A Mission Prematurely Done

This story is a spin-off of Next Generation Dragons and is meant as something to go off of if I decide to incorporate elements of this story into it. These take place in the same fanon, but are alternative worlds. I've also edited this from the original page after being informed of stylistic issues in my writing.

Issei is on his destiny changing date with Yuuma Amano and the fountain where she killed him in the base universe, but this time….

The evening sun is setting, the water fountain can be heard, and Issei is blushing at holding hands of a young pretty girl who he has had a splendid first date with. They stop holding hands and Yuuma walks to the fountain as she asks something of him, and this was originally the moment when she asked him to die for her, a set of words that would haunt him for a long time, but this time things are different.

Just as before Yuuma stills makes her innocent moment "Might I ask you a question? In honor of our first date, there's something I like you to do. To commemorate this special moment."

Issei, thinking he is going to get a kiss, is happy and has a blush as Yuuma approaches him. He is in anticipation for what is possibly about to come but the tone shifts when Yuuma's eyes become more sinister "Would die for me?"

Issei is confused for a second and nervous "I think I got something in my ear because I could have sworn you said…"

"I'm asking if you'll die for me, Issei."

With a sudden change in the once romantic atmosphere, Yuuma's clothes rip away revealing her naked form as she suddenly grow older, a pair of black feathered wings sprout, and a new much more revealing outfit forms around her body and Issei is blown away by this new form as she looks at the somewhat frightened Issei and motion progresses like before with the fallen angel Raynare summoning her holy spear and is ready to kill Issei with it as she prepares to run him through with it, but a sword is heard this time knocking her to the side, but her holy spear still hits Issei under his shoulder, in a non-vital area.

he passes out from the shock and blood loss, still with his last thought before passing out "What a bitch…."

Issei passes out, hurt but alive, and he has a dream, not of Rias nor of Akeno, but one of someone with autumn colored hair and remembers a kid he used to play with all the time, the boy who lived close by, who had hair that of a similar color to the sky during setting sun as he passes out. But why would he dream of a boy, he thought. Due to his perversion and love of the female body, he shouldn't be thinking of boys.

Issei completely blacks out for a while until his vision comes back, but he is in his room and wakes up sitting straight up and his first response is as if he was still at the fountain"(panic)Yuuma!...(looks around)(calmly) I'm in my room?

Issei feels a sudden pain in his shoulder and he looks at his body to see that he has a bandage around his shoulder, where he was stabbed by Yuuma's spear. He lies back down on his bed as he is alone in his room. He then hears footsteps approaching, which he hopes is his mom or his dad, and the door opens to the room, revealing neither of his parents but a girl with long autumn hair fashioned into twin tail wearing a long robe with blue lines.

Issei can't believe that a girl is in his room, and she looks relieved as she sighs with relief at seeing him up and conscious "Oh good, you're finally awake, Issei." She walks closer to his bed and looks at him "Do you remember me, Issei? It's me" Issei is confused as he doesn't have a clue at the moment, but then the girl produces a photo album from under her robe "It's a good thing I kept this with me up the stairs."

She flips through it and shows Issei a picture from when he was a kid and playing a neighborhood boy. He looks at the photo with confusion for a second, looks at the girl, the photo, the girl again, the photo, and then it hits him like a kick in the nuts "Wait, you're that boy from back then? But wait, you're not a boy. You've been a girl the whole time!?"

The girl has a cute smile as she introduces herself formally "Yup, Irina Shidou, and I guess I did act like a boy a bit too much back then. It's also been a while too, so I guess I can't blame you for thinking I was a boy."

Issei is a bit baffled and it's like a window his mind was shattered "But I really thought you were a boy…oh man, I thought today couldn't get weirder." Issei's shoulder acts up again as he holds it. He then realizes something crucial about his date, and about a girl who said she wanted to be his girlfriend "Then everything was real…so Yuuma was really just playing me. What a bitch."

Irina puts on a more empathetic tone because she sympathizes with his plight "She was a fallen angel, Issei. A heathen who was probably sent to kill you by a superior but she the witch played with you for her own fun."

Issei's face turns to wonder and question at this revelation "A fallen angel? That's nuts."

Irina nods and reveals her rosary"I'm an exorcist for the church now, and I was sent here along with a friend to find a rogue priest. We happened to come across your path and saw that fallen angel. We rescued you without knowing who you were and slew that heretic."

Issei is shocked to hear that Irina killed Yuuma, even if she did play him and he has to know"Why are you telling me this?"

