Disclaimer: I have not the talent or the imagination to come up with a world so great as this one, and do not gain anything for my efforts.

A/N:I give up on attempting to claim a regular update schedule, life seems to think it isn't a good idea for me. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to review if so inclined, they are so fun to read.

Paulaa90, As will probably be explained later in the story with more depth, he planned to go back to the time he was supposed to be eleven, and change things from there. He had everything he needed to do so, and an entire plan mapped out. Because he went back further does not mean that all of those means are invalid. As for your earlier observation that his not paying attention possibly being a factor to why he went back further, you are absolutely correct.

To all of you, thank you for your support and patience.

Chapter four: Clean Slate

A grin slid across Sharpclaw's face- and that was exactly what Harry had come to recognize it as. The boy in the room became somewhat lost in thought, mind racing at the thought of everything he needed to do. He opened his mouth to speak once more; however, he was beaten to it by the goblin. "Indeed, and we can also get you a Hogwarts letter with that identity. With some stipulations, of course. How do you wish for people to see you, in this time, and what shall your new identity be?"

He thought before speaking, a careful consideration. This was to be who he was forever now, after all. A good pureblood name, possibly? But then people would wish to know who his family was… "Caelum Harry Miller… a halfblood, grew up in an orphanage? Will I need to go to Knockturn to get all of the documents? I wish to keep as close to this appearance as possible, only changing it enough to not be recognizable or mistook as a Potter, or some other pureblood families, please."

Sharpclaw frowned as the beady goblin eyes stared Harry down intently. "That, of course, may be difficult- but attainable, certainly. Wait here, if you will." With that, and no further explanation, the goblin stood and exited. Moments passed, and Harry waited patiently for his return. However, he could not help but be curious about the room in which he now found himself alone, or the goblin who worked in it, and what seemed to be in store. Yes, what had he gotten himself into, he wondered? As the man looked around the office, he noted the marble walls, devoid of memorabilia or decor of any sort, and the desk the same, only containing practical things, to be of use. Quills, ink pots, spare parchment, and various things neatly stacked to the side. Oh, he would need a place to live while away from Hogwarts, people probably would not want to rent to a lone child, after all.

Sharpclaw re-entered, carrying a small stack of papers and some small unidentifiable object. A small smack resounded as he dropped the papers on the desk, and then silence as he fiddled with the instrument before setting it before Harry, who finally got to inspect it. It was a wooden carving, nearly like a small carved canoe; except, where it would have been hollowed out, there was a series of dials, almost like you would find on the side of a watch. "This is an extremely expensive object, Mr. Potter. Most do not know it exists." His elongated knobby finger pointed to the dials in the hollow as he spoke. "These will each alter a different characteristic, and once you have set them to your liking, it is to be tuned to your magic. So long as you keep it nearby and unbroken, you will keep the characteristics you have set on the device, and may remove them at will, for short periods of time. If it breaks, you lose the glamour permanently. It is imbued with house elf and goblin magic, and is generally unnoticeable by wizard spells. You will not be revealed by a human, nor any unwilling elf or goblin.

"How do you… know what characteristic you're turning it to?" Harry asked, not seeing a way to distinguish. He laughed nervously, picking up the object to see if he could find an answer. Sharpclaw seemed amused, a rough chuckle escaping briefly with his short response:

"Magic." Raven hair flopped out of the emerald eyes, wizened much beyond the apparent eleven years he seemed as Harry lifted his head to stare at the one standing before him, awaiting explanation. "Imagine what you wish to change. Imagine what you look like with those changes, and push each of the dials while keeping that in mind. And then, to fill it with your magic, and to bind it, it will need a little bit of your blood in the hollow. Harry nodded slowly, closing his eyes as he focused on the changes he wished to make. Straighten and smooth out his hair, deep green eyes lightening to a more blue-green, and rounding the shape of his almond eyes just slightly. The small button nose became a small bit more pointed, and cheekbones lowered only slightly, enough to make his cheeks take on a sligtly more rounded look- just enough to change his face shape, though still fairly aristocratic, and as some thought, 'pureblood' looking. Sad, when the community is so inbred that select few feel they can distinguish purebloods as a whole by their facial features. He snorted slightly, continuing on to change his skin tone from the light natural tan his body currently had to a slightly darker one that would not fade with time out of the sun. The scar on his forehead would dissappear, as well as the ones still distinctly visible, though some of the fainter ones stayed. What kind of child wouldn't have a few scars, after all? He kept these things in his mind as opened his eyes and pulled out his wand, gently poking each knob in turn, before wordlessly breaking open the scab on his palm, and coating the inside of the little wood carving before healing himself completely as the blood absorbed into the wood. Expectant eyes, now more blue than green, looked up at Sharpclaw, awaiting his response. "Subtle changes do indeed make a big difference. Well done, Mr. Miller." The stack of papers were pushed across the desk for Harry to see, flicking through them after briefly sticking his glamour device in his pocket. A birth certificate, vaccination records, and any other document one might need sat before him, entirely official and innocent looking. And at the bottom, a Hogwarts letter, all with the name Caelum Harry Miller. "Of course, registered with the Ministry and Hogwarts records, with minimal attention. You're all set, Mr. Miller. The bill will be owled to you, and I have been assigned to your case and am officially your accountant. Will you be needing anything else, sir?"

