"Kagome, what are you doing Saturday night?"

So... it was that time again, was it? Why she was still so surprised the man asked, she wasn't sure, but knowing what was coming, Kagome kept her voice as level as she could when she answered. "I don't know, Jakotsu. It's only Thursday."

The man sitting at the table before her truly upped his game from previous attempts to get the young waitress to live a little. Their conversations that revolved around Kagome's social life, up to this point, had always been the same. He would ask her her plans, she would tell him she didn't know because it was too early to know, and he would proceed to ask her to go with him to this place or that place. She would politely decline, and that would be that until the next week when it started all over again.

As that night's conversation continued, it was becoming apparent he wasn't willing to take no for an answer this time. Though he did attempt his usual tricks, he added a few more Kagome wasn't wholly sure how to react to, and the longer it went on, the more interested she became in what it was he wanted her to do with him this time.

A devilish smirk pulled at Jakotsu's lips as he leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed. "Then you should totally come out with me on Saturday. Believe me, it'll be a night you'll wish you could remember." Before she could make her normal politely phrased 'no', he spoke again in lowered tones. "If it would make you feel more comfortable, you can always being that really cute friend of yours."

Unable to stop herself, Kagome cut her eyes to another server, who she wouldn't actually consider a friend. The thing with Inuyasha was, he wasn't someone she could stand to be around for an extended period of time because he was an asshole and had this tendency to call her and other women some very, very mean things, and most time the asshole in him came out for no reason whatsoever. Also, as far as he went, she knew he was only working there because his family owned the place, and also only because he got in trouble for vandalism about a month prior. In order to keep the jackass out of jail, Inuyasha's dad had to pay a massive amount of money in restitution, and was forcing Inuyasha to work at the family business until he paid him back every last penny.

Returning her eyes to her regular pain in the ass, Kagome's hip popped out, one arm crossed over her chest and, with a flat palm, held her tray up by her face. "For starters, you do know Inuyasha is engaged, right? Like... to a girl?"

Rolling his eyes, Jakotsu snorted. "I don't want to dick the dolt. He's just really nice to look at."

Blinking at the bluntness in which that was said, Kagome lightly cleared her throat. "Um, okay... anyway, you know I'm working here to help my family's shrine. Everything but gas money goes to pay for that, so I don't have the kind of money needed to go anywhere people that eat here as often as you do go."

Sitting up and leaning forward, his fingertips on the table, Jakotsu's eyes lit up. "That's the best part, Kagome. You don't need to pay for anything, because it's already taken care of." Seeing the well sculpted brow of who had become one of his favorite people slide up her forehead, he explained. "It's Bankotsu's birthday, so my brothers and I are throwing a party for him at the Shikon. Free drinks, free food, and lots of dancing. All you would have to pay for is a tip to the bartender if you feel he deserves one." Not above begging, and hearing once something about using someone's name when you do it, he went that route to see what happened. "Come on, Kagome. I need you there to help protect my virtue."

She actually had to cover her mouth to stifle the bark of laughter that came with his final statement. Once she had that under control she grabbed her tray with both hands and held it in front of her thighs. "You mean make sure you don't make a drunken ass out of yourself, right?"

There was no shame to be found when Jakotsu nodded his head. "Exactly. So, what do you say?"

Biting into her bottom lip, Kagome groaned in her throat. It did sound like fun, and she had never been to the Shikon before, but she had to work Saturday night. Once again cutting her eyes to Inuyasha, she figured she would start there. She knew he was still several hundred short of what he owed his father, and she usually did well on Saturdays. A dinner shift should get him pretty close to paying off his debt. Having that decided, she sighed before nodding to Jakotsu. "I have to work Saturday night, but if I can get my shift covered, I'll think about it."

The man just lit the fuck up. Eyes shining, he smiled wide. "Really?"

Though already questioning saying that out loud, she nodded once again. "If I can get my shift covered. I can't lose this job over a night out."

