Deck of Heroes

Normal Speech/Thoughts

Tailed-Beast Speech/Thoughts

AN: … I have no excuse. This story is the product of playing Fate/Grand Order, and frustration from a lack of unique crossovers between Naruto and the Fate series. Inspired by that "What else is on the scroll" challenge by Infamous Man if I'm remembering correctly. Yes this is harem. There were too many girls to decide on poll choices so Lq48i, and I( Yes the same guy who got me into F/GO is also helping with this fic) have already decided the girls granted three of them were easy. You'll see one in this intro, and the rest will be mentioned in the next author's note. Also everyone is Shippuden age, so they're graduating from the academy when they're fifteen, but still wear their clothes from part one.

Alright, let's this rolling so I can focus on the next chapter of Mist Demon's Legacy and the Monster Girls.

Chapter 1: The Deck

Walking down the street at a steady if slightly sluggish pace was a blond, spikey-haired mid-teen with his head down, unintentionally hiding his sky-blue eyes. He wore orange pants, and a matching jacket with a black shirt underneath, and blue sandals that looked more like open toed shoes. He walked alone on the side of the street he was on, the other people gave him a wide berth as some gave him dirty looks or refused to even stare in his direction. That was pretty normal treatment for him for as long as he could remember. However, the blonde's mind was focused on a different subject.

"Steal the forbidden scroll, learn a jutsu, and I can finally become a ninja."

Naruto Uzumaki was deep in thought over what one of his Konoha Ninja Academy teachers, Mizuki, informed him was another way to pass the exam needed to become a genin. He had failed that exam for the third time now, and was given a chance to still graduate, a chance he needed to take. The sooner he graduated, the sooner he became a shinobi, the sooner that happened then his opportunity would soon come.

"The first time I get a mission beyond those gates will be the last time I need to go through them."

Naruto was known by the masses to be a happy-go-lucky loudmouth that always declared he would become Hokage but that was a lie. Naruto hated living with these people. He was tired of the cold stares, tired of being alone, and he was sick of pretending to be some idiot! Naruto knew that it was needed however, these people saw him as some kind of threat, and while he had no idea why, it was better that he keep up the facade. Just until his first mission out of the village, then he could start over somewhere that didn't despise him for just being alive.

"Which is why I have to- !"

Naruto unconsciously had been going down the route he usually took back to his apartment in the red light district, but had hit someone when he made a turn, and fell flat on his ass. Great, now these villagers had an excuse to yell at him.

"Well now boy, you shouldn't be walking when so deep inside your mind." The voice of an older man told Naruto as the man held out his hand to the fallen blond. Surprise showed on Naruto's face as he looked up to see the person who spoke to him. The man while old, definitely had a good deal of strength in him if his posture was any indication. His shoulders were broad, his height imposing, and his eyes shined with both wisdom and experience. The man was dressed in all black, and possessed gray hair on his head and beard. When Naruto took the hand offered to him, the younger male felt a strong grip before he was effortlessly yanked back onto his feet. Naruto immediately switched his mask on.

"Thanks old man!" Naruto excitedly spoke with closed eyes and a grin.

"Think nothing of it, whatever you were thinking of before must've been quite important." The older man replied with a thin smile as looked down at Naruto. The man surprised Naruto even further when he continued to speak to him, completely ignoring the eyes of everyone that passed them.

"It's so rare to see someone your age that deep in thought." The gray-haired man commented, now at Naruto's side. What was this old guy doing?

"Allow me to walk with you, I'm sure there's something in this head of mine that can help you with your thoughts."

Unsure how to respond, Naruto simply gave a boisterous "Sure!" and began to walk again. As they walked, Naruto planned to bombard the man with questions in an attempt to annoy him enough to leave so that the villagers would stop staring but somehow, it ended up being that the older man got Naruto to tell him of the make-up exam, and what he had to do to pass. They were now actually inside Naruto's apartment.

...Why did he let a complete stranger inside his home?

"And that's what's on my mind Gramps." Naruto finished, still shocked that the older man was still with him.

The two were seated at opposite sides of the round table that Naruto ate at, the stranger nodded as he had a better picture of the situation.

