A/N I'm back with another chapter yay!

"You, you enchant me, even when you're not around

If there are boundaries I will try to knock them down.

I'm latching on babe, now I know what I have found."

Kate rolled over onto to her back, opening her eyes to stare at the creme ceiling, 'I have a feeling today is going to be a good day'. With a smile forming on her face, she got out of bed, gathered her things and went to shower and get ready for a day at work.

'Oh no, today is gonna be a slow day, there was no call about a body dropping during the night'. She sighed while putting on her makeup, knowing that she'll be stuck doing the mountain of paperwork that the boys, will put on her desk. Her phone buzzed from the dock on the nightstand where she had left it last night.

'Please be a body, please be a body' Kate chanted in her head as she went to check her phone. 'Damn, not a body drop,' She smiled, when she saw it was a message from Rick, 'Jeez what's gotten into me, I just met him, yet I feel like a teenager with a huge crush again'

"Good Morning, my dear Detective"

"Good Morning, Castle. You're up early," Kate replied, walking back to the mirror phone in hand so that she could finish doing her makeup.

Her phone buzzed again a few minutes later, "Mother just got in now and decided to wake me up, after my four-hour nap in my study,"

"Four-hours? How much did you write last night?" She replied,

"Yep, four hours turns out sleeping on my desk, does wonders for my back. I wrote a chapter and a bit," He messaged back, as he walked out of the study, going to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

"Ah, the old age is catching up to you I see." She sent with a laughing emoji, dabbing a bit of lipstick on as a finishing touch.

"Hey, I'm not that old, you try sleeping on your desk and see how it feels" Shaking his head at her as he replied.

"Been there, done that" She sent back to him. Kate went to her kitchen to brew a fresh pot of coffee, being brave and deciding to call him instead of standing around and texting him back.

"Well, hello there beautiful Kate," Was his response hoping he sounded composed, after hurrying to answer, nearly dropping his phone into the pancake batter, in shock, when it started to ring.

Kate smiled at the sound of his voice, 'This is so surreal, I'm speaking to Richard Castle on the phone again'. "Hi, Rick."

Rick sighed in relief, one because a beautiful woman that he actually likes, had called him and two, she wouldn't know what happened moments before.

"Whoa that was a pretty big sigh over there Castle," Kate told him as she put the phone on the counter next to her on loudspeaker, pouring coffee into her cup.

"Sorry, I almost dropped my phone when you called," Rick said and cringed after when he realized what he had done. 'Nice going Ricky boy, now she's going to ask why and you're going to somehow embarrass yourself,'

"Do I have that effect on you already? Do I make you nervous Rick," She replied emphasizing the 'k'.

"What, noo, pssht, uh. I just didn't expect you to call, that's all." He denied, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear, mixing the batter with the whisk again.

"Are you sure about that?" She smirked, and took a sip of her coffee, leaning back against the counter.

"Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure, I really didn't expect you to call," Rick told her, tasting the batter.

"I was making my morning coffee, it was easier to call than text, besides you called me last night, so I was just returning the favour," said Kate.

"Grande Skim Latte, Two pumps, sugar-free, Vanilla?" Rick recited her usual order of coffee.

"That is correct, it's weird how you remember that. And no I'm not having that, it's just plain old, black coffee to wake me up," she replied, impressed at his memory of a small detail. 'He could have just looked back at the message you sent him'

"Well I'm a murder-mystery author, it's kind of a requirement to remember the details." He said, as he noticed how stupid he was being, and put the phone on loudspeaker.

Kate hummed in agreement, she heard the clanging of utensils, "I'm not interrupting anything am I? I didn't mean to call you this early, but it seemed like a good idea when I thought of it," she said shyly

"No, not at all. I'm busy making breakfast and you're on loudspeaker, don't worry no one is listening to our conversation, mother has gone to shower and Alexis is still fast asleep." Rick replied.

"Okay good," Kate said in relief, she checked the time on her watch. Noting that she would have to leave soon, "I have to leave for work soon," she told him sadly, not wanting to cut their conversation short.

"Well, that sucks I was hoping we could talk more," He told her.

"Same here, but we have plenty of time for that later. What are you making for breakfast today?" She asked him, finishing her coffee, and putting the cup in the dishwasher after rinsing it. She went to her room to get her badge and gun and handcuffs from the safe.

"Since I woke up early enough, I decided to make pancakes, I'm keeping Alexis at home from day-care today because Mother wants to spend time with her," Rick said as he wiped his hands on the cloth.

She grabbed her keys and bag from the counter and walked to the front door, taking the phone off loudspeaker, holding it in place, near her ear. "That sounds tasty, I haven't eaten yet, but I'll grab something on the way or eat a snack from the break room'' Kate said as she opened the door, stepped out and locked it behind her, and headed to the elevator.

"You're at the 12th Precinct right?" He asked her, as he poured the batter, onto the griddle.

"Yes I am, why?" she curiously asked

"I just wanted to make sure, anyway. I should let you go, have a great day detective" He joyously said as he grinned.

Kate smiled, 'I have a feeling he's up to something but I don't know what yet'. "You too, writer boy, better get some writing done today. I'll speak to you later"

He heard the line cut and beep on his end signalling the end of the call, putting his plan into motion, he quickly searched the internet for a certain number and dialled it as soon as he found it. Hearing someone pick up on the end "Good Morning, my name is Richard Castle, and I was wondering if you could do me a favour?" He asked the person and told them the rest of his plan for that morning.


