So, here we have the final chapter. Sorry for the long wait, not just for this chapter. I've been very busy and forgot about the trio for a while, but I'm happy I was able to finish this.

Please let me know what you think about this story, reviews are greatly appreciated.

Please enjoy the final chapter :D

The next day Jake was awakened by coughs and voices calling his name. He opened his eyes groggily to see what was going on at once his eyes flew up. He still had his head in the tent, the air in it was thick with smoke. At first, he began looking for a fire, before he realized that the smoke came from himself.

He quickly pulled his head out of the tent, looking at his smoking nostrils in surprise.

A few seconds later Danny and Randy came out coughing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Jake exclaimed, babbling on with apologies and incoherent explanations, while he jumped around, looking from Danny to Randy and back again.

"I didn't know you smoked," Danny coughed, trying to be funny.

"Bad joke, mate." Randy grinned.

"I'm sorry." Jake continued.

"Easy Jake, it's ok." Danny assured, "we get it."

"What happened?" Randy asked confused.

"Well… you see… I totally forgot, but when dragons gets cold, we heat up our bodies to withstand it. And well… I've never actually tried it myself, I've never been in dragon form for long enough, but the extra heat comes from the same place as the fire we can spew comes from… so it creates smoke. And I totally forgot I'm so sorry." Jake explained, while smoke welled out of his nostrils and a bit from his mouth.

"Cool," Randy commented simply.

"No, it was a bad idea to put my head in the tent, a very bad idea,"

"Stop already!" Danny suddenly said, "It's fine, really. Right Randy?" Randy nodded, "Look you said you hadn't tried it yourself, so it's not so weird you didn't think about it. Besides nothing happened, no need to make a big deal out of it." He ended on a stern note, not leaving any room for arguments. Jake nodded reluctantly still thinking it could have gone wrong.

"Now, who's up for breakfast?" Danny asked.

Danny and Randy opened the entrance to the tent entirely, allowing the smoke to get out, before they fetched what they hadn't eaten the evening before.

They ate mostly in silence and when they were done, they decided to do some more training with Randy.

"It's not gonna work," Randy said put out sometime around noon, Danny had flown to the town to get lunch and dinner, while Randy and Jake kept training. Now they were all three sitting around a fire eating lunch or in Jake's case emptying entire packets of sausages.

"Sure it is, at some point. Fu dog told us it could take some time though." Jake reasoned, while ripping open his third sausage packet with his claws.

"but how much time? It's frustrating not knowing anything about myself. Except for what you've told me."

"I don't know." Jake sighed, "Well, if you haven't noticed, you're not the only one with problems." Jake smirked looking down at himself.

Randy didn't reply, he just stared straight ahead with his head in the clouds.

"Maybe we should try flying again." Danny suggested with a wary look at Randy, knowing he wouldn't like the idea.

"We already know that flying doesn't help." Randy pointed out.

"Well, we only flew straight and your eyes were closed most of the time, so maybe…"

"Fine," Randy said.

"Wh…what?" Danny and Jake stared at him, yesterday he even refused to talk about flying, now he seemed like it was nothing.

"If it may help me regain my memories I guess we can try." He shrugged.

"Great!" Danny exclaimed, "Are we going now?"

"Sure," Jake agreed. Randy just nodded nervously.

This time Randy took on his mask and tied his scarf around Jakes neck and chest before they took off.

When they were in the air Randy did his best to appear brave, although Jake didn't miss his slightly clenched teeth or the fact that he was clinging to his neck, whenever Jake wasn't just flying straight.

"Hold on Randy, we're gonna do some loops, and please do tell if you feel nauseous, I'd rather not have you puke on me." Jake and Danny laughed.

Jake and Danny began speeding forwards, before he did the first loop, then the second and the third. Randy was clinging on, but to his credit, he didn't say a sound, except a few yelps, when they were upside down.

"How's it going back there?" Jake grinned.

"Just fine," Randy said, actually sounding somewhat relaxed, "I thought you were fast," he added teasingly.

Jake glanced back at him a bit dumbfounded, before a smirk overtook his features.

"You want speed? I'll give you speed." Jake smirk grew wider, just before he sped up.

"Hey!" Danny protested, as he tried to keep up, but even he couldn't fly that fast.

To Jakes surprise Randy cheered from his back, he was clinging tightly to his neck and he felt scarf around his chest tighten a bit.

Jake used the speed to gain height, as quick as a projectile, Jake shot into the sky. He only had to tilt his wings slightly in order for him to make extreme turns and twist high up in the sky. When he had used up a lot of his energy, he stilled to a hover.

