Chapter 4-Flu

By: MysticFantasy


A/N: Thought I would write a chapter relating to the serious flu cases going around in my state of Texas and many other states. Anyone who has caught the flu, I hope you feel better soon.



"I have never seen the flu spread so fast or affect so many people at once." Aiolos said as he and Sisyphus stood at the entrance of the Sagittarius temple.

"Neither have I." Sisyphus agreed. "Nearly half of the population in Sanctuary has become ill."

"Still, we can take comfort that it only lasts a few days." Aiolos said.

"Yes and I am relieved that Lady Athena agreed to stay in the palace so she does not become ill." Sisyphus said.

"It was not easy to get her to agree but I think she is taking comfort knowing that the doctor's are checking on everyone who is sick and a steady supply of medicine has been brought to Sanctuary." Aiolos added. "Speaking of, I should probably go check to see if Aioria has caught it yet."

"I'll go with you. I know that Regulus has caught it and he does tend to sleepwalk if he is under a high fever. For an odd reason, he tends to head to the roses behind the Pisces temple when he does."

"Has he ever gotten close to them?" Aiolos asked curiously as they began their decent down the long stairway.

"He has. Twice Albafica had managed to catch him before he's walked into the roses. I'm still not clear as to how he fell under such fevers or why he felt he needed to go to the poisonous roses. I'm just glad that he was stopped before he got too close to them."

"If his fevers were that serious it's possible that he was not thinking clearly." Aiolos suggested.

"That is the best explaination I could think of as well." Sisyphus said. "Hopefully it will not happen again."

The two archers were able to reach the Leo temple quickly since the guardians of the temples they passed were either out helping with all those who became ill or were isolating themselves in fear of falling into such a state themselves.

The Leo temple was quiet as the two entered until Aiolos clearly heard the sound of coughing and right away hurried to the kitchen where he quickly spotted his younger brother with his hand over his mouth.

"Aiolos?" Aioria questioned when he spotted his brother who hurried over to him.

"Aioria, are you alright?" Aiolos questioned.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Are you sure you have not caught the flu?" Sisyphus asked.

"I...I don't think I have."

"Aioria, I heard you coughing and you do look a little pale and tired. I think you should lie down and rest in case you are in the beginning stage of the flu." Aiolos advised.

"I'm fine, brother. I just..." Aioria didn't finish his sentence as he seemed to become light headed and swayed a bit.

Aiolos quickly steadied his brother.

"That's enough." Aiolos stated. "You're going to rest. I won't hear any argument about it."

Sisyphus lightly smiled as he watched the two move out of the kitchen and towards Aioria's bedroom. It brought back fond memories of a time when he had been young and become ill once while in his brother's care.

Like Aioria, Sisyphus hadn't wanted to trouble or worry his older brother. He hadn't wanted Ilias to think poorly of him and had remained silent about his condition. But Ilias had been able to see that his little brother wasn't feeling well and insisted that he rest.

Throughout the time that Ilias had cared for him while he had been sick, Sisyphus could tell that his brother hadn't thought any less of him and was concerned about his well being.

Seeing the brotherly bond between Aiolos and Aioria reminded Sisyphus of the bond he had with his brother and it made him smile at the memory.

Turning toward another room, Sisyphus allowed himself to push back the memory of his late brother to return to the reason he came to the Leo temple.

Sisyphus quietly walked into the dimly lit room, trying not to make too much noise as he entered. The window shutters were closed and very little sunlight was flowing through the cracks of the wood.

The older man walked over to the bed and looked down at its occupant. He frowned as he watched his nephew sleep and could easily hear his labored breathing.

Seeing Regulus like this was so strange for Sisyphus. He was so use to seeing his nephew up and about, going anywhere he wished with all the energy of any adventerous teen with that never ending smile on his face. Seeing him confined to his bed with an illness was upsetting.

Placing a gentle hand on the teen's forehead, Sisiyphus could feel the heat of the fever. He began to wonder if Regulus would indeed sleepwalk like he tended to do when under a bad fever.

When it had happened the first two times after he had come to the Sanctuary during their time, Sisyphus already knew that high fevers could cause some people to become delerious and do or say things they normally didn't.

He could understand the fever being the reason that Regulus would sleepwalk but he never could figure out why Regulus only seemed to head for the rose path behind the Pisces temple.

Even under a bad fever, he was sure that Regulus knew that the roses were extremely deadly to everyone who came into contact with them with the only exceptions being Athena and the guardians of the Pisces temple.

Quietly, Sisyphus left the room and went into the kitchen to get a basin of water and a clean wash cloth. Going back to his nephew's room, he dampened the cloth, rang out the extra water and placed it on Regulus' forehead in hopes that it would help.

Since being in this new time he had learned about advancements made in just about every field known. He had indulged himself in learning all of the new wonders. Combat, culinary dishes, archery and especially medical knowledge.

Thanks to the advances in medicine, Sisyphus knew better methods and remedies that could help Regulus during such a time.