Asking her for a piece of paper, Jakotsu jotted down an address and held it out to Kagome. "If it happens, meet me here at 6:30."

Looking at the paper in her fingers, her lip curled as she flicked her eyes back to Jakotsu as he filled out his receipt. "What's this?"

Signing his name, Jakotsu stood and smiled at the waitress. "You'll see if you show up."

Stunned for a moment, Kagome then huffed and called out after the man as he made his way to the doors. "This is exactly why I tell you no." Hearing his laugh, and seeing him wave without looking back, she then shook her head and stuffed the paper into her apron before setting about clearing the table. She needed to figure out how to talk the laziest server at the place into working on a Saturday night, and she had no idea how she was going to go about doing it.

While it had been her intention to ask Inuyasha, she had ended up running into Sango, who had actually gotten her the job, when she stopped in to get her pay check. She didn't think she was getting out of asking for a Saturday night cover without explaining why, so when the expected question came, she was ready for it. "You know Jakotsu? My regular on Mondays and Thursdays?"

While it took a moment, Sango cocked her head to the side. "The guy that's always checking out Inuyasha?" When Kagome nodded, Sango giggled. "I'm pretty sure even people who don't work when he's here know who he is."

Having a giggle with her, Kagome grinned. "Well, he asked me if I would go with him to one of his brother's birthday party at the Shikon on Saturday, and..."

When she trailed off, Sango finished the thought. "You wanna go." When Kagome once again nodded, Sango actually put some thought into it before she clicked her tongue. "Well, I'm supposed to have dinner with my grandmother on Saturday, but I can give her a call and see if she would be willing to have lunch instead. I can let you know tomorrow, but Kagome, why don't you just ask Sesshoumaru for the night off? You've been here for almost five months, and not only have you worked every scheduled shift, you're the first to come in on your day off when someone calls off."

Kagome shook her head. "And it's because of that I get Saturday night shifts. I don't want to risk losing it just to go to out. I would rather go to Sesshoumaru after I get my shift covered because it's so soon."

Turned out, she didn't need to. Sesshoumaru, who was not just the bartender extraordinaire, but also FOH manager, overheard their conversation. What was never told to the staff was, if anyone needed their shift covered for any reason, Inuyasha, as part of his punishment, was to cover it if he wasn't already working. The only reason he didn't already work weekend shifts was because their father didn't want any of his actual employees to miss out on a nice payday because Inuyasha was in trouble.

While it was also true there had been past business loss when this onna wasn't working and tables that requested her left after finding out she was off for the night, Sango was correct in her assessment about Kagome's loyalty to her job, and even for the asshole he was, Sesshoumaru would admit she earned a weekend night off.

Clearing his own throat to show his presence, he waited until both wide eyed females were looking at him. He stood as regal as he always did, and he saw Kagome gulp when his vibrant blue eyes locked on hers. "Inuyasha will be more than happy to cover your shift Saturday." When there was the expected outburst from the child, Sesshoumaru cut his eyes to his brother, and Kagome was positive they sparked with malicious amusement. "If you would rather, we can bring the request up with Father. He'll be here in an hour."

Everyone in the kitchen watched as a bucket of ice water flowed down Inuyasha's spine at the statement. Though he was still coiled tight, he let out a hard breath from his nose before looking at Kagome. "Yeah, it's no problem. What's the shift?"

Holy crap was she glad she didn't ask him personally. Scratching the tip of her nose, shrinking under the intense stare, she all but whimpered. "Um... four to close." It was a statement, but it came out sounding like a question.

Before Kagome could tell Inuyasha she made really good money on Saturdays, or Inuyasha could bitch about it, Sesshoumaru beat them both. "Consider it done." Before he left the kitchen completely, he glanced back to one visibly excited onna and a very relieved one. "Bankotsu is a very good friend of mine. Do tell him I said hello." He had every intention of asking him if Kagome actually did show up at the club, because that would be the deciding factor of if she continued to work on Saturdays. He didn't like liars, and refused to work with them.