When the war comes to a sudden end, Lord Tom Marvolo Riddle has to marry a Light Wizard to
consolidate the newly established bond between Dark and Light. And as fate would have it, he
already has one oblivious green eyed wizard in mind.
Harry however just wants to live a peaceful life in Muggle London. Unfortunately, he has to find the
perfect partner for Tom Riddle as a final task before he's released from his duties once and for all.

"I can see right through all your stupid lies, so you better save yourself some pain and just tell me what I need to know."
The figure whimpered on the ground, he almost thought the man would finally give in, but then an ugly grin spread across his face.

Harry Potter wore plain dark clothing with a black hooded cloak and a mask that was concealing his face completely - Except for his
killing curse eyes. He could see blood on the mans teeth, it was running down his chin and dripped onto the stone floor.
Part of it landed on his shoes, but he didn't care. Every second was one second he did not have.
"I'm not a traitor, unlike you and the rest of your shitty resistence. But the Dark Lord's Regime's gonna change everything to the better.
He's the saviour of the Wizarding World."
Harry bent forward to him then, as if they weren't in the middle of a fight that was going to decide the fate of hundreds, but as if they
had a private conversation. His tone of voice was low, but dark and oddly casual at the same time:
"You know, you people always talk about Riddle like he's some sort of religious figure.
But let me tell you something about your saviour:
He doesn't even know the two of us exist. He's an aristocrat, probably sitting in some expensive office chair all day ordering the deaths
of countless innocents.
You're just a chess piece. We're all chess pieces.
He's using you, manipulating every single one of his followers, chasing and murdering anyone who dares to get in his way. As soon as you don't fit into his picture, you're dead. In his eyes, simple soldiers like you and me are nothing more than the dirt beneath his shoes. So just believe me, you do not want a government that is run by someone like Voldemort."
"Don't say his name, mudblood! We're nothing alike!", the man screamed, immediately furious.
A smile, almost not noticeable, tugged at the corner of Harrys lips as he stood up; all of a sudden, he held his wand in hand and muttered an incantation
unbeknown to the other.
His target's body went limp like a puppet whose strings had been cut: Helpless, he toppled forward into blackness.
Heat flooded everything around them, Harrys Magic, and the man's head snapped up again, his eyes looking somewhere far away:
"There is this library... in Muggle London."
Such a weak will.

Harry always considered his unit special - and it was.
They were a group of three wizards, each of them having some sort of special ability, though Harry was still different. Something else.
He'd always thought of himself as cursed by Magic.
Only few people knew of his secret and he planned to keep it that way as long as he lived.
He didn't speak of it, ever. He did not take use of it if it could be avoided, which wasn't always the case.
The unit he belonged to was operating silently in the darkness, taking orders only from the very top, the order of the phoenix.
They weren't like the rest of them, they were a secret elite and, most importantly, only loyal to each other.
There have already been fights breaking out between light and dark wizards - in the middle of the streets of Muggle London!
The chaos was disastrous, the memories almost too many to be all completely deleted.
The entire Wizarding world was in danger, but everything they could see was how to destroy the enemy.
Empty parliament, no minister. Dumbledore dead, killed by the Dark Lord, according to countless rumours, leaving the Light side without a leading figure.
So as much as his group had wished to stay out of everything at first...
As much as Harry wanted to remain nobody to everyone - the moment had come when they had to choose and became supporters of the Resistence.
Because it needed to end then, and it needed to end fast.
That's why they had ended up working for the Light as some kind of secret supporting unit.

War isn't pretty and he'd seen a lot of things he'd rather forget and erase from his mind forever, but one thing kept him alive despite everything.
Trust. Not in the light. Not in the dark. But in his comrades.
And even though their missions were rare and secret, they somehow managed to become kind of famous on the radio and in the newspapers as The Black Trio.
Of course, their identity remained unknown to the public.
There was no occasion any of them would have gone anywhere without being cloaked in black and wearing masks when on a mission.
But their eyes.
They had been given names by the newspapers obviously matching the color of their eyes: Blue, Grey and Green.
Funny what they told people about them, too
- Blue was seemingly no one to be messed with, cold and lordly. And he somehow managed to be considered the most powerful of the three.
They should see Malfoy in the morning, complaining like a child when there was no milk left for him to put into his coffee.
Harry could easily kick the blonds ass.
Grey was said to be very skillfull, especially when it came to more complicated spells or sneaking around, nobody happened to be able to catch a glance of her.
Everyone considered her invisible, though they knew from various video tapes that she must be a female with greyish eyes. Harry agreed with them calling Luna the most clever of the three, but they had no idea about her true capabilities.
...And then there was Green.
There wasn't much said about the third member, be it on the radio or in the newspapers, because he made sure to destroy every nearby camera and obliviate those he encountered most of the time.
But the little what they had to say of him annoyed Harry to no end.
He was described as the pretty one of the three. The merciful idiot.
He was being disregarded.
They depicted him as a foolish boy, only ever talking about his appearence, about how green his eyes were - as if he didn't know the pain of war, as if he wasn't powerful, wasn't clever or to be taken seriously...
Of course it displeased him.
But better let the people believe it.
Rita Skeeter of all people wrote the first article portraying him in such a light and afterwards everyone followed suit.
He'd always hated her full-of-stupid-gossip articles, even before it turned into some sort of personal matter as well.
But the war would end soon, one way or another, Harry was certain. He was on his groups seventh secret mission.
And thanks to the poor unconcious figure on the ground, "Green" now knew the location of the last of Lord Voldemorts Horcruxes.

