Kagome followed after the others, still panicking at her current condition. She took in a deep breath and shook herself mentally. She needed to act normal, and not like she was...well... about to have a heart attack. She put on a smile and hurried to catch up to the others. Sango looked back at her, eyebrow furrowed in concern. She could just physically feel Kagomes anxiety rolling off her in waves. She had never known Kagome to be this anxious before. She opened her mouth to ask her if she was okay, but stopped as she noticed Kagome had started to calm down, and a true smile was appearing slowly on her face. She mentally shrugged and turned back to face the front. Kagome took a breath as she calmed down. She absentmindedly placed her hand on her belly as they walked, thinking about everything. In spite of her panic, she couldn't help but already love her little stomach bug. She looked over at inuyasha and sighed. How could she tell him?

two months later

Inuyasha was holding kagomes hair for her as once again, she started to get sick for the third time that day. He was worried sick about her. She said that she still had that same stomach bug, and he wondered why it hadn't gotten better by now. Kaede kept telling him not to worry, but he couldn't help it. Kagome was his mate, damnit, he had a right to be worried. He let out a sigh as he looked lovingly down at his mate, trying to make her feel better as he rubbed her back. Why was she so sick?

5 months later

Kagome cast one last longing look at the village as she sat on the edge of the well. She wanted to stay so badly, but inuyasha was already suspicious. She couldn't keep denying the changes her body was going through to him. And of course, he had the self-preservation skills to not mention the weight gain. She had told him she needed to stay home for a couple of months, help her mother with this and that, and since they hadn't had any leads on jewel shards lately, he begrudgingly agreed. With one last look, she pushed off gently into the well.

1 month later

Kagome instantly regretted her decision to move her bed on her own. She felt a pain as she had pushed the bed, and it looked like her water had broken. Panicking, worried for the child since she was not due for another month, she hurried downstairs to her mother, who instantly sprang into action. Having a nurse as a mom did have it's benefits. Shortly after, Mika was born. She was lively and active, raring to go, just like her father. Kagome fell in love with her little version of her mate instantly. She turned to her mom, who smiled and nodded at her. "yes dear. I can watch her so you can return. However, rest here for the week before you go back. You need to heal, and you need to get as much time with Mika as you can." Kagome smiled and nodded, looking down at her daughter happily.

The next week (This part is a little heated)

Kagome climbed out of the well, happy to be back home. Inuyasha ran to greet her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I missed you." He murmured into her ear as he started to kiss her neck. "Inuyasha!" Kagome whispered breathlessly, "I just got back! Can't you wait until we're home at least?" She felt him smirk and press himself against her thigh. "What do you think?" He growled in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She felt her control shatter into a million pieces as he slipped his hands into her pants and underwear. Letting out a sigh, she melted into her mate as he showed her how much he had missed her.

A month later

Kagomes eye twitched in irritation. Why had she let him mate her already? She felt so stupid. She should have expected this, with how much he had been mating her lately. She should have said no, but it was already too late. She sighed as she threw away the test result. Damn. Now she had two things she was keeping from inuyasha. Why hadn't she been more careful?