Sam and Jamie stood beside each other against the wall. They watched as several of the guys help move crates. They were preparing to load them up for the buyer, but not before there was an exchange of money. That was the moment Sam was waiting for- the moment that all of this would end.

"So how is Candace doing? I'm sure she has got to be miserable," Jamie said making small talk.

"Well, she's just that. I just wish there was something I could do to help lighten her load, you know what I'm saying?" Sam asked. He so desperately wished there was something he could do for her to relieve her of this pain she was about to go through.

"Definitely," Jamie agreed, "I felt the same with my wife when she was pregnant. The best you can do is hold her hand and be there for her."

Sam felt a little odd taking parenting advice from a criminal such as Brennan, but Sam knew this man's history. He got straight when he found out they were expecting. He was doing great until they were both killed in an wreck. Brennan was probably a wonderful father at one point.

They walked over to the rest of the crew. They buyer handed Sam and Brennan two brief cases after showing them the money. Sam knew that with in a matter of seconds, several of Toronto's finest officers and detectives would bust through the doors.

"Police! Don't move!" an officer shouted.

Sam along with several others tried to make an escape. It all happened so quickly. Epstein and Peck ran after Sam and Brennan.

"Geez, watch it!" Sam fussed at Epstein who had tackled him to the ground. Of all people to arrest him, it had to be Epstein. Sam acted as if he were trying to get away. Epstein began to cuff him a little too tight. "Seriously!"

"Shut up!" Epstein demanded. "You have the right to remain silent," Epstein continued to give Swarek his rights. Sam silently cursed under his breath but loud enough for Brennan to hear. He sent a confused look over at Brennan, and Brennan did the same.

Sam was relieved. This was all finally over. He could finally go home to Andy and have a real life together. He was placed in the back of cruiser.

I still can't believe she's pregnant," Traci exclaimed. Oliver was driving. He turned the blinker on to signal turning left onto Sam and Andy's street. The street was empty. There nothing save a few cars parked on the side of the road. They both listened to dispatch come to life across the radio. There was a call for a B&E across town. It was too far for them, and they were already on a mission.

"I know," Oliver agreed, "and I think it's safe to say we did fairly well on the nursery in Sam's place."

"Yeah, we are good at that," Traci said. They both laughed. Even though Traci was still a rookie and Oliver a training officer, they had grown closer. It was safe to say they were good friends. After all, their best friends were together.

Oliver pulled to the curb and parked. They sat there for a moment, and discussed the reasons to bring Candace Wilson in and arrest her. They agreed that they would just bring her in for questioning rather than arrest her. The pair made their way down the sidewalk. The street light flickered. Sirens and motorcycles could be heard in the distance. The pair rounded the corner and began to walk up the wooden stairs. Her porch light was on illuminating their path. However, their path was not the only thing illuminated. They could hear the a faint laughter from a television. It had to have been some comedy she had been watching. Oliver motioned to Traci and crouched down beside what he thought was blood on the steps. He prayed that there was some chance he was mistaken. He looked up to see Andy's door cracked open. Immediately, Oliver drew is gun as did Traci.

The two stood back to back. Traci covering their previous steps as Oliver prepared himself for what was behind the door. He slowly and quietly pushed the door open wider and entered. There was blood and broken glass. There had been a struggle. He began to silently pray that this by chance was not Andy's blood. They made their way throughout the rest of their apartment making sure to clear every room. Traci gave a horrified glance to Oliver. This could not be happening. Andy McNally was missing.

Oliver cursed aloud and slammed his fist against the wall. He wasn't one to lose his call too often, but this, this was different. Andy was like a daughter to him. He felt he had let, Sam, his best friend down. He should have been there sooner. He should have been to fight for her and the baby when Sam couldn't. He walked around the living room to see Andy's stuff right where she had left them. He pulled his phone out of his uniform pocket and lifted it to his ear.

"Jer, hey, we've got a problem. You might want to get down here," Oliver warned. He looked over at Traci who was calling for backup.

"Dispatch, this is 15-19 requesting immediate backup to our location," Traci spoke into her radio.

"She's gone," Oliver said, "She's missing. Her door was open. Blood is everywhere. Just try to keep Sammy out of this as long as we can. Bye."

They stood in line for booking. Sam silently prayed that no one would blow his cover like Jerry did last time. He knew he needed to get out of there soon. He silently laughed to himself. Epstein really should've gone easier when he tackled and cuffed me. Sam counted to three before stomping on Dov's foot and kicking him in the shin. Several officers came over to grab Sam and help Dov.

