Pretending to sleep, Raphael silently fumes.

Raphael can't stand his brother.

And even knowing that Leo is on the other side of the wall annoys him. He wants to be as far away from that suck up as possible.

No matter what anyone says, he always has to be right. Even when he isn't (which does happen, albeit not very often). Everything he's ever done, he does without error; and every experience he's ever had, he can tell you what he did wrong, how he corrected it, what he learned from it, and precisely what you're doing that is wrong, too.

It irritates him to no end. Enrages him, even, at times.

The never ending struggle to surpass- what? Raphael wonders. Leo is already the best at everything (though neither one of them would ever admit it).

Always such a hard ass...

...Still, he was good to have in your corner in a fight.

He was pretty good under pressure. And he was always looking out for them.

Occasionally innovative and even unorthodox in his fighting style and- ah, Hell he might as well just admit it; Leo was kind of fun to be around. Sometimes.

Except for now.

Because he had to hog the dojo for four hours just to show everyone else up and couldn't just laze around like the rest of them.

Wait. Is he jealous of Leo? He frowns. No, that word doesn't quite fit... but it felt half-right. oh, crud. Was it envy? And... admiration? That he misinterpreted as annoyance at how perfect Leo had to be? Because even though neither of them would admit it, they were in constant competitor with one another because-

"Ah, shit," he mumbles, eyes snapping open. "I think I respect Leo."

Master Splinter is right. We are so frickin' alike. Both stubborn pains in the ass...Ugh.