Knowing it would be a while before one of the Sanctuary doctor's made their way to the twelve temples to check on the Gold saints, Sisyphus decided it would be best for him to keep an eye on his nephew in case he needed him.

At the very least, he could catch Regulus in case he did end up sleep walking and tried to head for the rose path.

Unsure of when Regulus had last eaten, Sisyphus believed that it would be good to get the teen to eat something. Being on an empty stomach and low on energy would not be a good combination while fighting the flu.

Quietly, Sisyphus left the room and went into the kitchen where he spotted Aiolos who seemed to have had the same idea he did as he was filling a stew pot with water.

"How is Aioria?" Sisyphus asked as he got a small basket and gathered a few vegetables.

"I believe he has caught the flu but it is still in the early stages." Aiolos answered as he placed the pot of water onto the iron hook and placed it in the stone fireplace. "I believe if he rests now it will pass quickly. How is Regulus?"

"He has a high fever and it seems to have him sleeping heavily." Sisyphus answered. "Such rest could help him recover quicker but he will need to eat to keep up his strength."

"I was telling Aioria the same." Aiolos said as he lit a fire. "Of course he insists that he is fine and does not need to be cared for but at the same time he knows that I will not leave him."

Sisyphus smiled.

Over the year since the past Gold saints had been revived, he had quickly learned that Aioria was not the type to admit when he was sick or hurt or ask for help. Most likely a result of the thirteen years he had spent trying to earn his own name and be known as someone other than the younger brother of a 'traitor'.

Sisyphus had felt shocked and upset upon hearing the history of how Aiolos had saved Athena when she'd been an infant. The story between Athena, Aiolos and Saga had been heartbreaking and almost like a story from a book.

Sisyphus had found it difficult to believe at first but after hearing the battles the Bronze saints had gone through he finally believed it. He admired how Saga had been so willingly to make amends to everyone his evil personality had wronged. Athena and Aiolos the most.

And both Athena and Aiolos had forgiven him without hesitation. They were all on good terms like the events had never happened and Sisyphus was impressed by them all.

He wasn't sure what he would have done if he had been in Aioria's position when the situation had taken place. He wasn't sure he could ever believe that his older brother was a traitor.

But everything had been cleared and the bond between the two brother's was stronger than ever. Although he had heard Aioria claim that Aiolos did still treat him like a little kid.

Although to be fair, Aiolos had last seen his brother when he'd been little so it was probably just a process for him to remember Aioria was now a grown man.

Unless he was already use to it and was just doing it to tease his little brother.

Making the meal for the two Leo's was quick for the two archers and both took small servings to the two when it was done.

As expected, Regulus was still sound asleep when Sisyphus returned to his room. After placing the tray of food on the nightstand, Sisyphus turned to the teen.

"Regulus." he said softly as he gently shook the teen's shoulder. "Regulus, wake up."

The young Leo stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times before looking up to the man standing next to him.

"Regulus, I know you're tired but I think it would be best for you to eat something." Sisyphus explained.

Regulus merely looked at him with a dazed look, almost like he was trying to figure out who was talking to him.

"Can you sit up?" Sisyphus asked but recieved no answer. Just as he was about to help his nephew, Regulus spoke.


Sisyphus felt his breath still and his body freeze.

"Father, you're here." Regulus said a little more clearly with a tired smile as he weakly grasped Sisyphus' hand. "Did you finish your mediation by the river?"

Sisyphus felt his knees grow weak but he managed to regain his strength and steady himself as he realized what was going on.

The fever was causing Regulus to believe that he was seeing his father instead of his uncle. The resemblance between Sisyphus and Ilias was hard to miss and with a foggy mind Regulus was sure to see his father.

"Father, I feel so tired." Regulus said as he shut his eyes.

Snapping out of his shock, Sisyphus knew he had to comfort Regulus and most likely play along with his fever induced delusion.

"You're sick right now." Sisyphus said. "You have a high fever and your body is doing everything it can to fight it."

"How did I get sick?" Regulus asked.

"It's just a flu. Many others have it as well. You just need to rest. Right now you should eat. It'll give your body strength to overcome this illness." Sisyphus answered.

Regulus nodded and attempted to sit up on his own but it was easy to see that he didn't have the energy or strength to do it alone. Sisyphus helped him to sit leaning against his pillows and watched as Regulus began to eat the stew.

As he sat and watched, he still couldn't help the shock he felt at being mistaken for his brother.

Sisyphus hadn't really thought he and Ilias shared much of a resemblance, mostly because they were half brother's, but there were some who claimed they did look very much alike. It was true enough that when Sisyphus had been young that he hadn't shared much resemblance with Ilias but as he grew a resemblance had begun to show more and more.

With Regulus not thinking clearly from the fever, it was possible that he could easily mistake his uncle for his father.

After Regulus had managed to eat a little more than half of the stew, Sisyphus gave him some medicine and water and allowed him to go back to sleep.