Not even Harry was incautious enough to take on such an important task all alone.
So he currently watched one certain Draco Malfoy operating on the lock of a Muggle London Library in the middle of the night, as if the blond was an admittedly talent free muggle thief.
Luna stood somewhere behind them, waiting patiently. Sure, they could have opened the lock in a matter of seconds by using magic.
But the plan was not to.
Any kind of magic around the Dark Lords last Horcrux could throw off some secret alarm, they thought.
So they broke in like normal vandals.
That way, they could steal the Horcrux and, if everything went according to plan, it wouldn't be noticed until they destroyed it, just like they had destroyed the rest of them.
Nobody cares if muggles accidently break into the same library that harbores a piece of the Dark Lords soul, do they? What could possibly go wrong?

As it turned out, many did care. They weren't even halfway inside the building when a bunch of death eaters appeared out of nowhere and began attacking the three of them wildly
with no further warning whatsoever. Harry was quick to react and cast a protego just fast enough to escape a seemingly nasty curse he didn't recocnize.
"Go find the book, Grey! It has to be some kind of diary!", he called while Draco and him shielded their comrade from view.
She immediately ran up the stairs.
Harry didn't waste any time looking after her as she did:
It was 2 against 6. And those were merely the first to arrive. It had been worse, but they were taken by surspirse.
"Where do you think you're going?!", some Death Eater witch screamed furiously as she watched Lunas retreat from the fight - and she immediately ran after her.
2 against 5 then.
Curses began to fly around in the library in a fast pace and not soon after they startet fighting, Harry lost sight of Draco as well.
He managed to coordinate his duel through several rooms in order to look for the diary in the meantime, an admittedly awful time for multitasking.
In consequence, he was hit by a curse that injured his right shoulder quite badly, making it awfully painful for him to quickly raise his wand arm.
Another spell hit him and slammed him against one of the bookshelves.
He remained on the ground after that and leaned against the wooden shelf, hissing in pain - when he felt it.
This sensation.
It was neither coldness nor heat. It was heavy, it was dark and it was suddenly all consuming.
...The seventh Horcrux, it sat right above his head on the shelf.
His expression did not betray him even under his mask.
3 of the 5 Death Eaters had decided to chase after him when Draco and Harry parted, probably because they thought him to be an easy target. One of them was left by now.
But this one seemed to be more powerful.
Lucius Malfoy, he suddenly recocnized him despite his Death Eater mask, even though only a single strand of hair, thin as a spider leg, had found its way onto the older mans forehead.
The universe really was hilarious.
If he only knew!, Harry thought, that his own thought-to-be-dead-son was fighting at the side of Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood.
How they came to be so close friends was even beyond Harry himself, he could only imagine how unbelievable it would have been for Lucius Malfoy, of all people.
The pureblood was calmly walking towards him now, obviously assuming Harry to be unconscious due to his closed eyes, but always with his wand tip pointed at him.

Harry patiently waited for the perfect moment to strike.
Like a cat.
One. Two. Three. Now. Harry raised his wand with an impressing speed and cast a wordless spell - it immeditely knocked the arrogant blonde out,
seemingly catching him off guard. Hot pain exploded in his arm right afterwards. Harry could feel his own magic then, it was crackling in the air and radiating soothing warmth.
It had always been light, without being so truly.
It was too heavy. Almost like...
His head snapped up, searching for the diary. It caught his eye almost immediately now that he knew where to look for it.
He took the thing: Plain dark leather.
One of million other diarys that looked all the same. But no one, not even Tom Riddle, could fully conceal such dark and powerful magic.
Harry grinned and cast a patronus as a way to message the other two, he had no doubt they've been successfully defending theirselves against the death suckers.
He watched as out of the end of his wand burst a shining silver stag, its light almost blinding in the librarys half darkness.

"Got it. Meet me at home."

And the animal disappeared.
How does it even know where to find them?, Harry wondered as he was about to get up.
Only to be slammed against the shelf once more, but this time, a directly following spell disarmed him. His wand clattered to the floor, only metres away from him, but far enough for it to be of no use.
Where the hell had that come from? Out of nowhere. And without sound.
More surprised than anything, Harry looked up, his mask and hood still in place, concealing him.

A man stepped out of the shadows, slowly approaching.
It took Harry a while to recognize who exactly it was and as he did, every fibre of his being went cold and rigid.
He'd never met him in person. But there he was, almost leisurely making his way towards him.
Tom Marvolo Riddle himself. And his gaze was aflame.

Author's Note: So this is my very first FF ever... (And I just love Tom/Harry stories).
I'd love any kind of review/advice so I can improve my writing.
Also, english is not my first language. Please forgive me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes!
I'd really appreciate it if you pointed them out to me.