their stuff on top, and then Ron comes in as well.

He recognizes Harry as the Boy-Who-Lived, the only person to have ever survived an evil wizard.

He's called Voldemort, but everyone seems too scared to call him anything but The Dark Lord or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

It makes it a little frustrating for answers, but he must have been really powerful.

Harry has no clue about anything to do with this strange world of magic that everyone recognizes him in, but neither does Bloom apparently - which makes it a little more comforting.

They see her eyes are huge though, and he asks what's wrong.

She quickly says "That scar looks like it hurt! How'd it happen?"

"I don't know, I've had it forever."

Ron asks "You new to this part of the world, Bloom?"

"Something like that, yeah."

A girl with long brown hair comes in, and also recognizes Harry.

She fixes his glasses for him, and then says they're going to be arriving at Hogwarts soon so they should put on their robes.

Bloom and the girl, who introduces herself as Hermione, hit it off right away - but Hermione leaves to keep looking for the toad named Trevor for a boy named Neville.

Harry and Ron go to the bathroom to change, and find Bloom's already in her robes with her previous clothes gone - they have no idea how, but they didn't exactly take two seconds to get changed either.

When they get off the train, they're on the far side of a lake and there's a massive castle on the hill.

Everyone looks awed, and Bloom quietly whistles in appreciation.

Harry whispers "You act like you've seen something like this before."

"I've seen big schools, but nothing quite like that!" Harry has to agree, the sight is impressive.

Bloom, Ron, Harry, and Hermione are on the same canoe going to the lake, the one with Hagrid in it - and they make it to the Castle in no time.

Hagrid leaves them in front of the gates in a massive crowd, and Professor McGonagall gives them a quick speech about what's going to happen then walks inside.

"So, is it true? Has the famous Harry Potter really come to Hogwarts?" A boy with slicked back blonde hair comes out of the crowd, followed by two boys on either side of him. "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron snickers, and Draco glares at him. "You think my name is funny, do you? It's not hard to guess who you are. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasely."

Bloom glares at Draco and asks "And what exactly is wrong with red hair and a broken-in robe?"

Draco glares at her for a moment, but finds hers is every bit as good as his.

He turns his attention back to Harry and says "You'll soon find some wizarding families are better than others. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I think I can help you there."

Harry says "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks."

Draco glares at him, but soon ends up having a glaring match with Bloom.

She says "Yeah, and who's definition of 'wrong' are you using, Malfoy? Because I've found it varies with morals."

His glare increases a thousand-fold, but she still matches him easily.

Professor McGonagall arrives and smacks Draco on the shoulder with a piece of paper - he retreats with one last glare for now.

They all file in, and Professor Dumbledore gives a few last-minute announcements - the dark forest is strictly forbidden, and the 3rd floor is off limits to anyone who wants to live.

Its unsettling, but then the Sorting Ceremony begins.

Hermione gets put into Gryffindor, Draco gets in Slytherin, Ron is put in Gryffindor, and so is Harry.

The entire hall goes quiet when Harry walks up, and it's not immediately clear where he'll go - but he knows he doesn't want to be in Slytherin, so he gets put in Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall calls "Bloom!"

The hall goes quiet, maybe at the fact that she's only got one name apparently.

She walks up, and the room starts whispering again as she does.

Harry rolls his eyes, what exactly are they whispering about? The fact that her hair is like fire?

"Hm, interesting. An immense power unlike any I've felt before. Lots of admirable qualities, but where to put you? You've got courage, kindness, loyalty, dedication, intelligence…"

Bloom's face goes pale at first, then bright red under the hat, but now everybody's whispering about the 'great power' she apparently has.

"Hm, and it seems you have a lot of talent, particularly for magic, a hard choice indeed. Hm, you want to protect someone…alright then, GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table erupts into massive cheers, every bit as loud as when they got Harry.

Ron asks "What was all that about? A massive power inside you and a natural talent for magic? And who do you want to protect?"

Bloom's face is still bright red, and she says "I don't…what is with that hat?"

Hermione says "It can read your mind, sense what's inside you. Courage, kindness, deceit, it can sense it all. But, I can't say the Sorting Hat has ever marked someone as having an immense power - or being such a hard choice to Sort. It sounded like you could have fit into any of the Houses."

Bloom shrugs and starts fiddling with the hem of her sleeve. "Look, I don't know what the Hat saw, but-"

Professor McGonagall says "Attention everyone."