"Peck, take him to interrogation room three," Jerry said looking over to Gail. She took Sam and shoved him towards the door. Chris bent down to help Epstein up.

"Let's go," She ordered. Gail placed her hand on his arm and guided him to the room. Sam looked down the entire way being careful not to make eye contact with anyone. The door buzzed as she opened it and led Sam inside. She removed the cuffs, and Sam sat down.

"Welcome back," Gail said with a smile. The end of her French braid flew over her shoulder as she turned around and headed towards the door.

"Thanks," Sam said. The door buzzed as Gail opened it and walked out.

Gail walked into the hallway to see Jerry answering his phone. Her phone vibrated. It was a text from Chris.

"Brother, what's up?" Jerry answered. "What's wrong? Is McNally okay?" Jerry asked. Gail perked up and looked at Jerry. He held his index finger up telling her to wait a minute. "What do you mean she's gone? She left or something? Oh, God, okay. I'm on my way." He hung up his phone and placed in his pocket.

"What's wrong?" Gail asked concerned.

"McNally's gone. The place is a wreck," Jerry said, "You busy?" Gail shook her head. "Let's go." The two made their way through the station towards the doors. Jerry looked over at Noelle from across the room. She immediately made her way over. Jerry leaned over and whispered in her ear. "McNally's gone missing from their cover apartment. Keep an eye on Sammy, and keep him away from this. It's not looking too great." Noelle nodded and made her way to Sam. Gail glanced over at Jerry. "I'll fill you in in the car."

Gail took the keys to the squad car in her hand. The lights flashed, and the sirens screamed as they flew down the streets.

"So, what's the deal?" Gail asked looking over at Jerry to her right.

"McNally went missing from their cover apartment between the time Sam left and Oliver and Traci found her missing."

"Oh my God," Gail said quietly. "Is that what you were telling Noelle?"

"She's keeping an eye on Sammy until we sit him down and tell him," Jerry said, "How do I say this? They uh- got close while they were under."

"You mean Swarek finally grew a pair and made a move?" Gail asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah." The two remained silent. "I really don't want to be one to tell him they're gone."

"They're?" Gail asked.

"Yeah, her due date is next week."

"Oh, God."

"Don't say a word. We're keeping this on the low as long as we can."

"Noelle, what is taking so long?" Sam asked. He had been in the same room for over an hour. He was growing impatient. He wanted to see Andy. He needed to.

"How 'bout I go check and make sure it's clear, and we'll get you into the locker room for you to change and shower?" Noelle asked.

"Sounds good."

"All right, Sammy."

About five minutes later, the door buzzed. Noelle stood in the door. "You're good to go."

"Finally," Sam said as he stood up. He walked through the hall to head to the locker rooms. Noelle followed behind him. He glanced into the parade room as he walked around the corner. He looked at the boards. Pictures of a crime scene were scattered across it. Their apartment. A picture of McNally was posted beside them. At the front of the room were Jerry and Oliver. Sam immediately redirected his path to the parade room. Oliver noticed Sam and walked towards him to stop him.

"Sammy, you can't go in there," Noelle warned. Oliver stopped him at the door.

"Brother, you can't," Oliver said. Sam could see in Oliver's eyes that something was wrong.

"Where is she?" Sam asked nervously.

"Sammy, she's gone. Two guys came to the apartment. Looks like she put up a fight."

"She's gone?" Sam shouted causing people to watch, "The love of my life and our unborn baby are missing, and you didn't think to tell me?" Tears formed in his eyes. No one had ever seen him cry. In fact, he could not recall the last time he had ever cried. McNally was gone and so was his baby. Their baby.

"Sam, you know I couldn't tell you, not yet," Oliver placed a hand on his shoulder. Sam slid down to sit on the floor against the wall. Oliver did the same, "Listen, we're going to find her, and we're going to bring her home, okay?"

"Ollie, the baby could come any day now. What if-?" Sam buried his face in his hands. "I don't want her to be alone. She's going to need me."

"I know, brother," Oliver said, "McNally is brave, and she's a fighter. You know that. We will find them." Honestly, Oliver wasn't sure if they would ever find them. There was always that possibility, but he hoped for both her and Sam's sake that they would find them.

So this was it y'all- the last chapter. I hoped you all enjoyed it! Let me know what y'all think of it in the reviews!

Also, the big news will be revealed via Twitter tonight at 9 (EST) which will be in about an hour and a half!

my handle is elsullivan0 or you can use the hashtag TheUndercoverLife