He looked at his back.

"Was that fast enough?" He grinned, looking at Randy's disorientated face and wind-swept hair-do.

"Why haven't we done this before?!" Randy exclaimed, putting his hands into the air, "that was awesome!"

Jake laughed and looked down at the ground far below them. He hadn't even realized they had flown that high.

"So you're not scared of heights anymore?" Jake asked amused.

"I was never scared of heights." Randy claimed.

"Sure… Let's get back to Danny." Jake said, he pointed his snout towards the ground and tucked his wings flat to his sides, causing them to plummet towards the ground.

This time Randy yelled, as he once again clung tightly to Jakes neck.

Jake spread his wings, turning the dive into a pleasant drift.

Danny rushed towards them with a smile on his face.

"I didn't know you could go that fast, Jake!" He complimented.

Jake smiled happy for the compliment. He had had many, many, MANY hours of speed training with his grandpa.

"So… did it work?" Danny asked and looked hopefully at Randy, who just shook his head.

"Too bad." Danny sighed, "Maybe we should do some more training?"

"Yeah, but let's fly for a bit longer first." Jake suggested.

Danny and Randy agreed and they flew off, heading away from the campsite.

They continued flying in a decent speed for a while.

"Bet you can't hit that rock over there," Randy challenged Danny, pointing at a big rock peeking out between the trees below.

Danny snorted cockily, "Oh yeah? Just look,"

Danny lifted his right hand and pointed his palm towards the rock, before shooting a ghost-ray. He hit it leaving a scorch mark.

"Ok, but I bet you can't hit it Jake," Randy said.

Jake smirked, before he spew a fireball towards the rock, he hit it and left a far bigger scorch mark.

"You were saying?" Jake grinned, as he looked back at Randy.

"I bet you can't hit it then." Danny retorted.

"I don't have a ghost-ray and I can't spew fire." Randy brushed him off.

"But you have your throwing stars," Danny said.

"That's not the same."

"Sure it is,"

Jake's smirk disappeared, as a weird, but somehow familiar, feeling began to spread in him. He felt his heartbeat quicken as he realized what it meant.

"Um guys…" Jake began, but he was interrupted, when his tail and wings suddenly were engulfed with flames in the middle of a stroke of the wing.

"Aw man," Jake said, before the flames made his wings, tail, scales and so on disappear, leaving Jake completely human. Randy and Jake plummeted towards the ground both with shocked yells.

Danny dove after them as fast as he could, grabbing both of them around the wrists and slowly descending to the forest.

"What happened?!" Danny exclaimed panting a bit.

"I'm human again!" Jake said happily, yet still a bit shaken.

"Great and it just had to be while we were flying," Randy complained.

"Don't look at me, it's not my fault," Jake said, "isn't it awesome though?!" he exclaimed happily, as he stared at his hands while he opened and closed them.

"Yeah, awesome," Danny said indifferently, Randy elbowed him with a scowl, "I mean, it's great!" he said a bit more enthusiastic.

"What now?" Randy asked.

"Let's get back to the tent," Danny suggested, "You can change back to a dragon, right?" he asked directed to Jake, who still was fascinated by his hands.

"What? Oh, actually… I was thinking we could walk back." Jake responded.

"What!? Why? It would take forever to walk back!" Danny exclaimed.

"It's just that I have been in dragon form for far too long, I'd rather just walk for a bit." Jake shrugged.


"I agree with Jake," Randy commented.

"Are you serious?" Danny groaned annoyed.

"You can just fly back to camp if you want to." Jake informed, as he began to walk closely followed by Randy, "we'll see you there then."

Danny hesitated, before he floated after them.

"You guys are stupid, you know that?" He pouted.

They walked on, or in Danny's case floated, while Danny and Jake, once again, explained how the three of them had met, Randy listened carefully hoping something they said would ring a bell, but it didn't. The story they told was as foreign to him, as his ninja suit was.

The sky already began to darken somewhat as they walked, making the forest seem very dark, but the trio didn't even realize it, as they just continued talking.

When they finally reached camp after a couple of hours, Jake started a campfire with a small fire blast and then they began to make dinner.

They ate their dinner, roasted some marshmallows and just talked for a bit, before going to bed.

"Seriously! That book is broken!" Danny exclaimed, as they went inside the tent. Like the night before it was flashing with red lights, only today it was a lot brighter.

Danny threw a blanket on top of it.

"It even shines through the blanket!" he groaned, before throwing a load of bags and clothes on top of the book, "that's better,"

They went to bed shortly after.