"Well, that is something to think about. I assume you have a plan?" The old man kindly asked. Naruto quickly nodded up and down so fast that he resembled a bobble-head.

"Please, old man Hokage is a perv. I'll just hit him with my sexy transformation. Boom!" Naruto emphasized the explosion with a rise in volume. The older man simply chuckled before he spoke.

"Well since you've got everything planned out, I think I'll just let you in on something." The man had a glint in his eyes as he leaned in, and gestured for Naruto to come closer. When Naruto did so, the old man began to share something with Naruto that would change the blonde's life forever.

"Inside the scroll," Whispered the old man, his tone had barely suppressed excitement in it.

"There is a seal that looks like this." Naruto was showed a picture of a circle with a bunch of odd characters written inside and around it. The image was left on the table as the man continued, Naruto unknowingly allowed himself his expression to change to one of attention, and concentration. His mask had silently slipped off.

"That seal requires a small amount of chakra to be channeled inside of it, which will release a deck of cards." The man's tone gained more excitement as he began to grin, and that caused Naruto to grin right back, despite not understanding what was so important about a card deck.

"That deck is very special- very special- and has been in that scroll since before even the first jutsu was inscribed on it. No one has ever opened it, but if you channel Chakra in it, you'll find that what's inside will be a game-changing tool on your journey to becoming a shinobi, perhaps one the masses will remember for ages to come." Finished the old man as he leaned back, and waited for Naruto to digest his words. He could see the gears in the blonde's mind moving at an exemplary pace, the keen part of Naruto that no one knew of was completely exposed to the wise man.

"So this deck is way better than jutsu?!" Naruto loudly asked with stars in his eyes, his attempt to hide his true self both impressed and annoyed the old man. Impressed because of how genuine, and polished it was, but annoyed that it was needed for this child to keep people from becoming aware of his true self. Oh well, that was why he was doing this, to free this youth of extraordinary potential. That, and he wanted to have a bit of entertainment to watch when he returned to his own dimension.

"Oh yes! Much better than any jutsu you'll find in there, but you should know this," The old man grew serious. He was putting faith in that Naruto wouldn't misuse the gift he was about to be given. Naruto couldn't help but be intimated as this previously laid back man grew stern, with a warning glare in his eyes that punched holes into his own.

"That deck will change your life, what's inside will make you look at yourself, really examine your values, morals- whatever makes you who are will be tested and changed." He pressed on Naruto, and saw that his words made the young blond think.

"However," The old man softened his expression, and put a hand on the young boy's shoulder. Naruto let his shock show, his eyes widened. Naruto heard the person across from him speak again, these next words had the most impact.

"With that deck, you will find the acceptance you desire."

"How do you…? Naruto couldn't finish his question, instead he just stared at the man who completely saw through the mask he perfected since his early childhood. The man gave Naruto a smile as he stood up.

"I'll take my leave now. Besides, you need to get ready for your exam." Those words snapped Naruto out of his silent amazement. He quickly turned to the man who had reached the door.

"Hey wait!" Naruto called, the man turned back to him with a knowing smile.

"The seal is inside the boarder of the paper on the top corner when you open it. Oh, and the next time you see me," The old man opened the door.

"You'll either thank me, or curse me before thanking me anyway!" With a hearty laugh, the old man left the room, leaving Naruto alone with his thoughts.

As Naruto ran through the forest with the Forbidden Scroll in his grasp, all he thought about was that old man, and the deck he talked about. There was no way a deck of cards could cause that much change in anyone. That guy had to be screwing with him!

"But the way he spoke when he told me… I…" Naruto had been trying to think this through the entire time he was in this forest. He had a choice, either learn the jutsu, become a shinobi and not even look for that deck or he could look for it, and if it was true... Well if it was true then Naruto didn't know what would happen to him, he would have to find out the only way he could. With a tightened grip, Naruto accelerated his pace to the location Mizuki instructed him to go.

It took a few minutes but Naruto arrived and had come a few hours early. He set the scroll next to a tree and turned his back to it. Naruto's gaze went upwards as he looked at the full moon. He stared for a few moments before he turned to the scroll, his decision made.

