Some of you may have read this previously when I uploaded it as an Author's note but I thought I'd put it at the start of this chapter in case you missed it with the change how far along I now am.

I know I haven't updated this story since September and for that I'm sorry.

I was about to start writing the next chapter not long after the last one was posted but then my health took a turn and I was quite sick. A couple of days before I got sick I had actually taken a pregnancy test and had been for blood tests because of other reasons, that weekend I was so sick I was bedridden and almost ended up in hospital.

The following Monday I was feeling a bit better and was feeling well enough to go work but before that, I had an ultrasound done that confirmed I was pregnant because the doctor I saw was stupid and couldn't tell me I was based off the blood results. I went to work but ended up being sent home because I took a turn and was quite sick again, I spent the next week or so on leave going back and forth to the doctors trying to find something and get help that would reduce my morning sickness.

I was having good days and bad days but mostly bad days where I was so sick I couldn't do anything but lay in bed watching Netflix all day and because of that I didn't have the energy or motivation to write.

I'm now having more good days than bad and I'm now almost 36 weeks along so I only have about 4 weeks before my baby is here and I'm not getting many hours at work so I spend my days doing a little bit of housework and sitting in aircon watching Netflix. Oh and eating haha. Anyway, I'm currently writing the next chapter but I wanted to post this so you all know I never gave up on this story and that now that I'm feeling a bit better than I was I'm writing the next chapter when it will be up I'm not sure but it's coming.

Though my fiancé and I have been a little stressed the last couple of months, my car broke down just before the end of January so we were down to one car for 2 weeks and it cost over $700 to fix plus there's one more thing to get fixed, his car was overdue for a service because we focused on getting my car fixed, he had an accident in one of the work trucks but luckily he was okay and of course we've had multiple bills come in all at once again but we're getting there.

We recently flew back to where we moved from to attend our baby shower that my mum planned which was not too bad.

And of course, with the whole corona virus situation things have been a little stressful especially being pregnant at this time but we'll get there J

On a side note being so far along with the pregnancy, I have about 2 weeks left before I go on maternity leave, I'll be on leave for 9 months so I'm sure in between settling in with Bub I'll have more time to write than ever before especially since I'll be home alone after the first couple of weeks when my mum goes back home and my fiancé goes back to work J

Thank you all for the reviews, follows, favourites and if you're still here then waiting so patiently for my random updates, it means a lot to me.


It has been a few weeks since I sat down with my parents and Mason and slowly things were getting better between us all. We had met as a family a few times over the weeks for dinner which, to be honest, was wonderful and I felt like things were looking up for all of us as a family.

Dimitri, as usual, has been amazing, even with the stress of uni he was always there for me and we spent almost every day together before or after work and classes. Dimitri had gotten the job he'd interviewed for and so far was loving it and as always Olena was watching me like a hawk and being a second mother to me. We were still taking things slowly but we had on occasion had sleepovers which I felt like was a step forward and I fell in love with him more and more each day.

It was the 1st of December which meant it was almost Christmas time and the day to put up the Christmas tree. Dimitri had decided he didn't want to put a tree up in his apartment so he was coming over to be with Lissa, Christian and myself and help us put the tree up in mine and Lissa's apartment.

Christian had been busy preparing a nice breakfast for all of us and was placing everything on the table when Dimitri arrived, of course, me being me I was starving and was already sitting at the table with a plate half full of bacon, eggs and tomatoes by the time the others came over to the table.

"Morning Roza, I see you've already started." He said with a smirk while leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Morning, I'm starving and the smell of the food cooking was driving me nuts."

We sat in silence while we ate, mainly because I was too busy stuffing my face until I noticed a little box sitting next to Dimitri on the table. "Did you bring me donuts?" I asked him because the box looked like the ones Olena used at the café.

"Of course I did Roza, well actually Mama gave them to me for you, she thought you'd love them after breakfast."

"She knows me too well."

We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence before we cleared the table and headed to the lounge room to set up the Christmas tree.

It was an amazing couple of hours as we decorated the tree, there were lots of laughs and it was just downright fun. I loved having Dimitri there, as I sat on the lounge drinking a hot chocolate and watched Dimitri clean up the decoration packagings and storage boxes I started to think about what the future could hold.

I could honestly say I could see a future with him, things had been going so great in my life lately that I started to think what would it be like if Dimitri and I got married? What would it be like if we had our own children?