Professor Dumbledore waits a moment to make sure he has everyone's attention, and says "Let the feast…begin."

Everyone's plates fill with food in an instant, and all talk is forgotten.

When they get to the dormitories, everyone's stuff has already been moved up to their rooms.

When everyone is asleep, Bloom sneaks out to the common room and pulls out her phone and calls Mrs. Faragonda - her headmistress of a few weeks.


"Mrs. Faragonda, something happened in the Sorting Ceremony!"

What? You found the young wizard your supposed to protect?

"No, well, I met him earlier before that. What happened is the Hat blurted out that I have an immense power inside me!"

Her brow furrows, and she says The Sorting Hat is alive, in a way, and it is intelligent. It must have sensed your powers, and was trying to determine what house you should be in. Have you spoken with Albus yet? I told him a very special student of mine would be coming to protect Harry.

"No, I haven't had the chance yet. I met Harry at the train station while looking for the non-existent train. Mrs. Faragonda, if they find out I'm a fairy-"

Then we'll deal with that when the time comes. But the age-reversal spell we used so you could do this mission is permanent. You will have to go through the years once again - and controlling your magic will be slightly harder since you didn't know of it when you were eleven.

"Yeah, I noticed. I set a few things on fire by accident, and I swear I saw smoke come off of this one kid's hair when he was starting trouble and got me mad."

Bloom, you are there to keep the Dark Lord from Harry Potter - you must stay focused on that mission.

"I know, I know Mrs. Faragonda. But it's not all that easy with unreliable powers, and what am I supposed to do with the wand you had me make? I know it's supposed to make me blend in, but…"

I know your a bit used to using your magic on a thought, a whim, making it part of your everyday life - despite the fact that you were only at Alfea for a few weeks. You don't have your Charmix form yet, which is why it will be easier to keep a low profile and blend in with the other students. The wand I had you make is a part of you, think of it as an extension of your powers. It can store your magic, and make you more powerful as you and it grow in your magic and strength. It learns from you, just as you learn from it.

"Yeah, so I wave it around and stuff happens?"

Use your imagination Bloom, you'll find you can do things most of even your new classmates can't dream of. And, if you really need to, you have full access to your powers as a fairy - just use discretion when using them, so none of the students see you. It is paramount that your cover not be blown, or else protecting Harry Potter will be much more difficult if the Dark Lord knows you're here for that purpose.

Bloom nods, as full of determination at eleven as she was at sixteen.

Her body was turned eleven again, but her mind was left intact.

She was only a few weeks into Alfea's coursework when Mrs. Faragonda asked her to go on a very important mission for her - one that she was convinced could only be done by Bloom.

As someone who grew up with no knowledge of her powers, she relies more on other means of getting things done than most, and she is much less likely to automatically use a spell to get something done instead of, say, Stella.

And because she's only a few weeks into Alfea's classes, she knows only about as much in the ways of magic as the incoming first year students.

Bloom knew this mission would take a while, a very long while, but she accepted it anyway.

There's something Mrs. Faragonda wasn't telling her, but Bloom didn't care right then.

As far as she knows, she was the student at Alfea with the least amount of knowledge of magic - she's so confused right now.

Get some sleep Bloom, talk with one of your professors after class, one that can be trusted. I suggest Minerva McGonagall. Tell her you need to talk with Albus, that it's important. Good night Bloom.

"Goodnight Mrs. Faragonda." Bloom sighs then looks at the fire.

Her powers draw strength from fire, and, theoretically, she can control it at will - but she has no idea how to do that.

She takes a deep breath and says "Well, only one way to find out."

She can't stay up too late though, she has to be awake for classes tomorrow.

Bloom figures she can spend a few hours a night after everyone else is asleep practicing her fairy powers in secret - but she has no illusions about it being easy to learn to control them on her own.

AN: Okay, backstory: Bloom's been sent to Hogwarts to pose as a student in order to protect Harry until he can beat Voldemort. She doesn't have any idea of the Dragon Flame though, and this mission was offered to her only a few weeks after she fist came to Alfea. So, she can use magic at will but she can't transform yet - Nickelodeon version of Winx Club - and she is every bit as clueless as Harry about where to go or how to do this stuff. Her just being able to use magic means she's right on the same level as all the other students, and Faragonda likely sent her to Hogwarts to keep her out of danger from the Trix and such.