The next day they ate their breakfast, before training began early. They still hadn't made any progress with Randy and they had wasted a fair amount of time yesterday.

"Remember to protect your flanks." Jake commented directed to Randy, as he took a bite of his apple, he was sitting on a fallen three observing the duel between Randy and Danny with a bored expression, it was almost noon and they had been dueling the entire day.

Randy's sword hit an intangible Danny in the stomach with a triumphant smirk.

The victory was short-lived though. Danny used his inattention to ward off Randy's sword and hit him in his stomach with his stick.

"Ouch," Randy exclaimed as he clutched his stomach, "That's not fair! I won!"

Danny laughed as he let go of his stick and flew up to sit next to Jake.

"Never let down your guard." Danny merely shrugged.

"Ugh, what now? We could continue to duel forever, I don't think it's gonna work." Randy asked sadly.

"Wait!" Jake suddenly exclaimed, startling the others, "I have an idea!" He ran to the tent and disappeared inside it. Danny and Randy shared confused looks. When he came out again, he was carrying a luminous book over his head.

"The Nomicon! I remember that Randy once told us that it has restored his memories before, when he forgot that he was the ninja." Jake explained enthusiastically, "I just didn't think about before now. Of course I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a shot, right?"

Jake handed the book to Randy, who took it confused.

"How can a book help me?" he looked it over, it had begun flashing again.

"Open it," Jake just answered.

Randy looked it over, except for the glowing, it just seemed to be an ordinary book.

He opened it, and immediately his body went limp, as he fell over.

Jake and Danny shared nervous looks.

Randy fell down into a paper world. He looked around in awe, below him was trees, hills, a lake and mountains in the horizon, all seemingly made out of paper.

He was about to hit the ground, when a big hole appeared right below him, he yelled, as he fell into the hole and into darkness.

Suddenly the light returned and he realized he wasn't falling anymore, instead he was floating in a purple sky with no ground in sight, weird symbols was floating around him.

Suddenly a golden scroll appeared in front of him. It unrolled itself, revealing a picture of the ninja mask.

"Uh, what's going on? I think I'm hallucinating. Guys, is this a joke?" Randy looked around in utter confusion.

Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly spoke: "You are pure of heart. Brave beyond reason. You are unstoppable. You are the ninja!"

"That's what Danny and Jake keep telling me, but… that can't be. I mean it makes no sense... and neither does talking to a book."

The scroll in front of him unrolled further, showing him many different sentences one at a time. At first he was confused as to why the book told him to 'believe in the weapon that is in the suit' and 'A ninja must know when winning is losing', but as the sentences appeared and disappeared one at a time, something happened. Randy memories was somehow triggered, as he relearned all of the lessons he had had as the ninja. He was staring at the scroll, as all his memories flooded back into his head and before he knew it, he was again surrounded by darkness.

When Randy first opened his eyes he realized he was back in the real world, secondly he realized that Danny and Jake was staring expectantly at him.

"Who are you?" Randy asked, looking confused at them.

"Not again!" Danny exclaimed, as he threw his arm in the air.

Randy began to laugh, "I was joking, I got my memory back."

"RANDY!" Jake and Danny yelled simultaneously and ran over almost knocking him over, as they hugged him.

"What happened?" Jake asked as they dissolved the hug.

Randy spend the better part of an hour explaining what had happened.

"So…" Jake said with a smirk, "Now that we're all normal again…"

"I wouldn't call the two of you 'normal'." Randy pointed out laughing.

"Let's play tag!" Jake called out, before he quickly tagged Randy's shoulder before transforming and flying off.

Randy and Danny, who hadn't expected the sudden playfulness, just sat there for a split second, before grinning.

Randy tagged Danny in return before pulling on his mask and wrapped his scarf around Jake's leg to fly away with him.

Danny transformed as well and began to chase after them.

Danny made himself invisible, Jake halted, when he realized Danny was gone.

"You're it!" Danny exclaimed, as he suddenly appeared in front of Jake.

"Hey! No fair!" Jake argued, as Randy let go of Jake to seek cover in the forest and Danny followed his example.

Jake dove into the forest as well to look for them.

The forest was a great place for Randy to jump from tree trunk to tree trunk. Jake, however, wasn't able to run unhindered because of his size and the many trees.

Luckily for Jake his nose were able to tell him exactly where the others were.

They continued the game for a long, long time. First when it had gotten dark did they end it because they had grown hungry.

They stayed another night, before they went home, closer than they had been before.

When they parted ways, with a little help from some magical portals, they agreed to meet up again soon.

The end.

Thanks for reading :D