I think Dimitri would make a great father one day and the fact that he's stuck by my side through everything without even a second thought meant so much to me, that I didn't want to be with anyone else ever again.

"What are you thinking about Roza?" Dimitri sat beside me wrapping an arm around me.

"The future."

"And what does the future look like for you?" He sounded like he had a small smile on his face.

I finished my drink and sighed, "Well it looks good for me, things are getting better and I really hope it continues. But…" I didn't know how to continue, I didn't want to scare him but I also knew he'd probably understand.

He turned me so I was facing him and cupped my face, "Baby you can tell me anything."

I bit my lip, "I don't want to be with anyone else ever again, I see my future but only with you by my side."

His smile got bigger, and he pulled me into a passionate kiss before pulling away, "Roza I'll never leave you ever. No matter what life throws at us. I'll always be here, I've stuck by you through all you've been through and that's not going to change. I'll tell you now baby, I love you with everything I have and one day I'm going to marry you I promise."

Before I knew it I was crying happy tears and we were making out on the lounge. Realising Dimitri is the one for me felt so good and to be honest even after everything I've been through I couldn't wait to see what the future holds for us and I was getting more interested in taking our relationship to the next step. Or at least try.

Our intense make-out session was interrupted before anything else could happen but Lissa and Christian walking into the room. "Geez, guys get a room."

I looked over to see Lissa smiling happily and a look of what only could be described as disgusted with a slight smirk on Christian's face. Me being me I just poked my tongue out at him.

"Oh please like I haven't walked in on you and Liss on a couch starting rip each other's clothes over many times before." Of course, they both went bright red while Dimitri chuckled but what did they expect? The number of times I have almost seen parts of Christian I don't want to see I've lost count.

Dimitri stood up and pulled me up by the hand, "Come on Roza, why don't we go see Mama?"

I gave him a small smile, "Sounds good to me and I'm sure she'll love to see her baby boy."

A few hours later

Seeing Olena even when I wasn't at work was always a good experience, she was so motherly and it was so good to feel that even though I know my mum is working hard to fix our relationship and it is definitely getting better.

Dimitri and I were walking up to our apartments when he stopped, "Roza I was thinking I know we've done it a few times already but do you want to stay at my place tonight?"

"Of course I'd love to, let me go grab some stuff and I'll be right over."

Dimitri gave me a small kiss to the temple before pulling me to my door and leaving to go to his apartment, I quickly grabbed what I needed including classwork and headed over.

I didn't even knock I just walked in because I knew he'd leave the door unlocked until I arrived, "Thank god I'm staying here tonight, the lovey-dovey couple is going at it already."

I was about to add something else but stopped when I actually looked up to see some girl sitting in Dimitri's lounge room and Dimitri's shocked face and tense body standing off to the side. I dropped my bag and on closer inspection realised this girl is one of the girls he had brought home before we got together.

She looked between the two of us, "Oh Shit, I didn't realise you had got into a relationship. This is bad." She had tears in her eyes and looked like she was scared.

"I'm not even going to ask how you got into my apartment but why are you here?"

I walked in and grabbed Dimitri's hand pulling him to sit down across from this girl.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I don't want to ruin anything between the two of you."

Dimitri was quiet, "I'm Rose, what's wrong? I'm sure whatever it is we can work through it together, all three of us."

Dimitri held my hand and I gave him a reassuring squeeze, she nodded slowly, "I hope so. I don't want to come between you."

"What's going on?" Dimitri's voice was soft when he finally spoke.

"When we slept together I had also slept with someone else around the same time."

I could see her tearing up again so I reached across and grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze.

"I wanted you to know Dimitri that…. I'm pregnant."

I know this is only a small chapter but you guys have been waiting for like almost 8-9 months for an update so I wanted to get this chapter out there. With me having my last shift at work next Sunday and between now and then only having 5 shifts unless they decide to give me more or call me in (Which I doubt they will) and the house almost fully cleaned and organised enough that we can start organising bub's stuff properly I'm hoping to be able to chip away at the next chapter and have it up soon within the next 3 weeks.

Though I will warn you all the chapter after the next one might not be out for a while since bub is due in 4 weeks and I want to have the next chapter out before bub arrives but after that, I'll be busy obviously giving birth but also settling bub in and getting used to not just having a baby in the house but being a first-time mum.

Anyway, thank you all for the support and I hope you all are still around to continue to read this story. Don't forget to follow, etc J