"Alight old man." Naruto lowly spoke to no one.

"I'll bite. It's not like I don't have a few extra hours."

From where he watched Naruto, Zeltrech smiled. He had a good feeling that Naruto would like that deck. Hell, any of the Masters from the previous Grail Wars would kill for that deck.

Naruto sat down, and leaned against the tree where the Forbidden Scroll previously laid next to, his hand shakily moved to open it, his heart pounded in his chest. He unraveled around six inches of the scroll, and examined the corner in the moonlight. At first, he saw nothing but then like a beacon, he saw that odd circle with the strange characters appear with a slight glow the color of gold. How nobody saw this before him was unknown but Naruto wasn't going to ask questions. His gain, everyone else could go suck a lemon.

Following the instructions of the mysterious old man who just landed top spot on Naruto's favorite people list, he channeled chakra into the seal, and just like the man said, there was the deck.

It was unbelievably simple in a appearance, just a small case that was made of shiny black leather that was sealed with a single golden clasp, the actual case maybe was an few centimeters in thickness. Naruto wasn't sure but one thing was undeniable.

"I can feel the power in here…" Naruto spoke in an awed tone. The case was warm in his hand, despite it's small size, there was definitely something inside. Naruto gulped as he saw the another seal glow, and he moved his free hand to it. This was it. Whoever that old man was…

"Thank you." Naruto said as he channeled the same amount of chakra as before into the seal on the clasp. Naruto only saw the clasp open by itself and his vision was flooded with gold along with a burning sensation on his hand before everything went black. Then images started to flash in his mind. A golden chalice. Numerous individuals doing things he never thought possible, while others stood in front of armies before leading the charge. What looked like stats matched with names appeared next followed by information that caused him to understand what to all meant. It all came in like a tidal wave, Naruto only heard bits and pieces yet understood it all.

"Servant class- Archer…."

"Nobel Phantasm level: EX"


"Eternal arms mastery A+…"

Random stats, items and skills continued to flash in and out with no organization but everything was sorted in his mind. He knew which stats belonged to who, who did that, who owned this, and anything else relevant. He saw that old man again, Naruto somehow become aware of his name.

He then started to see the cards. Each one showed an individual with all the previous knowledge shown that belonged to them now organized. In his mind, he saw the cards flying into the case, an impossible number yet, he knew that the magic used on the deck made storage child's play. Perfect copies of every Class card were at his disposal, his command. This was Zeltrech's gift to him.

"You were right Zeltrech, this deck really-"

Naruto was painfully ejected from his mind when a hauntingly familiar voice, filled with rage bellowed "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" in Naruto's ear.

"Well shit… "

Iruka Umino had no idea what he was going to do when he found that orange knucklehead, but he finally did, and the ramen junkie was SLEEPING of all things. The teacher lost it.

When the shout instantly woke Naruto, Iruka grabbed him by the collar, and began to shake him like a ragdoll. Naruto didn't try to resist as he was more focused on the raging pain in his head. All that information dumped into his head mentally exhausted him to the point where his body was heavily affected by the strain. After a few minutes, Iruka ceased shaking Naruto, much to the blonde's relief. His stomach wouldn't have taken it for much longer.

"Well?! What in the hell led you steal the scroll?!" Iruka shouted again. Naruto gave him a confused look before he answered, his voice showed how taxed he was.

"What do you mean? I'm taking the alternative exam." Naruto wheezed out. Iruka should have known about this. And how'd he get here so fast? Naruto then considered that he probably was knocked out for that long. A sudden, sharp pain in his head ceased any further thought, and made a pained grimace form on Naruto's face. As Naruto struggled with the strain, he didn't notice the anger drain from the scarred face of the tan-skinned chunin until he was placed with his back against the trunk of the tree he had leaned on earlier. Naruto slowly lifted his head up to see Iruka's black eyes that looked down at him with concern. He had never seen Naruto so exhausted, he didn't even look like he was able to stand up. Another thing Iruka noticed was the Forbidden Scroll itself had only barely been unrolled, only the beginnings of the first row of kanji could be seen.

"Naruto what are you talking about?! What alternative exam!?" Iruka had no idea what Naruto was talking about. At all.

