Alrighty, this is the last chapter I had prepared before hand, from now the updates will be slower.

I'm trying something different with this story if ya'll haven't noticed yet.

I'm trying to have more plot and "issues" that come with a small town.

Enjoy this slightly longer chapter.

I groaned as sunlight streamed into the back of my eyelids. I swear I will become the vampire I get called. I pulled the blanket over my head and turned around just to roll of off my bed. A yelp escapes my dry throat as I crumbled onto the floor. My body hurt so bad, what the hell was I asleep on? With much protest from my muscles I gather what energy I didn't possess and sat up. My head spin and I felt like throwing up, but there was nothing in my stomach to bring up. I established with difficulty that I was in Kjekk's stable. Why am I in Kjekk's stable? The big lug was staring down at me with his ears perked towards me. He huffed in my face and I scrunched my face up from the gush of wind. I could feel my bangs flutter back before dropping back beside my face.

"Okay, okay Kjekk I'm going sheesh," I grumble and get up just to stumble and use the stable door to hold myself up.

"I hate alcohol," I grumbled and Kjekk let out an irritated whine while stumping his hoof.

"Yes I know, just cause I love cider doesn't mean I like alcohol," after there was silence for a while then I sighed.

"Talking to a horse, maybe I'm insane now," groaning I stumble to his water bucket and plunge my head into his water. After a few seconds I pulled my head out and gasped for air. My hair plastered to my forehead and cheeks. I brush my hair back and take a deep breath before walking back home. I didn't stumble as much, but I felt a little better. I plopped down at the kitchen table and the chopping stopped. Olaf was on a chair, laying on a pillow while he held onto his bottle, drinking.

"Evening Elsa," I looked towards my mother. She had her back towards me but I could see her shoulders were tens. My father looked at me over his paper and with disgust my brother was eating my Otees. His cheek swollen with a mini plaster over a split in his lip.

"What the hell happened to you?" Everyone looked at me.

"So I can send them a firkin thank you basket," I growl. They frown at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" My father asked slowly.

"No, I don't remember anything after winning," I answer.

"Never mind then," my dad said and read his paper again. My brother ate and my mom continued chopping.

What's going on?

I didn't think too long, because it hurt my head, so I took a shower because I smelled like hay and bucket water. When I was done with my shower and was dressed and happily fed, dad left to go help with the rest of the clean-up at the field. I decided to go too. Everyone from the farms would be there with a few of the older school kids for extra credits. I took my own truck so I could leave if my headache didn't go away. I grabbed Olaf and he licked my cheek before nuzzling into my arms as I took him with me.

The atmosphere to say the least. Everyone was on edge and stiff. There were no smiles, no idle chit chat, nothing. Is this the firkin twilight zone? Or was my head just fuzzy? Either way I stay away from the cider shack, evil things.

I was packing up my family's booth, Olaf playing with some of the decorations as Punzy was taking them down, Cinderella and her sister was taking down their booth, Anna was helping her mom with the cider. No one looked at me. It was weird. It was like they were avoiding me. That stung.

When Rapunzel was near to me I tried to talk to her.

"Punzy what's going on? Why is everyone avoiding me?" I asked in a whisper. Her eyes flicked to me then back to the flags on the pole.

"You were drunk, that's why you don't remember," she said.

"Yea that much I know, but what happened?" I pressed.

"Just forget it Elsa! God, I thought you were my friend," she got tears in her eyes and I stepped back.

"Just...leave it," she choked and ripped the flags off then walked away.

"Punzy! You are my best friend! What did I do? Come on Punzy! Punzy!" I called after her but she ignored me. I will find out what happened even if it kills me. I walked over to the first person I saw, Anna.

"Anna, hey do um, can you tell me what happened last night?" I asked trying not to ring my hands. She looked slightly nervous and a mad blush was spreading over her face.

"I'm busy Elsa, I can't talk right now," she said quickly and scurried away. My shoulder sagged and I was slightly panicking.