Harry gave Sharpclaw a tired smile, bowing his head. "Not at this time, thank you. Once I get the things I need and find a place to stay, I will be back to visit my vaults." He gathered his papers and put pulled his trunk from his pocket, unshrinking it momentarily to put the documents away, and quickly reshrunk it, placing it in his pocket once more. He bowed once more and murmured a quiet "Good day to you," before stepping out of the office, and making his way out of the building. He stepped out of the way of the man he had encountered earlier with hardly a thought as to why he would still be there, and made his way to the Leaky Cauldron. He did need a place to stay while he got himself sorted, after all.

And so, with a forced smile on his face, the one that would be known to the world as Caelum Harry Miller jaunted down the street in a seemingly carefree manner, truly awed at the sight of a Diagon alley unmarred by the fear Voldemort had caused. Except- "Halt! You, child, stop, I said!" Harry paused and turned, blinking confusedly at the same man he had spoke to before. "Who are you, child?" The child in question blinked, slowly making to move away. "I know you are the same child as before, you are the only one that has entered or exited that side of Gringotts all day, despite your altered appearance. I am Arcturus Black, now answer me, child. Who are you?"

Harry blinked once more, instantly deciding to play dumb. "I'm sorry sir, you must be mistaken. I'm H-Caelum Miller." He flinched slightly as he nearly messed up this entire elaborate plot, too deep in thought. "I don't know what you are talking about, sir. What do you mean, 'from before?'" He worried his lip slightly, and furrowed a brow, as if this entire event was making the poor innocent child anxious.

Arcturus eyed him warily, taking a moment before speaking. "Miller, hm? Muggleborn, then? I could have sworn you looked like a Potter. No matter, where is your family?" His strident and uncaring tones caught Harry off guard before he remembered. This was the current lord Black, and one of few not prejudiced against halfbloods and muggleborns. Harry lowered his eyes slightly as he allowed the lie to flow smoothly from his lips. Perhaps he did indeed have a silver tongue. "I don't know any Potter's, sir. I'm an orphan, halfblood… I don't know any family, sir, except the others at the orphanage." At least, some of that was true. He looked up slightly before bowing, and attempting to move away. "Excuse me, Lord Black, I need to get my supplies for school." This response elicited a rose eyebrow from the lord.

"Know enough to know who I am, but not enough for proper manners? I could remedy that… for a price." Harry looked up at him once more, this time legitimately utterly confused, stopping his not-so-subtle attempt to get away.

"Sir?" maybe… he could get close to Sirius? He suppressed a shudder as he remembered what he had been told of Sirius' childhood.

"Come. My business is finished, we will attend to yours. First, your wardrobe, and then, a wand. That is, if you do not already have one?" Harry hesitated and then shook his head mutely as Arcturus swept off, obviously expecting for the child to follow. This was definitely not a part of the plan, Harry mused as he obeyed. May as well, it might even help him achieve his goals.

Presently, they found themselves at Twilfitt and Tattings. Harry looked around, noting exits, and how busy the upscale clothing shop seemed to be. The man ushered him into the store, and lightly shoved him at an attendant. "Full wardrobe for this one, I'm afraid he hit a growth spurt seemingly overnight. He stepped over to the swatches and pulled some, and with each Harry's eyes got bigger. He had not planned to get so many, nor such quality.

"Really sir, it's okay, I don't need-" Harry attempted to protest, mostly to save his money. Otherwise, he could care less.

"Nonsense. Save your money, child. You will need it. If I am to teach you some manners, you will dress as if you have them." The boy blinked owlishly as he was measured, flinching slightly as he moved, resulting in a poke from a needle.

"But, Lord Black, I don't need-"

"Oh, but you do. Stop being prideful, you have nothing to be prideful of, at current." Harry flinched at his words, and bowed his head. It was definitely not worth it. Besides, if Arcturus wanted to buy him clothes, it was fine by him, he decided. But did he have to get so much? Harry- Caelum, he supposed he was now called- sighed quietly, stepping down off the stool when allowed. "Make one for him to wear now, ship the rest." He gave the woman a piece of paper that seemed to have appeared from air, and sat, gesturing for Harry to do the same. "Now, we must wait." Harry sat, not knowing what else to do.

"Sir… What is the price you spoke of?" The young man pushed hair from his now scarless face, looking up intently at the one who seemed to have randomly taken him in.

"To live with me, of course, and do well in school so you will be of later use. I have a feeling about you, child." He looked down, giving a seemingly sinister smile, though his piercing blue eyes contained kindness.

"A feeling, sir?" Harry frowned. He surely did not still think it was him who demanded his newspaper earlier? Could he possibly mean?

"you've not fooled me, child. Caelum, you said?" He nodded once, gratefully jumping up to go change as one of his new robes was offered to him. Anything to escape that conversation.