"Mizuki-sensei told me about it," Lethargically answered Naruto, too tired to do anything but answer.

"Said if I steal the scroll and learn a Jutsu from it then I pass."

"And you fell right for it, huh fox!"

Iruka immediately spun around when he heard Mizuki's voice from behind, eyes shocked that his child friend had actually done this. Mizuki wore the standard outfit of a chunin which consists of a green flak jacket, dark pants, and a dark shirt with his forehead protector attached to a piece of clothing that covered most of his gray hair. Both Naruto and Iruka noticed the fūma shuriken on the newcomers back. Mizuki looked at the blond from his place fifteen feet away from the two, a pleased smirk plastered on his face upon seeing Naruto's condition. He also saw the scroll wrapped up, and just waiting to be taken.

"Good job fox," Mocked Mizuki, slowly clapping. "You got the scroll, somehow you got yourself in position where all I need to do is slit your throat, and then bring that scroll to Lord Orichimaru."

"Orichimaru!?" Iruka exclaimed in shock as he pulled out a kunai, ready to defend both his student and the Forbidden Scroll.

"Yep! The second I give him that Scroll I'll be on my way to making a real name for myself!" Mizuki grinned sickly as he spoke, and got ready to engage. Iruka did the same. There was a brief pause before the two men leapt at the other, sparks flew when their kunai clashed before they broke away. Mizuki tossed a handful of throwing stars as he moved backwards, annoyed when Iruka barrel-rolled out of the way, and throw his own at the newly reveled traitor. Mizuki however was on a rather tight schedule, and needed to finish this before someone else could intervene. Unfortunately for him, Naruto was already working on getting Iruka back up as he forced his right hand to move, and open the case that held his newly acquired cards.

Naruto shifted his gaze back to the fight, and saw the two men in a grapple, Mizuki gained the upper hand when he suddenly head-butted Iruka, the scarred man stumbled backwards which allowed his former friend to tackle him. Naruto knew he had to move fast when he saw that Mizuki had gotten on top of Iruka, and began to unleash a steady stream of punches to the man's face, the sounds of flesh impacting flesh filled Naruto's ears.

"Damn fingers! I just need one!" Naruto swore as he fumbled to get a card out, finally he just shoved two fingers in the leather case and felt the warmth of the cards beneath his fingertips.

"Hey Naruto!" Mizuki suddenly called to the blond, his eyes still on Iruka whose face was moderately bruised, and currently set in a wounded snarl when he saw a glint in Mizuki's eye.

"No! Don't-!" Iruka was silenced when he felt hands tightly grip his throat, he tried to grab the traitor's face and shove thumbs into his eyes but he couldn't so he was forced to try to pry the hands off. Mizuki resumed to speak as he slowly strangled Iruka. He was going to be able to say his piece, but Naruto had managed to get two cards out when he pulled his fingers out.

"You know why everyone hates you? Do ya wanna know?" Mizuki called again, still not looking in Naruto's direction. If he did, then he would've seen Naruto lift up two black cards with similar designs, one in silver and more detailed than the other one which had copper detailing. Naruto saw the cards' faces and smirked. He then began to pump chakra to cards. The two battling men were turned away from him, so they didn't see the white light that came from cards. This was his first time summoning a servant with the extremely modified deck Zeltrech gave him so it would take a few moments. Naruto really didn't want to hear what Mizuki was about to say. He knew that whatever came out of that man's mouth would be true the second Iruka tried to stop him from saying it.

"We gotta go back fifteen years, the night the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked- your birthday…" Mizuki spat out the word.

"The Fourth didn't kill it, he sealed it away in newborn baby." Mizuki wished he could see Naruto's face, see his spirit be crushed by his next words. Then again, the light that slowly faded from Iruka's eyes was a good sight too.

"That child was you! You, Naruto Uzumaki are the Nine-Tailed Fox!" Mizuki was about to laugh but an unknown voice that was filled with indignation lashed at him.

"How dare you tell such a disgusting lie about my master!?" The voice was definitely feminine, and seemed to belong to a young woman that sounded absolutely furious. A burning killing intent bathed the area, it was if a dragon had spewed flames everywhere.