"Oh Misses Summers! Could you help me with something ma'am?" I asked and trotted over to her.

"I have some memories loss about last night, could you maybe shed some light for me?" I asked.

"I would love to dear but um, it's not my place to say," she said with a nervous smile before walking away. I was desperate. Hell I even went to Cinderella.

"Cinderella, uh, Majesty, I know were not on familiar terms, but I am begging here. What happened last night?" I asked and she smiled giving me a raised eyebrow. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was smirking.

"Well, well, well Elsa had the decency to tell me how shockingly gorgeous I was, something I obviously knew," she said then walked away. Okay...not useful but it did jar a memory.

-Flash back-

I stumbled to the stage where her Majesty and some of the kids in our grade was chatting. I straightened a little and swaggered to them.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're Highness!" I called and Cinderella smirked.

"Yes, servant?" She asked and I laughed.

"Servant! That's rich cause of my job of serving animals with food," I chuckled and she shook her head.

"What do you want you drunkard?" She asked and I cleared my throat.

"I've never told you that you, you, you young lady! You are really pretty. I know you hate me because your vegetarian and I practically am a carnivore. Meh! Doesn't mean I cannot say that I think you're gorgeous," I grinned broadly swaying on my feet.

-End flash back-

I shook my head as the snippet faded. I didn't feel so good. What's wrong with me? Complimenting my enemy? I must be brain-dead. I felt someone tug my sleeve. Looking to my side I see Marcy looking up at me.

"Hey," I trail off and she motions for me to follow her. We walked to the far end of the field to the swings and we sit down on a swing each.

"I can shed some light for you...if you ask the right questions," she says and I nod as I start a slow swing. It took me a minute or so before I could ask something.

"Did I punch my brother last night?" I asked and she nodded.

"After you saw him and my twin sisters," she answered and I groaned. So I did see them before things got dark. It came back to me what I did.

-Flash back-

I watched as Hans and the twins walk up to my parentless booth. My mind swam with hatred and cider. I struggled to stand up straight and when they were close enough I swung my arm out. My fist connected with his cheek. His head snapped to the side and back. I was seething as he dropped to the ground howling in pain as blood seeped from the split in his lip from biting it.

-End flash back-

I ceased my swinging and sighed.

"Is that why everyone is avoiding me?" I asked and she looked to me.

"Partly that and the thing with my sister, but also for various other reasons," she said and I groaned.

"At least tell me why my best friend is so upset with me?" I asked as tears gathered in my eyes. She shook her head and stopped her own swinging.

"I wish I knew that one, that's a mystery even to me," she said sadly and I buried my face in my hands. I was such a screw up.

"I have to get home and do some chores," she whispered as she pats my shoulder. I watched her walk away before standing. There was only one place I could go till everything cooled down here. Sighing I walk to my truck, taking a confused Olaf with me and drove away.


Finally stopping after 3 hours of driving I get out and enter the diner, Olaf in my arms fast asleep.

"Elsa?" I looked up with red tired eyes to the waitress.

"Hey, Megara," I whisper and she leads me to a booth.

"What's wrong? Last time you looked like this your little brother died," she sat across from me with concern all over her face. I sat Olaf down beside me and he just curled up and rested his head on my leg, closing his eyes.

"I fucked up,"

"Yea, I'm going to need more,"

"I don't remember, I got drunk and…I fucked things up with everyone at home," I said and she rested a hand over mine.

"And this headache won't go away," I whined. She jumped up and retrieved some headache pills and water for me. I thanked her and downed them.

"I'll bring you a waffle," she said and went into the kitchen. Megara was nice, blunt, but nice. She's from the city and works here, because she took a road trip to find herself. Her car broke down in my town and she needed money to get it fixed. This was the only place looking for help and…well she's been here nearly 5 years. She said she fell in love with the place and can't bring it over herself to leave. She actually owns the diner now, but she likes to waitress.