Kate sighed to herself as she completed yet another report, and putting next to her ready to be handed in and filed, it was a slow morning, and she only managed to grab a coffee from the break room and a doughnut, that the boys had brought in the morning. Standing up, she stretched and then went to the break room once again to refill her cup. She had just sat down back down at her desk when Kevin got off the phone and told Esposito, who was next to him, before calling to her,

"Beckett, body, corner of 4th and 5th Lex," Kevin Ryan said as he held up a sticky note with the address on it.

"Oh thank God," She exclaimed as she stood up and grabbed her jacket from behind her chair, and almost sprinted to the elevator to head to the crime scene.


It was a little over two hours later when they got back to the precinct, Beckett trudged back to her desk, grabbing a sharpie and heading straight to the murder board nearby to get started on it and put up the evidence they gathered so far, and the boys went back to their desks to make some phone calls and find out as much as they could about the victim.

The phone on Beckett's desk rang, and she went to answer it, setting down the sharpie. "Beckett"

"Morning, Detective Beckett. There's a delivery down here for you, may I sign for it and send it up to you?" Officer Jackson, from the front desk, asked her.

"A delivery? Sure, but is it anything that I should be concerned about?" Kate asked in confusion.

She saw Esposito and Ryan trying to subtly listen from their desks. Kate raised her eyebrow when she saw them look at her and they quickly looked away.

"No, I won't tell you what it is, but you will like it," He replied with a chuckle.

"Alright send it up. Thanks, Jackson," She told him

"You're welcome Detective," Jackson said and he hung up.

"I wonder, what it is?" Kate pondered as she sat by her desk. She heard the elevator ding and stood up to see who it was.

A handsome young man, wearing khaki shorts, a blue denim shirt that was tucked in, white sneakers, and a navy blue apron with the cafe's logo, as well as a navy blue baseball cap on top of his head was carrying a venti coffee cup and something in a brown takeaway bag with the cafe's logo.

Ryan nudged Esposito and they both spun their chairs around to watch the scene.

"I'm looking for Kate Beckett," He asked the nearest person, who pointed in her direction.

He walked up to her, "Hi, are you Kate Beckett?"

"Yes I am," She replied with a puzzled expression.

"Special delivery. This is for you" and he handed over the coffee and bag of goods. "Oh, and before I forget," He pulled out three white and yellow Daffodils and gave it to her and turned to leave.

"Thank you," Kate said as she accepted the things. "Wait, can you tell me who sent this?" She called out to the barista.

He just grinned at her and walked away. Leaving Kate standing there in confusion. As soon as he was inside the elevator, he made a call. "Mr Castle, it has been delivered."

"Thank you so much, Jake." Castle said enthusiastically and ended the call. He sent a message to Kate.


Beckett put the things on her desk, staring at it, hoping it would give her some answers.

"Yo Beckett, who sent you the goods?" Esposito called out from his desk.

"I actually don't know Espo," She said as she looked up at them, and they went back to work not paying attention to her.

Her iPhone buzzed and she checked the message. "Well I couldn't personally deliver it this morning, but how do you like your surprise?"

"You sent it?" Kate enquired, and took a sip of the coffee, and almost moaned out loud when she tasted her usual order.

"You betcha, ;)" He sent back.

"Thank you for the coffee," She typed out and looked inside and saw a bear claw. Her eyes widened and raised her eyebrows. "and the bear claw," She added.

"You're welcome, Detective. I didn't know if you had a proper breakfast and I thought of this. I'm not being too forward am I?" He asked her.

'was Rick being forward? No of course not. It was kinda sweet' Kate thought.

"No not at all, it's sweet of you to do that," She replied, taking a bite out of her bear claw.

"Okay good. Did you receive the flowers too?" Rick asked her, as he sat back down on his couch, in his office.

"Yes, I did three daffodils" Kate sent back.

"It symbolises new beginnings and I thought it was fitting," He typed nervously

'This man is amazing and thoughtful' Kate smiled softly, "New beginnings, that is very fitting Rick."

"I'm glad you think so too, well I'll speak to you later Kate. I have a meeting to get too and I'm sure you have work to do. Enjoy!" Rick told her and her reply brought a smile to his face. He walked out of his office and gave Alexis a kiss on the top of her head and his mother a kiss on her cheek.

"See you, girls, later. Mother don't burn the house down. Alexis watch your grandmother." He told them as he left.

"Bye daddy," Alexis giggled

Martha laughed, "No promises Richard"

Rick smiled at them and shut the front door.

"Bye Rick, have a good day!" She sent it to him and put her phone away. She finished off her bear claw and picked up the flowers to smell it, biting her lip at the sweet smell.

A black mark in the white coffee cup caught her eye and she moved the black sleeve down and saw a message, she grinned and took a photo, put the sleeve back and went back to work on the murder board.

"Have a great day KB! - RC''


An hour and a bit later

"So what do you think?" Rick asked after he pitched his new idea to Gina.

Gina Cowell folded her hands on top of the table. "You're still bound to your contract for Derrick Storm, Richard."

Rick sighed leaning back into his chair, knowing that it was true, "Is there nothing I can do about it?"

"If you finish the rest of the books for the Storm series, it might help," Gina replied

"I guess I can do that," He replied and stood up to leave.

"Rick, if you are set on doing this. I'm going to need to see a starting manuscript soon" She told him.

"You'll have one soon. Thanks, Gina" Rick grinned at her and left her office.

A/N And there you have it. Chapter 3, a bit of a long one isn't. I'm sorry if I'm dragging it out and the mistakes(I will sort that out soon). Hope it was good and don't forget to review

mmmkayy byeee ;)