"I will BURN you alive for such a filthy lie!"

When Mizuki heard that, and felt an unknown energy gather behind him, the scroll was forgotten in favor of staying alive as he pounced off Iruka, the nearly suffocated man inhaled deeply as a decently sized fireball flew over him, it's path would've collided with Mizuki's center mass had the traitor not bailed. Instead it hit a tree and turned it to ash on impact.

When he landed a couple meters away from Iruka on all fours, he was only able to lift his head up with all he could see was something bronze mere inches from his face. Mizuki couldn't even blink before his world exploded into stars, and he was suddenly airborne. He felt a shockwave travel throughout his body, the force of the impact shattered nearly all of his teeth, and flattened his nose while he rag dolled into a tree that he hit on the left side of his body, the tree dented while Mizuki's skull cracked, and the bones in his arm shattered.

He was unconscious before he started to slide down to the grass.

Iruka had regained his breath and tried to stand only for the pain in his face to suddenly make itself known. Iruka fell on his stomach, and was about to try to stand up again, but an unknown male voice all but ordered him not to with a tone that radiated authority, like he was a military leader. Iruka didn't know it, but his assumption was almost spot on.

"Keep still and save your strength. I'll assist you." Iruka's eyes were forcibly shut from swelling, so he agreed, and he soon felt a single broad, meaty hand pick him up like he was nothing before he was thrown onto a heavily muscled shoulder. Iruka felt cloth and cold metal along with thick skin that had more than a few veins prominent. Iruka also felt the power that radiated off this man, it was unlike anything he knew. It wasn't chakra but it felt close.

Iruka was about to ask the man his name when he heard the previously enraged female's voice, all traces of wrath removed. Her actual voice was very soft, like she never really got loud. He stayed silent when he began to register what she was actually saying.

"Master, do not listen that trash's lies, you are not the beast he claims."

Iruka knew she was talking to Naruto, but why did she call him "Master?" And who were these people? Despite his questions Iruka remained silent as he leaned against the same tree as Naruto, the woman still trying to convince an unusually silent Naruto to the contrary of what Mizuki said. She used a name that was completely foreign to him.

"Zeltrech wouldn't have given you the deck if you were the Kitsune, you know this is true."

"I may not know who this Zeltrech is," Iruka piped up, he had to say something Naruto needed to hear.

"But she's right. You may be the container of the Nine-Tailed Fox, but you not the monster. You are Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto was silent until Iruka heard him sigh.

"I've always known that there was a reason for their hate." Iruka heard Naruto speak in an exhausted tone.

"I can understand their reason but I won't take the blame for them." Naruto mumbled, the conversation ended. Undoubtedly, anyone available was searching for them so all they had to was wait. Naruto's head had been down since Mizuki revealed the big secret, but frankly Naruto was so drained from the information dump he experienced a few hours ago that he found it impossible to get emotional. Naruto lifted his eyes up to see his servants, deciding to focus on them, and deal with his feelings later. The first servant was the female one that had decided to sit on his legs with her own over them. When he faced her, Naruto instantly blushed from the closeness of his female servant's face.

That face was a healthy pale with soft features, her yellow eyes regarded him with fondness, and warmth that was also reflected in the small smile she had. Her hair was teal in color, and went down to slightly above her knees if she stood up at her height of five feet, two inches. In the front, most of her bangs fell in an almost straight line near her delicately thin eyebrows with two on the sides that went down to her collar. Attached to the tops of her ears were gold ornaments, and above those were three, pearly white horns that grew out the sides of her skull. One on each side grew outwards with minor curves, another grew upwards at an angle, and was short. The last horn was also the longest, it went straight up past her the top of her head for a few inches. She wore a simple yet elegant kimono that was modified for better movement, the lower part was cut in a way that showed off her legs but also kept a long central piece that covered her underwear. Her obi was black with a yellow bow in the back. Lastly were the white stockings that climbed to her mid-thigh, and her black sandals. All and all, she was around a 15 minimum, 18 maximum on the hotness scale. And that was out of ten.