The diner is between my town and the next. There is a gas station on the opposite side of the road. A lot of tourists stop here to rest, re-fuel and eat. I come here when I need to escape my thoughts. She returns with a waffle covered in ice-cream and chocolate sauce.

"You're the best Megara," I smile and start eating.

"Hey, if I don't take care of you, who will?" She smiles and I chuckle.

"Not bad for a 25 year old," I smirk and she sticks her tongue out to me. Silence falls over us as I eat. The bell over the door rings and she walks to go help the other customers. As I take another bite of the ice cream tears start to form again. My fork clatters to the plate and I sob into my hands. I'm such a screw up. Strong arms envelopes me and I turn into the warm embrace. I cling to the person holding me and sob into their neck. Olaf's own little whimpers reaching our ears.

"It's all right dear…you can stay at my place till you feel up to go home and I don't mind the little fluff ball with you, he's cute," I nod at Megara's voice before pulling back. She wipes my tears away with her apron before stroking my hair out of my face.

"I'll close early okay sweetie?" I nod and she kisses my forehead and ruffles Olaf's head before going back to work. Taking a deep breath I continue eating. By the time she locks up I was fast asleep on the booth's couch. Olaf was curled at my head. My headache hadn't subsided and I was just so tired. She woke me gently and led me to her car as she carried Olaf. It was another hour till we reached her home. She had it built near the stream behind a few trees so she could have her solitude. She even had to lead me into the house and to her spare room. I managed to dress myself into sleep wear she lent me and get into bed. But I didn't sleep. I just stared at the ceiling. Everything was dark and so quiet. The coolness of the night did help dull my throbbing head so that was a good thing. I don't know how long I just lay like that, but I eventually got up being careful not to wake Olaf, that kit could sleep for days, but he was a growing boy he needed his rest, he was probably awake all night during the festival.

Megara was probably fast asleep in her own bed. Guess she won't mind if I watched some TV. Plopping down on her sofa I switch on the TV, but mute it. No need to wake a hard working woman, that was kind enough to let me stay here, up right? Right. I sigh. She's the only friend I have left now.

"Elsa…you awake?" I turn my head to Megara.

"Yea, I couldn't sleep," I whisper and she nods. A yawn escapes her as she sits down next to me.

"Did I wake you?" I asked frowning.

"Na, I usually wake up around this time to pee." Yes, blunt as always. I nod and look back to the screen in front of us. I was wearing boxers and a wife beater while she was wearing shorts and a strappy top. I blinked and looked down as I feel her lay her head over my lap.

"Hey there," she smiled as she looks up to me.

"Hey to you too," I smile back and stroke her hair.

"If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were a very attractive guy," she grins and I grunt.

"You won't be the first," I say as I look back to the screen. She props herself up and blocks my view. I stare at her shimmering eyes and frown in confusion. She bites her lip before leaning forward and kissing me. My eyebrows shoot upwards, but I don't pull back. Hesitantly, I slowly start to kiss back and she lifts a hand to stroke my cheek. She deepens the kiss and presses into me. I can feel her pert breasts press against mine as she straddles my waist. My hands decide to rest on her hips and I feel her shiver as my fingers stroke over her back side. She pulls back enough for us to breath as we rest our foreheads together.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," she whispers softly. My head is swimming and my blood is boiling. I've never experienced this level of arousal before. Hell this was my first kiss.

"I…I've never…never done things like this before," I admit embarrassed and she forms this 'aww' face.

"Elsa, you're telling me that at the age of 18 you have never had a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?" I shake my head and she grins.

"Nothing to be ashamed off sweetie," she purrs and kisses me again.

Well that happened...I like creating hell for myself...

I think I'll be posting every other week, but with longer chapters. I really want to test myself to see if I can do more than what I'm used to.

Shout out!

BlossomCharms: OMG I thought I DID make it a pairing! Gosh I should have checked, thank you so much! What would I do with out you?

See ya'll next time!
