A/N: Hi everyone! This is my third fanfic on divergent. Be sure to check out my other two 'Sleep My Angel' and 'Forget Me Not'. I hope you like this story. Please leave a review to motivate me into updating stories fast!

To Tobias,

You are invited to my 7th birthday party on Thursday 6th of April in my house. There will be a magician and you can come to my house at 2pm. It is over at 6pm. I hope you will come.

From your best friend,


To Tris,

Yes, I will come over on Wensday.

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

It is on Thurday not Wednesday. You can't bring Coco to the party because mum says so. She is a smelly dog.

From Tris

To Tris,

I don't care wot your stupid mom says. I am bringing Coco with me.

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

You are stupid and an idiot. You are not aloud to bring the dog. She will brust the balloons.

From Tris.

To Tris,

Then I am not coming.

From Tobias.

To Tobias,


From Tris.

Dear Mrs. Eaton,

I think there is a problem going on between Tris and Tobias. They are currently not on talking terms. I don't what happened. Tris won't tell me. I hope you can fill me in on the situation. I wanted to make sure that Tobias is coming to Tris's birthday party. She will love to have him there.

I can't wait to meet the mother of this charming young man. See you on 6th!

From Natalie Prior.

To Tris,

I am very happy to come to your birthday. Thank you fro inviting me and Coco.

Form your frend Tobias.

To Tris,

I had a gud time in your party. Sorry Coco brust the balloons and pooped on your mat. See you at skool tomorrow

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

It's okay she pooped because mom says she needed a new carpet anyways. Dad is a bit mad though. He said he liked the old one.

Look at Ms. Wu's nose. The biggest nose I have ever seen.

From Tris.

To Tris,

I no and she has the biggest snot ever. I think we should tell the police about an alien teaching us maths with the smelliest breath ever.

Form Tobias.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Eaton,

I would like to have a word with you about Tobias's performance in the classroom. I have noticed a change in his behaviour and his note-writing problem. I would appreciate it if you called the school to arrange a suitable time to meet.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Wu

To Tobias,

I hate that we don't get to sit together in class anymore. I am stuck behind Peter, the nose picker. He is so gross. What did your mum say about Ms. Big Snot?

From Tris.

To Tris,

I no Peter is so gross. He eats his boogers. Mum kept laffing about it. I don't no why. It is boring sitting in the front with Big snot and her smelly breath. She keeps on lucking at me. Have to go.


To Tobias,

You always spell know wrong. It is KNOW not NO.

From Tris.

To Tris,

Okay miss purrfect. I no how to spell it.

From Tobias.

Hello form France! I am enjoying here a lot wid mom and dad. I saw Eiffel Tower. It is hot here so we went to a swimming pool. It has a big slide. It is cool. I broke my arm sliding down. I went to the hospital and a doctor in white coat fixed my arm. He put a plaster around it. I have a new frend Will. He signed my cast. You can too. I think I will becum a doctor like the man who fixed my hand. See you in 2 weeks!


Hello from Lundin! I am enjoying a lot in the rainy season. I dance and play in the rain. I have a new friend Marlene. She has a best friend Uriah. They are very cool. Uriah calls her a Pansycake when she refuses to play with us. I am having very much fun with mom, dad, Christina and Caleb.

From Tris.

To Tobias,

Why aren't you inviting me to your birthday party? Everyone is invited. Are you fighting wid me?

Form Tris.

Dear Mrs. Prior,

I apologise for not inviting Tris to Tobias's 11th birthday party. Tobias is of the age where he wants to be surrounded by boys instead of girls. I could see how hurt she was yesterday when I talked to her.

How about me and Marcus arrange a movie and dinner party for both of them? I will let you know when it is planned for. Give my love to Tris.


Evelyn Eaton.

To Tris,

It's good you didn't come. The party sucked. Stupid Al dropped the chip bol. We had no chips left. Coco brust the balloons and ate my cake. Red-head cried and left because he wet his pants. I think we should call him Wet Red Head form now on. I no I hurt you. I am sorry. I will take u to movie and dinner party wid mom and dad on 5th july.

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

I am sorry about your party. Drew is a wierdo. He is a big party pooper. I will ask mum and dad about the cimena. Look at Big snot's skirt. She luks like my grandma. So old and –

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Prior,

I would like to discuss Tris's behaviour in class these days. She has grown a bit talkative and has a note-writing problem. How does 4 pm sounds?

Yours Sincerely, Ms. Wu


To Tobias,

Why r we sitting so far? I don't want stupid Eric to read my note. I hate my seat.

From Tris.

To Tris,

I no. Luk out for urself Tris, Smelly red-head Drew is sitting behind you. He is very smelly. Are you going to cimena?

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

I don't think mum and dad will let me go to the cinema tonight. It's so irritating sitting behind frizzy head Lauren. Why does this happen to only us?

From Tris.





To Tris,

You wrote that card didn't you?

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

Why would I send you a valentine's card?

From Tris.

To Tris,

Ha! How do you no it was a valentine's card? You sent it to me. Oh my god! You love me. You want to marry me.

Form Tobias.

To Tobias,

Shut up! I sent it to u as a joke. Now let me study. I don't want to get caught by the teacher.

From Tris.

To Tris,

U are such a bore these days like a nerdy nerd.

From Tobias.

To Tobias,

Leave me alone. I want to study and go places like universities and have a future unlike you Tobias.

From Tris.

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Second will be out soon. You must have noticed a lot of spelling errors. they have been made on purpose to show that two kids are very young and foolish. Also, some spelling mistakes may have a great significance at the end. This story idea is based on Cecelia Ahern's novel 'Love, Rosie'. Please follow, favourite and review!