Contrary to what everyone thought, Naruto DID NOT like Sakura! If anything, he only used her as a way to further make himself out to be an idiot. Overkill yes, but it definitely increased people's belief that he was a complete moron.

"Master, while I like that you find my appearance attractive, do not stare so intently." The Three Star Berserker Kiyohime requested with a light blush as she raised a closed fan that was black with decorative gold in a crisscross pattern. Naruto quickly tilted his head back down, slightly embarrassed.

"Lancer." Kiyohime stood up and turned to the other servant Naruto summoned, the blond moved his head in the same direction. He stood around ten feet away from the tree, his gaze on the moon yet Naruto knew should even one thing feel off, the servant would instantly move to defend him from danger.

The male servant was tall, bulky, and looked downright intimidating. His skin was very tanned, and on his thick biceps were wavy lines colored in red. His entire torso seemed to be encased in bronze armor that somehow showed off massive pecs, and a six-pack. The wrists both had bronze bracers that were curved outward near the middle of the arms. He wore what Naruto could only describe as leather underwear that had a leather belt with iron at the front, what looked like an A stamped on it. His legs were equally if not more muscular that the arms, and from the knee down was bronze armor. Going back up to the giant man's upper body, Naruto saw curved armor on the top of the shoulders connected to the bronze armor that covered his vital organs, and abdominals. He had a red cloak that flowed down the back, and lastly was his unique helmet. It was Corinthian-styled with slits for the eyes and mouth, and an arrow-shaped projection that went down between the eye holes, with a notch that seemed to be from enemy's weapon on the top and bottom of where the right eye saw through. The man's face was hidden by the black inside the helmet, only narrowed, white lines were visible. A plume of brilliant fire ran from the top point of the helmet down the back, only enhancing the man's intimidation factor.

In one hand, he held a spear that was a foot longer then he was tall with a uniquely shaped spearhead that started from the shaft as a small, geometric diamond that spread out into two spikes that curved in the direction of the tip before the metal thinned then became a much larger diamond shape that ended in a sharp point that gleamed in the moonlight. His other hand carried a large, outwardly curved shield of bronze that had a thin edge, hinting to Naruto that it could potentially cut. A wide red circle was the only decoration on the shield that belonged to the Two Star Lancer, Leonidas I. The King of Sparta.

"Perhaps we should leave this location, and find better shelter." Kiyohime suggested, though she winced when Naruto groaned, his body still felt the side effects of accepting the deck. Leonidas shook his head in the negative before he replied.

"As we have a temporarily blind man, and of course the recovering master to watch over, that action would be unwise." The Spartan cocked his head to the side before he seemingly disappeared than reappeared in front of Naruto, the large shield held forward, and his spear held defensively. Kiyohime narrowed her eyes as she stood on the side of Naruto opposite to Leonidas, her fan spread which displayed the image of a red flame that had a serpentine dragon at it's base.

"Master, it seems we have company all around us." Leonidas cautioned yet welcomed the potential hostiles. Perhaps they could give him a good fight. A few moments later, black-cloaked individuals with porcelain masks that were designed to resemble animals materialized from behind the trees, Leonidas quickly counted their numbers to be approximately seventeen. The once King of Sparta frowned. This is all they brought? Did they think him weak? Clearly these 'Shinobi' needed to be taught the power of both a servant, and a Son of Sparta.

"Very well, I will gladly show them why Spartans are the deadliest warriors!"

However, that was not necessary as the cloaked people parted into two groups, an older man in white robes with red accents and a hat that had the same color scheme with a kanji that read "Fire" walked out, and moved towards them. Leonidas returned to a more neutral stance, his shield held at his side, and Dory spear rested on the opposite shoulder. Both servants remained at their master's sides, the wrinkly man that moved closer to Naruto could feel the power that resided in the foreign man and young woman. Naruto himself still rested on the tree, his body cried for sleep, but he knew he had to stay awake for just a little while longer. The robed man stopped in front of Naruto, the blonde opened his eyes, not at all surprised by who stood in front of him.

"So how much did you see?" Naruto asked tiredly. He knew that the Hokage had to be observing him with that crystal ball. The Hokage was also well aware of Naruto's mask, and while he didn't like, he supposed it was for the best at the moment.