Gathering the dirty dishes, Sisyphus quietly left the room and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes and put away the remaining stew.

The entire time he was cleaning the kitchen, Sisyphus had his mind on Regulus and wondered if it was a good idea to allow Regulus to continue to believe his father was here with him.

The idea of Ilias taking care of him was probably bringing Regulus some comfort and Sisyphus would hate it if he took that away from him.

Regulus had been so young when Ilias had died and this was as close as he would ever get to seeing his father again. Even if it was due to being under a bad fever.

With a light sigh, Sisyphus decided that he couldn't take this from Regulus. It would be too heartbreaking and he would feel guilty if he had to bring the teen back to reality.

Just for this short time, he would allow Regulus to believe that his father was back.




Several days had passed and the flu's grasp on those in Sanctuary was beginning to vanish. Many who had caught the illness were either in the last stage of it or back on their feet feeling normal again.

Due to the wide spread of the flu in Sanctuary, Athena had requested that no one should go in or out of the sacred grounds until it looked like things were getting better. Now that everyone was starting to feel better the ways into and out of Sanctuary were open again.

Even the Bronze saints had been asked not to return so they would not become sick like everyone else had. Now that they were allowed back they were helping out anyone who was still on the last leg of the flu.

In the Leo temple, Aioria was insisting that he was completely better but was still confined to his bed for another day by his brother who claimed he should have the extra rest just in case.

The current Leo saint was flustered that Aiolos was treating him like a child but at the same time he did secretly admit that he enjoyed it. Having missed out on thirteen years of brotherhood, Aioria never knew what it was like to have been sick and have his brother care for him.

Even though it felt strange for it to happen while he was an adult, he did admit that it was an experience he wouldn't take back.

In another room of the fifth house, the former Leo saint was going through the same insisting that he was fine but being told he should continue to rest.

"Here. Keep your fluids up." Sisyphus advised as he handed the teen the glass of water.

"I'm fine, uncle. Do I really need to stay in bed longer?" Regulus asked as he took the glass.

"At least until tomorrow." Sisyphus said as he sat on a chair next to the bed. "You had a pretty bad fever for several days and it was sure to have worn you out a bit."

"Did I sleepwalk again?" Regulus asked curiously before he took a few sips of the water.

"No, I was here most of the time just in case you did but you did not." Sisyphus answered.

"I'm amazed I didn't with such a bad fever." Regulus said as he stared at the glass in his hand. "Did I do anything else?"

Sisyphus remained silent as he wondered if he should tell Regulus that he believed his uncle to be his father the entire time he'd been sick.

Even though it brought Regulus such joy to believe his father was at his side, there was the chance that the teen didn't even remember because his fever had been so high. But Sisyphus knew that he had to tell him the truth now that he was better. He just hoped that Regulus wouldn't be upset.

"Well, you did mistake me for your father nearly the entire time."

Regulus looked to be surprised but at the same time he didn't. Like he seemed to remember this.

"I thought I had just dreamt that." he said softly.

"You remember?" Sisyphus asked in surprise.

Regulus nodded.

"I thought I was just dreaming that my father was here with me. I remember he took care of me when I was little and I got sick from playing in the rain. I guess the fever was making me see things unclearly and I thought you were him. You do look like my dad."

Sisyphus lightly smiled.

"If it brought you some comfort, I can understand." he said. "I had been told a few times that Ilias and I didn't share much of a resemblance. I believed it for a while until I was a little older and then a resemblance could be seen more clearly. I also came to believe that Ilias is the reason you tend to go towards the roses behind the Pisces temple when you have such a fever. It is the closest patch of nature within Sanctuary itself and it was an area that did bring you comfort."

"I think you're right." Regulus agreed. "With such fevers I'm not sure if I would even remember the roses were poisonous. I'm just glad that Albafica was able to catch me in time the two times I did head that way."

"Perhaps we can make a small garden behind the Leo temple in case you get in such a state again. This way it'll be closer and you won't be in any danger." Sisyphus suggested.

"That's a great idea." Regulus exclaimed. "There's plenty of space behind the temple to add a few trees and plants and I've been wanting to speak with Aioria about it as well."

"Well, it may be another day before you get the chance." Sisyphus said with a smile. "Aioria is getting the same treatment from Aiolos that you are getting from me. But I'm sure that he would like the idea as well. Perhaps we can all have mediations there and you can show us how to speak with the Earth."

Regulus lightly chuckled.

"It took me a while to do that but I bet the rest of you will get it quicker."

Sisyphus smiled again before standing.

"I'll go get you something to eat. Now that you're better I'll bring you a bigger lunch."

The archer turned to leave and made it to the door before his nephew spoke.



"Thanks for everything." Regulus said with a warm smile. "I really appreciate it."

Sisyphus smiled at the teen and saw a reflection of Ilias in the smile he was recieving. He missed his brother dearly but as long as he had Regulus there would always be a part of Ilias close by.