Irina sits next to him and has clear sincerity in her eyes "Because if she was sent to kill you, then the fallen angels are taking an interest in you. I don't why, to be honest." Issei is understandably shocked and having difficulties believing this, especially from a girl who he hasn't seen in so many years. Irina assures him that she is telling the truth to him and states. "I'm just trying to help you, Issei. I know we haven't seen each other in years, but I'm still your friend regardless. I don't want you to get hurt."

Issei is happy to have a friend who is concerned for him, but he is sad because his first girlfriend didn't even like him and tried to kill him "Hey, Irina, could I have some time alone. I need to think for a little."

Irina shakes her head and becomes more assertive "No, Issei, I know what you're thinking, and she isn't worth it. I think you should just forget about her."

Issei gets madder and stands up ignoring his wound "How do you know what I'm thinking? I just got played like a cheap guitar. She was so nice and I really had a good time with her only to be spat in the face and she didn't even care. Hell, I actually thought I'd get my first kiss from her. I couldn't even get that, big surprise….man I must the biggest loser ever."

Irina then gets personal since she shakes her head again but with a slight blush "Actually, that wouldn't be possible, Issei, because you've already had your first kiss well before your date with that floozy."

Issei catches on as he points to Irina and she nods. "When we were kids and playing games, watching shows and even posing, I kinda stole your first kiss while you were sleeping. I had a super big crush on you back then." Issei wonders how she could know this but she simply moves her eyes around the room"I looked around your room and found lots of movies, magazines, your clock didn't help, and you mumble in your sleep, but you didn't say anything too perverted." Issei, blushing a little, wonders if he's being played again. Irina stands up and leaves but she stands at the doorway for a second."I'm going to be in town for a little while, so we should do something. Your mom offered to let me and my friend sleep here since we don't have many options. Also, she and dad think you were attacked by a mugger, so just say that to anyone who asks."

After Irina leaves his bedroom, Issei falls back on his bed and is skeptical about what he had just heard from her.

"So, the kid I thought was a boy, my friend from my childhood, comes back into my life, tells me I was attacked by a fallen angel, took my first kiss, and has a crush on me. Yup, she must have been pulling my leg. I can buy her being the kid from back then, the look alone is uncanny now that I think about it, but that other stuff can't be true, but can it?"

He feels his shoulder and it hurts so he says.

"Well, something happened that I can't explain, I'll give her that. I better just sit back for now."

Irina meets her friend outside since she heard everything, a blue-haired girl with a green fringe wearing the same robe but is carrying a large sword named Xenovia Quarta. Xenovia has a stoic look and asks Irina.

"Why did you tell him everything? We should have just dropped him off here and be done with it."

Irina argues with Xenovia but the latter remains cold to her partner's words while Irina is much more empathetic "Xenovia, that fallen angel targeted him and she didn't do it for no reason. Simply saying that he should drop it wasn't an option. I think we should consider bringing him back with us when we're finished."

Xenovia objects and reminds her "We're here for a mission; we can't take on something like this. You are an exorcist, and your faith runs deep, so why the sudden sidetracking?"

Irina pulls out her rosary and objects to Xenovia's reasoning "We're maidens of god, and we can't abandon a good person who in his time of need. Issei may be a pervert from what I saw in his room, but he's still a good and kind person, and we're supposed to help good and kind people, as long as they're not heathens or monsters." She then kisses her rosary and gives her signature "Amen!"

Xenovia sighs, thinks for a minute, and then decides "If it means that much, we can ask him, and if he agrees, we'll take him back with us." Irina is happy to hear Xenovia agree, but her friend has to know "By the way, did you actually mean what you said to him? I normally wouldn't care, but I'd think it be inappropriate of you to lie in such a manner."

Irina blushes again "I wasn't lying to him at all, but maybe he didn't believe me."

Xenovia is a little confused and asks. "But if you just now rekindled an old friendship, why confess so soon, since it could hinder our mission and you didn't even sound as if you still have feelings for him."

Irina has her look of empathy as she looks at the window of Issei's room and explains "Because that heathen played with his heart, and I think it really hurt him.I was just trying to cheer him up. I don't want him thinking that the only girl who said she liked him was a cold-hearted animal. I want him to know that a girl liked him long before ."

Xenovia gives a simple nod "Don't let it interfere with the mission. I do think it was a wise decision to stay here since you used all of the money we had on that painting, and then lost it while we were helping that boy."