"Enough to prove your innocence, and to know about that deck." The Hokage pointed at the leather case that held the Class cards. Naruto winced when he saw the look that the Third gave him.

That look meant Naruto had a lot of explaining to do.

"We will discuss things in my office." Decided the aged Kage before he ordered the ANBU to escort Iruka to the hospital to check for any possible head injuries. The instructor was also told that tomorrow he would have to give an official report. After two ANBU body-flickered Iruka to the hospital, the Third asked if Naruto was able to move.

"Not really." Naruto stated simply before the Spartan moved to help his master up. The Hokage closely observed the uniquely equipped man. The design of his armor was unlike anything used in the Elemental Nations, especially his flaming helmet. The red markings on his body seemed tribal in nature, so perhaps Hiruzen could find where this man was from if he had someone do a bit of digging for him.

After Leonidas had gently lifted Naruto to his feet, the Spartan kept his master standing by telling him to lean his back against the shield. Once he was stable, Naruto asked Kiyohime to dismiss herself for the moment, an action she did reluctantly. Hiruzen watched as the kimono-garbed woman with horns turned into a silver haze that found it's way into Naruto's hand, and collected itself to form a card. Naruto lifted his arms up slowly so not to agitate them as he put Kiyohime's card back in the case. After he closed the clasp, Naruto stowed the case in his pocket before he gave his tired attention to his Kage. The Hokage saw that Naruto was ready, so he a hand on both Naruto and Leonidas before he body-flickered the three of them to his office.

"That was… interesting." Stated the servant as he helped Naruto into a chair in front of the Hokage's paperwork ridden desk while the Kage himself sat in his own chair. Leonidas opted to stand behind his master.

"Before he begin" Started the Spartan King, he felt four presences in the room that were unseen.

"Dismiss your guards. This conversation would be wise for only your ears to hear." Leonidas calmly requested. Naruto nodded at the Hokage in agreement with the man behind him so Hiruzen granted his request. With a snap of the Kage's fingers, the ANBU guards left, and for extra measure, the Third activated privacy seals that wouldn't permit anyone to listen to the discussion he was about to have.

"Now then, before we start this talk, may you give me your name stranger?" The Third asked.

"My name is Leonidas the First, I hail from the Greek city-state of Sparta." Proudly declared the Spartan, his chest puffed out, though he kept his former position as King unsaid. "I am aware of your name, and rank from what I have seen of my young master's memories." Leonidas added with less flare, and a bit of anger cracked in his voice. Naruto's eyes had widened. Before Naruto could request an explanation, the Lancer began to explain to both of them, his gaze on the Hokage.

"While the master was unconscious after channeling chakra into the deck, he saw bits and pieces of our- all of us that reside in the deck- lives, and we saw more clearer visions of his life." Leonidas' helmet hid his scowl, but this wasn't the time to focus on that, there was a more pressing matter to deal with.

"Now then, the deck is the topic you wish to discuss, yes?"

The old Kage nodded, then looked at Naruto and asked him how did Naruto learn of his newly acquired deck, and who was responsible for sealing it in there.

"Well, I was told about it after I bumped into an old guy with a beard in all black, who then began to talk, and walk with me…" Naruto told the Kage that he had tried to annoy the man with his fake hyperactivity, but instead was somehow talked into telling this man about Mizuki's 'alternate-exam' and how Naruto planned to succeed. Naruto saw the old man's eye twitch in annoyance when he brought that up.

Naruto then continued with how his guest showed him a picture of the seal that contained the deck, the placement of the seal, and how to unlock it.

"He said that it's been there for a long time, and that no one's seen it." Naruto added, still in disbelief about that himself. However, the leader of his village informed him to the contrary.

"I saw a man matching your description as a janitor cleaning the vaults where items like the Scroll are kept around an hour before you stole it. He lied to get you interested then must've put the deck in when no one was looking." Hiruzen theorized with a rather disturbed look. A single man blended in with no suspicions raised, and not only managed to get inside the vault without anyone noticing, he tampered with the Forbidden Scroll, just so that he would make his story seem valid to Naruto.

"Ok, that's good." Naruto accepted his leader's explanation, though he had a bit of a smirk.

"For a second there I thought that everyone who ever looked at the scroll was blind if they missed that, it glowed gold!" Naruto laughed then began to cough. His body demanded rest, and Naruto had better give in soon!

Giving a sympathetic smile, the Hokage told Naruto to return to his home for now.

"We will continue this conversation tomorrow after you are assigned to a team."

Naruto's eyes widened. Did that mean…!?

"Seeing as how you've proven yourself to be capable of the summoning arts- a rather advanced technique when compared with the basic clone jutsu- I believe that I can bend the rules this one time." Stated Hiruzen as he reached under his desk and pulled out a Konoha headband. Naruto's arm protested when he reached out to grab the proof of his finally graduating, but he grasped what was held out to him.

"Thanks old man." Naruto gave the Hokage a grateful smile, and got one in return. After being dismissed by his leader, Naruto was lifted up by Leonidas, who then put him in a piggyback position and took off, his speed easily could compare to a jōnin, despite his D-ranking in agility the Spartan could easily move at speeds higher then the full potential of twenty people . As he ran, the lancer asked what his master's plans were for gaining strength. The answer pleased him.

"While I don't intend to learn everything, I wouldn't mind being taught by some servants in addition to what my future sensei will teach me." Naruto saw the massive opportunity he had. These were legendary warriors inside these cards, he'd be a fool not to learn anything they were willing to teach him.

"Excellent!" Leonidas exclaimed.

"I will begin planning a physical training schedule for you after you've recovered that will surely get you into shape!"

"Alright, just don't make it too extreme." Naruto requested, rather excited that he was going to be trained by the legendary Spartan, and how willing he was to provide assistance.

Inside her card, Kiyohime shook her head mournfully. Naruto had unknowingly agreed to undergo training from hell. She prayed for two things- that her master survived, and that he wouldn't turn out to be a walking mass of muscle like Leonidas. That would be truly a horrid outcome.

The run home was over, and Naruto was finally in his room, out of those clothes, and ready for bed. Leonidas had returned to his card form, and an idea popped into Naruto's head. The cards required him to pump chakra into them at least once, and then a permanent connection was made, which allowed the servant to be summoned instantly, and come out on their own, so what if Naruto were to channel chakra into the entire deck as he slept? Naruto smiled at the burst of genius, that would save him the time of going through every card individually, and give him access to everyone.

Confident that this idea was one of his best, Naruto put his arm that held the case under a pillow with his hand on top of it, and he began to channel chakra into the cards as he pulled the sheets over himself.

"Tomorrow is going to be a great day." Was his final thought before he drifted off into a much needed rest. He had no idea that one of his fingers was inside the deck, and touched a single card, channeling chakra directly into it while he also channeled it throughout the deck.

Tomorrow, would start anything but normal for him, and it would only spiral down afterwards.

CUT! Chapter over!

Alright, that's the first chapter of Deck of Heroes! Please don't take this story too seriously, it's more or less of a crack fic that has a plot. As for how the cards work with chakra, and not a summoning circle, well for now I'll just say that Zeltrech has been to the world of shinobi on more than one occasion before this. Also for those of you wondering if this an OP Naruto fic, in a way yes, but also no.

Naruto himself is not over powered, but most of the hero's he summons are( Example: Gilgamesh, King Hasson, etc.) Later on Naruto will be strong, but he plays more of a support role for his servants, mostly striking from mid to long range. Naruto is capable of watching out for himself so he's not a burden in combat. And if he needs backup he's got every servant shown in the Fate/ Grand Order to call on so I doubt that'll ever be an issue.

Naruto's harem consists of Kiyohime( dragon waifu that'll make an honest man out of you), Tammano no Cat( cat girl, enough said), Minamoto no Yoshimitsu/Raikō (… don't look at me like that), Medea( after everything she's been through, she deserves it), Scathach (the teasing that Naruto will have to endure), and Lancer Artoria Pendragon (A more rational Artoria, is an easier to waifu Artoria).

Alright, that's it for now, those with any questions please either send them to my message box, or post them in reviews.

Later! Greyblueflames burning out!