Irina's expression turns to one of radiance while she proclaims "But I could sense the saint that lived in that painting, the clerk reassured me of it."

Xenovia puts her hand to her face" Again, it is fortunate that the lady of the house invited us to stay here. I'd prefer not to, but we have nowhere else to go. Also, that salesman was looking at our money, not our faith."

With that said, the two girls go back into the house and get some of Mrs. Hyoudou's cooking. Issei joins the family for dinner despite his injuries. He covers his wound with a shirt despite his parents knowing about it.

His mother has prepared an extra special dinner for the occasion while his father is further expressing gratitude towards the girls for saving his son "I can't tell you how grateful we are that you saved that son of ours. I knew he'd get into trouble, just that kind of trouble."

Irina now has a bubbly smile on her face"Were you expecting him to get into trouble with girls at school?"

Mr. Hyoudou is laughing a little because Irina is on the dot "Like you wouldn't believe, I've even had worries that I won't have grandchildren because of how much of a pervert he is."

Mrs. Hyoudou joins in and adds. "Oh yeah, and he just won't stop messing around with those friends of his. All they do day and day out is talk about videotapes, anime, and girls at school they want to peep on. That big mountain of girly magazines in his room doesn't help either."

Issei, embarrassed by his parents, snaps. "Hey, cut me a break here! I'm, the one who…" His excitement causes his wound to act up again.

His parents drop their laughter for concern with his mother getting closer and asking him with very genuine concern "Issei, are okay? I knew we should have taken you to a hospital when you got home."

Issei waves it off and just pins it to being excitement "I'm fine, I just need to get some sleep."

Issei's father gets mad "That damn mugger, pulling a knife on my son. If I ever see him, I'll throttle him and bust out my left hook on his pig face."

Issei is happy to hear his parents being concerned for him. Irina then chimes in to assures the two concerned parents "Don't worry too much, me and Xenovia got him really good."

Xenovia simply eats her meal and stops for a moment to say something to Issei's mother"This food is delicious, and thank for having us during our stay. Your blessings are truly kind."

Mrs. Hyoudou is delighted to have the two girls and so is her husband since it'll be like having two daughters in the house. Issei stands up after eating his dinner, and his mom got a cheesecake to help him feel better, but the truth of what happened is sinking harder. Normally, his parents would have him sleep somewhere else so the girls can have his room, but because of his injury, they simply set Xenovia on the couch and Irina on a mat on the floor. Issei will be taking the day off from school tomorrow because it'll be a couple of days before his injury is well enough to where he can move without it acting up.

In the middle of the night, Issei can't sleep because of all the stuff that has just happened. He feels like things have gone too fast for his liking. He had a date a real girl and she tries to kill him, and she also turned out to be a fallen angel on top of things, Issei can remember those black wings with their feathers flickering in the evening view; as much as doesn't want to admit it. Irina, who he thought was a boy, comes back into his life and confesses that she likes him. It's all he can think about, but the more he thinks, he wonders if Irina meant it when she said she has a crush on him.

While in thought, he hears a knock on his door and he asks who it is only for a door to open without a response and behind it is Xenovia, who is no longer wearing her robe to reveal her church battle attire, something Issei catches an eyeful of.

Issei stares for a second until Xenovia snaps him out of it "I need to talk to you about something, and it is very important."

Issei shakes his head a little and asks. "Okay, what is it….uh, Xenovia, was it?"

Xenovia nods and tells Issei with a serious look" In case you had doubts, Irina does have feelings for you. Even someone as uncaring as I can see that. She also said that the reason she told about her past feelings is that because she doesn't wish for your feelings to be as hurt. She has truly shown you kindness in her feelings for you, and I can respect that. But I worry that she may become distracted with her duties while she is here."

Issei is a little confused as his look says it all, so Xenovia makes it clear to him as she gets in his face and straight up tells him "Do not pursue her while we are here in Japan, Issei Hyoudou. She is an exorcist and has duties to attend."

Issei sighs a bit Wow, I actually do have a girl who likes me, and she's off limits. But she's cute, but also an exorcist. She saved my ass, but did it without knowing me; which is good either way."

Xenovia stands up straight and replies "Good…now that you understand, I'll be going back to sleep. Rest well, and that injury will heal soon."

Xenovia leaves the room and returns to her sleeping area, but Irina happened to be listening to what she said since she was in the bathroom and got curious to where Xenovia was going. Irina then goes inside of Issei's room herself without her robe as well and Issei sees her immediately in her tight exorcist armor, and she looks like she has an offer for him.